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Biology版 - Re:现在离可以移植记忆思维还有多远?evolution,god,biology
nature社论:公开指控扰乱科学界请大家介绍一下computational biology领域的大牛
Re: Does anyone do in vitro evolution here?paper help, thanks! (received)
Re: 请教: A question in Molecular Evolution实验室组会上,老板要求我们每一步实验都要严谨…
Engineer蛋白结构/功能有前途吗?A system for the continuous directed evolution of biomolecu
Linguistic Evolution求paper In vitro 'sexual' evolution through the PCR-based staggered extension process (StEP)
谁能八卦一下为什么之前那个NCI director被下了?New Scientist 你以为你真的懂进化论?
"Cancer results from an unsuccessful experiment for human evolution",急求审稿推荐-Plant Science (转载)
Evolution of Human Skin Pigmentation人类肤色的进化文章求助
话题: forget话题: evolution话题: god话题: article话题: memory
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 312
the latest science has an article talk about memory.
Scientist identified a specific region that involoves suppressing bad
memories, by bad, I mean unpleasant and unwanted. It is thus possible to
develop a drug that can modify human memory, and forget what you want to
But the US goverment on ethics disapproved the idea. hehe.
The commentary article name is "learn to forget".
It is very interesting to me, together with the topics before about evolution,
I think maybe there is a god, it's
1 (共1页)
文章求助Linguistic Evolution
哎,这种拒信还有没有的争取下?谁能八卦一下为什么之前那个NCI director被下了?
好奇有Ecology and Evolution of Biology方向的同志吗?"Cancer results from an unsuccessful experiment for human evolution",
请教共转染的问题Evolution of Human Skin Pigmentation人类肤色的进化
nature社论:公开指控扰乱科学界请大家介绍一下computational biology领域的大牛
Re: Does anyone do in vitro evolution here?paper help, thanks! (received)
Re: 请教: A question in Molecular Evolution实验室组会上,老板要求我们每一步实验都要严谨…
Engineer蛋白结构/功能有前途吗?A system for the continuous directed evolution of biomolecu
话题: forget话题: evolution话题: god话题: article话题: memory