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Military版 - 马克图温:白人所谓的文明是婊子立牌坊
马克吐温说 中国人是最不撒泼打滚的民族chinaman这个词不是第一次出现在电视上了
怒了,UCSD化学教授公开歧视华裔 (转载)历次辱华事件集锦
Chinaman 和 chinaman 的差别 (转载)建议暂停中国人来美,chinaman ban
发30个包子,庆祝初步胜利,首发ekin007 (纯国产)邓小平才是真的大英雄
FOX News主持人Bob Beckel发表针对华人的种族歧视和诬蔑言论房地产怎样走向对中国经济最有利
话题: chinaman话题: he话题: chinamen话题: white话题: 图温
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1998
一百多年前, 马克图温到非洲旅行, 目睹了一些白人的行径, 结合自己小时候在密西
西比以及加州的所见所闻, 说了一段很经典的话:
子,作为午后娱乐, 看到(野蛮人和他们的幼子)仓惶而逃,哀求饶命的时候,我们(
在很多国家, 我们(白人)抢走野蛮人的土地,把他们变成我们的奴隶,鞭打他们,羞
, 杀人无算,使用的除草剂遗患至今。十几年前,美国把一个本来还算平稳的伊拉克变
成人间地狱。 几年前,美国,英国以及法国入侵利比亚,从此利比亚就走上了战乱厮杀
如此等等, 并不妨碍西方国家以自由民主自我标榜, 更不妨碍公知放开马力跪舔西方
发帖数: 1998
“In many countries we have chained the savage and starved him to death . . .
in many countries we have burned the savage at the stake . . .
in more than one country we have hunted the savage and his little
children and their mother with dogs and guns through the woods and
swamps for an afternoon’s sport, and filled the region with happy
laughter over their sprawling and stumbling flight, and their wild
supplications for mercy: . .
in many countries we have taken the savage’s land from him, and
made him our slave, and lashed him every day, and broken his pride,
and made death his only friend, and overworked him til he dropped
in his tracks . . . .
There are many humorous things in the world: among them the white
man’s notion that he is less savage that the other savages.” –Mark Twain


【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: 一百多年前, 马克图温到非洲旅行, 目睹了一些白人的行径, 结合自己小时候在密西
: 西比以及加州的所见所闻, 说了一段很经典的话:
: “在很多国家,我们(白人)把野蛮人锁起来饿死。。。
: 在很多国家,我们(白人)把野蛮人叉起来烤死。。。
: 在多个国家,我们(白人)拿枪带狗在树林里和沼泽里捕猎野蛮人和他们的妻子以及幼
: 子,作为午后娱乐, 看到(野蛮人和他们的幼子)仓惶而逃,哀求饶命的时候,我们(
: 白人)愉快的笑声在当地回响。
: 在很多国家, 我们(白人)抢走野蛮人的土地,把他们变成我们的奴隶,鞭打他们,羞
: 辱他们,让他们与死神为伴,强迫他们过劳死。。。
: 世界上有很多幽默,其中之一就是白人认为他们比野蛮人文明。”

发帖数: 4741
发帖数: 1998
马克图温算是白人里面少数有良知的人之一, 当初他从密西西比跑到加州, 正逢加州
排华,马克图温写了一个正面的报道,结果自己被闲置了, 这是他成名前的事情
OF course there was a large Chinese population in Virginia--it is the
case with every town and city on the Pacific coast. They are a harmless
race when white men either let them alone or treat them no worse than
dogs; in fact they are almost entirely harmless anyhow, for they
seldom think of resenting the vilest insults or the cruelest injuries.
They are quiet, peaceable, tractable, free from drunkenness, and they
are as industrious as the day is long. A disorderly Chinaman is rare,
and a lazy one does not exist. So long as a Chinaman has strength to
use his hands he needs no support from anybody; white men often
complain of want of work, but a Chinaman offers no such complaint;
he always manages to find something to do.
He is a great convenience to everybody--even to the worst class of
white men, for he bears the most of their sins, suffering fines for
their petty thefts, imprisonment for their robberies, and death for
their murders. Any white man can swear a Chinaman's life away in the
courts, but no Chinaman can testify against a white man. Ours is the
"land of the free"--nobody denies that--nobody challenges it. [Maybe
it is because we won't let other people testify.] As I write, news
comes that in broad daylight in San Francisco, some boys have stoned
an inoffensive Chinaman to death, and that although a large crowd
witnessed the shameful deed, no one interfered.
There are seventy thousand (and possibly one hundred thousand) Chinamen
on the Pacific coast. There were about a thousand in Virginia. They were
penned into a "Chinese quarter"--a thing which they do not particularly
object to, as they are fond of herding together. Their buildings were
of wood; usually only one story high, and set thickly together along
streets scarcely wide enough for a wagon to pass through. Their quarter
was a little removed from the rest of the town. The chief employment of
Chinamen in towns is to wash clothing. They always send a bill, like
this below, pinned to the clothes. It is mere ceremony, for it does not enli
ghten the customer much. Their price for washing was $2.50 per
dozen--rather cheaper than white people could afford to wash for at
that time. A very common sign on the Chinese houses was: "See Yup,
Washer and Ironer"; "Hong Wo, Washer"; "Sam Sing Ah Hop, Washing."
The house servants, cooks, etc., in California and Nevada, were chiefly Chin
amen. There were few white servants and no Chinawomen so employed.
Chinamen make good house servants, being quick, obedient, patient,
quick to learn and tirelessly industrious. They do not need to be
taught a thing twice, as a general thing. They are imitative.
If a Chinaman were to see his master break up a centre table, in a
passion, and kindle a fire with it, that Chinaman would be likely to
resort to the furniture for fuel forever afterward.
All Chinamen can read, write and cipher with easy facility--pity but
all our petted voters could. In California they rent little patches
of ground and do a deal of gardening. They will raise surprising
crops of vegetables on a sand pile. They waste nothing. What is
rubbish to a Christian, a Chinaman carefully preserves and makes
useful in one way or another. He gathers up all the old oyster and
sardine cans that white people throw away, and procures marketable
tin and solder from them by melting.
He gathers up old bones and turns them into manure. In California he
gets a living out of old mining claims that white men have abandoned as exha
usted and worthless--and then the officers come down on him once a
month with an exorbitant swindle to which the legislature has given the
broad, general name of "foreign" mining tax, but it is usually inflicted
on no foreigners but Chinamen. This swindle has in some cases been
repeated once or twice on the same victim in the course of the same
month--but the public treasury was no additionally enriched by it, probably.
. . .
They are a kindly disposed, well-meaning race, and are respected and well
treated by the upper classes, all over the Pacific coast. No Californian
gentleman or lady ever abuses or oppresses a Chinaman, under any
circumstances, an explanation that seems to be much needed in the East.
Only the scum of the population do it--they and their children; they,
and, naturally and consistently, the policemen and politicians, likewise,
for these are the dust-licking pimps and slaves of the scum, there as
well as elsewhere in America.
top of page

. .

【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: “In many countries we have chained the savage and starved him to death . . .
: in many countries we have burned the savage at the stake . . .
: in more than one country we have hunted the savage and his little
: children and their mother with dogs and guns through the woods and
: swamps for an afternoon’s sport, and filled the region with happy
: laughter over their sprawling and stumbling flight, and their wild
: supplications for mercy: . .
: in many countries we have taken the savage’s land from him, and
: made him our slave, and lashed him every day, and broken his pride,
: and made death his only friend, and overworked him til he dropped

发帖数: 4741

【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: 马克图温算是白人里面少数有良知的人之一, 当初他从密西西比跑到加州, 正逢加州
: 排华,马克图温写了一个正面的报道,结果自己被闲置了, 这是他成名前的事情
: OF course there was a large Chinese population in Virginia--it is the
: case with every town and city on the Pacific coast. They are a harmless
: race when white men either let them alone or treat them no worse than
: dogs; in fact they are almost entirely harmless anyhow, for they
: seldom think of resenting the vilest insults or the cruelest injuries.
: They are quiet, peaceable, tractable, free from drunkenness, and they
: are as industrious as the day is long. A disorderly Chinaman is rare,
: and a lazy one does not exist. So long as a Chinaman has strength to

发帖数: 2274

: 这么一看我们民族气质改变挺大的

【在 d**s 的大作中提到】
: 这么一看我们民族气质改变挺大的
发帖数: 1387
发帖数: 14


【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: 一百多年前, 马克图温到非洲旅行, 目睹了一些白人的行径, 结合自己小时候在密西
: 西比以及加州的所见所闻, 说了一段很经典的话:
: “在很多国家,我们(白人)把野蛮人锁起来饿死。。。
: 在很多国家,我们(白人)把野蛮人叉起来烤死。。。
: 在多个国家,我们(白人)拿枪带狗在树林里和沼泽里捕猎野蛮人和他们的妻子以及幼
: 子,作为午后娱乐, 看到(野蛮人和他们的幼子)仓惶而逃,哀求饶命的时候,我们(
: 白人)愉快的笑声在当地回响。
: 在很多国家, 我们(白人)抢走野蛮人的土地,把他们变成我们的奴隶,鞭打他们,羞
: 辱他们,让他们与死神为伴,强迫他们过劳死。。。
: 世界上有很多幽默,其中之一就是白人认为他们比野蛮人文明。”

发帖数: 1998

【在 d**s 的大作中提到】
: 这么一看我们民族气质改变挺大的
1 (共1页)
房地产怎样走向对中国经济最有利Chinaman 和 chinaman 的差别 (转载)
日本核危机可能长期化发30个包子,庆祝初步胜利,首发ekin007 (纯国产)
原来谷歌对中国人的歧视到这种地步FOX News主持人Bob Beckel发表针对华人的种族歧视和诬蔑言论
马克吐温说 中国人是最不撒泼打滚的民族chinaman这个词不是第一次出现在电视上了
怒了,UCSD化学教授公开歧视华裔 (转载)历次辱华事件集锦
话题: chinaman话题: he话题: chinamen话题: white话题: 图温