
全部话题 - 话题: mistaked
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发帖数: 18403
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 220游行:规矩+口号+建议 (转载)
1. 对受害者家人要极度尊重,表示理解和哀伤。骂不还口。
理解受害者家人的悲伤,鼓励受害者抓出真正的Guilty Party:
2. 对”汉奸“的人也要尊重,不应该肆意辱骂。
台湾人。 对华人异己要尊重,才能有可能团结。
3. 不要涉及黑白矛盾。不应该要求給老中COP有特权,
Slogans: Boston的SLOGANS很好。
"Tragedy, Not Felony"
"Scapegoating Can't Bring Pe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3464
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: sandvik (注册商标), 信区: Military
标 题: 印度博后暗中破坏组员的实验半年终于被捕(图)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 24 17:14:44 2010, 美东)
Vipul Bhrigu,Toledo大学的博士,到Univ of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer
Center做博后。从09年12月开始“细致而系统”的暗中破坏同组博士女生Heather Ames
Vip... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 94
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: zhaowendao (嘁哩喀喳:基督教是邪教!), 信区: Military
标 题: “圣灵”的果子:67岁牧师性侵犯8岁女童!!! (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 14 17:26:20 2013, 美东)
发信人: zhaowendao (嘁哩喀喳:基督教是邪教!), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: “圣灵”的果子:67岁牧师性侵犯8岁女童!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 14 16:55:09 2013, 美东)
HOUSTON—A Houston pastor is accused of sexually abusing a 9-year-old girl
in his congregation. Romulo Jimenez, 67, is jailed and charged with
continuous sexual ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 65
来自主题: WashingtonDC版 - 大中华(Rockville)服务太差

Seriously, I don't know the answer to your question. HMart has not made a
single mistake on my purchase yet, although I have been shopping there for 2
years. I haven't shopped at Safeway as their locations are not convenient
to me. Harris Teeter refunded me money immediately when they made
mistakes a couple of time. I used to shop at Kroger in another state. They
gave whichever item for free when they made a mistake on that. Not sure
whether it is specific to that location or those year... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5665
What bothers me so much about this year's MVP coronation of "The Derrick
Rose Story" is not so much that it's a mistake -- we've had bad award votes
before and will have them again -- but that it's the same mistake, for the
fifth time in 11 years.
This is an inherent risk in the MVP selection process. When you ask people
whose life's work is to seek out and tell great stories to vote on this
award, we shouldn't be surprised when they turn out to vote for the best
story rather than the playe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 648
来自主题: Basketball版 - [zz] Is J Lin for real? (espn)
So what gives? How does Jeremy Lin go from getting cut by two mediocre clubs
-- the Golden State Warriors and Houston Rockets, to starring on one of the
league's biggest stages, all within a period of three months?
To find out, we asked some of the league's talent evaluators and here's how
they explained the 6-foot-3 Harvard grad's ascension from undrafted D-
Leaguer to New York Knicks energizer. Lin, who was beaten out by Goran
Dragic and Jonny Flynn for Houston's backup point guard spot in Dec... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2436
So what gives? How does Jeremy Lin go from getting cut by two mediocre clubs
-- the Golden State Warriors and Houston Rockets, to starring on one of the
league's biggest stages, all within a period of three months?
To find out, we asked some of the league's talent evaluators and here's how
they explained the 6-foot-3 Harvard grad's ascension from undrafted D-
Leaguer to New York Knicks energizer. Lin, who was beaten out by Goran
Dra... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 113
Support lz,
See what Forbes says,
ESPN Uses "Chink in the Armor" Line Twice-- Did Linsanity Just Go Racist?
72 comments, 12 called-out + Comment now
Linsanity just jumped the shark with the ESPN mobile website using the
headline a “Chink in the Armor” to refer to the Knick’s loss to the
Hornets. This came on the heels of an ESPN commentator* making the same
comment on-air Friday night.
Time Magazine Picks Jeremy Lin For Cover Af... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 35
Lin fell into Celtics’ trap to pick up early fouls. But he did great in the
second quarter to help Knicks get a 12 points lead. His passes totally
destroyed Celtics defense. In third quarter, Celtics changed defense
strategy, so Knicks could not score in the paint area, and Knicks could not
score. D’antoni didn’t make the adjustment fast enough. He wasted 2/3 of
the third quarter to give Celtics a 8 point lead. Fortunately he realized
his mistake at fourth quarter, by put Landry and Chandler on ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 385
来自主题: Basketball版 - 看到动不动攻击勒布朗走步
You just demonstrated you have no logic.
I only said LBJ is like a thief. I never said others are.
Everybody makes mistake, but what differentiates a criminal and a good
person who had made mistakes is how big the mistake was and how often it had
been made.
Go fix your mental problem, man.
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: Basketball版 - 看到动不动攻击勒布朗走步
So if a mistake is made many times,it then become a criminal?
Everyone make mistakes. The one make most mistakes become a criminal?
You have no logic nor common sense.
What a joke.
If you want to discuss this further, I will transfer your post to joke
board and let people there discuss it.

发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - sharp up ur bridge skill
This isn't quite true. Mistake has different meanings to different levels of
players. If a top player misses a somewhat obvious squeeze, it certainly is a
mistake. There's nothing mysterious about squeeze. It will occur at least once
per session in a decent game.
Wang's play might look like a mistake to you, and as so common in these days,
it's classified as bad luck. But it shoud not be. I don't know where you got
it that he based his play on bidding. There's absolutely nothing in the
bidding t
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - 浪费自己的好首攻
Low-percentage play is basically just wrong play. It has a chance to succeed
, but the chance is not good. Just like, if you are declarer and you have
JT9x in your hand, AQxx in dummy, your percentage play is to finesse. If you
just play to A, it is not no-win play, you may drop singleton K, but it is
wrong to play like that, unless you have extra information to suspect
singleton K behind.
Of course we all make mistakes, but a mistake is still a mistake, not
something "unlucky".
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - 石淼的庄
He must have pulled the wrong card -- no win play
He took a sub-optimal line -- gross mistake
He took an unusual view -- big mistake
He took a view -- mistake
发帖数: 642
来自主题: Bridge版 - 实战6NT
Nice analysis. I think your plan is better than what I did, although I made
it due to stupid defense mistake :)
I continued D, with east discarding a H. So there were only 4 D tricks. I
cashed one more D, discarding H in hand, while east discarded another H.
Then I went to similar approach as your plan 3, trying to drop any of ST or
SQ, or 3-3, but found east holding QT fifth (he did not pitch any on D!).
Now it seemed to me the only chance was C3-3 and Q onside. But west won CQ,
but returned C ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1620
来自主题: Fishing版 - 我係黎撐小林既!
苦呀? 講返件事,唔好理邊個真邊個假, 呢個交易都係你情我願, 明明係苦主既
mistake,講真人地退返錢俾你就係人情,唔退亦都係道理. 我係做銀行既,所以我對錢既
野特別小心. 銀行既員工,都試過俾多錢出去,客人出左門口係99%唔會返黎. 就算你同
客人argue. 你就算有哂證據又點呀? 明明係自己既mistake,你自己應該係要負責. 就
发帖数: 10477
眼红了?其实,Robot才是骨哥最忠实的粉丝,忠实地记下他的每一个字母。 比如:
发信人: GIML (24/7), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 以和谐观,发展观看待文革
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 31 18:04:57 2012, 美东)
发信人: GoooG (pumpkin), 信区: Military
标 题: 以和谐观,发展观看待文革
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 31 17:30:20 2012, 美东)
To err is to be human.
Mao did make big mistakes in his old age.
But we must view his mistakes in hormonious and developmental view.
1) hormonious view
No matter how big his mistakes were, Mao and his followers love China and
CCP. We must ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10477
眼红了?其实,Robot才是骨哥最忠实的粉丝,忠实地记下他的每一个字母。 比如:
发信人: GIML (24/7), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 以和谐观,发展观看待文革
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 31 18:04:57 2012, 美东)
发信人: GoooG (pumpkin), 信区: Military
标 题: 以和谐观,发展观看待文革
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 31 17:30:20 2012, 美东)
To err is to be human.
Mao did make big mistakes in his old age.
But we must view his mistakes in hormonious and developmental view.
1) hormonious view
No matter how big his mistakes were, Mao and his followers love China and
CCP. We must ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2000
【 以下文字转载自 Mathematics 讨论区 】
发信人: guinea (猪猪), 信区: Mathematics
标 题: 田刚抄袭最新证据(唐纳尔森教授撰文)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 20 21:06:17 2013, 美东)
Xiuxiong Chen, Simon Donaldson, Song Sun
September 19, 2013
Gang Tian has made claims to credit for these results. The purpose of this
document is to rebut these claims on the grounds of originality, priority
and correctness of the mathematical arguments. We acknowledge Tian's many
contributio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1275
来自主题: Football版 - Re: Eagles Defense
well, make them go the length of the field. play field position. and wait for
them to make mistakes under pressure. the game turned out exactly as planned.
why do you think vikings made the mistakes? would they have made the mistakes
w/o the constant pressure? if you let him throw deep randy moss will kill the
two young corners
ultimately what mattered was that the eagles DL was able to stop the run,
which afforded eagles to help those 2 CBs with dawkins and mike lewis.
i guess in that sense it
发帖数: 347
The game with 49ers is totally different from the one with Packers. It was
not a shootout, but it tells you how football is so close to a war. Very
good defense from both sides turned the stadium into a meat grinder. Yes, a
meat grinder. Nobody wanted to retreat, nobody knew who would win and the
injury would be just a matter of time. It was hard to have jubilant feeling
once the game is over, rather, the exhaustion prevailed for the whole night.
This year, Eli is completely different. He was no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 229
making mistakes in controversial calls != downright incompetence. I am not
referring just to the last play last night but what's going on in the first
three weeks as a whole.
Of coz I know Hochuli and he makes mistakes too. But you also have to know
the fact he has officiated numerous games and is one of the most respected
referees. your statment (ed hochulli makes mistakes -> he's also incompetent
and cannot be better than the replacements) is totally illogical
发帖数: 6388
Bill Belichick was in rare form on Friday.
Belichick was asked what it takes for a player, like running back Stevan
Ridley, to get benched for making too many mental errors. Ridley was benched
for two games after fumbling three straight weeks.
“Everybody has to understand that there’s a below-the-line level,”
Belichick said. “When it’s below the line, we can’t live with it. It
hurts the team. Now, we’re all going to make mistakes, a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9375
赛前对发空的建议在这里 作个回顾 和其他一些观后感
"开打前 不要怯场"
-- 这没完全说对 发空是在下半场占大优势的时候开始不知进退
-- 这说的是指挥上决定上的思维错误
除了已经很多讨论的马软那两次叫传 还有另外两个mental mistakes:
1. 拍子在第四节有两次KO
如果我没看错 发空的部队布置都是重点防溜边球
发空的压阵球员很狼狈的要折回底线去接 两次都在10码左右被按倒
2. 第四节里 play selections另说
发空有多少次是在play clock还剩12秒, 15秒的时候开球啊
我当时就觉得很不妙: 你丫猴急个啥!!??
EXCATLY, 这就是我说的"自己犯傻 自残"
-- 说对了 (again, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 126
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1200]OT[25/720 Canadian]
PW[WhiteRawr]PB[taka4]WR[7d]BR[6d]DT[2012-03-10]PC[The KGS Go Server at]C[WhiteRawr [7d\]: hi
;B[qd]BL[1195.681]C[WhiteRawr [7d\]: gl hf!
;W[dc]WL[1196.447]C[taka4 [6d\]: hi
;W[ro]WL[1160.098]C[eva... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7297
昨天那篇批评D教练的文章显然引起粉丝的强烈反响 以下就是一位粉丝写给Adam的信 看了很好笑
Adam - That was a cheap shot. I hope you enjoy the front page of ESPN. Why
would you write something like that? Your opinion of agreeing or
disagreeing is fine. The cheap shots are not. This is not Jim Rome is
burning, or around the horn. This is college, and students are going to
make mistakes at all schools. Are you really going to insult the alumni
and fans who read your articles day in and day out every time something
like this happens? Dantoni... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1077
Maybe the most remarkable thing about Tim Tebow at UF? He was keeping Cam
Newton on the bench.
Cameron Newton played Saturday -- and that was the story of the day. The
fact that Newton was brilliant -- running for 151 yards and two TDs while
throwing for 148 more and two other TDs against the Georgia Bulldogs after
one of the most drama-filled weeks any college player can have -- actually
isn't surprising at all.
Newton is a fantastic talent. We all know that by now. Oh, maybe ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1449
来自主题: NCAA版 - JoePa去世一年了

I am puzzled by the very harsh words some ppl left here. Did he make a
terrible mistake? Absolutely; Is he pure evil? I don't think so. He paid for
his mistake with his legacy wiped out and his death, without a chance to
defend himself so we don't know exactly what he knew and to what extent he
know. To the minimum, is he a lesser evil than you know who? Do all the
good things he had done in 50 years before that at least proves his heart
was not all dark inside?
Again, JoePa was a good man mad... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
4 o’clock, I woke up 5 minutes before the alarm went off. After a light
breakfast of 1.5 bagels and a can of congee, my wife drove me to downtown
where the shuttle stop is. There was very little traffic around 5 even if
this is a big race. I arrived at the start line around 5:30.
The weather was perfect, low 50's with a layer of thin clouds. I was hoping
that the clouds would stay for the whole morning. It was a little chilly
even with long sleeves on. So I wrapped myself in the trash bag I'd br... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1114
Sun Yang had taken the heart medication since 2008. The med was listed as an
illegal drug in 2014 by international swimming association. Sun’s coach
failed to inform him. The international swimming association has accepted
the fact that Sun’s incident was actually an accident caused by mistake;
nevertheless, Chinese sports authority had banned Sun Yang for three months;
however, the international swimming association has taken the med off the
illegal drug list since 2015. I am sure Mack know the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5829
来自主题: Tennis版 - 奔双打两个 set
en, this is a life time one mistake
he did not make mistake yet, gd luck for playing same way and never have
such mistake made!

: never played in 4.5 league. lol.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Pregame routine
nod, the right attitude and focus to play one's Ace game is the key.
poker is about 3 things:
1) who makes fewer mistakes or put it another way, who makes better
decisions consistently;
2) luck;
3) who has more experience in playing metagame.
losing a game is fine, but losing a game by big mistakes is bad, ever worse,
losing a game without serious review about what happened. ppl tend to make
routine mistakes, sometimes we got lucky and feel like "hey, i play it
perfectly" or "so what? my lucky d
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - What a hand in WSOP 2009! I can't believe it.
I think that hand is just so stupid, that guy must regret that hand in the
hotel right now.
He will remember that hand for the rest of his life, pretty sure about it.
He just loses his mind. Considering he is a strong player, he should let
that hand go, but because of some unknown reason, he makes such huge mistake.
Just like last year, one guy goes out as 14th, he makes a huge mistake
against philps, and get busted. He should remember that hand for rest of his
life. Just ridiculous mistake.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - hand review
I don't know how this started. 不过我向来是对事不对人。。 i always admit
mistake when i make it in playing. You can see i admit I made mistakes a few
times in this thread that my call all in is terrible.. but i also state my
opinion when i disagree. It is a process of improving to me. I post to see
my mistake and improve not to show i am better than anyone.. but if you
come in with insult and not helpful in discussion, honestly, i won't be nice
to you no matter you are phil Ivey or david chiu...
you start y
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - MSOP 2010 Event 21战报(5/1/2010) PLO
should say first 3, sorry for the mis-leading.
yep. The HU of PLO is very exciting, since it has high variance in it.
Pretty sure both of us make huge mistakes. Sounds to me, if you play tag
style, you will not make huge mistakes. However, it is unavoidable to make a
ton of big mistakes for noobs like us.
Nice game.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - (转载)Avoiding trouble(Ed Miller)
i think your boss' hand is quite different from what's mentioned in this
article (most of them are just off suit TPWK hands).
in live 1/2NL, $25 is a big bet, but not really in the "12x" sense, just
like a "standard" 3x or 4x is nothing in this game.
so the real question becomes: is it ok to call with his KQs for something
between 4x and 12x, let's say 8x? may be ok, right?
so actually the biggest problem is his position, not that much of a mistake
with his hand.
the flop is perfect for his hand... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Finally find the post by YJJ
I have two goals. 1) win WSOP package. It did not happen.
2) Win a MTT. I mean win it not just at final table. I had a few final
But either made mistakes or go for deal. Have not happened yet. But one
to try. Might MiniFTOP is place to go.
Last weekend, at one final table made silly mistake wtice. Call allin from
short stack TWICE. 1) raise 2.4BB at CO w/ A8s and call allin from SB (1/4
chip). SB had JJ and held. 2) SB limpin and BB/I raise to 3BB. SB allin (1/3
chip), I tank(I kno... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2182
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 20/40 40/80 limit 经验谈
good, add some salt,
in limit, you win from accumulative mistakes from your opponent, in no limit
, most time, you win from key mistakes from your opponent. in no limit, you
can make mistakes to trick your opponent in order for them to make key mist
ake later.
limit is science, while no limit is art

发帖数: 528
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 母亲节 拉斯维加斯 Trip Report
My LP is always searching for your posts on this board - there was a fake
you going around a while ago and earlier in the MPT #11 thread on the first
page you had a different avatar than the picture you use in this post and
Pages 2-6, so my LP was very confused she thought the fake you returned!
But it seems like you are just using a different picture or something.
Most 8-16 games is still low enough stakes that people chase hardcore.
Swings are huge when people chase. It's not so much you wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 24 left in WSOP 2012
I was following the main event final tables yesterday, and got stunned by
how bad these finalists are. I dont want to be too arrogant but I have to
say that half of them do not know how to play short-stacked final tables.
Hand 1:
X raised to 2BBs from MP. Y 3-bet to 4.5 BBs from button. X called. heads up
. X got 53 BBs stack. Y got him covered.
Flop 689 rainbow. check check. Pot: 10BBs.
Turn: J. Board is 689J now. X fired 5BBs. Y called.
River: 5. Board is 689J5 now. No flush possible. X tanked... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - micro stake satellite MTT bubble question
I can give another piece of trick.
When you play MTT satellite, you'd better stay off trouble by waitting,
because there are plenty of chances other ppl will make the huge mistake,
and you will benefit from it.
When it is a 9 man sng format satellite(top 3 get paid), you still need be
patient, because when you make the mistake, the remaining two guy uninvolved
will get the equity boost. You'd better choose to shove than call, this is
pretty much the best weapon.
When it is a 6 man format satelli... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
I have mixed feeling.
Playing a stack too deep really put a lot of pressure on decision making.
One single mistake now cost a lot and one unlucky hand can break a winning
session set you back beginning of the day.
Like I said, the more money you have on the table, the more risk you are
exposed. It is a double edge sword. We see all the time in tournament chip
leader didn't even make the final table because of couple unlucky hands or
bad mistakes. But in tournament you don't have choice. You have... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 611
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - To gamble or not to gamble
If you view A7s limped in was a mistake, then the dream flop was a chance to
make up your limp mistake. Fold here was another a huge mistake. You were
favorite on the flop, but you just gave up your equity. Yes, drawing hand
50% or 60% of time couldn't make it. But a made one with big pot can
compensate your previous missed ones.

发帖数: 52
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 列个提纲 看有没有时间
我觉得只要不make mistake,不管结局怎么样都可以。昨天在local的poker room拿了
背景:final table,5 left, 4th position, 第五的那个人very short,可以忽略
chip leader 大概 13万筹码,我大概4.5万,其他两人的筹码跟我差不多。
Hand 1:
Hero in BB hold AJo again.
everybody fold and SB raise to 8k. SB is a loose player opens wide has 20k
chips more than Hero.
Hero called.
Folded 2d8dJs.
SB shoved all in.
Hero tried to put him on a hand like 88+, AQo+. I think there is about 40%
equity to call at that time.
Hero called. SB shows... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 52
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 列个提纲 看有没有时间
我觉得只要不make mistake,不管结局怎么样都可以。昨天在local的poker room拿了
Payout: 1st about 600, 2nd about 400, 3rd 200. 50 buy-in.
Hand 1:
背景:final table,6 left, 5th position, 第6的那个人very short,可以忽略
chip leader 大概 13万筹码,2nd chip leader 9万, 我大概4.5万,其他两人的筹码
BB: 4k.
Hero in BB hold AJo.
everybody fold and SB raise to 8k. SB是2nd chip leader.
Hero called.
Folded 2d8dJs.
SB shoved all in.我觉得意图就是让我fold.
Hero tried to put him on a hand like 88+, AQo+. I think there i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9684
I am just saying I have learnt in US, having a few English mistakes here and
there is not a big deal, because there are many people who speak poor
English (spelling, grammar, accent) from other countries still surviving and
living happily here. People even laughed at George W Bush's mistakes when
he gave the speech, but so what? He still became the president and stayed
there for eight years.
Speaking poor English, in this country, doens't necessarily lead you to a
loser's life. So I won't go cri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 31446
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 《情书》四则点评
Published on May 9, 2013
海龜先生 - YOUNG (2012)
Sometimes everything is crazy
Give a name go ahead with us
Well we dance all night
Face to face
You are not lonely this time
Give a name go ahead with us
Well we sing a song
I will find the one who is so neat
It's all right it's all true
I was young as they were old
It's hard to explain
I will find the one who is so neat
You will make mistake
I will fin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3339
来自主题: Music版 - 【抽风翻唱】Moi Lolita
Alizee – Moi Lolita
Please help me to understand this song correct translation. I know that this
song has an English version. Are the main text has the same meaning?
French lyrics:
Moi je m'appelle Lolita Lo ou bien Lola
Du pareil au même Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Quand je rêve aux loups C'est Lola qui saigne
Quand fourche ma langue, j'ai là un fou rire aussi fou
Qu'un phénomène Je m'appelle Lolita
Lo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes
Moi je m'appelle Lolita Collégi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14299

Guy Sajer's book THE FORGOTTEN SOLDIER is rather notorious in the historical
community; the book purports to be the memoirs of an Alsatian who served
with the Division for the last years of the Second World War. Much has been
written on the subject of whether or not the book is a true story or not.
Two articles are presented here, plus an exchange of letters to the editor
to an American military journal. Those curious may wish to obtain a copy of
their own, and to inv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5022
来自主题: PhotoGear版 - 是黑店吗
"Ryther Camera offers amazing prices, but you need to do your homework so
that you know the difference between 'USA Warranty' and 'Gray Market' (
WITHOUT a warranty).
I have dealt with them twice, and although the prices attracted me, in both
instances, I found that when shipped, the order was incomplete. To be fair,
both time I called, and both times the salesperson promptly shipped out the
My major complaint - and mistake - was when I paid for their extended
warranty. They d... 阅读全帖
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