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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 4 hands of QQ (4)
QQ ($400) again at LP, raise to $7, 5 callers, a little bit too many.
flop: TJ8 rainbow. every one checks to me, another $7. i don't mind to have
Jx and 9x to stay around with me blocking 2 valuable outs from them. 2 callers.
turn: 3. checks again, well, i need to get some extra now, can't wait till
river when the full story is unfolded. $21, both call.
river is a card i hate when i try to slow roll, damn Q! UTG, an old guy bets
$50, sh*t, i grow up a fat sheep for you, sir!
bad p
发帖数: 104
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One Interesting Hand In Live 1/2 NL AC Game
I had about $100 to start.
pocket TdTh
UTG+2, raised to $12,
3 callers, blinds folded
flop 9c,7c and 3s
I acted first, bet $30
2 folded, the last caller, who's a good player and has been getting hands with at least $500 in front of him,
raised to $50+30.
I tanked, folded.
3 possible hole cards,
A 9, which is not likely for a reraise, which basically makes me pocket
committed if I called;
Overpair, or a set, which got me dominated;
2 high cards of clubs, or comble draw in which case he will be th
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - my recent tourneys suck
don't know if it's every one getting better in micro tourneys or i focus on
micro cash games too much... i was dry for long (and got beat up and down in
diff. ways) until yesterday, made 1st in a $3.3KO from 756 ppl.
1) got no hand in a turbo event for 30 mins...now 300 ppl left..
2) then got AJo, UTG shoved (a little shorter than me), one caller, ... (i
was weighing on shoving or not), then another shover (bigger than me)...
well, now easy fold. UTG: AJo, caller: 79o, shover: AJo. LOL to death,
发帖数: 1275
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天一手牌
preflop pocket 9, SB, bet $10
four caller. Flop Jc, 8c, 9d, I checked, one person bet $15, two caller, I
reraise to $30, that guy called, rest of them foled. Turn J, i push all-in $
130+, that guy called. Flop 8, WTF~~~
That guy has JK suited
Fricking piss me off~~~
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - weekend 打了点live poker
再来几个好的lay down.
hand 5)
I limp sb with K5o. 3 other limpers.
flop is 27K rainbow.
i check everyone check.
turn is a 9 i bet pot 10$ one caller and rest fold.
river is an A.
I check he bet 20$ i fold. he showed A2... weak tight 发飚,看sizing 就可以了
hand 6)
All limped pot i have AJ MP.
flop is A23 2 spade. BB lead 12$. i call 1 caller lp
turn is a 9 of dimond. BB bet 40$.
i quickly folded. LP folded. BB showed set of 3s..
soft live table, if you feel their sizing is sigificantly larger than norma
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - weekend 打了点live poker
limp.. suited non-suited 1 gaper, 2 gaper, A rag but don't falling love when
you hit something.(10 2o 还是muck 吧) Read their hand and value bet or just fold after flop. They normally have their cards writen on their face. You can't win much at live only playing premium hand.
I limp button 34o with 4 other player
flop 4410,
EP (fairly aggressive) lead 10$ one caller I call.
turn is a J
EP bet 25$ one call i call.
river is a K EP check caller check.
I check (should probably bet 30$ for v
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - test water in NL200 rush
It's pure bluff. you have to hit the nuts to continue, so I dont play SC as
you may flop something with SC and stick to it. Low pair and nothing is fine
. either: 1. take the pot before flop.2. hit the nuts 3.hit nothing and give
Once I hit the nuts with 55 and the guy cried with AA. I put a note on him
and never do it again...
Don't do it unless you carefully evaluate the stats of first caller, second
caller...dont c bet unless you have nuts...
发帖数: 457
(pic. provided by fryking, lol)
First briefly describe the course how I reach the final table. At the very
beginning of tourney, I got double up over someone’s donkey move. After
that, my AA 3 bet preflop, villain call and hit bottom two pairs, we went
all in and fortunately I catched higher two pairs at river and suck him out.
With 3X starting chips, I cruised all the way with healthy chips until
around 100 players remain when the blinds increase faster than the chips I
can accumulate. After my... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How will you play this hand? A live cash game
I dont miss it. my point is with limited hands played one session, hard to
come back if you have bad luck in one hand.
I have very very bad luck in live game, although I still win money from
there. here is several big pots I remember and I am very used to the the bad
beat but it happens to me so often.
lost AA to 32s 500+ pot pre all in
lost AA to AKo 500+ pot pre all in
lost KK to multi-ways, squezz $80 in btn and get 6 callers. pre-flop is
around 500, flop is J72 rb. push all in with rest of 2... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 感觉这手牌打错了
This is called scared money.
Fryking's live example.
2 12$ raise. he 3 bet to 50$ with pocket As. 1 caller. flop JJ8. Caller
check. What do you do?
fryking--all in 150$ (scared money)
FCF--45$, stack size is great to put in on turn~~
这就是区别~~~ way ahead way behind. If you fold any extra hand that you
beat with that push, you lose $$ over long run.
If you are never folding and the stack is relative shallow, you should slow
play your over pair and TPTK and put in your stack gradually instead of
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - tambufly是谁?
Lots of notes.. lol.. must be a regular. have a lot of history too
"10X 3 bet lp vs my mp riase 3X and i fold;
JJ check flop with over pair and bets turn and bets river 2/3 pot with over pair and call my 3X raise river over pair;
raise flop with flopped straight and call 3 bet and raise all in river flat preflop button with AQ;
call limp reraise utg and 2/3 pot when check to 4.5X and call 15X;
3.5X and fold to my 15X squeeze 1 caller;
flat button with pocket Js and call 14X squeeze and call flop... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 215
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 现场的三手牌,讨论下吧
昨天在Las vegas Venetian poker room, 2 am, 1/2 NL game 9人桌子.
大家都打的很疯狂,经常pre flop就3-bet raise,然后在flop和turn也很多action,
我是在BB,然后mp的人raise to 12, 有几个caller,SB也call. I have AA, 我加注到
65,这样fold到一个late position的美国guy,他想了好一会,然后call,这样就heads
开牌是 58T,两个黑桃8T,然后我看了一下,说all in,他又想了好一会儿,然后说
gamble吧(他大概有200左右剩下),I got him covered.
Turn is 2, river is 7. 他翻出黑桃 J9,straight. 激动的上蹿下跳的。
我想我也许在flop上 bet 1/2pot更好,这样turn上Push all-... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Just lost to one outer to the river in tourney
FTP Sunday mulligen.
raised 3x BB with 66, 2 caller. flop A 6 4. one caller has 44, all in on
the turn, 4 on the river.
lol. story of my life this week.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sick sick variance
From my experience, this game is all by fold equity. The less show down
wining, the better.
But my shoving gets called a lot, which is not good for me and the caller.
They shove on me, I hate to call them, but I just have the hand. I have to
call, but lose a ton.
Comparing my result on 20$ level, I do not encounter so many callers,(which means I can scoop the blinds without SD) and I do not need to handle so much shovers(, which means I do not need to call them).
At 35$ level, I have 25% 3rd fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how do KK fare in M-way preflop
no, the biggest problem with your "unconditional" calc is you're trying to
see your EV PREFLOP and BEFORE the hand is over. you're using a static model
with no more bettings. however, your remaining $100 and 4 callers are the
"conditions" in your "unconditional" calc.
i highly suggest you read alan's question and you'll see. a lot of
discussions on 2+2 too, actually the optimal number of callers is 8, not 9,
some math guy proved, but it's trival.
yes, if we got all-in preflop with KK, we want ev... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how do KK fare in M-way preflop
dude, are you really saying these 2 situations are the same???
1) KK, limp raised, vs. 4 callers, flop $100 into $150, first to act post
2) KK at BB, last one to act pre, vs. 2 callers, flop $100 into $63.
or put in this simpler way:
in 1), you have double enemies (4) with only half ammo (2/3 pot).
or in 2) you have half enemies (2) with double ammo (1.6 pot).
do you know how your winning %, equity and EV drop in these?
do you have the luxury to bet (not shove) in 1?
and i don't ev... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问2手牌 并求板砖
foxwoods 1/2 NL
刚坐下不久,赢了几个pot,形象有点凶,筹码300多,我MP with aces
preflop: limped to me, I raised to 12, 3 callers
flop: j-heart t-heart 3-offsuit,
EP donk bet 15, I thought a bit, raise to 45, one fold, the other pushed
allin with 120 or so chips, the EP guy folded and showed kjs
The allin guy froze, I tanked then called. His set of Js held.
same table, 我kk MP raise to 12, 3 callers again, including the donk bet/
fold guy
flop又是一个flush straight draw的 J high board,
我了个去的 那个人又donk bet 15刀
这次... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 274
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 两手牌
两手牌back to back
hero: tight, but don’t think villains know too much
villain, tight older guy, decent player and seems to be fairly
hero: TT, EP, villian bet $7, 1 caller and hero; (pot $21)
flop: KQ7 rainbow, all check,
turn: 9, hero $10, villain call, LP fold, (pot $41)
river: 2, hero check, villain $16, hero call (3.5:1 pot odds)
villain showed KK
villain, a young guy just sat down, i put him on a LAG, but later learnt he
’s pretty TAG
hero: QJo,
flop AJT rainbow, villian EP $1... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末在WV玩了(中)
1) AJs,LP, raise to $15, 2 limp callers.
flop: Jc5s6s, both check to me, bet $15 (打得有问题),MP check raises to $30
,i call, the other guy folds.
turn: Td or some blank. MP bets $30 (interesting), i shove $$110, he thinks
for a while and calls with As3s.
river: 4s, i got wiped out.
i ask him what if i come on top on flop, he says still he'd call most of
time with two cards coming.
2) re-load $200, a few hands later, pick up QQ at button, $20 into a limped
pot, UTG and MP call... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4210
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末在WV玩了(下)
This is soo true at WV. I only play 2/5 there, because of this reason.
Think about it, AAs preflop raise to $20 with 5 callers or perflop to 50
with maybe one caller. huge difference.
发帖数: 364
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家谈谈自己最好的bluff把
朋友间的home game,彼此都比熟悉的。
10c/20c game.
我button 97 hearts, raise to 80c.
about 3 or 4 callers.
flop Q63, Q6 HEARTS.
check to me. i bet 2.2, one caller.
turn J, NO FLUSH.
check to me. I BET 3.8. GET CALLED AGAIN.
he lead out bet 6.5.
I called with 9 high.
he instant muck. I showed him 97.
he said unbelievable call, and told me he had 45.

发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - [合集] 大家谈谈自己最好的bluff把
player (Hope is the best thing) 于 (Sun Nov 13 17:40:20 2011, 美东) 提到:
大家说说自己得意的bluff,要把bluff 的思路讲清楚。 然后大家投票,得票最多者
奖励30 个包子。
当然,也后也可以讲best laydown,best thin value bet 一类,但俺觉得还是best
bluff 最刺激。
nanpa (nanpa) 于 (Sun Nov 13 18:11:42 2011, 美东) 提到:
算不上最好的bluff,但还是很刺激,上周末的home game, 1/2
EP, raise to $7,CO call, button call,
hero SM 35o
$7 在这个桌上是个比较小的raise,后面两个limp应该也只是中/小对或SC之类的牌... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 和swthreefour打了半天
UTG,limp with Ah2h,各对手情况不明,3个limpers,SB raises to $12,i call,
others fold.
flop: As2s5h
SB c-bets $18, i pop up to $55, he calls.
turn: 4d
SB shoves $130, he and i both buy in for $200, so we have exacly same stack.
i have a hard time believing he has A3/A4 alike, so i call. he turns over
AKo, or my best customer.
river: K, all right.
然后就寂静了N圈,中间有把搞的,UTG raises to $17, UTG+1 calls, LP (a super
tight asian so far) instantly pops ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - what is the best play?
K2o at BB, family limped pot.
flop: 522 rainbow.
lead $10 into a $18 pot, 2 callers, and LP (TAG) raises to $60.
i got $200 left, 2 callers ~$150, TAG covers us by a little.
发帖数: 26
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新人冒泡 with 2 hands
Two hands to share. Online 0.05/0.10 game. Anonymous table, no HUD
1. I had a history with the villain. The first hand after I joined the table
, villain was UTG+2 raise with 3 blind. One caller at MP. I had 99 at CO and
squeezed. All folded and villain mini re-raise. All folded to me, I went
all in and he called. He had KK and get sucked out by me with river 9. He
immediately reloaded.
Here come with the hand after 2, 3 rounds. Again he raise at UTG+2. All fold
to me with same 99 and I called. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share a few hands played yesterday
1/2 game at harrah's chester. These hands are more for entertaining purpose,
therefore I will share the hole cards with you as well.
Hand 1: I started this hand with $130ish. UTG straddled. One old guy called
at MP, all folded to me and I called on BB with 45c. UTG then made it $22 to
go, both of the old guy and myself called. Flop was 347r with 7c. UTG c-
betted $40 and the old guy quickly called. I had a middle pair, a gutter,
and a backdoor flush draw. Based on the way played, I put both of t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一千里路云和月之12/23/11
关键字:poker god.
A8 vs. A6 on A826的turn,bet/raise big, river 6, shit,$250没了。
*********** 严重miss value的一把:
Qd2d at BB in limped pot, flop: Kd8d7d
bet $10, 2 callers, one loose black guy raises to $40 (we each have $400+
turn: blank, check/check
river: Ad (shit), bet $65, black guy shakes his head with sucked out face,
finally calls with 5d9d.
********** 接下来一把更靠:
一个reg老爷爷UTG $15,老爷爷一个小时了也没有preflop raise过,隔壁女“加热器
”chip le... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Q5s问题牌
1/2NL, $300 stack.
Qc5c at UTG, open for $12, 2 callers.
flop: Q84 rainbow
c-bet $20, one MP caller only, he's a loose guy so far (for all my last half
hour at this table). he smooth calls.
turn: K (no backdoor flush draw).
i bet $25, and he tanks for a sec and pops up to $80. i doubt if that K
really helps him in anyway that could be worth such a raise, so i choose to
river: 3
i check, he tanks again and bets $152, or almost puts me all-in.
my hand has value but what should i do here? or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1691
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2012 Session 1, lost $600
2012 Session 1, 01-06-2012 Lost $600 (3 buyin). 8PM ~ 1AM
Game: 1/3 with 10 players; Location: Poker Club at NYC with many LAGs.
Hand 1: (Bad luck. Lost first buyin)
AcJc at MP raised to $15 (~$180 left). 2 callers, including BB with similar
stack, a weak (tight but unreasonable randomly passive or aggressive) female
Flop was perfectly 7c 8c Qc. I checked. BB bet $31. I re-raise to $75. She
shipped... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2012 Session 1, lost $600
Holy crap, Ed miller asked players to commit 100bb with TPTK in most cases?
Glad I didn't read his book.
Hand 2, straddlled $20, 5 callers, including you, basically a juiced limp
pot. TPTK would be such a marginal hand even on a normal table, not to
mention a LAG table on which players could have many holding. Q8, 68 is just
too normal hands LAG like to play, not to mention multiple sets.
Had it was heads-up, say you raised ($90-$100) in EP with the same hand,
with one caller, then you can feel ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 而今迈步从头越之1/8/2012
俺怯怯的,“charles town”
“charles town干甚?”
点points(ft, WV point又不会转来俺们州),不服上庭(嗯,倒是可以再理所当然的来
后来可能觉得这么打击一个外州大叔不妥,呲牙一笑,"good luck at the race track
我靠,TNND,还没玩呢,就先在你这bad beat了,靠靠靠靠!哥给你们鸟不拉屎的WV
上桌,气尤未消,兵家大忌,稀里糊涂,在没有大牌,没有bad beat,没有不服的三无
奇特状态下,2小时输了$400,郁闷加苦闷等于什么?摸出第三个$200 buy-in,输光准
$5 straddle,一堆limpers,一个LAG棒子在BTN raises to $30,哥一看牌,QQ,$200
不伦不类的stack,cal... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 44
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有图有真相,嘿嘿
昨天好不容易在不考试和作业完成的空隙中开去STL,准备试试lumiere place而不是
harrah's了。harrah's打的太慢。感谢superbobo推荐的文章,AJ too weak to 4-bet
,all in人家也call了: AdJd preflop UTG+2, 白人小哥 BUTTON, raise to 1500(
200/400 no cash value),call. flop: Kd Qd 8s. str and flush draw. 白人小哥
raise 2000,call. turn 6c. 小哥raise 2500,call. river: 10d. First time since
playing poker!! 我all in showing nuts or nothing. 不知道这里没有position到
底该怎么... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more live hands
2-5 NL.

A new young white kid just sat down at table and started the hand with
about 750$,I got him covered. He raised to 25 UTG, two callers, I was at SB
with QQ and I reraised to 120$, UTG snap shoved, 2 callers folded, action
to me, call or fold?
2. Villian is an internet kid and used to play a lot online. he is super
lag He raised preflop a ton and 3 bet a ton preflop. And he loves to make
a lot of move and 3 barrel bluff a lot. he is winning player though, with
huge swing. we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Am I a donkey?
FT, shhhhh, could you just keep your voice lower???
1) hand 1:
black 99 at LP, 3 limpers, i raise to $11, all call + BB.
flop: Qs8dTc, very shitty one for my holding in 5-way, even with position.
all check to me, i don't think i can take it down here with a c-bet, so i
turn: 9d
it hits me but also a ton of other hands, all still check to me, i still
river: Td
BB (a short stack) leads out $35 (with ~$20 left), tight ABC lady calls, i
shove $170. BB snap calls, lady tables KJo or tur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 233
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Am I a donkey?
I had similar beat a few times Friday night as well.
hand 1:
Hero: cutoff with 99
6 way limp
floped: A95r
checked to me, I bet $20, two caller, EP and MP
turn 3, I bet $30 against $72 pot, EP called
river T, checked to me, I bet $50, was check/raised by EP
EP showed TT
hand 2:
hero: btn with 33
5 way limp
floped KT3r, I was already counting my money...
EP bet $10, two caller before me, I raised to $30, EP called, all other
turn: T
EP check, I bet $40, called by EP
River: K
EP bet $50, I ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1175
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一手牌,what to do?
Hero at 2/3/5NL table BB with about 1100, villain is UTG with about 1600, we cover the
rest of the table. I raised to 40 with 66, 4 callers including villain.
Flop: 9s9c6c
I checked, villain bet 75, one caller, I made it 250, villain calls and the other guy fold.
Turn: 7c
I bet 150, villain calls.
I check, villain bet 300. What should I do?
发帖数: 385
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚的几首牌
昨晚去离家一个小时的一个小赌场玩了一会,从6点打到11点,up $240...
刚开始的时候牌不好,最好的牌是QTo, hit到nut straight 还是跟别人split pot.
然后8点多的时候来了一个maniac 1, 基本上只要是top pair, 或者是on draw的牌都是
直接shove. 这位哥们在short stack ($100)被清了几次后,开始转运,hit到set,赢
了$100多,拿到一把A5s,flop 55Q5K,结果在他river bet $30后,一位哥们头脑发热
all in,结果他snap call,double up to $350左右。
此后,来了另外一个maniac 2 (长相酷似t-bag),此君pre-flop把把raise (从7到20
一手牌 maniac 2 preflop raise $7, 我左边一位哥们raise到$20,maniac 2 想了一会
call, flop comes AA2, maniac 2 lead out for $20, original raiser s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 77 on flop
77 at MP, UTG straddles $10, one caller, i call, short stack shoves $40, 3
callers + UTG (yeah, i know, it's loooose WV table), i call.
flop: 8c2c3d
UTG checks to me, what to do? i have $250 left, 3 guys (normal, tend to be
weak) act after me + UTG (a wild loose guy).
发帖数: 10
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sometimes it's ok to go crazy
FT, same IDs, why u always rock and i always suck!
AKo at MP, stradeller puts $5, 1 caller, i call with AKo, a new but short
guy raises to $15 (he did this a few times after me already), 3 more callers
, UTG calls, limper calls.
great, $100+ in the pot now, and short guy only has $100 left anyway... i
pop up to $100, shorty hesitates and calls, all fold (see? i even have a
rock image!!!)
flop: 552, beautiful and sexy!
turn: 8
river: Q
he got 89o!

发帖数: 233
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 被魚咬了
I went to winstar again this Saturday and was doing well in my game (1-2UL)
most of the time. I had about $800+ chips infront of me after 6 hours. Then
an Iranian came to the table. He didn't seem to know how to play, at least
not in "regular" level. I tried to pull a trick on him, and here comes the
hand 1:
Villian: raised to $12 preflop
hero called with 99
3 other callers
flopped: AT3o
villian bet $20
hero raised $40 on top of $20
villian called raise with QQ with only $15 left. he ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 357
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 打poker最郁闷的事情不是bad beat
是啊,这就是我昨天打得一手牌,I raise 3bb from button Qc 9h, 150BB behind,
1 caller, caller的image是tight-passive 100BB behind, 所以我一开始就想好了要
bluff, flop 3c 7c Tc, he check, I over bet 8bb, he calls, 我想他可能是
tripped 3/7s 或者是flush draw, turn is 4d, he check again, I bet 15BB, he
calls, 我觉得他肯定是flush draw了,river is 2h, he check, I shove, he calls
and shows Kc Js, 我的猜测到是不错,但是怎么也没想到他居然能把我看得这么透。
发帖数: 1175
某天玩20/40 limit,我是chip leader with a "crazy" image. Raised with Qd10d
on button, 3 callers, fourth guy made it a 3-bet, 2 more callers, I capped
it and now everybody called. Flop Kc2c3h. Someone bet and I raised and 2
folders. Turn 5s. Everyone checked to me and I bet. 2 more folders. River
4s. I instantly bet another 8 chips. Both players tanked a bit and mucked
their hands. I showed off my Q10. The last two guys claimed to have KQ and
1010s and said they were sure I made a straight on the riv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 hands that i am not so sure
low level live 1/2 FullRing, one guy with 80/60 stats, table is kinda loose,
but ppl like to flat call preflop raise. Usually chase flop cbet with weak
linked hand then gave up on turn 2nd barrel a lot. Not much bluff being
showed. Hero with a tight image, just sat down and lost a 200bb pot to the
the line was
hero with ats(CO) limp/call aggro(btn) raise, headsup
flop 889r, hero bet 1/2, aggro call
turn q,backdoor flush draw for hero, hero bet 1/2, aggro call
river 3, hero hit nut ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 帖手牌, 求建议.
昨天去了parx. parx 的1$/2$ 真心的不错. 300$ max buy in. 大部分人都是max
buying. 几个回合, 就都深筹码了. 和有些地方的small buyin 2/5 有的一比.
这手牌里有3个人. some history
Hero, at MP. aggressive. raise often vs limpers big around 15-17$ from
lateposition and blinds. Had a hand vs utg in this hand (Asian guy) earlier.
Asian guy raised from MP 12$, I called with J10o at bb. 1 limper called
flop QJ3r, asian guy bet 20$ I called
turn was 6 and put a back door flush draw on the board.
i donked 40$ with second pair. he called.
river was anoth... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 274
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 好久没贴啦
一开始一桌weak tight老头
4 limpers, btn 79o raise to 10$, 一老头怀疑的看了我一眼,靠。
flop a93r, c-bet, 15$,老头怀疑的看了我第二眼,靠。
turn 9, 25$; river blank, all in 45$, 老头aq升天。
6 limpers,qko MP,
flop k75hhx, check到我左手lag $13, 2 callers,想想q应该够了。$50 on top。lag
很不情愿的fold了,lp fold,sb instant all in $30+ on top。call。
SB k7,这么wet的board到你还不raise,脑残哥在我身上du。
EP:AA,赫赫赫,大哥我来了。limp,大哥不负众望$12,2 callers,干到$52。大哥想
flop: A62r。大哥其实是打的不错的人,所以要value只能induce bl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 两个月没打牌了
呵呵,昨天打了一点1/2,还不错,就输了一把,QQ flopped top set,让毛驴伊朗医
生river给gutshot broadway suck out了,不过也扯平,之前俺AsQs,在QJxxA,搞死
几把key hands:
1) Q6s,flopped trash top 2, check raise big against donk doctor, he calls,
turn 4 with a backdoor flush draw, i shove $150 he snap calls, river
completes flush, damn, but he holds Q4.
2) AA, UTG, small bet $10, doctor raises to $20, 2 callers, i decide to play
tricky once, flat call.
flop J83 rainbow, i check, doctor bets $40, all fold to me, i donk shove $
300... counti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-27-13
4篇日记写下来,bankroll down了将近1k哈,今天又down 400,降级就在眼前,哥实在
1 4k 11 + 10
2 3k 60 + 55 + 55
3 3k 44 + 40
4 5k 11 + 11 + 11 + 11
5 10k 60
6 4k 33
1) AA win 100bb against JJ on QT2r 3bet flop. Villain is marked as overplay
fish. UTG limp, UTG+1 limp, MP min raise 2bb, BUTTON call, SB call, hero on
BB with KK pot size squeeze 12bb, MP flat, BUTTON flat, flop 456r, BUTTON
shove his rest 2x... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问两手牌
应该下去点,且flop的时候spr就相对短,基本上就可以pull the trigger。
的人,最好提高preflop raise的size,postflop还是得看对手风格和牌面加位置。
Just my 2 c
发帖数: 78
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问两手牌
第一手牌:三个caller ahead,我一般的处理方法就是在我本来的raise上再加三个BB
,这么算即使是准备min raise现在也要加到500,我跟d神观点一样,大概会加到600。
如果没人reraise我那就基本不考虑AA KK了flop那样的board基本上我就直接推了。
第二手牌:你在SB位有2 callers,我假设要么是2 limpers ahead,要么是1 limper 1
BB。不管哪种情况我都基本上加到500然后flop shove。当然也有可能我preflop会直
接shove,看table image。我觉得第二手牌我打的话一样会输给那个QJ,所以同等大神
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 可遇然不可求
然后这把,Kh7h跟在后面call了四个人的$12,flop all low, 2 hearts,UTG bets $
60,一看就剩130了,无脑推,turn Jh赢了,老墨很气愤的亮出KK,哦,原来俺outs没
未久,老墨又是EP opens $17, 3 callers, loose table,哥SB,认真看了看红AA,慎
重考虑了看flop的风险,raise to $81,老墨显然还有气,all-in $400,其他人识趣
UTG,哥一看一对JJ,太弱了,limp,MP raises to $10, 3 callers,哥看odds正好
flop有... 阅读全帖
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