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发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - zz中新网的造谣
中新网有篇报道名为《南苏丹共和国或将面临战争罪和反人类罪指控》, 它是这样肆无
据联合国新闻中心网站的消息, 联合国人权高级专员办公室本月早些时候发表初步
报告指出, 南苏丹军队在南科尔多凡州涉嫌严重侵权行为, 包括法外处决、任意逮捕和
非法拘禁、袭击平民等, 已致使大量平民流离失所。该消息称, 上述行为若被证实, 南
这个“南科尔多凡州(Southern Kordofan)”被划在北苏丹境内, 鬼知道“南苏丹军队
”怎么可能在那里搞什么“法外处决、任意逮捕和非法拘禁、袭击平民”, 况且该州人
民(努巴人)在从前的苏丹内战中支持南方, 在1993年就被巴希尔政府定了“叛教”罪名
(也就意味着可以随便杀), 今年从六月起的这场屠杀属于秋后算帐。
北苏丹政府军和民兵PDF(Popular Defence Forces)早就封锁了该地区的主要通道、连
联合国维和人员都不许进去, 就为了能杀得痛快彻底。那个“联合国新闻中心网站的消
息... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Police: Iranian blows off legs in Bangkok blast
Day after car blast injures Israeli woman in New Delhi, Thai police say
explosions in capital injure four civilians; second Iranian nabbed at
airport. Thai authorities said to have had intelligence indicating threat
An Iranian man carrying explosives blew off his own legs and wounded four
other people in two blasts Tuesday in Bangkok, Thai authorities said.
Security forces found more explosives in the assailant's rented house in the
capital, but it... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - No, Hasan and Bales Are Not Equivalent
By Winfield Myers
Earlier this week, Omid Safi, a professor of Islamic studies at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, used his blog "What Would
Muhammad Do" at the Religion News Service to claim a moral equivalency
between Ft. Hood jihadist Major Nidal Malik Hasan and U.S. Army Staff
Sergeant Robert Bales. "When Americans Kill vs. When Muslims Kill" is a
morally repugnant attempt to claim a double standard in the way Americans
react to mass murder. In this, Safi echoes the party l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The Video Didn’t Do It
Sep 24, 2012, Vol. 18, No. 02 • By LEE SMITH
It was bad enough, two years ago, that Defense Secretary Robert Gates called
fringe Florida pastor Terry Jones to ask him not to burn copies of the
Koran, or last week, that chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Martin Dempsey
took his turn to call Jones to ask him to stop publicizing a YouTube video,
The Innocence of Muslims. But then on Friday, White House spokesman Jay
Carney told the world that the violent protests in Cair... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
http://profile.yahoo.com/SUC5GH3CNLX2DCPPNKUYI2WAAI Debra
His “acts of terror” comment was vague in his little speech and were in
relation to 9/11… not Libya. Candy just had to admit she was wrong… jeez…
do you read any???
Even if he said the Libya thing was a terror act (which he did not) why on
God’s green earth did he send out UN Ambassador Rice for weeks, along with
countless others in his admin (or the reporters who suck his ass) talking
about this riot starting it???
From the moment the at... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4140
来自主题: USANews版 - Joke: Presidential Debate 2012, Act III
Joke: Presidential Debate 2012, Act III
By Limin Wang
In the evening of October 16, 2012, at the Smack Complex of Hofstra
University on Long Island, New York, President Obama and former governor
Romney had the second finger-to-finger presidential debate. Candy Growly
tried her hardest to moderate them.
Outside the debate building, large swarms of people had decided on their own
to join the show. Some said that they wanted to bring their own tough
questions. Some said that they wanted ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: USANews版 - 共和党过去60年变化:极右
Not Your Grandfather’s GOP
By Lansing Scott • on October 18, 2012 5:55 pm
One thing that gets lost in the 24 hour news cycle of political reporting is
a longer view of political developments—-not just for today, this week, or
this election cycle, but over a span of decades.
One of the most significant political developments over the past half
century has been the extreme rightwa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Media Ignore Domestic Terrorist Conviction of Gay-Rights Activist
How many stories have you seen on the broadcast networks or cable networks—
any of the networks—about the first-ever domestic terrorism conviction in
our nation’s capital? Is same-sex marriage such a politically correct issue
that no one wants to inform the public when a gay-rights political activist
shoots someone in an attempted mass-murder?
On Aug. 15th, Floyd Corkins entered the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the
Family Rese... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Tiger Beat Terrorist Sold Weed to Get By: “There was a permanent stench of
marijuana in his room”
by Jammie
Financing terror, one dimebag at a time.
While Tamerlan spent his time freeloading off his young wife, Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev relied on low-level pot sales to get by.
Despite their low-income lives, the brothers allegedly collected just
enough green to fashion bombs that reportedly cost less than $100 apiece to
construct, friends, associates and terrorism analysts told the Boston Globe.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Speedbump and Mommy Dearest Collected Welfare and Food Stamps While on
Terror Watch List
by Jammie
They have a so-called right to privacy, so this is the most we may ever find
out thanks to Governor Deval Patrick. Remarkably, at least one Democrat is
looking to get to the bottom of this, asking how many other perps are on the
Linsky told the Herald, “I would be extremely upset on behalf of the
taxpayers if people who are not in Massachusetts, let alone in the country,
are receiving ben... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Obama Administration to Possibly Release College Transcripts “In the Coming
by Jammie
No, silly, not his. The suspects in the Boston terror bombing. You didn’t
really think Obama would release his, did you? Of course we realize the
public will immediately wonder where his are if and when these are released.
The Obama administration will decide “in the coming days” whether
taxpayers have a right to know if they helped fund the UMass education of
four suspects linked to the Boston Marath... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21627
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 真搞笑,原来Edward Snowden躲在香港
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 9 16:14:08 2013, 美东)
one of comments:
McLuskie 09 June 2013 8:43pm
This is a powerful moment for humanity. The U.S. has been terrorizing the
planet for decades. This is how we stop it, through the bravery of human
beings who stand up to the U.S.'s assaults on democracy. The U.S. used
police b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1540
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: oosmart (oosmart), 信区: Military
标 题: 都来看看 - 美国2008年以前都把曼德拉列为恐怖分子
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 10 09:42:20 2013, 美东)
US government considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist until 2008
From the White House to the halls of Congress, U.S. government officials
have responded to the death of Nelson Mandela with a hail of testimonials to
the late South African president’s leader... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The Collapsing Obama Doctrine
Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so
Dick Cheney And
Liz Cheney
Updated June 17, 2014 7:34 p.m. ET
As the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threaten
Baghdad, thousands of slaughtered Iraqis in their wake, it is worth
recalling a few of President Obama's past statements about ISIS and al Qaeda
. "If a J.V. team puts on Lakers' uniforms that doesn't make them Kobe
Bryant" (January 2014). "[C]ore a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Obama Admin FINALLY Has A Major Border Security Plan… But For Nigeria?
Warner Todd Huston September 7, 2014
As millions of illegal aliens stream across our southern border bringing
poverty, disease, and the destruction of our country, President Obama has
finally decided to launch a program to lock down a border… but it isn’t
ours. His billion-dollar plan is to help the Nigerians shut down their
After all this time of Americans pleading for the government to lock our
border down, appare... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 科州19岁女穆斯林认罪
Colorado woman set to plead guilty in terror case
September 10, 2014 - 2:05 AM
By SADIE GURMAN, Associated Press
DENVER (AP) — A 19-year-old suburban Denver woman who federal authorities
say intended to wage jihad despite their repeated attempts to stop her was
expected to plead guilty Wednesday to trying to help the Islamic State
militant group in Syria.
Shannon Conley was arrested in April while trying to board a flight at
Denver International Airport that she hoped would ultimately get her to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 巴黎遭遇恐怖袭击,12人死亡
12 Dead in 'Terrorist' Attack on Paris Satirical Newspaper
Twelve people have died and three others were critically injured as gunmen
opened fire at the office of a Paris-based satirical newspaper today in an
attack that France's president called a "terrorist operation."
The shooting at the office of Charlie Hebdo was a "cowardly attack," said
President Francois Hollande when he was at the scene this morning.
Shooting at Paris Newspaper Office
Chaos in the Streets of Paris After Terror Attack
Gu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Charlie Hebdo Attack, Another Reason to Protect Unpopular Speech
January 8, 2015 - 12:19 PM
By Richard Kelsey
A terror attack on a satirical French newspaper that caricatured Mohammed
has killed 11 people in Paris.
The terror attack in France against the satirist magazine Charlie Hedbo is a
stark reminder that free speech is neither free nor safe in many parts of
the world. While it may be true that the pen is mightier than the sword in
the war for hearts and minds, on the actual battlefield ag... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 比利时反恐也开始了:两人死亡
At least 2 reportedly killed in counter-terrorism raid in Belgium
At least 2 people were killed in an anti-terror raid in Belgium Thursday
that one official confirmed was "jihadist related," and a man suspected of
selling guns used in last week’s terror attacks in France was being
detained in another part of the country, according to multiple reports.
The deadly raid was in Verviers, in eastern Belgium, according to the
Telegraph. Belgian public television channel RTBF reported that the public
p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Louisiana Gov. Jindal Calls Islamic Terror What It Is
Warner Todd Huston February 4, 2015
Defying the liberal foreign policy formula, last week Louisiana’s
Republican Governor Bobby Jindal gave an honest, realistic assessment of the
Islamist terror going on all across the world. It was an assessment that
the Obama administration has refused to acknowledge but it was one that the
American people yearn to hear from their leaders. Jindal has been one of the
few who seems to understand the reality ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3656
for some one who appreciates "Yes or No" questions so much, you must enjoy
the following interchange between ABC's JONATHAN KARL and the white house
spokesman Josh EARNEST. not the man's last name is earnest! I excerpt a few
"JONATHAN KARL, ABC NEWS: does the White House still believe that Yemen is
the model for a counter-terrorism strategy?"
yes we still believe Yemen is the model or no we don't believe Yemen is the
model, right? you d be wrong:
"JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE: Jon, the White... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 我比较支持Scott Walker
Scott Walker Says Radical Islam is World’s Biggest Threat, Crowd Goes Wild
Joshua Riddle
June 22, 2015 12:57 pm
Scott Walker brought the house down with his brutal criticism of Obama and
his analysis that global warming is somehow the biggest threat to our world.
From The Blaze:
Though he doesn’t deal with terrorism as governor of Wisconsin, Scott
Walker said it’s an issue he thinks about “day in and day out.”
Amid threats from the Islamic State, Walker also jumped into the debate
over t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
While we’re all squabbling over gay marriage and the Confederate flag —
important topics for discussion, mind you, but other things are going on too
that shouldn’t be neglected — ISIS continues to flourish and recruit
members right here at home.
A man was just arrested in New Jersey who has ties to the radical terror
group, a fact that should scare the pants off every citizen in this country.
A Hudson County man was arrested at his home Monday morning for
allegedly conspiring t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Four students at UC-Merced were stabbed by radical Islamist Faisal Mohammad
with an 8-10 inch blade last week. Mohammad was shot dead by campus police,
and later received praise from ISIS for committing his “lone wolf” attack.
Very sad.
Now, it’s being reported that Mohammad was on a terror watch list, and that
the university knew!
From Gateway Pundit via Right Scoop:
What I am about to tell you has been confirmed by three independent law
enforcement officials, all who cannot be named for fe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3048
In the wake of the attacks in Paris that left at least 150 people dead
Friday, according to news reports, Republican presidential candidate Ben
Carson argued that the United States should block Middle Eastern refugees
from coming into the country, the Washington Post reports.
ObamaWatch Obama on Paris Tragedy: 'An Attack on All of Humanity' »
Speaking to a group of Republican Party activists at an event Friday evening
, Carson said, "If we're going to be bringing 200,000 people ove... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1814
密苏里抗议种族压迫的活动者在 Twitter 上抱怨说新闻都去关注法国了,抢了他们头
Activists that have taken over U.S. college campuses this week protesting
racial injustice took to Twitter last night to complain that news coverage
of the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris had stolen their spotlight.
Black Lives Matter and Mizzou protesters on Twitter said their struggles
with racial oppression were being “erased” by the overwh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
It could have happened again.
Police found an ambulance filled with explosives outside a canceled soccer
match in Hannover, Germany, immediately invoking fears of another terror
attack like last week's massacre in Paris, according to local reports.
"Protecting lives was the only choice," German interior minister Thomas de
Maizière said in a news conference, acknowledging the disappointment and
fear from fans.
Authorities also cleared the TUI-Arena, with a performance planned by German
band S... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9493
Poll: Clinton tops Trump, GOP field on handling terror
By Tal Kopan, CNN
Updated 9:11 AM ET, Mon November 23, 2015
Washington (CNN) Americans trust Hillary Clinton to handle the threat of
terrorism more than any of the leading Republican candidates for president
in the wake of the Paris attacks, according to a new poll.
The Democratic front-runner leads most of the GOP candidates by a wide
margin, and tops GOP front-runner Donald Trump by 8 points and second-place
Ben Carson by 9 points.
The clo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - FBI已经定性为恐怖行为了
FBI: California shooting an 'act of terrorism'
The FBI says it is investigating the deadly mass shooting in California as
an "act of terrorism."
David Bowdich, assistant director of the FBI's Los Angeles office, made the
declaration at a news conference Friday in California.
He also said the shooters attempted to destroy evidence, including crushing
two cell phones and discarding them in a trash can. He said authorities
continue to investigate the case to understand... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
Dec. 5, 2015 (The Blaze) Former Congressman Unleashes on Attorney General in
Rant Against Islam: ‘Go Ahead and Prosecute Me. I Dare You.’ A former U.S
. congressman urged Attorney General Loretta Lynch to arrest him after she
warned on Thursday that her office would take a more aggressive approach to
those spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric.
“I think Islam has a real freaking problem, alright?” Former Illinois Rep.
Joe Walsh said in a video posted to his Facebook page. “There is a cancer
in Islam, and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Well, Duh! FBI Now Treating Philly Terror Attack as Act of Terrorism
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
Why the big hurry? It was only obvious once everyone saw the video. At this
point, most of the media’s ignoring the story and the failure in the White
House is never even going to acknowledge it.
FBI officials said the agency is investigating the ambush shooting of a
Philadelphia police officer as a terrorist attack.
FBI Director James Comey spoke briefly about the investigation Wednes... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27852
Research: Islam really is the world’s most violent religion
Quran and gun
Together with a number of research assistants, the Danish linguist Tina
Magaard spent three years examining the texts of the ten largest religions.
The purpose was to investigate whether any of the religions incite violence.
The conclusion was clear: “The texts of Islam are clearly distinct from the
other religions texts as they, to a higher degree, call for violence and
aggres... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - Ted Cruz对奥兰多mass shooting发声
Ted Cruz forcefully blasted Democrats in a strong Sunday statement on the
deadly terror attack at an LGBTQ nightclub in Orlando earlier Sunday morning.
"The next few days will be sadly predictable," the Texas senator said in the
statement. "Democrats will try to use this attack to change the subject. As
a matter of rigid ideology, far too many Democrats - from Barack Obama to
Hillary Clinton - will refuse to utter the words 'radical Islamic terrorism.
"They will claim this attack, like they c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - 大统令内战很行
The shorter version of what President Barack Obama said Tuesday: Donald
Trump is an idiot.
The slightly longer version: The presumptive Republican nominee is a
dangerous manipulator who's either willfully or ignorantly out to damage the
country and put more Americans in danger, all for the sake of propelling a
brand of politics that responsible Republicans know they can't support.
Story Continued Below
As Obama himself put it—the day after Trump breached whatever was left of
nonpartisan respect ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
标 题: 定性了:恐怖袭击加hate crime
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 15 15:08:28 2016, 美东)
An FBI official on Wednesday called the Sunday shooting at a gay nightclub
in Orlando, Fla., both a hate crime and an act of terror.
"This was an act of violence, born out of hate, that inflicted terror on an
entire community," special agent in charge Ron Hopper told reporters in
"So I would call it a hate crime, I would call it terrorism — ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
奥巴马死不肯说radical Islam terrorism的理由,是不想促使美国国内穆斯林离心离
崇LGBT,六月还是LGBT的pride month,枪手本不应该对gay有什么仇恨。
所以说,奥巴马说这是hate and terror,枪手是自学成才的极端分子(self-
反正奥巴马在民众心里已经是the apologizer 了,多道一次少道一次没多大区别。
发帖数: 1484
【6/16: 奥巴马加快引进难民速度,奥兰多恐袭尸骨未寒,几天间又进了400多!】大
6/15: 恐怖分子在酒吧屠杀对峙过程中去脸书发帖:效忠ISIS, 真正的穆斯林不会接受
But in the roughly four hours between his initial rampage and his death, the
29-year-old radicalized Muslim broadcast his twisted message of hate on
social media:
“I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1484
【6/17: 奥巴马执政期间一共给110万穆斯林发绿卡】大选聊天帖
6/17: 奥巴马执政期间一共将给110万穆斯林发绿卡美国国土安全部周五发布数据分析
黎巴嫩:2... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
BRUSSELS – Belgian authorities charged three men with terror-related
crimes after two days of raids and the detention of 40 people in a major
investigation which they said required "immediate intervention" because they
feared a new attack was close.
Across Belgium parties were held Saturday to watch live broadcasts of the
country's soccer team playing Ireland at the European Championships in
neighboring France and some media said such events could have been the
targets. Belgium won 3-0 and no m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9493
terrorism is defined as "the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of
political aims". This definition is the same definition used to declare ISIS
and other groups, as terrorist organizations. Black Lives Matter has earned
this title due to its actions in Ferguson, Baltimore, and even at a Bernie
Sanders rally, as well as all over the United States and Canada. It is time
for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions - and just as they
rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - 白宫请愿那些事
A citizen-led web petition calling on the federal government to officially
recognize Black Lives Matter as a terrorist organization is approaching 100,
000 signatures, the minimum threshold for a response from the White House.
The petition, created on the official White House petition site a day before
the deadly massacre of police officers in Dallas, Texas by black
supremacist Micah Xavier Johnson, has gathered considerable momentum over
the weekend, and at its current rate will reach the minim... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
来自主题: USANews版 - TRUMP在OH拉力开始了

Thank you. It’s great to be here today.
In particular, I want to thank Mr. Ron Packard and Ms. Deborah Mays for
hosting me at their school.
Today, we are going to discuss one of the most important issues in this
campaign: school choice.
But before we do, I want to briefly discuss new revelations about Hillary
Clinton’s emails. According to the FBI report: “The FBI did find that
hostile foreign actors gained access to the personal email accounts of
individuals with whom Clinton was in regular c... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 教皇发话了:要用爱反恐
Pope Francis: Hospitality to Refugees Is ‘Our Greatest Security’
Against Terrorism
Pope Francis has urged Europeans to take in more refugees,
asserting that the best way to combat terrorism is by warmly
welcoming migrants and helping them integrate into the
“European context.”
发帖数: 609
WASHINGTON—Donald Trump followed his deluge of debate dishonesty with yet
more lies.
The day after saying 34 false things at the first presidential debate,
Tuesday Sept. 27, he did an interview on Fox News and spoke at a rally in
Florida. He said eight false things and one misleading thing.
1. Falsely said, "You look at African-American youth with unemployment rates
in the 50s." ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1068
1. Falsely said, "You look at African-American youth with unemployment rates
in the 50s." (The unemployment rate for African-American youth is 26 per
2. Falsely said, "I was against going into Iraq. And it's so well-documented
." (Trump supported the invasion. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 609
WASHINGTON—Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had a very busy
day on Wednesday, Sept. 28. He spoke to a Polish-American group in Chicago,
then did a rally in Iowa, then did a rally in Wisconsin and an interview
with Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly. He said 16 false things:
1. Falsely claimed debate moderator Lester Holt was “100 per cent wrong”
when he said a judge ruled the p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4736
BY Chris Sommerfeldt
Updated: Saturday, January 28, 2017, 11:10 PM
President Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling
business empire
President Trump’s most recent executive order effectively bans citizens of
seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. for at least 90 days
— but some Muslim countries were spared from the order's blacklist, even
though they have deep-seated ties to terrorism.
Conspicuously, Trump do... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4736

AP FACT CHECK: Trump claims on travel ban misleading, wrong
ALICIA A. CALDWELL, Associated Press
18 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — In the face of widespread criticism, President Donald
Trump has staunchly defended his order temporarily banning refugees and
nearly all citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries. But in a statement
Sunday and tweets Monday, Trump misstate... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1037
来自主题: USANews版 - Trump's 20 Most Frequently Used Words
* We don't win anymore.
* It will change. We will have so much winning if I get elected that you may
get bored with winning.
* Believe me. You'll never get bored with winning. You'll never get bored!
* Work hard, be smart and always remember, winning takes care of everything!
* I went to an Ivy League school. I'm highly educated. I know words. I have
the best words, I have the best, but there is no better word than stupid.
* We used to call it the quiet majority but peo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 897
来自主题: USANews版 - The First 100 Lies
o say that President Donald Trump has a casual relationship with the truth
would be a gross understatement. He has repeatedly cited debunked conspiracy
theories, pushed voter fraud myths, and embellished his record and
accomplishments. The barrage of falsehoods has been so furious that
journalists have taken to issuing instant fact-checks during press
conferences and calling out false statements during cable news broadcasts.
All presidents lie, but lying so brazenly and so frequently about even ... 阅读全帖
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