l********3 发帖数: 248 | 1 27号,我和ld去了Fairfax county法院出庭,想申辩自己并不是故意闯黄灯。
警察也出庭了,最后法官判定ld guilty,法官説黄灯是让你减速或者停止的,不是让
法庭里面的饭还可以的,而且还不贵。 |
l********3 发帖数: 248 | 2 大部分人出庭是承认guilty的,交钱了事。ld总觉得自己有理,没有闯红灯,非要去
服,因为appeal不成功,费用就要double。 |
p****8 发帖数: 325 | 3 LD还是消消气,别去浪费时间了,估计去了更生气
是警察完全有理由给罚单的,估计去哪里都是GUILTY的,省点钱买点甜点吃吧,别气了 |
d******a 发帖数: 106 | 5 I've been following this cyclist road rage trial for a while now. In a nut
shell, it's basically a ER doctor drives through a narrow hilly road to work
with frequent road rage against cyclist. He was well known for it. In one
incident, he hit the brakes hard on purpose and one cyclist crashed into his
rear windown and one flew over his car and landed in the road.
The verdict came out couple of days ago. Guilty on all 6 counts. Possible 5-
10 years of jail time.
The link is below :
Both articles |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 6 谁claim谁举证阿, AD要证明guilty, 结果都是给的一些主观猜测, jury怎么能被说
服了。相反遍访律师就是举重若轻了。 一举倒戈了对方几大重要证人。你如果懂法律
就知道,案子基本没啥悬念,别听cnn的suny一天到晚咋呼。 培生团是全票通过毫无争
议。 |
G***a 发帖数: 27294 | 7 其实non fat 的东西加的糖会更多
guilty |
g*****y 发帖数: 6325 | 9 减肥这1个半月吧, 有几次去buffet, 吃多了, 回家后觉得心里难受,于是就强迫性
的把吃的东西都吐了。。 一共大概有3次吧。 之后觉得更加guilty... 一直想健康
减肥来着。。 发个帖子,希望以后再也不要这样了。。 |
J********i 发帖数: 50662 | 11 有个回复很赞:
Thallium is child's play. My wife's been killing me slowly over the last 20
years with her meatloaf!
【 以下文字转载自 NewJersey 讨论区 】
发信人: wallwallwall (wall), 信区: NewJersey
标 题: Monroe woman pleads not guilty to fatally poisoning husband
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 9 16:07:31 2011, 美东)
http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/02/monroe_woman_pleads_no |
n*******2 发帖数: 10103 | 12 如果早上不上线,就看不到烧包投诉小K。如果看不到,就不会封K大师。如果K大师不
封,他田就不会这么悲摧。哎,feel so guilty |
m*r 发帖数: 37612 | 13 【 以下文字转载自 SellAbroad 讨论区 】
发信人: mir (rebates), 信区: SellAbroad
标 题: 求1个小香:gucci guilty 2ml
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 2 23:13:33 2013, 美东)
不要pour homme的,不要black的.
$1 我的label,就要一个 |
B*******i 发帖数: 342 | 15 买别的东西送的一个小样,本来丢在一边碰都不想碰,有天突然拿出来闻了一下发现很
去屯一个。发现对香水的偏好是会变的,之前很喜欢addict shine, chanel chance,
miss dior cherie这些,现在突然爱上了gucci guilty,唉,真的是老了。 |
k**L 发帖数: 3630 | 16 seriously, it all depends on how much you can afford a good lawyer. I don't
think any of your so called "reasons" valid. you don't automatically guilty
of everything just because you drove a bigger vehicle, PERIOD. The video
clearly shows the motorcycle intentionally cut and brake in front of the SUV
. it's like a person throw themselves onto traffic. Unless there is no proof
, in this case, there is video for everyone to see. without a doubt the
motorcyclist is the guild one here for the initia... 阅读全帖 |
f********a 发帖数: 367 | 17 he may need a lawyer for civil suit. but i would bet with ur mom's slant
pussy that he will be not prosecuted at all
rape. |
p********7 发帖数: 18007 | 18 "without a doubt the motorcyclist is the guild one here for the initial
fender bender. "
My answer:
I have always learned that no matter what, if you run into another cars rear
, it is your fault. You could blame rain, some one cut in, or my brake is
not working well.
Of course that is what I have heard. Maybe you are more knowledgeable on
rape. |
r****o 发帖数: 373 | 19 screamed like a bitch and cry
like a baby.
rape. |
h*****y 发帖数: 997 | 20 即使真的成了被告,我打赌他不会found guilty.他老婆今天的声明非常好。难以相信
He will be fine.
my |
c******r 发帖数: 300 | 21 你确定个时限吧 我和你赌他不会被found guilty of manslauter, 1k usd |
c******r 发帖数: 300 | 22 你确定个时限吧 我和你赌他不会被found guilty of manslauter, 1k usd |
L******f 发帖数: 5368 | 23 按照法庭规则,sunshings拒绝辩护,
Guilty As Charged。
而且,也失去将来辩护的权力。 |
s******a 发帖数: 134 | 24 上星期发现自己pregnant了,从此做实验,写paper和论文的效率奇低。比如今早起来
拖拖拉拉,一事无成的妈妈,何况一家人也等着我拿绿卡呢。 |
s******a 发帖数: 134 | 25 如果周一到周五每天按时去实验室,保证8小时的时间做实验或写文章,看文献,就不
会guilty了。 |
w****r 发帖数: 17566 | 26 这样你肯定会感觉guilty,因为你的宝宝不会休息的好 :-D |
a****a 发帖数: 5763 | 27 The jury has found largely favor of Apple in the Apple vs. Samsung trial
after three days of deliberations.
First claim, Samsung guilty on all counts.
Previously: According to CNET, the jury has reached a verdict in the Apple
vs. Samsung trial after three days of deliberations. The three-week trial
has resulted in interesting testimony and evidence from both sides,
including looks at early iPhone and iPad prototypes, Apple and Samsung
mobile device sales numbers in the U.S., and an inte... 阅读全帖 |
p******h 发帖数: 796 | 31 that's why i feel guilty. I can take half a day off, just didn't. |
p******h 发帖数: 796 | 32 since working, at least one day working from home every week. Didn't want to
do it too often. Then feel guilty, sigh |
s*********r 发帖数: 729 | 33 估计Plea guilty就是为了逃死刑吧,在美国的监狱里life sentence,还不如死刑痛快. |
t*******l 发帖数: 3662 | 34 当然有关,借用你的中国身份,那就是和中国这边有关。借用你的美国身份
March 21, 2014 - Victor Lipukhin, formerly a resident of St. Charles,
Illinois, was indicted for attempting to interfere with the administration
of the Internal Revenue laws and filing false tax returns. Mr. Lipukhin, a
Russian citizen and former lawful permanent U.S. resident, kept between
approximately $4,000,000 and $7,500,000 in assets in two bank accounts with
UBS from at least 2002 through 2007.
March 18, 2014 — California a... 阅读全帖 |
z**k 发帖数: 945 | 35 Richmond 道路交通法律严苛,一不小心就挨罚,注意这不是你交钱就行了,reckless
driving is a criminal offense,你将来找工作,换工作,办绿卡,续绿卡都受影响。
转弯不打灯 is a crime in VA
70限速开80 is a crime in VA
见警车救护车来不避让 is a crime in VA
Reckless Driving (Felony or Misdemeanor)
· Reckless driving - speeding in excess of 80 mph (11 years)
· Reckless driving - speeding 20 mph or more above the posted speed
limit (11 years)
· Reckless driving - racing (11 years)
· Reckless driving - passing or overtaking an emergency ve... 阅读全帖 |
z**k 发帖数: 945 | 36 Richmond 道路交通法律严苛,一不小心就挨罚,注意这不是你交钱就行了,reckless
driving is a criminal offense,你将来找工作,换工作,办绿卡,续绿卡都受影响。
转弯不打灯 is a crime in VA
70限速开80 is a crime in VA
见警车救护车来不避让 is a crime in VA
Reckless Driving (Felony or Misdemeanor)
· Reckless driving - speeding in excess of 80 mph (11 years)
· Reckless driving - speeding 20 mph or more above the posted speed
limit (11 years)
· Reckless driving - racing (11 years)
· Reckless driving - passing or overtaking an emergency ve... 阅读全帖 |
W*****d 发帖数: 4196 | 37 http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-03-14/the-great-brain
(Houston unit, Dutch paint company)
Qinggui Zeng, formulation chemist. Came from China on student visa in 1996,
hired in 2005. Pleaded guilty in 2008 to stealing formula for an industrial
epoxy-based, fireproof coating. Prosecutors said he was planning to return
to China and had solicited investors for a Chinese venture to make and sell
the coating as his own. Trade secrets found under insulation in attic space
at his home... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 38 Rod Blagojevich was originally charged with 24 counts. During the second
trial, the prosecution pared the counts to 20. What follows is a run down of
the charges and the verdict for each.
Count 1-Wire fraud related to Children's Memorial Hospital-GUILTY
Count 2-Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY
Count 3-Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY
Count 4-Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY
Count 5-Wire fraud related to the Senate Seat-GUILTY
Count 6-Wi... 阅读全帖 |
b**s 发帖数: 4571 | 39 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
Tennisfan70 (野战军) 于 (Tue Mar 20 16:35:15 2012, 美东) 提到:
试一试live bait吧,我就去车里取来渔网,撒了一些小的live baits,结果还搞上了
几条White Bass。钓不着,用网倒是搞上来了,于是就把White Bass给留下了。于是杯
具就从这里开始了。附近钓鱼的老美called fishing police,来了给我发了一个
citation - take fish by illegal means - castnet。
刚刚给County Citation Office打电话了。人家问你是打算 plea guilty 还是not
guilty。Guilty当然就直接交罚款就完了;但是在那个office secretary 把我的
Guility输入到她的电脑之前,她也不知道要多少的罚款,一定输入了guilty, 又不能
改回去not guilty了。... 阅读全帖 |
d********8 发帖数: 74 | 40 According to the IRS, 75% of the tax cheating is done by individuals—mostly
middle-income earners. Most of the rest of the cheating is done by
businesses. Cash-intensive businesses and service providers, from self-
employed handypeople to doctors, are the worst offenders.
How People Cheat on Their Taxes
Most cheating is from deliberate—actual or willful—underreporting of
income. This is called tax evasion—the most commonly charged tax crime. A
government study found the most underreporting of in... 阅读全帖 |
m**********n 发帖数: 27535 | 41 【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: jip (123), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 加州法庭fight my ticket. case dismissed (交了$50)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 19 15:08:49 2013, 美东)
去年吃了个ticket. 前两天请了天假上庭。
不许玩手机,没读instruction的赶紧读一下 (不清楚具体他用的什么词,就是一页写
guilty, no contest 和 contest。 guilty 和 no contest 基本一样,就是交钱。不
一样的是,no contest不算认罪,只不过是你懒得和他们理论了。contest的话,法院
要传票(... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 42 Stone Cold Word
Longboat Key, Florida4m ago
AG Barr investigating a missing Twinkie is a joke.
So I am reading all these comments laughing and calling out "conspiracy
theories". It's easy to "throw shade"..... getting "shade to stick" is
another story.
I know this. A high profile prisoner, who supposedly tried to kill
himself just two weeks ago, this guy could not get near a 6 inch piece of
thread. Now that's not a "conspiracy theory".
The "shade slingers" want us to believe that this ego ... 阅读全帖 |