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发帖数: 368
来自主题: Military版 - 20拉比因抗议川普禁令被捕
When the protesters reached the hotel, about 8 p.m., several members of the
group announced that they would take symbolic actions to be arrested. A few
moments later, a group of men and women walked onto Central Park West and
sat down across the avenue, blocking cars and trucks. A police announcement
sounded through a loudspeaker: “I... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
China Blog
Chinese lawyer 'wore torture device for a month'
By John Sudworth
BBC, Beijing
13 May 2017
Image caption
A picture of Mr Li from 2012 and one taken after his release
It's a form of restraint that would be more in keeping with the practices of
a medieval dungeon than a modern, civilised state.
But the device - leg and hand shackles linked by a short chain - is a well-
documented part of the toolkit that the Chinese polic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16484
来自主题: Military版 - 美国媒体的无耻超过了我的想象
打了几个电话,就成了要contain damage了。实在是无耻之极,语言无法表达我的恶心。
Report: Trump shared secret info about IS with Russians
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump revealed highl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 35261
【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 给普林斯顿女生的建议:写给我从未有过的女儿
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 18 07:02:21 2017, 美东)
忘掉拥有一切,或者不拥有一切,倚在(leaning in)或倾斜(Leaning out) - 这里
破玻璃天花板以及如何实现工作与生活的平衡等等。我们对这点很清楚 - 我们是普林
Shirley Tilghman)和威尔逊学院教授安妮-玛丽斯劳特之间的对话是会议的卖点之一。
,或许明智一些的校友交流。我和我从19... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 32610
来自主题: Military版 - 飞翔的翔还有shit的意思
before hitting - 大飞翔
afterwards - 小飞翔
发帖数: 11530
IBM is teaching AI to behave more like the human brain
Engadget Andrew Tarantola,Engadget Fri, Sep 1 11:00 AM PDT
Since the days of Da Vinci's "Ornithoper", mankind's greatest minds have
sought inspiration from the natural world for their technological creations.
It's no different in the modern world, where bleeding-edge advancements in
machine learning and artificial intelligence have begun taking their design
cues from the most advanced computational organ in the natural word: the
human brain... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9785
Because your kid has US passport. Why don't you try to apply for a Chinese
passport now, and complain afterwards if you get rejected? I mean, give up
your kid's US passport and apply for the Chinese passport.
发帖数: 1998
Although Einstein is credited with finding the field equations,
the German mathematician David Hilbert published them in an article
before Einstein's article. This has resulted in accusations of plagiarism
against Einstein, although not from Hilbert, and assertions that the field
equations should be called the "Einstein–Hilbert field equations". However
Hilbert did not press his claim for priority and some[who?] have asserted
Einstein submitted the correct equations before Hilbert amended... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 美国历史课本中的蒋介石
时间:2018-01-28 09:34
•来源: 察网
•作者: 通吃岛岛主
评论: 0
字号: 大 中 小
本(McDougal Littell版本)。
“四一二”反革命事件被详细描述,美国课本直接用“treachery”形容蒋,这个词直... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6723
来自主题: Military版 - 奉天兵工厂
【 以下文字转载自 Mod_CHN_Hist 讨论区 】
发信人: Mayingba (吳鐘學), 信区: Mod_CHN_Hist
标 题: 奉天兵工厂
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 28 20:29:57 2018, 美东)
Mukden Arsenal after WWII
April 3, 2017 jwh19752 Comments

(Zhang's Gate, the old entrance to Mukden Arsenal)
For people interested in Japanese firearms of WWII, the name Mukden Arsenal
is familiar. The history of the facility after Japan's defeat is less well
known. Under various names, it did surv... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 无标题
On December 2, 2016, Tjan was fatally stabbed by a USC student; soon
afterward, one of his graduate students was arrested on suspicion of having
carried out the stabbing.[10][11] His body was found inside the Seeley G.
Mudd Building, where he worked,[12] after which he was pronounced dead.[2]
Tjan was 50 years old.[11]
Authorities reportedly believe a student killed Tjan as the result of a
personal dispute, but police have not yet established a motive.[13][14][15]
发帖数: 2836
来自主题: Military版 - 就是发明了人人平等这个概念
August 9, 1610 – Lord De la Warr sent 70 men to attack the Paspahegh
Indians. They destroyed their main village near Jamestown, killing between
65 and 75 people. The wife and children of the village chief were captured
and shortly afterwards put to death .
发帖数: 2836
发信人: jhe123 (jhe), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 白人的伟大之处
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 15 00:00:38 2018, 美东)
August 9, 1610 – Lord De la Warr sent 70 men to attack the Paspahegh
Indians. They destroyed their main village near Jamestown, killing between
65 and 75 people. The wife and children of the village chief were captured
and shortly afterwards put to death .
发帖数: 26623
来自主题: Military版 - 知道有些人会说为什么不搬家
he robberies
The family has lived in their Hope Valley Farms North neighborhood about 15
The first time someone tried to break in was the day before Thanksgiving in
2015, they said. The family wasn’t home.
“Everything that was valuable” was taken, said Chan, 43, including her
purses, jewelry and televisions. The family came home to open cabinets and
drawers and their belongings strewn about..
The police came, the family said, did an investigation and tried to get some
fingerprints. “I thi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2975
来自主题: Military版 - 知道有些人会说为什么不搬家
nearby school score by greatschool
elementary school : 5
middle school : 1
high school : 4
score range is 1 - 10
it's really a bad neighbourhood

he robberies
The family has lived in their Hope Valley Farms North neighborhood about 15
The first time someone tried to break in was the day before Thanksgiving in
2015, they said. The family wasn’t home.
“Everything that was valuable” was taken, said Chan, 43, including her
purses, jewelry and televisions. The family came home to open cabinet... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20965
来自主题: Military版 - “monetized”
Chet Seligman Point Reyes Station, Ca 1 hour ago
Why do so many Chinese study physics and math relative to Americans?
The answer may be similar to why Germans, Swiss and Danes studied physics
and math, relative to Americans, prior to WWII.
That being, a long history of intellectual cultures in those other countries
and the lack of one here.
It is hard to be a cowboy and a physicist simultaneously.
Reply 1Recommend
John Mardinly Chandler, AZ 1 hour ago
Hi-tech companies like Intel could not f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21731
来自主题: Military版 - 板砖和链子 骗全世界的钱
中本聪每人知道是谁,但是加密货币先驱是一个叫 Wei David的老中,微软的密码学专
Relationship with Satoshi Nakamoto
Wei Dai and Adam Back were the first two people contacted by Satoshi
Nakamoto as he was developing Bitcoin in 2008[2] and the b-money paper was
referenced in the subsequent Bitcoin whitepaper.[14]
In a May 2011 article, noted cryptographer Nick Szabo states:
Myself, Wei Dai, and Hal Finney were the only people I know of who liked the
idea (or i... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - “Strategic
US Must Hustle On Hypersonics, EW, AI: VCJCS Selva & Work
By SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR. on June 21, 2018 at 3:52 PM
WASHINGTON: China is besting the United States in key military technologies
like hypersonic missiles and electronic warfare, Gen. Paul Selva, vice-
chairman of the Joint Chiefs said today. We can still catch up, he predicted
What about Artificial Intelligence? That’s too close to call, said former
deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work, so we’d better get a move on. Both men
spoke at a C... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
来自主题: Military版 - “unusual
President Trump cited an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to U.S.
national security as he acted Friday to maintain long-standing economic
restrictions on North Korea, including the freezing of any assets in the
United States.
The official declaration, contained in a notice to Congress, came despite
Trump’s assertion earlier this month that his historic summit with North
Korean leader Kim Jong Un ended the North’s nuclear weapons threat.
“Sleep well tonight!” Trump tweeted on June 13, the day a... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 妈的,杀医凶手他妈咋死的?
Herd said he does not remember ever hearing Pappas speak bitterly about his
mother's death or place blame for it. But "it hit him hard," he said, and
Pappas stopped attending church for a long time afterward.

: 这个可以写本书。二十年心路历程啊。

发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - 妈的,杀医凶手他妈咋死的?

:Herd said he does not remember ever hearing Pappas speak bitterly about
his mother's death or place blame for it. But "it hit him hard,"
he said, and
:Pappas stopped attending church for a long time afterward.
:【 在 futurist(展望未来) 的大作中提到: 】
:<br>: 这个可以写本书。二十年心路历程啊。
发帖数: 4981
I was scolded by my teachers and my parents. I promised that I would never
do it again. My classmate went to a bottom middle school afterwards.
发帖数: 1998
马克图温算是白人里面少数有良知的人之一, 当初他从密西西比跑到加州, 正逢加州
排华,马克图温写了一个正面的报道,结果自己被闲置了, 这是他成名前的事情
OF course there was a large Chinese population in Virginia--it is the
case with every town and city on the Pacific coast. They are a harmless
race when white men either let them alone or treat them no worse than
dogs; in fact they are almost entirely harmless anyhow, for they
seldom think of resenting the vilest insults or the cruelest injuries.
They are quiet, peaceable, tractable, free from drunkenness, and they
are a... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 中华垃圾传承的特点
OF course there was a large Chinese population in Virginia--it is the
case with every town and city on the Pacific coast. They are a harmless
race when white men either let them alone or treat them no worse than
dogs; in fact they are almost entirely harmless anyhow, for they
seldom think of resenting the vilest insults or the cruelest injuries.
They are quiet, peaceable, tractable, free from drunkenness, and they
are as industrious as the day is long. A disorderly Chinaman is rare,
and a lazy o... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
OF course there was a large Chinese population in Virginia--it is the
case with every town and city on the Pacific coast. They are a harmless
race when white men either let them alone or treat them no worse than
dogs; in fact they are almost entirely harmless anyhow, for they
seldom think of resenting the vilest insults or the cruelest injuries.
They are quiet, peaceable, tractable, free from drunkenness, and they
are as industrious as the day is long. A disorderly Chinaman is rare,
and a lazy o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
Analytical journalism in words and graphics from The New York Times. Sign up
for The Upshot newsletter.
Detailed New National Maps Show How Neighborhoods Shape Children for Life
Some places lift children out of poverty. Others trap them there. Now cities
are trying to do something about the difference.
Whatever Distinguishes a Good Neighborhood Can Be Invisible.
↗ Neighborhoods Can Lift Kids Up or Hold Them Back. Cities Now Know
Which Are Which.
SEATTLE — The... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 黑色星期五又来了
New book The Great Disillusion by economist John Mearsheimer claims
Nationalism will win over Globalism. Sooner or later this tug of war will
severely impact the stock market which reflects future earnings extending
decades. Regionalism is another alternative but migrant caravan traveling
through Mexico does not seem to make it viable. Problem is any smooth
evolutionary change in international economic structures is not enhanced
with Trump style politics so expect more stock market decli... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 16年后,联邦债务将远远超过GDP
New book The Great Disillusion by economist John Mearsheimer claims
Nationalism will win over Globalism. Sooner or later this tug of war will
severely impact the stock market which reflects future earnings extending
decades. Regionalism is another alternative but migrant caravan traveling
through Mexico does not seem to make it viable. Problem is any smooth
evolutionary change in international economic structures is not enhanced
with Trump style politics so expect more stock market decli... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10087
来自主题: Military版 - 刘强东: 你可以成为邓文迪
Inside the apartment, she told police, he pulled off her sweater over her
protests. She said that Liu told her she could be just like Wendi Deng, the
Chinese-born ex-wife of Australian media executive Rupert Murdoch.
“I told him ‘no’ several times,” she told police. She also told police
that he tried to pull off her skirt and bra, held her arms and tried to
throw her onto her bed.
“We were battling against each other on the bed and finally I escaped from
him and went back to the living ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16092
来自主题: Military版 - CNN关于强东失足的新信息
Later in the night, after the two continued to struggle, Liu threw the woman
onto her bed and raped her, according to the account she gave to police.
Florin, the woman's attorney, told CNN Business that afterward, the woman
contacted the friend who attended dinner with her. Florin added that the
friend called police.
Police arrived at the woman's apartment around 3 a.m. and removed Liu from
the premises, according to Florin. The woman decided not to press charges at... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2
Has Taiwan media brainwashed their people, because I, as non-mainlander or
Taiwanese, visited Taiwan once and all the newspapers in Taiwan are bad
things about China?
My answer is Yes and No.
Almost every country is kind of brainwashing their people.
Recently I read the blog of a Taiwanese who got... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 狗急跳墙,疮聚聚急了修墙
Trump to make public case for border wall but not expected to declare
emergency in Oval Office address
Could Trump declare a national emergency at the border? It’s complicated.
With President Trump considering a national emergency to fund the border
wall, here are some of the pitfalls and challenges that could block such an
order. (Video: Jenny Starrs /Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
By John Wagner ,
Josh Dawsey and
Mike DeBonis January 8 at 1:33 PM
President... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
Former White House chief strategist and Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon is
the unidentified “high-ranking Trump campaign official” in special counsel
Robert Mueller’s indictment of Roger Stone, CNBC has learned.
The indictment released Friday said the campaign official reached out to
Stone in October 2016, a month before President Donald Trump was elected, “
about the status of future releases by Organization 1.” The unidentified
organization clearly refers to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.
Banno... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 数据说话:长江水深
On 28 January 1930, Hermes transported the British Minister to China, Sir
Miles Lampson, to Nanking for talks with the Chinese Government over the
Japanese invasion of Manchuria and she remained there until she sailed
downriver to Shanghai on 2 March. By the end of the month, the carrier was
back in Hong Kong and remained there until June when she returned to Wei Hai
Wei for her annual summer visit. The ship briefly returned to Hong Kong
before departing for Great Britain on 7 August. Hermes rea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
U.S. Cyber Command operation disrupted Internet access of Russian troll
factory on day of 2018 midterms
The building that housed the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg,
shown in 2018. (Dmitri Lovetsky/AP)
By Ellen Nakashima February 26 at 11:44 AM
The U.S. military blocked Internet access to an infamous Russian entity
seeking to sow discord among Americans during the 2018 midterms, several U.S
. officials said, a warning that the group’s operations against the United
State... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 米帝好日无边啊,佛州又爆炸了
A suspected gas explosion has ripped through a shopping center in Plantation
, Florida. The blast caused extensive damage and multiple injuries have been
Several fire departments responded to the incident early on Saturday
afternoon, with Plantation Fire Department confirming multiple injuries
shortly afterwards.
Video footage from the scene shows the shopping center’s parking lot strewn
with debris, and windows at the front of the building blown out.
发帖数: 38600
Freedom from fear is listed as a fundamental human right according to The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On January 6, 1941, United States
President Franklin D. Roosevelt called it one of the "Four Freedoms" at his
State of the Union, which was afterwards therefore referred to as the "Four
Freedoms Speech."
发帖数: 1998
来自主题: Military版 - Cancer doctor sentenced to 45 years
DETROIT — He pumped poisonous chemotherapy drugs into patients for years,
telling them they had cancer. They didn't.
He over-treated terminal cancer patients rather than letting them die
peacefully. When he could profit from it, he also under-treated actual
cancer patients.
And on Friday, nearly two years after his arrest, Dr. Farid Fata was
sentenced to 45 years in federal prison for violating more than 550 patients
' trust and raking in more than $17 million from fraudulent billings.
For many ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Stone Cold Word
Longboat Key, Florida4m ago
AG Barr investigating a missing Twinkie is a joke.
So I am reading all these comments laughing and calling out "conspiracy
theories". It's easy to "throw shade"..... getting "shade to stick" is
another story.
I know this. A high profile prisoner, who supposedly tried to kill
himself just two weeks ago, this guy could not get near a 6 inch piece of
thread. Now that's not a "conspiracy theory".
The "shade slingers" want us to believe that this ego ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8613
来自主题: Military版 - 静静的顿河上演,一天8小时
There are several theories about the origins of the Cossacks. Some assume
that Cossacks have Slavic origins,[1] others like the Constitution of Pylyp
Orlyk confirmed in 1710 Khazar origin[2]; modern scholars confirm both
Slavic and Turkic origins.[3] The Academician Zabelin mentioned that peoples
of the prairies and of the woods had always needed "a live frontier", and
even ancient Borisphenites and Tanaites could be the predecessors of
Cos... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2836
Tina Fey: In protest to France’s opposition to a U.S. war on Iraq, the U.S.
congress’ cafeteria has changed French Fries and French Toast to Freedom
Fries and Freedom Toast. Afterwards, the congressmen were so pleased with
themselves, they all started Freedom Kissing each other. In a related story,
in France, American Cheese is now referred to as Idiot Cheese.

发帖数: 1

: 找到文字版本的了,可惜没有录像,哈哈,当时是把我笑惨了。

: Tina Fey: In protest to France’s opposition to a U.S. war on Iraq,
the U.S.

: congress’ cafeteria has changed French Fries and French Toast to

: Fries and Freedom Toast. Afterwards, the congressmen were so pleased

: themselves, they all started Freedom Kissing each other. In a related

: in France, American Cheese is now referred to as Idiot Cheese.

: https://cheia.tumblr.com/post/274836336

发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - iOS操作系统是不是三哥写的?
Apple iOS 13.1.2 Warning Issued For iPhone Users
Apple iOS 13 is a disaster zone and, despite three rushed updates, the
problems (some potentially dangerous) continue to mount. And now millions of
iPhone owners risk being hit by another one.
Once again, iPhones are struggling to be phones. Adding to a serious issue
which can force users to handle their phones when driving, I have been
contacted by iPhone owners who have upgraded to iOS 13 and found they can
barely make phone calls due to... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Black Friday does not offer the bargains it claims, consumer experts warned.
Almost all of the ‘deals’ promoted around the event last year were
actually on offer for the same price or cheaper in the six months either
before or after.
Remarkably, just one in 20 was actually the cheapest price on that date.
值得注意的是,实际上只... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4447
来自主题: Military版 - 李文亮是被同学群害了
CNN 采访了他
On December 30, Li Wenliang dropped a bombshell in his medical school alumni
group on the popular Chinese messaging app WeChat: seven patients from a
local seafood market had been diagnosed with a SARS-like illness and
quarantined in his hospital.
Li explained that, according to a test he had seen, the illness was a
coronavirus -- a large family of viruses that includ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4447
来自主题: Military版 - 李文亮去世前接受了CNN采访
On December 30, Li Wenliang dropped a bombshell in his medical school alumni
group on the popular Chinese messaging app WeChat: seven patients from a
local seafood market had been diagnosed with a SARS-like illness and
quarantined in his hospital.
Li explained that, according to a test he had seen, the illness was a
coronavirus -- a large family of viruses that includes severe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16928
来自主题: Military版 - 达赖也不乱窜了
Dalai Lama cancels all public engagements due to the coronavirus
From Tenzin Dharpo and CNN’s Sugam Pokharel
The Dalai Lama has canceled all his public engagements until further notice
due to the “deteriorating outbreak” of the coronavirus, according to a
statement from his office.
“His Holiness will not be doing any public engagements for now until
further notice due to coronavirus," the Dalai Lama’s secretary, Tenzing
Taklha, told CNN.
Read the full statement from the Dalai Lama’s office:
... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
就这谭赛德在西方和中国之间的平衡拿捏的很好,向着中国,又让西方没话说 LOL
Mission impossible? WHO director fights to prevent a pandemic without
offending China
"Tedros says his visit to China led to three important agreements: to fight
the virus hard at its source, to share data, and to let an expert mission
from WHO visit China. Yesterday evening, he saw off the mission’s advance
team ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 你帝HHS吹哨人被镇压了?
the community acquired case in California is from the feds sending HHS to
work with quarantined people at Travis AFB. The same people that were
repatriated over the objections of the CDC. The HHS staff were not
adequately trained and were not monitored afterwards. This appears to have
lead to COVID-19 spreading in the community outside the base. Someone spoke
up about this and was disciplined.
发帖数: 8613
To: *************
From: Stanford Health Care
Received: 3/11/2020 11:08 AM PDT
Hi *************,
We understand that you may have questions and concerns about the Novel
Coronavirus (COVID-19), how to reduce your risk of getting sick, and how to
manage cold or flu-like symptoms. It is still flu season, so if you are
experiencing these symptoms, you most likely have the common cold or flu.
We are shar... 阅读全帖
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