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USANews版 - The Crisis on the Border
Goodlatte: 'Obama Fiddles While Our Borders Implode'奥巴马的边境捉放政策-捉了就放,捉了也白捉
Contract Shows Obama Planned Border Invasion看看奥黑屄怎么花他37亿美元解决 border crisis (转载)
Rep. Ted Yoho: Halt Funding to Mexico Until Border SecureBuffett said Trump is a politician now after election
Pew: Public takes harder line on illegals, wants tighter border共党太狡猾
非法移民继续蜂拥入境Palin is not as thoughtful as Joe the Plumber-WSJ
8月份平均每天149个年轻非法老墨移民入境WSJ: Peggy Noonan也对奥巴马没耐心了?
话题: he话题: children话题: border话题: crisis话题: who
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
No one who wants to help has authority, and no one with authority is helping.
By Peggy Noonan
Updated July 10, 2014 7:19 p.m. ET
What is happening at the southern border is a true and actual crisis. News
accounts justly use words like chaos, collapse and breakdown. They feature
images of children—toddlers, 4- and 5-year-olds—being shuffled to
warehouse holding centers, sleeping crowded at night on what look like
pallets, covered only in Mylar blankets. "I never thought we'd have refugee
camps in America," said Texas Sen. John Cornyn, "but that's what it's
All this gives normal people a feeling of besiegement and foreboding. Is a
nation without borders a nation? Washington's leaders seem to recognize what
's happening as a political problem, not a real problem. That is, they
betray no honest alarm. They just sort of stand in clusters and say things.
There seem only two groups that view the situation with appropriate alarm.
One is the children themselves, dragged through deserts to be deposited here
. To them, everything is a swirl of lights, color and clamor, and shouting
and clanking. A reporter touring a detainment center in Texas noted a blank,
lost look among some of the younger children. Every mother knows what that
suggests. Children who cry and wail anticipate comfort: That's why they're
crying, to alert those who care for them that something is wrong. But little
children who are blank, withdrawn, who don't show or at some point know
what they're feeling—those children are in trouble.
The other group feeling a proper alarm is normal Americans, who are seeing
all this on TV and who judge they are witnessing a level of lawlessness that
has terrible implications for the country.
This is how I think normal people are experiencing what is happening:
Enlarge Image
A young boy bows his head in a holding cell for immigrant children at the U.
S. Customs and Border Protection Nogales Placement Center in Nogales,
Arizona. Reuters
It's like you live in a house that's falling apart. The roof needs to be
patched and there are squirrels in the attic, a hornet's nest in the eaves.
The basement's wet. The walkway to the front door is cracked with grass
growing through it. The old boiler is making funny sounds. On top of that it
's always on your mind that you could lose your job tomorrow and must live
within strict confines so you can meet the mortgage and pay the electric
bill. You can't keep the place up and you're equal parts anxious, ashamed
and angry. And then one morning you look outside and see . . . all these
people standing on your property, looking at you, making some mute demand.
Little children looking lost—no one's taking care of them. Older ones
settling in the garage, or working a window to the cellar. You call the cops
. At first they don't come. Then they come and shout through a bull horn and
take some of the kids and put them in a shelter a few blocks away. But more
kids keep coming! You call your alderman and he says there's nothing he can
do. Then he says wait, we're going to pass a bill and get more money to
handle the crisis. You ask, "Does that mean the kids will go home?" He says
no, but it may make things feel more orderly. You call the local TV station
and they come do a report on your stoop and then they're gone, because
really, what can they do, and after a few days it's getting to be an old
No one's in charge! No one is taking responsibility. No one who wants to
help has authority, and no one with authority is helping.
America is the house that is both falling apart and under new stress. Those
living within it, those most upset by what they're seeing, know America has
big problems—unemployment, low workforce participation, a rickety physical
infrastructure, an unsound culture, poor public education. And of course
discord of all sorts—a lot of mad squirrels running around the attic. They
know America can't pay its bills. They fear we're living on the fumes of
greatness. They want us to be strong again. Watching our border collapse
doesn't look like a harbinger of progress.
Here it must be said that those who live comfortable lives can afford to
roll with the historical punches. But people who are not affluent live
closer to the ground, and closer to the country's deterioration. The rougher
America becomes, the more they feel the abrasion. They're not protected.
And they know no one wants to be in charge, wants to seize this thing and
take responsibility. The mind-boggling fact is that everyone in charge more
or less suggests they're powerless to do anything. And the children keep
The president of course has rushed to the scene—to go, as always, to
fundraisers. This is at the moment a scandal, but why? Clever people say it'
s an unforced error. He has to show he cares! He ought to journey to an
overwhelmed border area, stand there and point to the middle distance as a
local official in a hopefully picturesque hat briefs him. It's almost
touching how much the press wants to see this. But why? Why do they want to
see the president enact a degree of alarm he clearly does not feel?
For a quarter-century I have been puzzled by the press's emphasis on "optics
," their stupid word—actually it is a consultants' word they've lamely
adopted—for how things look as opposed to how they are. Their criticism
comes down to a complaint they're not being manipulated well enough. It is a
strange complaint.
Give the president points for honesty. He doesn't want to enact an "I care
and am aware" photo-op. He will pay a political price, but it is clearly a
price he is willing to pay. He never has to face a voter again.
The latest border surge has been going on for at least two years. Children
and others are coming because they believe that under the president's
leadership, if they get here they'll get a pass to stay. (They're probably
right.) This was predictable. Two years ago Texas Gov. Rick Perry wrote the
president that the number of unaccompanied children was spiking sharply. He
warned that unless the government moves, other minors would attempt the
journey and find themselves in "extremely dangerous situations." The
generally agreed-upon number of those who've come so far this year is 50,000
. Now government estimates are rising to at least 90,000 by year's end.
Meanwhile some in the conservative press call the president incapable,
unable to handle the situation. But he is not so stupid he doesn't know this
is a crisis. He knows his poll numbers are going to go even lower next
month because of it. He scrambled Wednesday to hold a news conference to
control a little of the damage, but said nothing new.
There is every sign he let the crisis on the border build to put heat on
Republicans and make them pass his idea of good immigration reform. It would
be "comprehensive," meaning huge, impenetrable and probably full of
mischief. His base wants it. It would no doubt benefit the Democratic Party
in the long term.
The little children in great danger, holding hands, staring blankly ahead,
are pawns in a larger game. That game is run by adults. How cold do you have
to be to use children in this way?
发帖数: 8291
曾经看过一个统计,具体数字不记得了,中心意思是大多数foster care children成年
以后会成为无家可归者,妓女。 这些独自偷渡过来的孩子,下场不会比foster


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: No one who wants to help has authority, and no one with authority is helping.
: By Peggy Noonan
: Updated July 10, 2014 7:19 p.m. ET
: What is happening at the southern border is a true and actual crisis. News
: accounts justly use words like chaos, collapse and breakdown. They feature
: images of children—toddlers, 4- and 5-year-olds—being shuffled to
: warehouse holding centers, sleeping crowded at night on what look like
: pallets, covered only in Mylar blankets. "I never thought we'd have refugee
: camps in America," said Texas Sen. John Cornyn, "but that's what it's
: appearing."

发帖数: 2896

没有父母的孩子, 得不到爱, 长大后, 大多数的人性格有严重缺陷, 会产生很多社会问
左逼现在大放水, 唯恐天下不乱. 很多知识水平差, 劳动技能低非法移民进来后, 要求
医保和社会福利, 还拼命地一窝窝地繁殖. 要养活这些人, 钱从哪里来, 必然要从变本
加厉地剥削和压迫中产, 使整个中产阶层不堪负荷, 要么彻底堕落为贫民, 要么做牛做
而且, 社会资源是有限的, 随着越来越多的手脚健全的人领取福利, 总有一天, 整个社
会的福利系统越来越不堪负担, 社会的整体福利水平越来越差, 直至崩溃. 这会真正影
响需要福利照顾的残疾人, 他们会很可怜.

【在 t*c 的大作中提到】
: 这些没有父母陪伴的孩子,多数长大以后会成为犯罪分子,妓女,街头流浪者。
: 曾经看过一个统计,具体数字不记得了,中心意思是大多数foster care children成年
: 以后会成为无家可归者,妓女。 这些独自偷渡过来的孩子,下场不会比foster
: children好。
: helping.
: refugee

发帖数: 754
发帖数: 8291
2006年巴西移民曾经大量从美墨边境偷渡过来。 结果,美国在宣布遣返抓住的第一个

【在 d*****n 的大作中提到】
: 这都是早计划好了的。白宫是不会改变这种状况的,甚至要阻止任何改善边境安全的措
: 施,比如五角大楼建议部署军队在边界。

发帖数: 7717

【在 t*c 的大作中提到】
: 其实很简单的事情。
: 2006年巴西移民曾经大量从美墨边境偷渡过来。 结果,美国在宣布遣返抓住的第一个
: 人的几个小时内,这股庞大的偷渡潮嘎然而止,就几个小时就起作用了。那边就不过来
: 人了。
: 奥巴马明显是故意让这些大人儿童非法入境的。而且是越多越好。

发帖数: 7463
你悲愤也木有用! 咔咔

【在 j*****v 的大作中提到】
: 马桶是来动摇美国根基的
1 (共1页)
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When Did YOU First See Through Obama's Masquerade?8月份平均每天149个年轻非法老墨移民入境
Goodlatte: 'Obama Fiddles While Our Borders Implode'奥巴马的边境捉放政策-捉了就放,捉了也白捉
Contract Shows Obama Planned Border Invasion看看奥黑屄怎么花他37亿美元解决 border crisis (转载)
Rep. Ted Yoho: Halt Funding to Mexico Until Border SecureBuffett said Trump is a politician now after election
话题: he话题: children话题: border话题: crisis话题: who