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发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - some hands in regional (5)
the problem hand isn't a very bad 12 at all. The main problem is that after
S is bid and raised by opps, this hand gets devalued a lot.

发帖数: 642
来自主题: Bridge版 - lets discuss a hand
2D is my "old-fashion" rebid for this kind of hands, since 1NT should show 2
+ spades, and 2C should have 4 clubs. 2D should show 6 diamonds, but can
include some duckling hands like this one. It seems that the old-fashion
still has market :)

发帖数: 712
来自主题: Cycling版 - 求推荐一个hand pump
今天路上胎被扎,带的hand pump死活打不进气,以前遇到到过几次,都
废了好大力气才打进少量的气,能否推荐个好点的hand pump,最好是
能像floor pump一样下压的
发帖数: 2428
I am in the same situation as LZ. For handgun, I do use right hand but aim
with left eyes. However, for slow shooting, I found it is very easy to get
tired by doing this, so actually I was alternating my eyes on aiming. For
shutgun, since the sight is just a bead, and it is very far away from my
eyes, I actually shoot with both eye open. I was told to shoot hand gun with
both eye open as well, but not very successful in slow shooting. For fast
shooting, maybe it is the right thing to do. But my
发帖数: 668
Garcia suffered injuries to his left shoulder and a finger on his right hand
Clemson Saturday but is expected to start against Auburn in the SEC
Championship Game
Saturday, ESPN reports. (Nov 30)
Stephen Garcia banged up
South Carolina quarterback Stephen Garcia landed hard on his left shoulder
in the 29-7 win over Clemson and was in a sling Monday.
The Gamecocks don't have a normal practice on Monday, but when they return
to the
practice field Tuesday, Garcia will be limited. S... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17670

right hand against Clemson Sat
发帖数: 1397
I started playing tennis with DHBH, since I didn't trust myself that I had
enough power to hit the top spins with one hand as a beginner, plus I didn't
know the correct grip method for SHBH at that time, shame on me. About 2
years ago, I switched to SHBH. With the right timing and balanced move on
the court, you can create big angle shot by using SHBH. You can also deal
with the high-bounced top spins with the SH slice which used to be a defect
on my DHBH. So far I feel comfortable with my SHBH
发帖数: 5654
true, i am not sure if i should change my status in my tennis website to
a higher level to attract more higher level partners..
I am badly in need to High Hands to give myself more challenging.
In the other hand, i do not want my potential partners think i am bluffing..
Do not want to lose badly too in singles.
发帖数: 30533
WSN (天行健) 于 (Mon Aug 10 12:05:26 2009, 美东) 提到:
Played tennis several times last week, two hours each session.
Started to feeling a little discomfort/weakness in my right hand,
particularly when I try to twist open a jar, etc. Is this just my hand
muscles being tired or something more serious?
dpg (肖浪) 于 (Mon Aug 10 12:15:00 2009, 美东) 提到:
我觉得就是有些over used了。
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one interesting hand on line
good try
He got K 10
second pair and inside straight draw, he is very loose and
lucky that hand.
450$ on the river is very suspious , he used
reverse phychology, bet as if he bluffing.
I called that hand.
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one interesting hand on line
good try
He got K 10
second pair and inside straight draw, he is very loose and
lucky that hand.
450$ on the river is very suspious , he used
reverse phychology, bet as if he bluffing.
I called that hand.
发帖数: 449
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - an Interesting hand last night
my guess is that she had KdQ or AdQ. That is, top pair and a flush draw.
If she had k-high or A-high flush already, then her hand is almost
impossible to beat. and it is not wise to call all-in coz it would scare ppl
it's a gamble. But i would call.
i also guess LZ called and won the hand :D

发帖数: 449
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - an Interesting hand last night
i forgot there was another one in play. My guess sorta combined the two's
hands. I just can't lay down a flush with a possibility of straight flush,
especially when I am pretty positive that the button has yet to have a flush
. Fortunately, her suiteQJ can't be QdJd. Well, i guess the difference is, i
am not the one who's actually playing money :)
btw, who won the hand in the end?
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - an Interesting hand last night
That is a good analysis.
But that is after the hand, you can make that good explain.
If you can really analysize that well during that hand and within 2 minutes,
you really should go pro.
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - play monster hand.

Nobody except you can lay down my hand for another 200$. I got the second
best hand, at least call.
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - play monster hand.
for limit hold'em , it is still need to read your opponent.
although you may suffer less for this kind of monster to monster hand.
but if you keep calling and loose play , you still will lose a lot in the
long term. and in limit hold'em , it is very hard to protect your hand,
because people will chase you al the way to the river. then result depends
more on luck than on skill.
That is why I didn't play limit hold'em.
发帖数: 868
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 interesting hand last night.
melonli,from your past hands, I feel your flop bet is a little too small.
You like to bet 45% of the flop with top pair or over pair. I would bet 2/3
at least if I want to fast play it. Yesterday I was watching 2006 WSOP
replay. The best female player, Annie Duke, has the same tendency. She got
bluffed several times because her small bet induced bluffs, and she had to
fold her best hands.

发帖数: 7014
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - intereting hand
is the BL somehow loose?
I do not think he would call $20 b4 flop with A4.
"I got the worst hand" may be his real feeling with pocket small pairs ( . If he had pocket KK or AA, he would not hesitate to call you or may re-
raise to ~$100 b4 flop to reduce his risk since the pot is already very big.
And your $110 bet for the $120 pot may let him think you have two single
cards like Ak or AQ and just to push him fold.
So he thought he had the best hand after flop.
If he had pocket 77, I think h
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two hand
all in is fine, cause he still may call your bet with weaker hands. Check
is certainly wrong, cause you miss the chance to charge his weaker hands
and you only pay when you are beaten. Of course, if you can check and
fold a pot size bet by him, you can check. But the big laydown can be
wrong and super expensive as well. That's why all in reraise on turn
makes it simple.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - crappy hand paid off
57o, middle position.
one new guy changed the whole table since he came, big pots after big pots,
... KsJs, re-raise $150 ($50 bet) on a draw and hit river (not against me).
he got stacks aside too, total $1000+.
had to fold many hands...
then this hand, he bet $12 again, decided to gamble, called.
stupid lucky flop, 77Q. he pushed $45, i called (too quickly
and smoothly), one guy called.
turn T, he checked, i bet $65, other guy folded, he immediately called.
river blank, i went all-in $213, he
发帖数: 85
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a bad play hand
5 handed 40/80 limited holdem game. A loose passive player (calling station)
limps from UTG, Everybody folded to Steve, who is a very good player(a
consistent winner at Medium-high stake game) in SB, raised. I was in BB and
3-bets with A7o (reasons I made this move here are: 1. this is a short
handed game. 2. Steve is good and is capable of raising with any 2 cards
from there; 3. by making 3 bets, I was trying to kick out the limper and had
position on Steve; 4. I know some betting patterns on S
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - funny hand
got 25o on button, russian lady semi-pro (whom i lost to last week) made it
$15 to go pre-flop, chip leader called, another caller... well, nothing for
me there when russian lady (solid rock) was in, even i play crappy hands
flop was interesting, 2d5dTc. hehe, what a good reminder of my last last
week's losing hand (4c5c flopped two pair, lost to russian lady's flopped
straight)! well, play for safe first, i felt a little pitiful watching this
on the side but more relieved and
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two hands last day.
first hand I fold,second I call.
I just did the wrong thing.
1. he hand J9 pure bluff me
2. he got set( this is very obvious )
发帖数: 78
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two hands last day.
1st hand is a more likely win for you. who in his right mind would bet pot
size with a made flush on the turn? I think raising here is good if you are
confident or at least call to see how brave he is on the river.
2nd hand I think the bet on the turn is a bit small. I learned hard lessons
that pot size bets do not necessarily kick out drawers or TPTK. If you had
bet say $45, you would know for sure that, if he called, you are beat, and
save yourself on the turn. Anyway in this case he most like
发帖数: 715
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - favorite hand tonight
Amazing hand, indeed! You seems know something about this opponent. Her
playing style? What range of hands?
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - comment on this hand pls
how do you feel about raise on flop vs raise on the turn?
the main reason for me to raise the river is
1)i've been playing straightforward at the table since i sat down. all hands
i involved in i either cbet and they fold or they cbet i fold. so my image
is ok;
2)i think his betting on all 3 streets is pretty weird because he's
representing a very tight hand range here: basically a 2, 88, or an Ace; the
turn card and the river card are all scary cards to both of us because both
are over card to
发帖数: 7014
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - comment on this hand pls
what is the result of this hand?

发帖数: 715
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - comment on this hand pls
He probably had a better hand. So you would made quite a play if he fold at
the end.
I think it would be better to re-raise on the flop, say around 40,
hopefully to take it down right there or check-down to the river. If he
liked his hand so much that he came over the top, it is not too expensive to
give it away.
发帖数: 16209
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - play the short handed without looking
I dropped by a poker room a few days back. I tried something really for fun.
Basically, I don't look at the
card and just play it in a short hand game. (heads up or 3 player left on
the table). I found it is a good
practice and actually winning money.
For continuous 10 hands, I bet, raise, check .. without look at my card at
all. the dealer was super surpised
and even the floor manager comes nearby to watch. During this kinda play, I
found I read people much
more carefully and try to guess the c
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - play the short handed without looking
yeah, its a good way to practice read and all the stuff. but as soon as the
opponent realize that the average hand is Q7o and start to act aggressively
whenever he got better than average hand the game becomes a crapshoot.

发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - play the short handed without looking
The opponent doesn't even need a good hand.
Whenever the opponent allin, the other one has no way but to fold, because
he would never know if the opponent really has a good hand.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two hands
1/2NL, AC.
1) AdQd on button, UTG (a normal guy) raised big to $22, UTG+1 (a tight guy)
called, i called.
flop: 663 rainbow, no diamonds. UTG checked, URG+1 checked, i checked.
turn: K, still rainbow, checked around again.
river: A, both checked to me, i smooth bet $20 to get a little bit more or
avoid showing hand.
UTG suddenly raised to $120, and UTG+1 folded. i got confused:
- AK? made sense but checked on turn and again on river? could easily waste
a hand;
- Ax, x < Q, thought i was stealing
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two hands
i gave him respect for his previous standard play, and 11BB was not small.
with one tight guy in the middle, i really don't think i got anything to re-
reaise here with AdQd.
with a board like 663-K-A, i was just amazed by his THREE consequent checks
all through the river, ppl're not so patient, even for AK (most likely hand,
given his preflop raise). for him, i don't believe he's willing to show
down such a hand without any bonus.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two hands
against normal players, AQ isn't profitable to call a huge preflop raise.
AQ is a typical small pot hand unless you hit two pairs.

发帖数: 85
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 hands I played today
1. Loose-aggressive 60/120 game. UTG limp in, UTG +1 limp, I limp in with
K9o (K heart). BB is a black football player super loose, super aggressive,
and like to bluff, who raised. everybody called. Flop came 368 with 2 hearts
, BB bet, UTG folded, UTG+1 folded, I raised, BB 3 bets, I called. turn is
the 7h, he bet again, I called. river is Qd, he bet again, I called. He
marked the hand, I won with K high. I think that I played this hand bad, I
should raise the turn, and led out on the river, or
发帖数: 715
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands played
Hand 2 is a nice lay down. It is hard to let go TPTK, but it could end up
really ugly.
For Hand 3, he probably had a decent pair or AK.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - another hand
got some sleep and came back to the casino, no open seat yet, and saw this
hand at a 2/5NL.
3 handed on this trash flop: 8c3d5c. didn't know pre-flop actions, but the
pot was big already, $500.
vietnam lady (who must have played all night and be a big gambler as i could
tell) pushed all-in for another $400. middle black guy paused with a smile,
thought for a min, shoved too, $800, button (old regular) moved in a second
, $300.
vietnam lady, KK no club. black guy, 88 top set. old guy, AcQc for a
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 4 hands of QQ (1)
1/2NL, dealt QQ 4 times in 2 days, 4 different plays/results.
1) QQ at 6 handed table at button ($400). late night, ppl are tired and make
weird moves.
cutoff ($120) limps, i small raise to $7 with position, want to invite SB/
BB in too, well, only cutoff calls.
flop: QT3 rainbow. cutoff checks. well, nothing wrong to disguise as a pre-
flop steal or missed weak Ax hand. let him catch up a little bit.
turn: 7, still rainbow, nice. he bets $15 into me. i shake my head like a
tough decision with s
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two tough hand
good laydown i guess.
TPTK hand is normally a money loser whn out of position and gets called 3
times in a row, because your hand is almost faced up, actually he might put
you on QQ/KK alike too, you would play the same way. if he's even not afraid
that, he got u for sure. you can only beat a total bluff now, on such a draw
heavy board.
acutally if he's on a draw, a raise on the turn is much better to get value
and test your strength, even he'll miss on the river, he still got a lot of
room t
发帖数: 6301
40 the lady just apoligized to me like 100 times, and said she can
only credit me $2300 right now, and will credit the rest in a few hours. I
just checked, and its in there. This whole thing is so strange.
btw the hand history number is 1162170993. I just watched the hand on table
ratings replayer, and in the river, it shows my cards, does not flip his
cards over....then says winner above his name and ships him the pot.
During the game i was so confused as to what happened. Im not sure exa
发帖数: 1169
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A typical online hand
When i watch the PS SM finla table
a hand busted the fifth
Short stack 99 ,deep stack AAc
both all in
flop 8c 10 Jc
turn 10c
i almost instantly Know what will be the river
yeah, Qc!
i can not say online is rigged due to this hand, but this way are too
i could say it is a style.
发帖数: 2063
hand 2
Full Tilt Poker Game #11147720981: $35,000 Guarantee (83678157), Table 51 -
25000/50000 Ante 6000 - No Limit Hold'em - 3:06:39 ET - 2009/03/15
Seat 4: whc9 (1,194,192)
Seat 5: 88onPilz (887,816)
Seat 6: MDATS90 (3,143,992)
whc9 antes 6,000
88onPilz antes 6,000
MDATS90 antes 6,000
88onPilz: lol
whc9 posts the big blind of 50,000
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
rosedy (Observer): gg
88onPilz raises to 120,000
JoKerStaRReD (Observer): wtf
MDATS90 calls 120,000
88onPilz: gg
whc9 f
发帖数: 2063
hand 3
Full Tilt Poker Game #11147728091: $35,000 Guarantee (83678157), Table 51 -
25000/50000 Ante 6000 - No Limit Hold'em - 3:07:26 ET - 2009/03/15
Seat 4: whc9 (1,051,192)
Seat 6: MDATS90 (4,174,808)
whc9 antes 6,000
MDATS90 antes 6,000
whc9 posts the small blind of 25,000
MDATS90 posts the big blind of 50,000
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
88onPilz (Observer): call A3 there with no odds
whc9 raises to 100,000
MDATS90 raises to 150,000
whc9 calls 50,000
*** FLOP *** [6h 2c Kh]
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - should i fold this hand?
that hand , you play it perfectly.
Even pro will play the same.
No need reraise on the turn. If you reraise, you just turn your hand into

发帖数: 104
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One Interesting Hand In Live 1/2 NL AC Game
lol. I know. Not getting much of hands the whole night there, this is one of
the very few hands i can chew on;)
I put him more on the Ace high flush draw than anything else, so with bigger
stack I prob would've called the reraise and with more betting followed.
I thought about pushing it, but I dont have much fold equity with my short
stack, so knowing i'm the underdog, fold is more of an easier option.
but on the retrospect, I prob should've gambled a little, it's $50 anyway,
plus I'm getting s
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One Interesting Hand In Live 1/2 NL AC Game
haha, don't know, if you have a bigger stack, he may play this hand totally
differently too because you can punish him harder and in his eyes, you could
have a monster set trying to protect... turn card would be very interesting
... but still, too many cards could kill your action, like a non club A/K/Q/
J on turn, 9 pairs up, one more small club, ...
all in all, you can't expect to win much in this TT hand, while may lose big.
btw, you go to AC often?

发帖数: 104
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One Interesting Hand In Live 1/2 NL AC Game
all points agreed.
we used to go to AC often, until our baby came last month;)
went to AC the past weekend and got absolutely killed having 2nd best hands
a few times, not that I played a lot of hands;)
Before the trip I was even thinking of tabbing in 2/5 games..
I live in Flushing,Queens. you?

发帖数: 104
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One Interesting Hand In Live 1/2 NL AC Game
agreed. but 200 hands in 10 hrs is a stretch. not sure if i got in 100 hands
my friend found out a patten which has been working so far,
around early am, say 6, 7 am, some grandma/pa will show up and sending out
cashes around;)
what game did u play and how did u fare over the weekend?
before your next trip let me know. I'd like to meet ppl that know their

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What a hand in WSOP 2009! I can't believe it.
he shouldn't play this hand this big at all, low flush, paired board,
straight-forward opponent, good action already, big bubble time...
before this hand, he got a very healthy stack as 5th, and had a very good
chance to enter final table, even if he finishes as 9th, it's a big money
jump: $591,869 to $900,670, or 300K. and also consider all the sponsorship/
commercial deals for "Nov. 9", this 300K might only be a small piece.
ESPN blogger said he never thought it would be Kopp who went out. Jor
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