
全部话题 - 话题: handly
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发帖数: 3932
TheBigSlick (Ivan) 于 (Mon Nov 21 14:00:50 2011, 美东) 提到:
I don't have many interesting hands to share these days. I am playing boring
poker with either small gains and small loss.
But there was one hand I played serveral weeks ago that I think may be worth
I was playing NL2/5 table, villain was a young asian in mid 20s. He sits
down with maybe $300 chips, run up to $500ish when this hand happend. I was
sitting maybe $600 chips and had him c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share a few hands played yesterday
1/2 game at harrah's chester. These hands are more for entertaining purpose,
therefore I will share the hole cards with you as well.
Hand 1: I started this hand with $130ish. UTG straddled. One old guy called
at MP, all folded to me and I called on BB with 45c. UTG then made it $22 to
go, both of the old guy and myself called. Flop was 347r with 7c. UTG c-
betted $40 and the old guy quickly called. I had a middle pair, a gutter,
and a backdoor flush draw. Based on the way played, I put both of t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 46
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 泵奶的另一个选择--手挤(hand expressing)
介绍另一个选择--手挤(hand expressing). 刚开始我也不知道这个方法。我也去买了
奶泵,但没舍得买200多的,只买了20 多的电动的。感觉不好用,就上网搜相关信息,
结果看到hand expressing 还有它的优点,然后就试。大概1-2周就很熟练了,15分钟
直hand expressing. 很方便,不用带一大堆部件,没有声音,减少清洗。如有兴趣可
以搜“hand expressing“(e.g.,
不会想到试hand expressing.
发帖数: 1458
the famous Sklansky-Chubukov hand ranking was derived from the SB vs BB
battle, namely headsup. here is the original question sklansky asked and the
answer from chubukov.
Their hand ranking is quite different from pokerstove hand ranking, which is
derived from "ordering the hands according to their preflop all-in equity
versus three random hands". Basically pokerstove hand ranking is kinda "
multi-way" instead of headsup.
there are some other hand rankings such as, shoving hand rankings, calling... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands yesterday
Hand 1: Stack size 1070$. 2-3 spread limit game. I have JJ limping UTG,
several other limpers including MP who is super loose and aggressive. MP has
around 700$. BTN is a lady who just joined in. Seems tight. She raises to
15. BB calls. I want to isolate so I reraise to 47. However, suddenly MP LAG
repops to 90 more. Everyone else folds. I don't think he limps with a very
big hand in MP, so I want to reraise to show him that I am not squeezing,
and also to find out if he indeed has a hand. Howev... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Another hand
可能性:monster hand: kk(unlikely, preflop action), qq(unlikely, preflop action), 99, TJ, AdTd, kq, [k9s, q9s unlikely,because
he is a reg]
value hand, ak, AdXd, KT, KJ
weak drawing hands, AJs(no diamond), ATs(no diamond),6D7D,7D8D
weak made hands but decent enough, aq, QT, QJ, 9t, 9J,tt,jj,7D9D
bluffs, 88-22,
并且4B。only left
monster hand: kk, qq, 99, TJ, AdTd, kq, [k9s, q9s ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 hands that i am not so sure
low level live 1/2 FullRing, one guy with 80/60 stats, table is kinda loose,
but ppl like to flat call preflop raise. Usually chase flop cbet with weak
linked hand then gave up on turn 2nd barrel a lot. Not much bluff being
showed. Hero with a tight image, just sat down and lost a 200bb pot to the
the line was
hero with ats(CO) limp/call aggro(btn) raise, headsup
flop 889r, hero bet 1/2, aggro call
turn q,backdoor flush draw for hero, hero bet 1/2, aggro call
river 3, hero hit nut ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2328
来自主题: astrology版 - The Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand
Beatles 40年前的老歌, 00:27歌曲开始
Oh yeah, I´ll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
Oh, please, say to me
You'll let me be your man
and please, say to me
You'll let me hold your hand
Now let me hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
And when I touch you i feel happy, inside
It's such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide
Yeah you, got that something
I think you'll unders... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1169
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Hand Ranking
for example:
Ah 10c 8h
Purenuts/nuts: AcAd
Slowplayable hand: 10d10h 8c8s
Willing to lose hand(non-foldable hand): 9hJh Kh10h Ad10h
Re-Raiseable hand As8c 10h8c
Raiseable hand AdKc AcQd AsJh
fold-able(Bluffied-able) hand Ad6c Kh10d
Bettable hand Ac3d 10h9c
semibluff-able hand 5h9h
callable hand 9sJc 8h9d
playable(checkable) hand 10d6c KhQc
unplayable hand 2c6d 6s7c
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
ok, yes, after a long break, i played a session last night, lol.
1) hand 1, limping table, EP raises to $6, and 5 callers, i call on cutoff
with 9To.
flop: QhJh8.
EP c-bets $20, all fold, i call.
turn: J
EP bets $45, interesting size with his pre-flop and flop action, i call.
river: blank 2 (busted any flush draws)
EP bets $80 with $30 left, strong all the way on 3 streets (let's ignore pre
-flop $6 as nothing but a pot sweetner).
i tank, not acting but seriously wonder if he has a turned boat, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新人冒泡 with 2 hands
Two hands to share. Online 0.05/0.10 game. Anonymous table, no HUD
1. I had a history with the villain. The first hand after I joined the table
, villain was UTG+2 raise with 3 blind. One caller at MP. I had 99 at CO and
squeezed. All folded and villain mini re-raise. All folded to me, I went
all in and he called. He had KK and get sucked out by me with river 9. He
immediately reloaded.
Here come with the hand after 2, 3 rounds. Again he raise at UTG+2. All fold
to me with same 99 and I called. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Hand Roasted Coffee. 12-oz Bags (Pack of 2): French
Roast Ground $9.64, Medium Roast Colombia $9.59, Viennese $9.22, House Blend
$9.68 + More with free shipping from Amazon
Use Subscribe and Save and Promo Code COFTEAL3Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Hand-
Roasted French Roast Ground Coffee, 12-Ounce Bags (Pack of 2):
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Hand-Roasted, Medium Roast, Colombia Ground Coffee,
12-Ounce Bags (Pac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1169
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - Hand Ranking
for example:
Ah 10c 8h
Purenuts/nuts: AcAd
Slowplayable hand: 10d10h 8c8s
Willing to lose hand(non-foldable hand): 9hJh Kh10h Ad10h
Re-Raiseable hand As8c 10h8c
Raiseable hand AdKc AcQd AsJh
fold-able(Bluffied-able) hand Ad6c Kh10d
Bettable hand Ac3d 10h9c
semibluff-able hand 5h9h
callable hand 9sJc 8h9d
playable(checkable) hand 10d6c KhQc
unplayable hand 2c6d 6s7c
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
Lol. lzi真的把durrrr放在头像上了? 现在女牌手喜欢durrrr的很多。
While I really like the way you play your bottom set on a heavy draw
board, waiting for a blank turn one time to ship it in , I do not agree
your point on Laoda's hand of 98s. I like fryking's fold on the flop and his
thought on the hand as well. I think it is very different situation.
If we disregard the chance that villian may hold higher set, your bottom
set can not be in a bad shape against all villian's range. Waiting a blank turn
to get in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
This hand is very easy to play. Here is my suggestion, keep in mind my way
is no way optimal, but add some food for thoughts. Someone may very well
play this hand way better.
First, why should we jump to post-flop play immediately? IMHO, a lot of
mistakes happened in pre-flop stage rather than post-flop. A child born with
illness, a lot of time, is weaker for the rest of his life. So is there any
thing wrong with your pre-flop play?
Hard to tell, it really depends on what type of player you are,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands to discuss
Here is my thought,
Hand 1: I'd rule out AA/KK/QQ/JJ from villian's range because (1) it is
likely that villian will raise pf after a few limpers when holding those
hand (2) even he limpes, it is more likely that he would lead out on the
flop with such a draw heavy board if he had AA/KK. There is slightly chance
that he has QQ/JJ. QJ/22 are certainly in his range. J2s is possbile but
unlikely. And if he had bottom two on the flop, I think he would lead out
rather than slow play then wake up afte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands yesterday
Hand 1: I don't like your plan to 4-bet pf because there is no folding
equity if the villian is a SLAG as you described. If he calls, I don't think
you would feel comfortable at all on any flop (except J high). If he 5-bet
shoves, it is tough to fold with 2:1 odds to call when villian has SLAG
image. Usually it is not a good idea to play mid-pair OOP with deep stack
against LAG players. I prefer folding pf.
Hand 2: I don't quite like the squeeze here either. (1) I give UTG raise
more credit (unl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - can you call this hand?
Even though you fold the best hand, I still think you did the right thing by
20 + 60 + 250 = 330. Less than 1/3 of your stack. You are not committed to
this hand.
330 + 330 + 870 = 1530. gave you 1 : 1.75 of your money. The odds to call
isn't too favorable either. Had it become 1: 2+, then I will consider to put
the whole 240+ bb in.
Now, let us see the hands he used to push, but also you can beat. KQ, KJ(big
maybe), That is it. You only beat 1.5 hands. I don't count KJ as one hand
beca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A hand I played well last night
Local casino. 2-3NL. I just lost 160 dollars on a triple barrel bluff and I
showed my hand. There was another hand that I raised with a pair and a gut
shot straight draw on the flop of 3 4 7. The other guy flopped the straight.
I got lucky on the turn and we went all in. We ended up chopping the pot,
but everyone knew that I was capable of bluffing with anything. No one on
the table believed me at that time.I was very aware of that. So I decided to
stop bluffing and just wait for a big hand to g... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 hands that i am not so sure

This is exact what I was thinking.
My 2nd barrel looks relatively small because the villains don't really have
pot odds concept. It was pure value bet to persuade weaker hand stay in the
However, when the other one folded, it was a really good spot for Villain to
bluff me out regarding the flop drama, plus we had some history of fighting
. When he check/raise on the turn. I put his hand on rags, bd flush draw/
combo draw, weak hands like mid pair-, and made hand like 2 pai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - [url=]View hand 2348556[/url]
[url=]DeucesCracked Poker Videos[/url] [url=]Hand History Converter[/url]
BTN: $28.06
SB: $15.93
BB: $27.91
UTG: $28.72
[b]MP: $53.41[/b]
[b]Hero (CO): $40.33[/b]
[b]Pre Flop:[/b] ($0.35) Hero is CO with K :club: K :diamond:
[color=red]UTG raises to $0.75[/color], [color=red]MP raises to $2[/c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share a few hands played yesterday
Hand 1: I like the shove because the board texture, for 3, 4 , 7 board,
there are tons of one pair hand in villians' range. Given your stack size
and outs left, you can't just call the $40 bet. So shove it is a relatively
easy decision.
Hand 2: I personally won't make this play. The feeling is good for the
thrill of playing "real poker", but just feel that in low stake game, making
moves purely based on read has a lot of risks, not enough rewards. Couple factors 1. 4 ppl in the pot, too many ppl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Another hand
You got the point. I am really afraid of he had TJ and check raised me on
the turn. It that case, I probably have to fold to a hand which I had good
equity.-----------------if he really has TJ, you do not have much equity.
Suppose 500$ pot, you only get 100$. Not only he will c/r on the turn with
the nuts, TJ in this case, but also he will c/r some nut draw, such as AdTd,
Ad9d, because he is out of position.
The flop raise is another question that confused me a lot. In deep stack,
when we have s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 981
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - played a couple of hand in FL yesterday night
Key west trip on Columbus weekend, returned to hotel in Fort Lauderdale
early the night and decide to find a casino to play some poker before the
next day's morning flight. Bought in $100 and came out $146 in 2-3 hours,
not as excited as many of the DaNius here but it's a huge improvement than
my first casino trip of down $300. Not much interesting hands but several
more lessons learnt for me.
1. No matter how hot the weather is, poker room is still freaking cold.
I made a huge mistake only wear... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1941
ID: LaziDragon
歌名: Hand Hold
翻唱说明: 这歌一出来就很喜欢,尤其很喜欢歌词。可惜找不到好的伴奏,都是消音版
Wanting Qu – Hand Hold Lyrics
Sweetheart Sweetheart
Won’t you come and sweep me off my feet
Catch me when I fall
Whisper Whisper
Whisper these words in my ears tonight, I could fly away with you oh…
When the dark is falling
When the night has come
Baby will you hold my hand?
When the sky is crying
When this road is near the end
Baby I will hold your hand
Sweetheart Sweetheart
Mark my words and cross... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
第24届汉城奥运会主题歌《手拉手》(Hand In Hand)
see the fire in the sky
we feel the beating of our hearts to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9094
来自主题: Chicago版 - 八年级的书评(Gifted Hands)
Title: Metamorphosis
Early on in his life, Benjamin Carson realized that he would have to work
harder than anyone else to be truly accepted. In his autobiography Gifted
Hands, Carson documents his brilliant transformation from an unmotivated
ghetto boy to a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, detailing specific
experiences and beliefs that impacted his life. His story, though remarkable
, is written in such a way that it is both relatable and int... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - Some thoughts on one hand
Some thoughts on one hand
This hand was played in the bbo money bridge game. You play with a robot,
your LHO also plays with a robot. The score format is total points.
You hold Ax K9x xx AKQ8xx , both white,
The first question is what to open?
Of course 1NT is a possible choice. However, this hand is probably
too strong for 1NT because of the strong suit in clubs. You don't need
a lot from partner to make 3NT. So you should open 1C, even play with
a robot.
The bidding develops :
1C p 1D 1H ?
Now... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
interesting discussion, and only for the sake of reference, i played two
hands the way you suggested and here's the proof, lol.
hand 1, he folds.
hand 2, check down.
flop exactly as played, check call.
no value as we wish they'd just be donkish enough to fire the 2nd barrel in
position or bluff.
simple hand, simple play, lol. yes, we need to keep worse hands in sometimes,
but we keep them in for value, not just for hospitality.

have total air and they are good, they will continue firing beca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1114
I agree with EV MM. Your A2 hand is quite different with your hand 1/2 here.
flop of A2 hand is very dry, you are in very behind/ahead situation. check
raise is not good.
For hand 1:
1. T kicker is pretty good.
2. lots of value from KQ/KJ
3. Broad way draw is there. lots of value from QJ/QT/TJ
So for hand 1 I may c bet for value.
Hand 2 is totally different with A2.
1. I will 100% c bet here to get values and protect my hand from Ax.
2. Also lots of draw there.
my 2 cents...

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
could be.
LP shows me quite some hands, he's a typical flush chaser with any A or
suited cards. his preflop raise (he has a problem not raising enough
sometimes) indicates a good hand QQ+. it's very likely he got As or Ks in
his hand and he won't go away easily.
as for MP, he doesn't realize he shows already too many hands unnecessarily.
he only bets that much for a monster like in another hand, he flops flush
with Ks9s alike and he does the same thing to punish As chaser.
so my hand has a good ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
Agree with you. I would at least call the flop and reevaluate on the turn.
With the blank turn, I would push and I don't think the original raiser can
call with only one card to come, and you had enough chips to push him off
the hand. If you were short stack, than it is a different story. Anyway,
that's how I would play. Yeah, there is always a risk for you to lose your
stack, but when you have the best hand at the first two streets, you should
try your best to win the pot.
I had a similar hand ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 666
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Two Depressing Hands on Saturday Night
Hand 1 - 1-2 NL, 5 limpers including SB, I was in BB with 4d2d and checked.
Flop came 653 rainbow. SB checked, I checked, and MP Asian player made a
pot-size bet with $120 behind. His image was nit-TAG and one LP loose
passive player called. Given actions so far, it was clear that I had the
best hand. MP Asian player's range was crystal clear: top 2 being 70% and
set being 30%, and LP probably had a 4 or A6. Folded to me, and I popped to 40
with 120 behind. Seeing me in the BB, my primary ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Would you call or fold this hand at the river?
I don't have many interesting hands to share these days. I am playing boring
poker with either small gains and small loss.
But there was one hand I played serveral weeks ago that I think may be worth
I was playing NL2/5 table, villain was a young asian in mid 20s. He sits
down with maybe $300 chips, run up to $500ish when this hand happend. I was
sitting maybe $600 chips and had him covered. I was still down like $100-200
during the session.
villain seemed to be OK players, he didn't... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share a few hands played yesterday
Thanks for all the comments.
Hand 2: I should check on the turn. (1) I had pretty much no equity there (2
) I still have the chance to bluff them away on the river if they both had a
drawing hand. Contiueing bluff mode and don't know when to stop is one of
my big problems.
Hand 4: I am happy with the river raise since I would play over pair the
exact same way. There is no merit to raise the turn with over pair since it
just turned my hand to bluff. And if he picked up additional oddes such as
QJ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
I always think ppl mis-understand ABC poker and confuse it with weak tight
or ppl making mistakes of not understanding his hand strength.
Just ask yourself, could a good, solid ABC poker player, raise KJ OOP, bet
two streets with TPGK, bloom the pot to 410 while he only has $400 starting
stack, and check call the rest of the stack when actions told him villian
almost impossible to bluff at this spot and there was almost no hand he can
I will think any good ABC poker players will understand... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more hands.
For hand 1, I was not thinking about folding for 200BB. There is no
made str/flush on the board. Only hand ahead of mine is JJ/99. I was
willing to pay her off if she got JJ/99. Especially based on my observation
, she often overplays her hand. What I was trying to accomplish to is
maximize my equaliy against the rest of her range. I think shove is better
since there are too many turn cards that can kill the action if she had a
overpair. If she had hand like Asks, I was w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 975
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One hand
I think you played this hand fine. OTR, your call only need to be right
about 30% time to break even. Villain is the one that made big mistake in
this hand: he definitely should shove the river.
I would probably bet $3 flop, $8 turn,~$20 on the river and call a shove.Yes
,I will lose to all the boats. But if I bet small on the flop and turn and
river, it's not like that I can just snap fold when he shoves. By betting
big, you win extra from the hands that you beat, and lose the same amount
when ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2075
之前用过medela免费送的hand free pumping bra(30多刀的那种),看着很fancy,但
是发现除了hand free这个优点之外一无是处。首先很bulky,穿在衣服下面很明显,除
后来我上网搜了有没有同时兼具nursing和hand free pumping功能的bra,发现还真有
发现了一个美国妈妈在自己的网页上贴了一个自制hand free pumping bra的方法,超
后一根套在喇叭上,另一根挂在nursing bra的挂扣上,这样nursing bra就变成了hand
free pumping bra了。我照着弄了一下,非常方便,只需要随身携带几根橡皮圈就可
以了,偷懒的话甚至可以把橡皮圈一头套在... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4783
来自主题: Parenting版 - kissing hand
The Kissing Hand
kissing hand,就是kiss在手上,然后想妈妈了就把手里的kiss贴在脸上的故事。最后
小浣熊也给了妈妈一个kissing hand,这样自己上学了,妈妈也不会孤单。
kissing hand,我家姐姐把妈妈的kiss攥在手心里,心满意足的睡觉了。
就不亲他了,这个时候,姐姐就会替弟弟拿一个kissing hand,等弟弟醒了以后,不管
发帖数: 356
You should feel more comfortable to deal with high bounce shots with DH yah,
cause typically, that is just a forehand shot for your left hand.
With good position/timing/swing/racket face, all the shots can be done. But
the problem is, it is hard for single hand back hand to get that perfect con
dition, esp. in a high intense receive/rallies.
I do singles more recently, which makes me feel really hard to attack high b
ounce deep back hand shots with single hand. With dhbh, that will be more co
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands played
for hand 2, it's more about HIM, a semi-tight and nervous player, always
showed down a decent hand.
pre-flop, he played this hand very carefully. KK didn't re-raise ($7) at all
, and tried to see a cheap/no-ace flop.
he got way tooooo nervous on the flop though. i was almost totally drawing
dead no matter what i had. his about normal bet on the turn confirmed my
guess, he indeed got a hand (66 or 22).
anyway, in general, he wasted such a decent hand (got only ~$60).
for hand 3, i trapped myself,
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 来来,继续猜hand
If you don't sit out, you still can revisit the hand history later. FTP will
insert this hand to its right position. For example, if hand #1 and hand #3
finished first, you'll see them in your hand history; then if hand #2
finished, it will be inserted in between. The only thing you cannot see is
how much time it took for every player to act. I think that should be a
feature too, something like "real play back".
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - HM Hand history
HM plays more and more important role in my rush game. If I have enough info
for opponent, I have huge advantages. Hand history tracking site could not
track rush game so you could not get hand history from third party. However
if someone else is willing to share hand history with you(for example, 100K
hands exchange 100K hands, have to trust each other), do you want to do it?
That will expose your play, but...I also know FTP does not allow hand
history sharing, but...
Just want to open the disc
发帖数: 15860
i posted these 2 here just to say in most cases, there's simply no more
value to be extracted (especially in A2 hand) after you check call their
flop probe bet in position.
AT hand is of course more playable than A2, and the board texture too.
KQ hand, only to show the value part and what hands they can fire at most 1
barrel in position.
yes, it's always "nice" to keep a currently losing hand in, but the whole
purpose is to get value and avoid risk. or let's say:
potential value / risk = X
in A2... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - would you laydown your hand on this spot?
usually I see someone open with 2X, I will automatically 3bet him, the 3
bet size is at least 10X, or 11X, my 3 bet hands will include junk, suited
connectors or premium hand.
only 1/4 of time I will 3bet with 9X or 8X, only doing so when I have
premium hand in position. so basically I definitely want him call but in
case he flop a monster , I will have position to read it and get away.
you have to remember 3 bet preflop is small pot poker, mostly you will take
down and flop without see flop,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 190
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 hands
Hand 1: I will call every single time. Let's see what the host could have
and also beat you on the river, 2x, 9x, and 44. I ruled out 99+ because I
think he would 3-bet preflop based on his agression. What else could be in
his range, probably any two cards. He offers you almost 4:1 odds to call.
Against his range, it is aeasy call.
Hand 2: I will call as well. He could have 97/76/FD (if he plays FD
passively), or a pair hand trying to hit 5 outers. The river 9 did help a
few hands, but not that ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands to discuss
The board is so quiet this weekend. Let's discuss a few hands played
yesterday at PARX.
Hand 1: 1/2 game. 7-way limped pot, hero had Q2o in BB. The flop was QJ2
with QJ of spades. Checked to button who led $10, hero made it $25 to go.
All folded to a LP player who 3-betted to $55, button quickly folded. What
should hero do? both
LP and hero had $140ish before flop action. The LP player was quiet
on the table and didn't do anything out of line yet.
Hand 2: 2/5 game. Button raised to $25 a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few more live hands for discussion.
Hand 1: As played, I'd make a small river bet and try to induce bluff. If I
play this hand, I prefer leading out on the flop since (1) this flop is sort
of safe to PFR in general; (2) our hand has decent equity to continue if
being raised. If turn made the flush, I would continue with a small amount
Hand 2: As played, I'd just call. Looked like the K helped him one way or
another, either made the straight (QJ) or picked up a pair or improved to
two pairs or a pure bluff. No matter what he ha... 阅读全帖
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