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Biology版 - 磁感应蛋白研究博士后 (转载)
Nature 为谢灿的文章配发的评论逄克亮: 磁遗传学术纠纷事件的真相zz
张生家,谢灿,鲁白事件当前已经确定的事实-欢迎补充magnetogenetics 这个名词某个文章之前有人已经用了,而且发得很好。
希望Keays吃他的帽子去Nature News on 谢张之争
猜一下,关于MagR磁定位功能的实验Re: 请问:美国开设的生物信息学都有那些课程?
中国科学家或揭开生物第六感之谜zzbioinformatics 的课程有哪些?
鲁白: 有关“磁遗传学课题争议”的简要说明生物公司找工作问题
话题: project话题: xie话题: magr话题: biology
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 46
【 以下文字转载自 Postdoc 讨论区 】
发信人: hgliu (Samantha的狗), 信区: Postdoc
标 题: 磁感应蛋白研究博士后
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 21 10:58:29 2016, 美东)
帮朋友发的。有兴趣的,可以直接联系谢灿研究员, [email protected]/* */
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Magnetoreception and Animal Navigation
PI: Dr. Can Xie
Project Title: The molecular mechanism of magnetoreception and animal
Project Description:
This job comes from a partnership with Beijing Computational Science
Research Center (CSRC) and Xie Lab at Peking University (PKU), aiming at
bridging biology and physics to resolve the molecular mechanism of
magnetoreception and navigation in animals.
The project is an extension of our recently identified magnetoreceptor (
designated as MagR) and the proposed biocompass model (Qin, et. al. Nature
Materials, 2016). The project is designed to provide answers and insights to
questions: What is the origin of magnetic moments of MagR? How the light-
and magneto- perceptions are coupled in the Biocompass model? How to apply
magnetic fields to modulate biological processes based on MagR?
Requirements: Ph.D. degree in Biology, or Biochemistry, or Biophysics, or
related fields. We especially encourage candidates with research experience
in protein purification, structural biology to apply for the position.
Expertise in physics would be a plus, but not mandatory. The successful
candidate must be creative, demonstrate an “out-of-the-box thinking”
attitude, and possess strong problem-solving skills. As part of the
collaborative team led by both biologists and physicists, the postdoc fellow
will regularly interact with scientists from different disciplines,
including but not limited to, protein biochemistry, biophysics, quantum
biology, theoretical physics, and computational physics. Therefore,
excellent communication skills are essential.
Benefits: competitive salary with extra benefits in housing etc.
How to Apply: Applications are encouraged until the vacancy has been filled.
Interested candidates please send a cover letter, a CV, with three
recommendation letters to Dr. Can Xie ([email protected]/* */) for any additional
发帖数: 4654

【在 h***u 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Postdoc 讨论区 】
: 发信人: hgliu (Samantha的狗), 信区: Postdoc
: 标 题: 磁感应蛋白研究博士后
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 21 10:58:29 2016, 美东)
: 帮朋友发的。有兴趣的,可以直接联系谢灿研究员, [email protected]/* */
: Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Magnetoreception and Animal Navigation
: PI: Dr. Can Xie
: Project Title: The molecular mechanism of magnetoreception and animal
: navigation
: Project Description:

1 (共1页)
求审稿机会: biochemistry, enzymology, biophysics和cell bio中国科学家或揭开生物第六感之谜zz
有偿求转 审稿机会, 希望帮忙! (转载)鲁白: 有关“磁遗传学课题争议”的简要说明
Nature 为谢灿的文章配发的评论逄克亮: 磁遗传学术纠纷事件的真相zz
张生家,谢灿,鲁白事件当前已经确定的事实-欢迎补充magnetogenetics 这个名词某个文章之前有人已经用了,而且发得很好。
希望Keays吃他的帽子去Nature News on 谢张之争
话题: project话题: xie话题: magr话题: biology