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Running版 - 征rutgers附近跑友
跑步感想:克服恐惧Where to get a good deal on GU gel?
Race report: Towpath marathonAustin Cap10K
新人报道,有在Miami的跑友么???菜鸟race repot: utah valley HM
有5月31号参加wall street 3M race的跑友么?多久跑一次比赛才不会constantly injured呢?
答谢帖: 首次跑马体验--和准备跑首马(或半马,10k)的跑友分享问一下AM training问题
WHY RACE? (from Joe Henderson)Newcomer: please recommend HM race near Chicago in Nov.
Race Report: First Half Marathon @ Rutgers UREWARDS of racing
Racing or Not RacingAny thought for these two questions
话题: rutgers话题: races话题: race话题: run话题: hm
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 798
发帖数: 7653
发帖数: 798

【在 S*********g 的大作中提到】
: 普林附近?
发帖数: 4651
welcome to east coast! there should be a few ids in nj, e.g. pavonia,
route11, etc. not sure how far they're from you.
i'm going to pace the UNITE HM at rutgers new bruskwick campus on 04-17.
hope to meet you there if you run this race...

【在 T******y 的大作中提到】
: 最近刚刚搬家到这边,忙得乱七八糟,转眼都1个月没跑了:(
: 有没有这边附近的朋友,下次叫上俺,给点motivation...

发帖数: 798
Thanks for sharing. I am considering this race now. I like it being on
campus, and it is really close to my place. Just not sure about my family
schedule in April..
Which group are you going to pace?

【在 T****a 的大作中提到】
: welcome to east coast! there should be a few ids in nj, e.g. pavonia,
: route11, etc. not sure how far they're from you.
: i'm going to pace the UNITE HM at rutgers new bruskwick campus on 04-17.
: hope to meet you there if you run this race...

发帖数: 4651
10 min, not sure how well i can do it. i guess you are targeting <1:50?


【在 T******y 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for sharing. I am considering this race now. I like it being on
: campus, and it is really close to my place. Just not sure about my family
: schedule in April..
: Which group are you going to pace?

发帖数: 798
I don't even have a plan yet...

【在 T****a 的大作中提到】
: 10 min, not sure how well i can do it. i guess you are targeting <1:50?
: family

发帖数: 798
Signed up for this one. See you then!

【在 T****a 的大作中提到】
: 10 min, not sure how well i can do it. i guess you are targeting <1:50?
: family

发帖数: 383
I live in West New York, NJ. Not that close to Rutgers, I guess. I remem
ber the UNITE HM is dirty cheap if you register very early. Now l enjoy
trail running better. Here is a link:
not very formal race. However you could meet many local runners.

【在 T****a 的大作中提到】
: welcome to east coast! there should be a few ids in nj, e.g. pavonia,
: route11, etc. not sure how far they're from you.
: i'm going to pace the UNITE HM at rutgers new bruskwick campus on 04-17.
: hope to meet you there if you run this race...

发帖数: 798
Thanks for sharing. I just signed up for United HM, and it took me near
$80. Considering that it is just in front of my home, it is still
acceptable, since I don't need to consider traveling and lodging
It seems that there are lots of great ultra races around here. Are you
planning for any of these races? In my case, I got to get back to regular
daily running and build up some mileage before considering any of these.

【在 r*****1 的大作中提到】
: I live in West New York, NJ. Not that close to Rutgers, I guess. I remem
: ber the UNITE HM is dirty cheap if you register very early. Now l enjoy
: trail running better. Here is a link:
: http://www.njtrailseries.com/
: not very formal race. However you could meet many local runners.

WHY RACE? (from Joe Henderson)Where to get a good deal on GU gel?
Race Report: First Half Marathon @ Rutgers UAustin Cap10K
Racing or Not Racing菜鸟race repot: utah valley HM
发帖数: 4651
great, see you at the race...

【在 T******y 的大作中提到】
: Signed up for this one. See you then!
发帖数: 383
I wish I could run two races in the Fall. Probably they would be the 25k
races. If you train regularly for the following 6 months, you are well
prepared for lots of the races.

【在 T******y 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for sharing. I just signed up for United HM, and it took me near
: $80. Considering that it is just in front of my home, it is still
: acceptable, since I don't need to consider traveling and lodging
: expenses:)
: It seems that there are lots of great ultra races around here. Are you
: planning for any of these races? In my case, I got to get back to regular
: daily running and build up some mileage before considering any of these.

发帖数: 798
I'd like to have one race in the fall, but haven'd decided which distance
to go. Maybe we can sign up for the same race, if everything works.

【在 r*****1 的大作中提到】
: I wish I could run two races in the Fall. Probably they would be the 25k
: races. If you train regularly for the following 6 months, you are well
: prepared for lots of the races.

发帖数: 12
Welcome to Rutgers neighborhood! I live in Highland Park and usually run in
Johnson park on weekdays. It's always fun to have someone to run together

【在 T******y 的大作中提到】
: 最近刚刚搬家到这边,忙得乱七八糟,转眼都1个月没跑了:(
: 有没有这边附近的朋友,下次叫上俺,给点motivation...

发帖数: 798
Wow, we are neighbors:) Let's find some time to run together.
Please find my phone number in your email.

run in

【在 b*******s 的大作中提到】
: Welcome to Rutgers neighborhood! I live in Highland Park and usually run in
: Johnson park on weekdays. It's always fun to have someone to run together
: with.

1 (共1页)
Any thought for these two questions答谢帖: 首次跑马体验--和准备跑首马(或半马,10k)的跑友分享
周末跑第一个5K,该立个多高的杆?WHY RACE? (from Joe Henderson)
新人报道 & 5k race reportRace Report: First Half Marathon @ Rutgers U
Meadow 5K Race ReportRacing or Not Racing
跑步感想:克服恐惧Where to get a good deal on GU gel?
Race report: Towpath marathonAustin Cap10K
新人报道,有在Miami的跑友么???菜鸟race repot: utah valley HM
有5月31号参加wall street 3M race的跑友么?多久跑一次比赛才不会constantly injured呢?
话题: rutgers话题: races话题: race话题: run话题: hm