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USANews版 - Why Do Obama Haters Dominate This Board?
Is the idiocy of The Life of Julia really going to be bought by America?客观一点,希拉里现在并不乐观。
Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus美国的核心床粉是爱国色
我看dream ticket周四在San Jose的感受
08/02 狐狸头条US appeals court stays affirmative action ruling
我怀疑媒体被Trump买通了6000多份"丢失"的IRS电邮被找到, 左派媒体视而不见
Just in: clintons and obamas will rally together iTrump dominating Google searches today
Nader: Obama “wants to appeal to white guilt."希拉里至少有一句话是对的
5th Circuit Court rules against Obama immigration plan比较中美国家利益,可以看出中国人民被彻底背叛了
话题: obama话题: young话题: american话题: board话题: why
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 111
Usually, young, affluent and high-educated people flock to Obama. Presumably
, people who come to MITBBS are young, more intellectual and financially
better off than ordinary American folks. Yet Obama bashing has become a norm
in this place, making this board another forum like that on Fox news or
Washington Times..
I guess it's because young Chinese are completely different from young
Americans. But Is it because Obama being a president is going to hurt
American interest? Then it seems Chinese
发帖数: 111
Another observation on Obama is his unique background. He is bi-racial, he
spent grade school years in Indonesia, a Muslim country (but not radical),
back to Asian-immigrant dominant Hawaii, grew up with his grandparents who
were both white working class people from Kansas. Then went to Trinity
College in L.A. and transferred to Columbia University in NYC. Never has a
president candidate had such a mixture background like Obama has. Yet his
family background is a miniature of American racial soc
发帖数: 327
但凡脑子正常点的人都不会说自己perfect吧,所以奥巴马承认自己not perfect也就是
候选人的很多差异都不重要,最重要的是我是clean politician, 他们是old
washington 政客.
还大言不惭的说"never took money from oil company""never took money from
washington lobbysits""credit card 30% interest is too high....so I don't
want any cap" wright事件刚出,关于他自己知道不知道wright的种族和反美言论,奥巴
智商都低啊...... 就是这点最不招华人待见


【在 d********r 的大作中提到】
: Another observation on Obama is his unique background. He is bi-racial, he
: spent grade school years in Indonesia, a Muslim country (but not radical),
: back to Asian-immigrant dominant Hawaii, grew up with his grandparents who
: were both white working class people from Kansas. Then went to Trinity
: College in L.A. and transferred to Columbia University in NYC. Never has a
: president candidate had such a mixture background like Obama has. Yet his
: family background is a miniature of American racial soc

发帖数: 11
Nice analysis.
Cynicism is what i feel the major reason why most chinese in america cant
embrace the possibility of hope and change.
We only believe in the differences among people instead of recognizing our
common good will and trying to amplify it. I used to think genes are
inevitably selfish too, but the love thats been poured into sichuan has made
me believe that we are all 'neural buddists' after all.
I have been switching between HRC and OBAMA during the primary season. Their
policies are
发帖数: 2097
that means you're like the young americans? only figure out the truth when
the politicians do something like shipping you to Iraq in the name of
protecting freedom?
so what evidence can you offer that backs up the case for Obama? Is the job
as president of USA so unimportant one should simply listen to whatever the
candidates speaks or sells and not check out how much substance there is in
change? bottom up? very appealing, but again, only just very appealing.
participatory? that makes you h

【在 d********r 的大作中提到】
: Another observation on Obama is his unique background. He is bi-racial, he
: spent grade school years in Indonesia, a Muslim country (but not radical),
: back to Asian-immigrant dominant Hawaii, grew up with his grandparents who
: were both white working class people from Kansas. Then went to Trinity
: College in L.A. and transferred to Columbia University in NYC. Never has a
: president candidate had such a mixture background like Obama has. Yet his
: family background is a miniature of American racial soc

发帖数: 596
首先希望你不要硬凹自己说错的话- “白主人”(white master) 这个称谓 - 稍微有
去这样讲 - 看看左中右会不会联合起来痛扁你。
里安身立命,谁就是这里的主人。何必管“白人”怎么看你?- 说到底,还是心里有个
最后,旅美华人的自我定位,难道不可以既是中国人,又是美国人么?- 如果你一定要

发帖数: 111
Didn't expect my posts invited such a flood. Amazed and thankful to those
replies that did have some substance.
I would say I lean a little bit toward Obama mainly out of curiousity to see
how far he can go and what this guy really brings about. Will he deliver or
will he fall off the cloud. Whatever happens, it is always interesting.
That's why I would like to watch the election unfold like a drama. But
Hillary or McCain, because of the exposure fatigue, is pretty much
predictable, and there wi
1 (共1页)
给大家科普一下“伟大”的民主党政客Just in: clintons and obamas will rally together i
Palin's pastor urges flock to pray for the mediaNader: Obama “wants to appeal to white guilt."
有钱高学历白人向左...5th Circuit Court rules against Obama immigration plan
Is the idiocy of The Life of Julia really going to be bought by America?客观一点,希拉里现在并不乐观。
Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus美国的核心床粉是爱国色
我看dream ticket周四在San Jose的感受
08/02 狐狸头条US appeals court stays affirmative action ruling
话题: obama话题: young话题: american话题: board话题: why