

全部话题 - 话题: bluffs
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发帖数: 6339
来自主题: Chicago版 - 芝加哥公立小学 FAQ
Top 100 elementary schools in Illinois
State rank 2009-2010 rank change** 2010 percentile Percentile change School District City County % low income
1 0 89.71 -6.93 Decatur * Chicago SD 299 Chicago Cook 18.1
2 0 81.94 -12.01 Keller * Chicago SD 299 Chicago Cook 18.3
3 0 80.65 -12.99 Lenart* Chicago SD 299 Chicago Cook 22.9
4 0 79.05 -12.37 Edison* Chicago SD 299 Chicago... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1289
来自主题: Wisconsin版 - Door county 2 天够吗?

Door Bluff大概一个小时,Ellison Bluff连感慨加照相加臭美加什么什么不超过10分钟
我们第一天玩得这些地方大概5点不到就结束了,还包括去sister bay好好逛了一把
Sister Bay的镇上有一家餐馆是老教堂改的,很有味道,菜一般
第二天我们去的cave points, cana island light house,还有一个state park,大概两
到就结束了,然后去fish creek的镇上逛街,吃大锅烧鱼,也基本在五点结束战斗
发帖数: 806
来自主题: Toronto版 - 多伦多 指南
从湖滨码头区(Harbourfront)出发,在按大略湖畔散步,到约克码头中心(Youk Quay
鲁尔-约克维尔(Bloor-Ypukville),在 Movenpick’sBistretto & La Pecherie 海味
晚上,去麦迪逊大道俱乐部(Madison Avenue Pub)喝上几杯,然后,沿着皇后西街(
Queen West)找几家餐厅,品尝各种不同口味的美食.最棒的是,去看一场真人秀.
第二天,前往安大略皇家博物馆(Royqal Ontario Museum),造访独特的Baldwin村,在
圣·劳伦斯集市(St Lawrence Market)用午餐.下午,参加我们的徒步游逛多伦多的闹
市区.晚上,在蒙特利尔爵士餐吧(Montreal Bistro & Jazz Club)欣赏一场迷你型爵
士乐表演,在Danforth Ave大街细细品味晚场MEZES(希腊TAPAS),同时再喝上几杯.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 806
来自主题: Toronto版 - 多伦多 指南
从湖滨码头区(Harbourfront)出发,在按大略湖畔散步,到约克码头中心(Youk Quay
鲁尔-约克维尔(Bloor-Ypukville),在 Movenpick’sBistretto & La Pecherie 海味
晚上,去麦迪逊大道俱乐部(Madison Avenue Pub)喝上几杯,然后,沿着皇后西街(
Queen West)找几家餐厅,品尝各种不同口味的美食.最棒的是,去看一场真人秀.
第二天,前往安大略皇家博物馆(Royqal Ontario Museum),造访独特的Baldwin村,在
圣·劳伦斯集市(St Lawrence Market)用午餐.下午,参加我们的徒步游逛多伦多的闹
市区.晚上,在蒙特利尔爵士餐吧(Montreal Bistro & Jazz Club)欣赏一场迷你型爵
士乐表演,在Danforth Ave大街细细品味晚场MEZES(希腊TAPAS),同时再喝上几杯.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7014
来自主题: Basketball版 - 其实吧
好虫就像个好poker play,而且爱bluff
发帖数: 2735
来自主题: Golf版 - what happened?
OK, a good poker player only bluffs when he senses weakness of opponent's
so, it's all about playing other's mind. however, in golf, your opponent
your lie, your capability, your plan, how can you bluff?
And there is no boldness in bluff, if you play like a pro. Everything is
on calculation and a good judgement.
Go back to that 4 footer putt, here is what Tiger described:
发帖数: 2636
来自主题: Outdoors版 - Lion's Head归来
最后Labor Day还是去了Lion's Head, Ontario。周六爬了White's Bluff,去年去的时
候别人说太难,不带我去White's Bluff,今年去了一天我把一半的路线都爬了,很解
5.8 (L), 5.11c (L), 5.11a (TR), 5.11b (L),5.11d (TR)
这次是我第一次outdoor sports leading 5.11s。一开始我觉得是不是rating太soft,
同去的人, 平时比我爬得好不少的,居然在我比较轻松的5.11c上都耗了很长时间.后来
觉得是White's Bluff的一些路线比较适合我的风格,指孔crux,小角度的overhang。
周日去了Lady Slipper, Lion's Head。周六爬得太猛,周日我基本浑身软软得没力气。
5.10a (TR), 5.9 (TR), 5.11a (TR), 5.10a (TR)
感觉Lion's Head路线rating比较stiff
还是很开心能在outdoor sports leading的5.11 grade有零的突破。但能lea
发帖数: 4615
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - melonli's table
你个大款, 刚开始bluff, 也就算了.
后来我意识到以后, 你还bluff...
最后只是不想玩, 要睡觉了, 乱bluff..
//MITBBS的伪币, 就不要转来转去了.
发帖数: 80
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天的poker after dark
几手关键牌。一个是John Juanda手里Pocket 2, 另外一个人Pocket 5, Flop 9TT,
turn 6, 这时候通过Flop John bet 2000那个人call已经知道他是Pocket... 所以John
已经知道自己牌肯定是dead牌,关键是想下多少bet能让对方fold pocket,最后他下了
另外从Mike的river不再bluff Shawn的Pair Q和Shawn得沉着call以及另一手牌那个人
面对Allen Cunningham放不下AQo,也可以体验出好多东西。AQo面对All in是绝对要坚
于All in,说明他肯定是有牌的。这种级别的高手,不会开始中对就All in,JJ也会担
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 请教:怎样应付tricky aggressive player?
要打,就仔细观察他的betting pattern/size/频率/位置感,一般人在强牌和bluff之
间,总是会有破绽的,比如强牌bet稍弱,bluff bet稍强(strength tell),强牌bet较
慢,bluff bet较快(timing tell)。flop-turn-river的pattern,是check-bet-bet,
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 帮我分析2手牌吧

flush) and get 3:1 pot odds. The implied odds is higher. It's an okay call.
You can try raise on the turn, too.
raise turn semi-bluff最近不大敢用了, 25nl 都死也不fold, 没folding equity 这
个bluff不赚钱, 唉.
you often face a better kicker in a raised pot. You flop raise might be okay
, especially if you don't have a K and just do a pure bluff... but now you
have a K with a weak kick
true,sigh, I am a big donk!
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 请教一下
hehe, to me, overbet is the evil twin of bluff, or reverse bluff.
when you bluff, you don't want to get called;
when you overbet, yo do want to get called and called bigger.
so you're trying to manipulate your opponent's mind in both cases: one to
make him believe and one to make him not believe. both require you have a
more than normally accurate read of your opponent's style and current mind
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 我又回来了
现在决定专攻cash game了。
昨天晚上实验bluff 打法, 带了88刀刀2/4 NL, 1/3时间bluff, 每次bluff完亮牌,打得一堆人对我恨之入骨,最后赢到600多。
中间有连续两把, 第一把我small blinds, one guy UTG+1 bet $12, nobody called,I raise to $40, bb folded, that guy folded. I showed Q4.
Then I got Q4 again at bb, the guy UTG bet $4, no body call, I raised to $20, he called. Flop Axx, I did not look at flop at all, he bet $16, I called; turn he bet another $16, I raised to $50. He folded. I showed Q4.
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 请教一手牌兼深刻反省
I feel there're two problems:
1. This is HU and your mindset is your opponent could be bluffing all the
time. So you tend to call more often.
2. You're out of position in this hand, and check again on the turn. So your
check-raise on the turn looks suspicious/weak. I feel you should check-fold
on the turn because he would likely call your check-raise bluff even with a
weaker hand. Because your bluff is likely to be called, it's better not

. I
发帖数: 5058
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天晚上观摩了一下FTP,
只有一把AA对QQ的all in,和另一把哥们hit river的full house,
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Interesting hand
it is just a cold bluff even though he might think he is semibluffing. With
a board like this he could have been drawing dead. He pot flop to
represent an over pair or tptk called reraise then pot 2 street when flush
hits. His story is not consitent. The straight made in river is
unsignificant because that couldn't have helped him at all. his hand is the
most looking like pocket As with a flush draw on turn.
I have seen a lot of cold bluffs posted here where people could cold bluff 3
barrels w
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - durrr is so sick...
ivey does not raise flop then raise or fold turn. Because he does not
have odds to draw on turn anymore and he can't beat a bluff on the river. If
he can't beat a bluff then don't try to catch a bluff.
发帖数: 1240
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问首牌
是啊,他在这种paired board上面value bet all in,我觉得AA都难,
你call flop and turn,turn 是9,对他来说是个很坏的牌,因为9和
flop上的6,8都是连着的,你有可能two pair, pair+draw。river上
你有可能trips or better。他要是有AA,一般会value bet比较小,
bet你这样的perceived strong holding,没有trips or better不会all in.
他的bluff hands很少,牌面上就一个busted flush draw。他要bluff也
不用all in, bet pot就可以了。另外,他从blinds里的3bet%多少?
如果少的话可以把flush draw也去了。就算是AK suited flush draw,他
也有showdown value, 不用bet all in and turn top pair into bluff吧。
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 我靠,fcf的这是什么read?
the key is to shove all in river with 2/3 of real hand and 1/3 of bluffs. if
every shove is bluff but value bet with real hand, not only it is -EV long
run, but also it is too easy to read... 说到底还是balancing your range. it will make it a lot harder for calling bluff to be profitable.
发帖数: 2063
It is a mistake, I do improve now.
I also bluff river now.
Another interesting question is which street to bluff. I guess if you bluff
turn, those guys may have draw, it is hard to make them to fold. However, If
on the river, they can not improve, they have no pair, and facing a big
bet, they will fold some stuff which will not fold on the turn(because of
their draw) but will fold to river bet.

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FT,你太不了解weak tight了
运气很多时间并不体现在ev 里
转一个fcf 的东西.. 说得很对..
"有很多牌是运气好你可能自己根本不知道或没有注意到, 比如
* 你bluff的时候正好出了好的bluff card, board, 对手要bluff时正好board,
card 不好
* 你拿大牌时自己的位置形象比较好, 正好可以赢大的 pot
* 对手的 draw 总是 miss
* ....
给你说一手我在LV打的牌, 5-10, 1500 买入, 已经玩了好一阵了, 我的形象非常
laggy, 我桌上大概有4k+, cover整个table。 一手KK 在BTN上, utg玩的很差玩家
raise 到30,他很少raise, 一般都是limp, CO 3bet 他到150, CO也是一个玩的一般
的玩家, 一般不会3bet, 而且150也算是很大的3bet了, 他们一般3bet也就到90-120.
UTG和CO都是有3000-3500左右, 我在BTN只是call (当时就害怕他们两个里有一个有
AA了, 想看看UTG怎么反应), utg push allin 3k+, CO fold, 我想
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - why he so slow and weak play such hand
why are you raising river? is that a bluff or a value raise?
There is no value to raise here, so it has to be a bluff. If you didn't mean
to raise that as a bluff, then you played it wrong.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 我靠故我输
2) flop, so there's a $0.5 "value loss" here?
i don't mind mixing a real c-bet sometimes here on a diff. board texture,
but AA on A22 flop, this little extra may scare your opponents far more
often than not, with only one A and 2 dueces in the deck.
a lot of guys may even just check here to slow play. i do it just to make it
more like a c-bet stealing situation.
3) turn, a bigger diff. here, so about betting $4-5 for a $7 pot? or a $2.5
put ourselves in BB's shoes, what hands can he contin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Nl100 fish line..
never underestimate the calling range of fishes.
this guy check call 3 street pot..there is simply no need to slow play vs
fish. They will call if they want regardless of sizing.
I used to ask myself the same question, what can he call a pot size bet on river with this board? well obviously a lot of stuff, but we don't need to worry about it for them. Don't induce a small bluff, if they want to bluff leave them only stack for an all in bluff. hit them where it hurts.

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Some days when we run hot,
bluff raise river always succeed and value shove river always gets called.
But only when we are running hot ~~~~ Some days, bluff raise river may get
called by a bottom pair.. But river overshove is a powerful weapon, use it
wisely for value or for bluff.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A high 也能赢钱..
Anyway, goes, more discussion would be nice like this hand
I know you probably fire in position here. But I feel it is better to check.It is much easier to play after I check flop to preserve my show down value, keep pot size down and induce bluff. I know sometimes another over card comes and we are in trouble but villian's bet sizing tells a lot. To bet here, I really am not getting anything called with worse. I have to bet and give up. If he lead river, i will be catching bluffs with a bloated... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌啥思路?
Hero is 3bet bluffing preflop to represent an over pair.
On the flop, hero is bluffing again to represent an over pair.
On the turn, hero semibluffing, and represent an over pair.
On the river, hero knows that utg+2 does not have flush(because he has ace
spade in the hand, utg+2 is unlikely to chase a baby flush draw on the flop, Plus if utg
+2 indeed has the flush draw, he will repop on the turn, because he does not have the Ace of spade).
on the same time, hero knows utg+2 have one pair(, 88-... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怎样利用notes 来narrow 对手range
对手是个tight reg. 1.3k hand history with vpip 11 6 2.3
one of the notes i have on him
"3 bet with pocket Js and check set flop... and pot turn and pot river"
I 3 bet this hand preflop with AQo to isolate MP. Villian flat behind. He is pretty tight. so he can have JJ QQ AK KK, maybe 1010 KQs and AA. I suspect him to 4 bet most of the time with AA KK. So these two hand needs to weight less in the range especially AA.
Now on the flop, i didn't hit anything. Vs villian's range, I didn't have much fol... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怎样利用notes 来narrow 对手range
i dont think it has do with style, rather it is a personality. We are who
we are.
i will never comfortable playing lag style and use my whole stack bluff with
air like tom dwan.
you can be a nit and still win money. my results are dramatically improved
when i cut down my vpip and pfr range in half.
An advantage being a nit is when you go aggressive to a pot, your bluff
almost always get a pass. ppl look at your 12/10 and 55 w$sd, they always
give u respect and let you get away with your bluff. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 457
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - vegas trip abstract
我打的是比较彪悍。不过感觉1/2 bluff还是比较难的,top pair根本没人放。所以最
好的赢钱方式还是有牌的时候多extract value。可惜那两天什么牌都没有。其实后来
BSO一个bluff 吧。 我K7 草花 straddle,4-5个limper,option我pop到16. 一个人
call了。flop 好像是4 8 8, 一个草花, 我c-bet 25, 被别人min raise到50.我的
lead out 20。感觉他的bet还是weak,估计啥都没有,我就check raise all in (大约120).他immediately release。 感觉倒是心惊肉跳,挺爽,就是不知道长期是不是+EV啊。
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - why do people play like this?
8/6? that's sick. they know people know they don't bluff. but still, if the
stat is only 8/6, they are not supposed to bluff a lot..
maybe the only thing for sure is they don't bluff preflop..

发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - why do people play like this?
min-raise at flop: either very strong or semi-bluff or pure bluff.
tiny bet at turn: leaning heavily towards draw
even smaller bet at river: not going to work..

am the biggest calling station in town.. don't bluff me with this kind of
tiny bet..~~~
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手玩得太郁闷了
definitely raise with KQ on the flop with the stack size. There are so many hands in hero's donking range that would just go raise raise all in.
Will he raise with AQ. I don't know. He probably could with that donking sizing. But I really doubt he would with a 3 way pot here. Remember this is a 3 way pot, J109 is such a scary board, it hits a lot of sb and hero's range with 2 pair and sets. Why does he want to raise himself out of pot with position and relatively deep stack? He also can stack ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 99
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - My first $22 27 S&G in PS (4)
I only felt good for a very short while. Two hands later, I lost most of my
MP miniraised to 40, BTN called 40, BB (me QcTs) called. I called because
MP has miniraised couple times and BTN is a (65/35) fish.
Flop: 4h9s9c Pot130
I don't think the board helped anyone. So I decided to pull out a tricky
play to steal the pot. Unfortunately it got too tricky and killed myself.
Let me try to explain what I did and what I was thinking.
First, I miniraised to see what happens. If... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
actually if he has a read on you, I think folding 2 pair or set is not too
crazy vs you here. Have you ever played like this with AA AK at this spot?
if you want to play tricky, call, and jam river, you might get looked up
lighter. I don't think he is on a strong draw, because he would probably
have raised flop. but even if he is on a draw, he probably bluff river
anyway just because you flat turn. When you are unwilling to put the stack
in on the turn on a drawy board, he will think he can blu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 谈谈上周末的LIVE POKER
just finish reading all your hand. lol. Nice post anyway.
for KK hand, you may wanna check behind in postion. since it is way ahead
/way behind situation. then called his turn and river bet and give him a
chance to value bet with worse hand/bluff as well. yeah. you may give free
card to let me catch, but poker is always a balance. this way you can get
decent value of your hand and lose smaller if beat. Watch durrr's play
in these situation, he plays so well post flop with these marginal ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - The toughest call I have ever made!
yeah. I agree. I would like to lead out with really strong hand(like set)
againt manic, and check/call 3 street with top pair etc bluff catcher
againt guys who bluff too much. You keep the pot relatively small by checking/calling and let him hang around.

Once I sit next to a famous Las Vegas fish, he is a local cardiac
surgery doctor and a total manic and fish in poker. I made decent money
from him. He told me he just lost 10k+ in Bellagio 10/20 game in one hand.
He raised with AK , ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1169
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I got my ass kicked in live game
Some thought about how to play with those type of trick player.
Generally, they are tricky, but not insane, they are still reasonable.
bluff with 300$, into a 250$ pot, it is certaily not reasonable, 150-200$
do the job without additional risk, if 200$ can not do the job, 300$ either.
In this situation, hold your eager to make a hero-catch with pure bluff-
and, don't think"i will wait a good hand to wipe you out," either.
Take a lead! Bet into him,Raise him, and bluff him.

player'... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how to play KK?
first of all, you think your image is loose and aggressive and capable of bluff 3 streets cold. Do your opponents think so too? Most of time, someone's perception of their own image are not exactly the same as how others see you, because they don't see your whole card all the time.
Secondly, even if they know you are loose, are they strong enough player to catch your bluff with 1 paired hand until all in at this level? Now if they try to catch your bluff 20% of the time when you go all in with ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1130
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how to play KK?
個大pot (full stack all in)
1. 我回貼中的那個例子,ATs out of position called my 3-bet, raised my big
bet and then called my all in with flush draw on flop.
2. 3-bet my UTG raise with 88 at BB, and then called my all in preflop.
3. 4-bet my 3-bet and called my all in with AQs preflop
4. 4-bet my 3-bet and called my all in with JJ preflop
5. 原貼中的example 2, called my 3-bet with TJo and raised my bet with a
gutter straight draw.
6. example 3, called my raise with 64... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家谈谈对emotion control的看法吧
don't blame the emotion control just yet. Think more about your play. Did you have a read on him at the river? Does your opponents bluff busted draw with donk bet often? You bet very strong on the turn. Does he bluff over strength? how much % of bluff does you put him on for your call to make your call +ev? I think you are over exaggerating the power of emotional control. Is it really the reason that you are not a winner? Poker players tends to find excuse for themselves when losing but tak... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家谈谈对emotion control的看法吧
On the river , your hand is pure bluff catcher. QJ got there, and hands
like pr with back door flush got there. If you think your opp is not the
kind of person that bluff missed draw often , it is not really a tough
laydown. Your hand strenth (2 pr) is still strong, but your relative hand
strenth is weak since you can only beat bluff.
Do not really blame yourelf much for going on tilt after such a sick bad
beat. Everybody has emotion problem. I remember many timse that I played
bad after b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家谈谈对emotion control的看法吧
yeah. good analysis. Making these kind of "bluff cather" call really need
knowing your opponent to be +EV. Does he bluff a lot on the river with
missed draw? or Can he value bet worse hand that can not beat your 2pr? Do
not only think what your hand is , think what your opp do in that sitution
and try to make best decision.
I saw a fish called a river shove with a set in live game, but the board
has one card for flush and one card for straight, his set is totally bluff
catcher, and he jus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一手牌
Just check to the raiser。你这个牌基本上没有在flop上donk bet的必要。AJJ这样
的平庸牌OOP重要的是pot control,而不是protect your hand。敌人的read很准。这
种牌面你有真正的强牌一般会check raise,或者check call the flop and donk bet
the turn。
你donk bet的结果就是被人raise把pot做大,然后turn上面对重注你就慢慢猜吧。你凭
什么就觉得他一定没有东西,难道他QQ/KK/AA不会bet $60 into a $84 pot? 且不说60
into 84根本不算overbet感你走。有一定水平的bluffer都不会干出value bet small and
bluff bet big的傻事。他们会value bet big来protect他们的bluff。
我个人觉得donk bet很少是正确的。以下三种情况除外。
1 敌人weak passive。 几乎不bluff。这是你可以donk bet for value, and fold to
a rais... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天一手牌
除非你已经决定river要bluff搞事,否则这个turn call那么大with mid pair, no
river上,btn就光凭位置,想这么玩都行(包括bluff),且不论真hit了value bet,而
咱的stack size太难受了($112 in, $300 left),他吃准了,就是纯诈个$150+(pot ~$
250),你也难办,因为turn Kh你表现很弱,很难相信river什么牌倒帮忙了。

发帖数: 274
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论下这手牌
hero: Ac3c BB ($270), very tight/solid player ep (> $270) raised to $7 (a
low raise at the table), 4 callers including hero.
flop: AsTs3s
hero: $25 to a $35 pot, villain call after long deliberation, others folded.
turn: 5c
hero check, villain delayed bet $75 to a $81 pot, hero delayed call
river: Js
hero check, villain check,
villain has? what is his range that represents the turn bet? and should hero
have played differently?
*hero has a image of loose preflop tight after flop with occasional b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
exactly my point. this is not a great play for him to raise here if he does
have a 4.
Why raising is not good? it polarizes his range. he either has 4x or pocket
7s or bluff. It puts the big pair on a defensive mode to bluff catch. Could
he have an over pair or 7x? yes then this is an even worse play since we
all know we should not be raising with that here. There is also no need to over leveling here to think of things like "will he think this is more like a bluff here if i raise."
Calling is... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What would you do for those two hands?
I thought the same thing before, but now after I analyzed it, I think 80% he
had full house, and 20% he was bluffing me. Here is why. First, we don't
see many that kind of bluff in 1-3 low limit game. Usually if they don't hit
they fold. If they think you're bluffing then they call you with Ace high,
but not a raise. Secondly, before I made my river bet, I cautiously looked
at SB (an old guy)'s face, and he had the exact same look as the other
player did when I was playing in Venetian. That guy ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - should i call this river?
An instant fold for me. You know what, my biggest leak is that I cannot fold
a strong hand. I always talk myself into calling. But this time I am 100%
sure that a fold is correct that I would throw my AAs faces up to make
villain feel bad.
Not just because a rive raise against 3-barrel is rarely a bluff. A more
reliable evidence is that villain has been tanking twice on flop and turn.
Just ask yourself -- when was the last time you tanked and reluctantly
called two bets on the flop and turn, but... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 717
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 再讨论两手Live 的牌
The first hand, what do you put him at, Q? KJ? bluff? If it is bluff, do you
expect him to 3 barrel? i suppose the bluff % is low here. So i will raise,
representing a Q and as if raising for info. If he calls, i will c/r the
Second one, I have no 5/10nl experience. How often do people limp and
reraise with KK+? As flop played, I think he did not slow play AA preflop
because i guess AA would check behind quite often. And I am not sure he
plays a set this fast since there are two more stre... 阅读全帖
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