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发帖数: 25644
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: bluedropddk (bluedropddk), 信区: Military
标 题: 常春藤名校录取有多腐败The Myth of American Meritocracy
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 23 20:35:25 2015, 美东)
常春藤名校录取有多腐败? 此博文包含图片 (2015-02-23 10:01:24)转载▼
标签: 杂谈 歧视 亚裔 分类: 美国见闻
读罗恩·昂茨(Ron Unz)的长文《美国任人唯贤的神话》
Myth of American Meritocracy)在美国教育界如同重磅炸弹,其翔实的资料(有120
和论据,让人更难以挑战他... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 111
来自主题: USANews版 - Why Do Obama Haters Dominate This Board?
Usually, young, affluent and high-educated people flock to Obama. Presumably
, people who come to MITBBS are young, more intellectual and financially
better off than ordinary American folks. Yet Obama bashing has become a norm
in this place, making this board another forum like that on Fox news or
Washington Times..
I guess it's because young Chinese are completely different from young
Americans. But Is it because Obama being a president is going to hurt
American interest? Then it seems Chinese
发帖数: 2415
In the 1970s, the term was applied to wealthy liberal supporters of open-
housing and forced school busing who didn't make use of public schooling.[5]
In Boston, Massachusetts, supporters of busing, such as Senator Ted Kennedy
, sent their children to private schools or lived in affluent suburbs. To
some South Boston residents, Kennedy's support of a plan that "integrated"
their children with blacks and his apparent unwillingness to do the same
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 有钱高学历白人向左...
In major flip, House Dems now represent richest regions
Updated 1d 16h ago | Comments 1,543 | Recommend 61 E-mail | Save
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
Democratic members of the House of Representatives now represent most of the
nation's wealthiest people, a sharp turnaround from the long-standing
dominance that Republicans have held over affluent districts.
发帖数: 3299
来自主题: USANews版 - Asain American want health care reform.
Welfare Facts
Asians are overall MORE likely to take welfare for most programs, but equal
to whites per poor person. Immigrants are about half as likely to receive
welfare if you leave out refugees.
However, Norman Matloff has attacked the few elderly Asians who take
advantage of SSI (which isn't normally called "welfare", but the term has
stuck) when their grown children are relatively affluent. The flip side is
that immigrant workers are funding the retirement of disproportiona
发帖数: 29846
2010-11-24 19:36:13
la nature)平等。从此,这个观点,尽管与生物方面的经验显然抵触,却成为“左派
力和果断方面比别人强,因而比别人更加适合从事人类事务 ——这是一个马克思也承
人禀赋的不平等因而生产能力(Leistungsfähigkeit)的不... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 欧洲的福利能缩小吗?
For those who have read about or vaguely remember the stolid British tribe
of Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, which held out in its "
finest hour," last week brought a disgusting sight.

Mobs in Parliament Square set fire to the statue of 19th century statesman
Lord Palmerston and urinated on the statue of Winston Churchill. Pink Floyd'
s kid was swinging by a rope from the Cenotaph that memorializes the 700,000
Britis... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Class War Rhetoric War on Reality
By Henry Oliner
A common fallacy of the class warfare rhetoric is to focus on the super rich
to draw a conclusion that will impact the much less affluent; the working
upper middle class sometimes called the 'working rich'. The drone on
corporate jets is such an example. Few small businesses use private jets.
Corporate jets are rare and already heavily scrutinized. The only issue is
whether they should be depreciated over five years or seven years as
required for commercial planes. The impac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Uri Friedman Aug 11, 2011 16,
While the rioters in England this week have looted shops selling shoes,
clothes, computers, and plasma televisions, they've curiously bypassed one
particular piece of merchandise: books. The Economist observes that while
rioters have a centuries-old history of book burning, "books are losing out
to high-end jeans and Apple-made gadgets" in London, with the Waterstone's
bookstore chain emerging unscathed and the WH Smith chain reporting only one
incident (some stores... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Ann Coulter:抗议华尔街的人希望奥巴马连任,然而奥巴马是美国历史上从华尔街得
Ann Coulter To Eric Bolling: Wall Street Protests Look Like ‘The Beginning
Of Totalitarianism’
by Frances Martel | 11:45 pm, October 3rd, 2011
As the Occupy Wall Street protests grow and their demands slowly start to
solidify, much of their anti-corporate rhetoric is hitting a sour note with
conservatives. On tonight’s Follow the Money, host Eric Bolling and guest
Ann Coulter discussed the danger of similar “mob u... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1283
来自主题: USANews版 - Perry Proposes 20 Percent Flat Tax
flat taxing just means less tax for the affluent. I believe 90% should not
pay any tax at all

发帖数: 2273
来自主题: USANews版 - The Middle-Class Agenda
NYT Editorial
The Middle-Class Agenda
Earlier this month, President Obama delivered his first unabashed 2012
campaign speech. Unlike his opponents, Mr. Obama acknowledged the ravages of
income equality, the hollowing out of the American middle class. There is
no hyperbole in the urgency he conveyed about “a make-or-break moment for
the middle class, and for all those who are fighting to get into the middle
The challenge for Mr. Obama is to translate the plight of the middle class
into an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
“The main problem for young black men is not violent white men chasing them
. It is black on black violence.”
March 25, 2012 Posted by Rick Rice
I watched a local news report yesterday focused on a rally in support of
Trayvon Martin. The reporter was interviewing a mother who was near
hysterical in voicing her fear that her teenage son might also be set upon
by an assailant because her son is black and because her son wears a hoodie.
The reporter was eating it up. The crowd around the mothe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - More college students living at home
'Families are being more cost-conscious'
Published: 17 hours ago
(NYTIMES) — About half of college students lived at home in the most recent
academic year to cut education costs, an increase over the last two years,
according to a new study from Sallie Mae, the student loan giant.
The increase is largely driven by students from more affluent families —
those with incomes of $100,000 or more, the study found. Students from lower
- and moderate-income families have typically lived at home for at l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Bill McBride
Here is a series I'm looking forward to reading ... from David Leonhardt at
the NY Times: A Closer Look at Middle-Class Decline
Arguably no question is more central to the country’s global standing
than whether the economy will perform better in the future than it has in
the recent past.
Over the next few months on this blog, several colleagues and I will
look in some detail at the challenge and at possible ways forward, and we’
ll encourage you to weigh in with questions... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Douglas County Colorado Proposal Seeks to Terminate Collective Bargaining of
Teachers' Unions
by n*****[email protected] (Mike Mish Shedlock)
Three members of the Douglas County School Board have floated proposals to
terminate dealings with teacher's unions.
Three board members proposed three separate ballot questions, each
chipping away at what have been traditional district-union relationships in
the affluent county south of Denver.
Should the district be prohibited from using public f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
After his party’s devastating setback in the 2010 midterm elections, Barack
Obama was reelected earlier this month by painting his Republican opponents
as heartless in favoring lower taxes for the rich. They were portrayed as
nativists for opposing the DREAM Act amnesty for illegal immigrants, and as
callous in battling the federal takeover of health care.
Republicans countered with arguments that higher taxes on the employer class
hurt the economy in general. They assumed most voters knew that ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Mark Felsenthal
WASHINGTON | Wed Dec 5, 2012 6:24am EST
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama will renew his case for tax hikes on
wealthy Americans to avert a year-end fiscal crunch and call for a smooth
increase in the nation's borrowing limit in a speech to a business group on
Wednesday, a White House official said.
The president is embarked on an aggressive campaign to pressure
congressional Republicans to compromise on steps to avoid the so-called
fiscal cliff. He will argue to corporate ex... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30882
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: Military
标 题: 黑女的单身母亲竟然占72%
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 18 17:44:10 2012, 美东)
黑男把黑女搞的真惨,黑男是极品,screwing up 全社会。
Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate
Why black women are justifiably bitter: The bleak relationship picture for
African-American females
By Ralph Richard Banks
Stereotypes of black women as angry or bitter are pervasive. They are also
more accurate than m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1312
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: maoqiumina (mqmn), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 转载纽约时报:亚裔孩子聪明反被聪明误
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 21 11:09:05 2012, 美东)
Asians: Too Smart for Their Own Good?
AT the end of this month, high school seniors will submit their college
applications and begin waiting to hear where they will spend the next four
years of their lives. More than they might realize, the outcome will depend
on race. If you are Asian, your chances of getting in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Cliff Would Strike Low Incomes Hard
If the U.S. goes over the "fiscal cliff," some Americans may fall harder
than others.
The biggest impact in sheer dollars would land on relatively affluent
households, particularly when it comes to the tax increases that make up the
bulk of the cliff. But in terms of percentage of tax increases, low- and
moderate-income taxpayers will face the biggest burden—an often overlooked
part of the budget debate that's now getting attention as the year-end
deadline nears.
Investors ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Nicolas Sarkozy is preparing to move to London to set up a billion pounds
plus investment fund, it was claimed today.
If the move goes ahead, the controversial Frenchman will become the latest
to escape a potential top tax rate of 75 per cent in his home country.
He and his former supermodel third wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy would be likely
to settle in an affluent district like South Kensington – so becoming the
most high profile Gallic celebrity couple in the city.
But the former president is und... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Dr. Hanson:美国的衰落
The Decline of America
By Victor Davis Hanson
February 14, 2013 12:00 A.M.
Why do once-successful societies ossify and decline?
Hundreds of reasons have been adduced for the fall of Rome and the end of
the Old Regime in 18th-century France. Reasons run from inflation and
excessive spending to resource depletion and enemy invasion, when historians
attempt to understand the sudden collapse of the Mycenaeans, the Aztecs,
and, apparently, the modern Greeks. In literature from Catullus to Edward
Gibb... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Dr. Hanson轰种族配额Affirmative Action政策:奥巴马的孩子难道比来自旁遮普或柬
Sometime in the first years of the new millennium, “global warming”
evolved into “climate change.” Amid growing controversies over the planet
’s past temperatures, Al Gore and other activists understood that human-
induced “climate change” could explain almost any weather extremity —
droughts or floods, temperatures too hot or too cold, hurricanes and
tornadoes — better than “global warming” could.
Similar verbal gymnastics hav... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Fewer American doctors are treating patients enrolled in the Medicare health
program for seniors, reflecting frustration with its payment rates and
pushback against mounting rules, according to health experts.
The number of doctors who opted out of Medicare last year, while a small
proportion of the nation's health professionals, nearly tripled from three
years earlier, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,
the government agency that administers the program. Other doctors ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Maybe Pain Will Teach You Millenials Not To Vote For Your Own Serfdom
Kurt Schlichter | Nov 04, 2013
You Millenials voted for Obama by a margin of 28 percent, which will make it
a lot easier for me to accept the benefits you will be paying for. We
warned you that liberalism was a scam designed to take the fruits of your
labor and transfer it to us, the older, established generation. Oh, and also
to the couch-dwelling, Democrat-voting losers who live off of food stamps
and order junk from QVC wit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
4 Arrested on Murder Charges in NJ Mall Carjacking
Four men have been arrested on charges of murder, conspiracy and other
counts in the carjacking death of a man shot in front of his wife outside an
upscale mall in northern New Jersey last weekend, authorities said Saturday.
The suspects were identified at a news conference as 29-year-old Hanif
Thompson, of Irvington, and 31-year-old Karif Ford, 32-year-old Basim Henry
and 33-year-old Kevin Roberts, all of Newark.
They are accused in the Dec. 15... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9926
Dear XXX,
I strongly urge a "No" vote on SCA-5. SCA-5 allows public universities to
use race in admissions decisions. In 1997 former President Bill Clinton
insisted that he wants to continue in this direction--tilting the government
's emphasis from "race-based" programs like affirmative action toward
initiatives that target "economic need". That's where President Clinton
thinks this whole thing needs to be going. Programs to aid disadvantaged
students should focus on economic need alone an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
来自主题: USANews版 - Bill O'Reilly: 没落的美国
Russia's violation of international law raises a very unpleasant question,
is the USA now incapable of confronting dangerous behavior? The short answer
is no. We can still right wrongs if we have the will. But the stark truth
is America is getting weaker on almost every front.
Let's start with economics. During President Obama's five years in office,
median income for Americans has dropped about seven percent -- that's big --
because while prices and taxe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
来自主题: USANews版 - Bill O'Reilly: 没落的美国
Russia's violation of international law raises a very unpleasant question,
is the USA now incapable of confronting dangerous behavior? The short answer
is no. We can still right wrongs if we have the will. But the stark truth
is America is getting weaker on almost every front.
Let's start with economics. During President Obama's five years in office,
median income for Americans has dropped about seven percent -- that's big --
because while prices and taxe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
The American Middle Class Is No Longer the World’s Richest
(NY Times) – The American middle class, long the most affluent in the world
, has lost that distinction.
While the wealthiest Americans are outpacing many of their global peers, a
New York Times analysis shows that across the lower- and middle-income tiers
, citizens of other advanced countries have received considerably larger
raises over the last three decades.
After-tax middle-class income... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8800
来自主题: USANews版 - 80-20开始支持income-based AA
New York Time emailed to asked 80-20 PAC's Advisor, Haibo Huang,
Ph. D in Physics and 80-20's expert on college admissions, this question:
"Is it time to move to income-based affirmative action?"
Haibo sent back a short but powerful reply:
"Yes, it's time to move on to merit-based college admissions with
socioeconomic considerations. Racial preference is divisive and helps
the wrong kids.
According to 2004 data, 86% of African American students in highly
selective colleges ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21627
America the Shrunken
MAY 3, 2014
Frank Bruni
NOT long ago I asked a good friend of mine — one of the smartest men I know
, and one of the most devoted dads — if he thought that his children would
live in a more prosperous America or at least enjoy the same bounty of
opportunities that we had.
His response was instant and unequivocal. No.
“How do you make peace with that?” I said.
He shrugged, laughed bitterly and answered, “I’m hoping to leave them a
lot of money.”
The American dream, 2014 editi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Crisis on the Border
No one who wants to help has authority, and no one with authority is helping.
By Peggy Noonan
Updated July 10, 2014 7:19 p.m. ET
What is happening at the southern border is a true and actual crisis. News
accounts justly use words like chaos, collapse and breakdown. They feature
images of children—toddlers, 4- and 5-year-olds—being shuffled to
warehouse holding centers, sleeping crowded at night on what look like
pallets, covered only in Mylar blankets. "I never thought we'd have refugee
camps in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - More Redistribution, Less Income
Obama has spread the wealth, but the poor and middle class haven’t
Updated Nov. 23, 2014 5:43 p.m. ET
One reading of the midterm election wave is that voters have concluded that
President Obama ’s answer to falling incomes and slow growth—higher taxes
on the rich and more redistribution—is tapped out. These policies have been
up and running for six long years but the middle class is no better off as
a result.
On taxes, Mr. Obama often claims that the rich don’t pay their “fair share
,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5456
别的不说, 就是现在, 还是支持income based AA. 把 income, race混到merit based
New York Time emailed to asked 80-20 PAC's Advisor, Haibo Huang,
Ph. D in Physics and 80-20's expert on college admissions, this question:
"Is it time to move to income-based affirmative action?"
Haibo sent back a short but powerful reply:
"Yes, it's time to move on to merit-based college admissions with
socioeconomic considerations. Racial preference is divisive and helps
the wrong kids.
According to 2004 data... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking
up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs
for being too white and too wealthy.
The scheme involves super-sizing vouchers to help urban poor afford higher
rents in pricey areas, such as Westchester County, while assigning them
government real estate agents called “mobility counselors” to secure
housing in the exurbs.
Castro plans to launch the Section 8 reboot this fall, even though a simil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy
Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking
up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs
for being too white and too wealthy.
The scheme involves super-sizing vouchers to help urban poor afford higher
rents in pricey areas, such as Westchester County, while assigning them
government real estate agents called “mobility counselors” to secure
housing in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
The Dream Of Muslim Outreach Has Become A Nightmare
When President Obama entered office, he dreamed that his hope-and-change
messaging and his references to his familial Islamic roots would win over
the Muslim world. The soon-to-be Nobel Peace Prize laureate would make the U
.S. liked in the Middle East. Then, terrorism would decrease.
But, as with his approach to racial relations, Obama's remedies proved worse
than the original illness.
Obama gave his first presidential interview to Al Arabiya,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16479
He grew up in the affluent suburb of Mount Lebanon, in a Jewish[12] working-
class family. His paternal grandfather changed the family name from "
Chabenisky" to "Cuban" after his family emigrated from Russia through Ellis
Island.[13][14] His maternal grandparents were also Jews who came from
发帖数: 8291
你可以说: When there is a significant percentage of the population rely on
welfare and they can live as affluent as most of the working class, then the
difference between communism and socialism diminishes to near zero.
发帖数: 6080
Chinese and Indian newcomers to the U.S. are now outpacing Mexican arrivals
in most regions of the country, a marked reversal from a decade ago, when
immigrants from America’s southern neighbor dwarfed arrivals from the large
Asian countries.
A Wall Street Journal analysis of census figures shows that in Illinois, New
York, Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Georgia and other states, more immigrants
from China and India arrived than from Mexico in 2014, the most recent year
for which data are available.
T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12853
What’s the Matter With Connecticut?
By Annie Lowrey
A funny-sad back-and-forth appeared in the pages of the Hartford Courant
last month.
It started when one Christopher Edge wrote into the letters section to say
he had had it and was moving out in a brief tirade entitled “Farewell,
Connecticut.” More positive residents then chimed in with their support for
the Nutmeg State. “Running away is not the solution,” chided one Patricia
But what problems could Edge possibly be trying to d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1800
Every Saturday, Cuellar goes door to door campaigning for Trump. He and his
father visit affluent neighborhoods along Richmond’s waterfront. They knock
on every door, even engaging people who are walking their dogs or riding
When Cuellar comes across a Trump supporter, he beams with excitement,
giving the person a sturdy handshake.
When Cuellar meets a Hillary Clinton supporter, he asks if there is any way
to change their minds. He suggests third-party candidates like Jill Stein,
hands ou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4124
Here's Why Donald Trump Is More Right About Immigration Than You Think
by Chris Matthews @crobmatthews SEPTEMBER 23, 2016, 3:17 PM EDT
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The argument for being anti-refugee just got a new backer.
There might actually be an economic reason to join the anti-refugee crowd.
If there’s one thing that has united Americans and Europeans in the past
six months, it’s their attitudes toward refugees. In N... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
It’s Official! Obama Plans Government Takeover Of THIS! – Breaking News
We knew President Barack Obama’s final year in the White House would be
horrible – But this is taking it to a new level!
The Obama White House is now pushing for heavy-handed regulations which put
your private retirement savings (your IRA and 401k) into government accounts.
Obama is now after your retirement money… And he won’t stop until he has
control of it!
President Obama’s regulators aren’t slowing down, alas. And o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4736
BY Chris Sommerfeldt
Updated: Saturday, January 28, 2017, 11:10 PM
President Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling
business empire
President Trump’s most recent executive order effectively bans citizens of
seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. for at least 90 days
— but some Muslim countries were spared from the order's blacklist, even
though they have deep-seated ties to terrorism.
Conspicuously, Trump do... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 897
来自主题: USANews版 - Young Ivanka Trump’s Lemonade Stand
The New Yorker’s Jia Tolentino has done us all the good service of leafing
through Ivanka Trump’s The Trump Card, a 2009 self-help book that allows
readers to understand how to get ahead in life with nothing more than a
millionaire father and a world-famous surname.
Tolentino’s story is filled with eyebrow-raising anecdotes straight from
the mouth, or pen, or laptop, or ghostwriter, of an Ivanka Trump who, on the
day of the book’s release, was weeks away from turning 28 years old. But
one paragr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1956
来自主题: USANews版 - 美国的公立教育危险了
Malloy's 'Robin Hood' Budget Calls For Dramatic Shift In School Funding From
Rich To Poor Districts
Sights And Sounds From Gov. Malloy's Budget Speech
Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy announces his state budget proposals
on Wednesday at noon at the Capitol building in Hartford. The $20 billion
annual budget calls for $1.36 billion in reduced spending and $320 million
in new revenue.
Kathleen Megan and Vanessa de la TorreContact Reporters
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy proposed a state budget Wednesd... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
At first blush, I would say that President Trump’s tax plan is a home run.
I would have preferred a flat tax, but overall, this is a vast improvement
over what we have now. The plan will drastically cut taxes for business big
and small, which will spur economic growth. The US has the largest corporate
tax in the world and that is just so very wrong. It also strangles business
. I believe this plan will create jobs and help br... 阅读全帖
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