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Actuary版 - New to Insurance
My advice for the potential new actuarial student.modeling role at ING
真心请教:转行做精算的同学都是在年纪多大时转的?My tricky situation - Where do you see yourself five years
请问有没有可能一次性把 MFE MLC C 三门一次性考过?收到香港的offer
有在 LA 的精算前辈吗??纽约人寿 Assistant Actuary
exam c 求助about the soa exams
关于精算考试和SAS的疑问DC,MD附近health actuarial job
弱问, insurance company / consulting firm这几天等CAS的考试结果,都TM快出神经病了
第一次phone interview后今天收到据信,总结经验,向大家请教Actuary Associate Opportunity
话题: insurance话题: fsa话题: yrs话题: new话题: exams
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 605
A couple of questions about actuary compensation, please forgive my
1. usually people start exams in college, with 8+ exams, I suppose finish
with FSA at about 30 yrs old at most?
2. Does FSA require yrs of experience? I looked up salary survey, with 5-9
yrs of experience, the median is around 110k? Is that about right for a 30
yr old FSA?
3. 20 yrs exp, 40 yrs old, got 160k? that does sound very much, comparing
to IT or doctors. Same effort, right? I thought actuary's salary goes up
much faster.
发帖数: 1582
-Yes. Theoratically if you have 2 exams out of college, and passes every
sitting afterwards, you can get it by 26-27. The youngest FSA I met got his
at 24.
-Can ahieve 110K much earlier if you pass exams fast.
-DWS survey includes both consulting and insurance. Insurance has better
hours but lower pay. I am pretty sure the lowr end of the salary range on
DWS survey are for insurance organizations. If you want higher pay then you
should get into consulting, the con is you also have to deal with crazy
hours sometimes.
发帖数: 605


【在 Y*H 的大作中提到】
: -Yes. Theoratically if you have 2 exams out of college, and passes every
: sitting afterwards, you can get it by 26-27. The youngest FSA I met got his
: at 24.
: -Can ahieve 110K much earlier if you pass exams fast.
: -DWS survey includes both consulting and insurance. Insurance has better
: hours but lower pay. I am pretty sure the lowr end of the salary range on
: DWS survey are for insurance organizations. If you want higher pay then you
: should get into consulting, the con is you also have to deal with crazy
: hours sometimes.

1 (共1页)
Actuary Associate Opportunityexam c 求助
Help on the offer关于精算考试和SAS的疑问
诚心请教,除了dw Simpson,还有哪家recruiter比较靠谱?弱问, insurance company / consulting firm
这周收到两个entry level Offers, 怎么选比较好?第一次phone interview后今天收到据信,总结经验,向大家请教
My advice for the potential new actuarial student.modeling role at ING
真心请教:转行做精算的同学都是在年纪多大时转的?My tricky situation - Where do you see yourself five years
请问有没有可能一次性把 MFE MLC C 三门一次性考过?收到香港的offer
有在 LA 的精算前辈吗??纽约人寿 Assistant Actuary
话题: insurance话题: fsa话题: yrs话题: new话题: exams