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发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - 西方人在口罩问题上还是很矛盾
The debate is somewhat moot right now, because there simply aren’t enough
masks for medical professionals, let alone everyone else. No matter their
opinions on widespread mask-wearing, everyone I spoke with for this article
agreed that health-care workers should get dibs on any existing medical
masks. This might well be why public-health officials have been so loath to
recommend mask-wearing more broadly: Hoarders have already begun to exhaust
the dwindling supplies. Even so, “policy shouldn’t b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1233
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: ZZGR (闲逛), 信区: Military
标 题: 【BBC】挪威恐袭: Christian fundamentalist所为
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 23 07:22:12 2011, 美东)
At least 84 people died when a gunman opened fire at an island youth camp in
Norway, hours after a deadly bombing in the capital, Oslo, police say.
Police have charged a 32-year-old Norwegian man over both attacks.
The man dressed as a police officer was arrested on tiny Utoeya island after
an hour-long sho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Military2版 - 写给即将上舰的J-15---胡烟乱雨堂
Well, you assert China is the best. So be it.
Perhaps it is why no Chinese even bother to commnet on it.
Your paragraph 1 is too hypocritical. Really stinks.
I will take a pity on you and say something. For those who are not familiar:
沈飞: 沈阳飞机工业集团;
T-10K: a prototype of Su-33 China stole from Russia--through Ukraine. See (2
) below.
(1) You say, "毕竟J-15还是师从SU-33,很多在SU-33使用过程当中没有出现过的问题
Even if Chi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4751
来自主题: Military2版 - Act of Valor归来(有一些剧透)
if my memory serves me right, the book didn't mention what happened to raven
do u know? that poor thing will just keep orbiting above the compound until
it runs out of battery and dies?
发帖数: 5617
来自主题: Military2版 - 美軍退休將軍NORMAN SCHWARZKOPF病逝
AP source: Retired Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf dies
By By RICHARD PYLE and LOLITA C. BALDOR | Associated Press – 10 mins ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — Retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, who topped an
illustrious military career by commanding the U.S.-led international
coalition that drove Saddam Hussein's forces out of Kuwait in 1991 but kept
a low public profile in controversies over the second Gulf War against Iraq,
died Thursday. He was 78.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19737
来自主题: Military2版 - 关于中国远征军战略的问题
In the last six months of 1943, there were 155 accidents and 168 fatalities.
General Tunner commented in his memoirs, perhaps somewhat facetiously, "It
was safer to take a bomber deep into Germany than to fly a transport plane
over the Rockpile from one friendly nation to another."
In 1944, General Tunner change... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19737
来自主题: Military2版 - 关于中国远征军战略的问题
日军飞机的威胁的有多少? 44年搞定密支那日军机场前, 驼峰被击落多少飞机? 证
In 1944, General Tunner changed the route of the C-54 flights, creating a
more direct flight to China. This placed the transports over 150 miles of
Japanese-held territory and within range of Japanese fighters. To defend his
aircraft, he requested and received fighter protection. "Enemy action was
of little consequence" afterward, he reported.
你最好先把上面这段话看看清楚, 或者拿数据说话
发帖数: 19737
来自主题: Military2版 - 关于中国远征军战略的问题
日军飞机的威胁的有多少? 44年搞定密支那日军机场前, 驼峰被击落多少飞机? 证
据? 请拿数据说话,不要拿篇知音体出来混。
In 1944, General Tunner changed the route of the C-54 flights, creating a
more direct flight to China. This placed the transports over 150 miles of
Japanese-held territory and within range of Japanese fighters. To defend his
aircraft, he requested and received fighter protection. "Enemy action was
of little consequence" afterward, he reported.

发帖数: 20290
In April 2003, the Chinese Navy decided to put a large group of its best
submarine talent on the same boat as part of an experiment to synergize its
naval elite. The result? Within hours of leaving port, the Type 035 Ming III
class submarine sank with all hands lost. Never having fully recovered from
this maritime disaster, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is still the
only permanent member of the United Nations Security Council... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2330
A Danish curler was brought to tears after a boisterous Canadian crowd
intentionally distracted her during crucial shots in her team's match
against the home nation. With the crowd stomping and making deafening noise,
Denmark skip Madeleine Dupont missed two potentially game-winning shots and
tearfully blamed the fans for it afterward. Canada won the match 5-4 in an
extra end.
Such boorish fan behavior is normally considered unacceptable in the genteel
world of curling.
After the match, Dupont t
发帖数: 282
来自主题: Olympics版 - The most hated guy in Korea right now
"The ruling comes eight years after Kim Dong-Sung was disqualified for
cutting off Apolo Anton Ohno in the 1,500-meter at Salt Lake City, inflaming
tensions between the countries in the wild-and-wooly sport where bumping
and falling is common. South Koreans sent in thousands of irate e-mails to
the U.S. Olympic site afterward. In an odd twist, the referee who
disqualified Kim, Jim Hewish, was the same one who disqualified the women's
发帖数: 2330
weiqing (weiqing) 于 (Wed Aug 1 14:43:41 2012, 美东) 提到:
己生成。http://www.weibo.com/u/1217396230 仅签名没用,需要渠道让更多人看到!

1、 从奥林匹克精神上来说
a. 奥林匹克运动会的诞生,是希望将赛场代替战场,将人类对第一的朴素追
求在赛场上释放出来。运动员为了获得... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4978
来自主题: Olympics版 - 加拿大也挺悲催的
FIFA may discipline Canadian players, coach over ref remarks
The governing body of soccer is considering disciplinary action over
blistering comments made by Canada's coach and players following a loss to
the United States in the semifinals of the Olympic women's soccer tournament.
FIFA says it will analyze the remarks by the Canadians, who were upset with
the referee over a call rarely seen. Goalkeeper Erin McLeod was whistled for
holding the ball too long, sta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
Bayern Munich striker Mario Gomez has urged gay footballers to come out of
the closet.The player told German magazine Bunte that homosexuality was a “
taboo topic” in sport, Die Zeit reports
His comments mark a change from the norm in German sports, as a number of
players who have recently spoken about the issue warned that anyone coming
out would face huge pressure.Gomez said: “They would play as if they had
been liberated. Being gay should no longer be a taboo topic.”
He added that there were ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Hundreds Rally for Marriage Ban in Iowa
Posted on Advocate.com March 16, 2011
Hundreds Rally for Marriage Ban in Iowa
A rally for a constitutional amendment to ban marriage equality drew
hundreds of people to the Iowa state capitol on Tuesday.
By Advocate.com Editors
Some 500 supporters of a constitutional amendment to ban marriage equality
rallied Tuesday at the Iowa capitol.
According to The Des Moines Register, the purpose of the event was to prompt
the senate to consider the proposal, which already passed the Republican-
controll... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Marriage Equality Gridlock in New York
Posted on Advocate.com June 17, 2011 10:15:00 AM ET
Marriage Equality Gridlock in New York
By Julie Bolcer
New York senate Republicans will meet Friday for the third day in a day row
to discuss whether to vote on the marriage equality bill, which has remained
one vote shy of passage since Tuesday.
Republican senators in New York plan to meet in conference Friday morning
for the third day in a row as they deliberate whether to bring the m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Marriage Equality Gridlock in New York
By Julie Bolcer
New York senate Republicans will meet Friday for the third day in a day row
to discuss whether to vote on the marriage equality bill, which has remained
one vote shy of passage since Tuesday.
Republican senators in New York plan to meet in conference Friday morning
for the third day in a row as they deliberate whether to bring the marriage
equality bill for a vote before the schedule... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Same-sex marriage is now legal in New York after Gov.
Andrew Cuomo signed a bill that was narrowly passed by state lawmakers
Friday, handing activists a breakthrough victory in the state where the gay
rights movement was born.
New York becomes the sixth state where gay couples can wed and the biggest
by far.
"We are leaders and we join other proud states that recognize our families
and the battle will now go on in other states," said Sen. Thomas Duane, a
Gay rights ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Homo for Cuomo 2016!
Cheers for Cuomo at NYC Gay Pride March
By Julie Bolcer
An estimated two million people converged on Manhattan Sunday for the New
York City gay Pride march, an annual event that took on an “extra special”
meaning, in the words of the day’s star attraction, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who
signed the marriage equality bill into law Friday. Same-sex couples from
anywhere will be able to marry in New York beginning on July 24.
The bill passed the Senate Friday by a vote of 33 to 29, including support
from fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1822
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 是谁来决定对与错?
Written by Christopher Donaldson
Who decides what’s right or wrong?
We all know the Bible appraises self-worth according to strict sets of
laws and hierarchies: Go to Hell if you covet the neighbor’s house, kill
the neighbor, or take off with the neighbor’s wife.
It runs moral meanings smooth over broken fine lines that fall
somewhere between fact and fiction and good and evil. God still hates figs
and shrimp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Asia's Gay-Friendliest Nation?
By Doug Hendrie, The Diplomat
‘I sometimes wish I was gay,’ says Mark, my taxi driver, risking a quick
glance as he navigates one of Manila’s extraordinary traffic tangles. ‘
Gays are very hard workers. They do well in business, in school. They are
more successful. Often, they are the breadwinners for an entire family.’ He
shrugs a little. ‘I admire them, actually. They—what is the word for
doing very well? Excel?’ Yes, I say. He sm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1822
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 15歲同性戀少年自殺
Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church in Ottawa was packed to twice its
capacity for the funeral of 15-year-old Jamie Hubley, a gay teenager who
committed suicide after being bullied.

Family and friends who spoke during the service and outside afterwards
praised Hubley's efforts to make life better for other gay teens.
Jamie's friend, Luke Spiro, spoke in his eulogy about Hubley's desire
to create a club for gay teens at his high school, and outside the church
his family a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1822
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 15歲同性戀少年自殺
Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church in Ottawa was packed to twice its
capacity for the funeral of 15-year-old Jamie Hubley, a gay teenager who
committed suicide after being bullied.

Family and friends who spoke during the service and outside afterwards
praised Hubley's efforts to make life better for other gay teens.
Jamie's friend, Luke Spiro, spoke in his eulogy about Hubley's desire
to create a club for gay teens at his high school, and outside the church
his family a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
By Julie Bolcer
Maryland governor Martin O’Malley introduced marriage equality legislation
Monday with clarification on protections for religious institutions and
A survey commissioned in October by the Human Rights Campaign and conducted
by the Garin Hart Yang polling firm showed that 51 percent would support
same-sex marriage in Maryland if the issue went to referendum.
Another poll, conducted by Gonzales Research and Marketing Strategies, that
surveyed voters abou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Whitney Houston was 'secret lesbian'
Some of Whitney Houston's friends, including gay rights activist Peter
Tatchell have said that the singer took to drugs and drinks because she was
hiding her true sexuality.
Tatchell even insisted her marriage to Bobby Brown was a smokescreen, and
that she was "only really happy" in the 1980s when she was with a "lesbian
"It's important to tell the truth about this aspect of her life," the Daily
Star quoted him as saying.
Although the Britain-based Tatchell didn't say who the partner w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
The 211-116 margin was a victory for gay rights advocates. It was also a
shock to social conservatives, who thought a 3 to 1 GOP majority combined
with a party platform that defines marriage as a between a man and women,
would secure the bill’s passage.
Deep into a debate that lasted 2 hours and included 10 separate votes,
Kingston Republican David Welch stated what by then was plain: gay marriage
is topic that divides House Republicans.
“This is an issue that is confusing, sets one section of t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25615
【 以下文字转载自 TrustInJesus 讨论区 】
发信人: Eloihim (真神), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: 我覺得我對基督教的看法可能是錯的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 17 23:19:45 2012, 美东)
我一直認為基督教最後會死在進化論上, 教育普及以後,信基督教就像信
地球是平的一樣是難為情的事, 一兩代以後就不會有什麼人信了。 這看法
未必錯,不過我最近領悟到同性戀問題可能提早把基督教消滅, 這幾年正是
tipping point, 加州的 Prop. 8, 北卡的 Amendment 1 把基督教牢牢釘在
恐同反同的一方, 這如這篇博文講的, 也許基督徒贏了文化戰爭中的幾個
戰役, 卻失去一整代年輕人, 當基督教擺明與他們的同性戀朋友為敵,他們
How to win a culture wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
(Reuters) - The steadily increasing stream of states and countries
legalizing gay marriage has dramatically changed the lives of LGBT people
and their loved ones in recent years.
In honour of the growing number of places to celebrate lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender nuptials, online travel adviser Cheapflights (www.
cheapflights.com) has come up with its top 10 list of gay wedding
destinations. Reuters has not endorsed this list:
1. Washington, D.C. USA
Although gay marriage was only first... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Campaigners that hope to reverse Iowa’s status as a Midwestern outpost for
marriage equality appear to be losing their opportunity to win a public vote
because of increasing acceptance for same-sex marriage and lack of interest
even among conservative Republican voters and lawmakers.
The Associated Press reports on the changes since 2009, when Iowa became the
first state in its region to allow same-sex couples to marry after a
unanimous state supreme court decision. Conservative activists includ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2293
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Lin Jun was buried in Montreal (转载)
CTVNews.ca Staff
Published Thursday, Jul. 26, 2012 7:56AM EDT
Last Updated Thursday, Jul. 26, 2012 9:38PM EDT
The parents of Lin Jun, the Chinese exchange student who was brutally killed
and dismembered, laid their son to rest Thursday in the city that he came
to love.
Lin’s family, friends and perfect strangers said goodbye to the 33-year-old
Concordia University student at Montreal’s Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery
Thursday morning... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
A gay pastor who married his musical producer boyfriend in New York last
year has fulfilled a vow to hold a wedding banquet in his native Malaysia in
what they believe is the first such event in the Muslim-majority country.
Malaysian-born Ngeo Boon Lin and African-American husband Phineas Newborn
III, quietly held the closed reception Saturday — complete with public
kisses and karaoke ballad performances — with about 200 guests, including a
handful of Chinese-language journalists who were asked ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Rhode Island moved one big step closer to marriage equality today with the
House of Representatives approving the bill.
On Tuesday it had moved out of committee for the first time in all of the
previous attempts made during the last 11 years and went to the floor of the
state House, where it passed 51-19 today, led by out House speaker Gordon
Fox and the bill's author, Arthur Handy. But next up is what is still
considered by many to be the legislation's greatest hurdle — the Senate.
Senate presi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8775
来自主题: RuralChina版 - 要是上帝给你一个愿望
It's nice to see you know so much about Bible.
I just want to say one thing about Jeremiah 19. In this passage, especially
Jeremiah 19:9 that you cited, God is like a bad and cruel guy. Your feelings
are the same with any Christian: God should be good and never do bad things
! You will understand why bad things happens after a digress.
Book of Job says that Satan want to force a faithful guy called Job out of
faith of God. Satan made him from a rich, successful and healthy man to a
poor, sick ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Salon版 - 廖亦武 + 艾未未
Andrew Jacobs, Dissident Chinese Writer Is 'Ecstatic' After Finding Freedom
in Germany. New York Times, July 13, 2011 (title in print).
"impending publication in the United States of 'God Is Red,' a book by Mr.
Liao about Chinese Christians, and a memoir about his time in jail, 'The
Witness of the 4th of June.'
"Not long afterward, in 1990, he and the others were jailed as “
counterrevolutionari... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Salon版 - A Rape Case in Quizhou
Sharon LaFraniere, Rape Case Is a Rarity in Chinese Justice System; Public
pressure forces action in a case against a government official. New York
Times, Sept 23, 2011
My comment:
(a) Ashi 贵州省毕节地区毕节市 阿市
(b) speechify (vi; First Known Use 1723): "to make a speech"
(c) The report says "the teacher posted an eloquent plea online and a
newspaper reported... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 43
来自主题: Talk版 - Xu Siwen stays behind a paper diary
Speaks of this piece of paper the diary, Xu Huaxin the again old tear
vertically and horizontally, sobbed was saying to me: “the son conducts a
funeral procession, I repaired him practice all diaries which and Falungong'
s books, the magnetic tape, Li Hongzhi's badge, the religious texts
Falungong wrote and exercise martial arts the thing to install in 3 big
plastic knitting bag lira burn down to the crematory the ash, left behind
the son to die only these things which the scene lost, afterward,
发帖数: 918
"Lack of candor spirit, gives people a false impression." Li Hongzhi did
evil but dare not assume responsibility, to denials, exposed the hypocrisy
ugly face. The 2001 Tiananmen square self Immolation incident occurred in
the Li Hongzhi instigated by Li Hongzhi, but afterwards but by every means
to deny, say what is not involved in the self Immolation of Falun Gong
practitioners, want to erase the Xuezhang, so Li Hongzhi is so hypocritical.
In addition, Falun Gong's senior staff after the death ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 918
On July 4, 1998, Falun Gong general Tutorial Station in Hainan province
deputy chief Chen Yong 8-bit Falun Gong backbone accompanies the line, take
a car station wagon from Haikou to Sanya in Li Hongzhi's "law", on the
highway and a bus collided head-on. Chen Yong and other 7 Falun Gong
practitioners died on the spot, the same car only Zhang Yijun survived,
Zhang Yijun, who was a Qigong lover. In 1993, he began to practice Falun
Gong, Hainan is the first batch of practicing Falun Gong ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 918
来自主题: Talk版 - Make up the famous speech
Falun Gong sophister since July 1999 after the United States, more bad days,
one after another in the past ten years, leader Li Hongzhi promised a "
satisfactory" has become elusive, round heart on the brink of collapse. In
order to hold its ground, Falun Gong executives have called development
projects, while the leader Li Hongzhi concentrate on the "charm", trying to
charm into Falun Gong and trumpeter money grabbing hand. Unfortunately, the
"charm" XinBiTianGao, life than paper thin, but no o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 87
看来richardson 这个烂人真把clinton惹急了。出尔反尔的人该像犹大一样下地狱。
The Bill Clinton who met privately with California's superdelegates at last
weekend's state convention was a far cry from the congenial former president
who afterward publicly urged fellow Democrats to "chill out" over the race
between his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Barack Obama.
In fact, before his speech Clinton had one of his famous meltdowns Sunday
发帖数: 492
来自主题: USANews版 - ACORN又有猛料了
1. Don't over-estimate yourself. The norm of a society changes over time. It
's easy to claim "我坚持认为侮辱伟大领袖毛主席不是什么罪过" NOW, given all
the information/education you have afterwards. Put yourself in cultural
revolution, what makes you think you are more rational than others?
2. I said BETRAYAL is a more fundamental sin, which means you shouldn't rat
on your friends EVEN IF "侮辱伟大领袖毛主席" is a serious crime, while your
ethics is simply the CURRENT societal norm, whi
发帖数: 36
I highly recommend, when looking at a government analysis of a new policy,
pay only attention to the cost and tax numbers, and times each of 10
afterwards, just to be a little closer to reality.
You see, there have been so many wonderful policies in the history of
government. And unfortunately they all lead to this not so wonderful status
quo: bigger and bigger government, higher and higher tax for everybody,
regardless of whether you are born or not yet.
发帖数: 577
Very smart, brave and funny.
When he said "you cannot be more badass than that." I bet Biden's face is
dark green but he could still force him to say "thank you" and make him
laugh afterwards.
Slap on your face yet make you laugh. He really has the talent of a great
发帖数: 2406
来自主题: USANews版 - 也谈王医生事件
if someone paid for my labor, at that time he is better off exchanging for
it than if he did not. Does not matter if he derived happiness afterwards
or not. I suggest you go back and reread the thesis. The essense of the
School is, free exchange without coersion. You should be able to apply that
in Wang's hospital case, and clearly also the burden on Taxpayer issue.
发帖数: 897
来自主题: USANews版 - Tea party candidate loves criminal
Democrats have slammed Ken Buck, the tea party Republican candidate for
Senate in Colorado, for failing to prosecute an alleged rape as district
attorney in largely rural Weld County five years ago. Buck's claim that the
victim, who had invited the alleged rapist to her room, might have been
suffering from "buyer's remorse [1]" has sparked national controversy. In a
editorial defending Buck, the conservative Colorado Springs Gazette wrote [2
] that stories about the rape case were an attempt to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10233
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: Grapes (老葡萄), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: ZZ 关于我在波士顿被打劫的经历 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 8 13:35:34 2010, 美东)
发信人: gaoheng (勿怪), 信区: Boston
标 题: ZZ 关于我在波士顿被打劫的经历
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 8 11:20:34 2010, 美东)
昨天下午一两点的时候,我正在Boston的park street subway 绿线下车,到了红线的
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Swedish domestic intelligence said Sunday they were probing two bomb blasts
that killed one person and injured two in central Stockholm as a "terrorist
crime" that may have involved a suicide car bomber.
"We are opening an investigation into a terrorist crime," Anders Thornberg,
head of Säpo's security unit, said a day after an apparent car bomb and
sep... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
A desperate Left sinks into nostalgia.
by John Hayward
President Obama has been under intense fire from the Left for his tax deal
with Republicans. House Democrats are trying to kill it entirely, while
their counterparts in the Senate have thrown so much spending on top of the
deal that it has, perhaps, become too toxic for the Republicans to accept.
Obama decided to have former Pres... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
VOA Chinese, Dec. 22, 2010.
My comment:
(a) County of San Diego v. San Diego NORML. Court of Appeal for the Fourth
Appellate District, Division One (July 31, 2008).
"On October 16, 2008, the California Supreme Court denied the Counties'
Petition for Review and the United States Supreme Court denied the Counties'
cert. petition on May 26, 2009, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
People who don't follow politics tend to believe that conservatives and
liberals are just flip sides of the same coin. In other words, conservatives
are pro-life, pro-gun, and fiscally conservative while liberals are pro-
choice, anti-gun, and want to tax and spend, but otherwise, there are no
real differences.
However, if you follow politics closely, you'll find that there's a gulf as
wide as the ocean between the average politically active conservative and
the average politically active libera... 阅读全帖
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