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USANews版 - 都来看看 - 美国2008年以前都把曼德拉列为恐怖分子 (转载)
南非共产党终于公开宣布曼德拉是共产党中央委员Obama在Tucson的2011年1月12日演讲的观后感 (转载)
我们应该尊重恐怖分子,他们的杀戮是因为“不公平的对待 & 人们没有尊重他们”而引起的恐怖分子的新9.11袭击
Son of Real-Life 'Butler' Says Father Liked Reagan, Other Presidents加州杀人的穆斯林学生早就在恐怖分子watch list上
巴马总统给曼德拉降半旗了 (转载)华人众议员们欢迎叙利亚难民,这不能代表华人利益
原来即使上了watch list的人照样可以买到枪恐怖分子的家人。TRUMP狠有效!
Trump赞Saddam给apple打广告:FBI现在都没打开加州恐怖分子的手机 (转载)
58%美国人支持对圣诞节航班恐怖分子采用严厉审讯手段获取情报,30%反对KKK David duke事件居然还在发酵
话题: mandela话题: anc话题: reagan话题: congress话题: african
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1540
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: oosmart (oosmart), 信区: Military
标 题: 都来看看 - 美国2008年以前都把曼德拉列为恐怖分子
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 10 09:42:20 2013, 美东)
US government considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist until 2008
From the White House to the halls of Congress, U.S. government officials
have responded to the death of Nelson Mandela with a hail of testimonials to
the late South African president’s leadership in the struggle for freedom
and human rights.
Until five years ago, however, the U.S. officially considered Mandela a
terrorist. During the Cold War, both the State and Defense departments
dubbed Mandela’s political party, the African National Congress, a
terrorist group, and Mandela’s name remained on the U.S. terrorism watch
list till 2008.
Presidents Carter and Reagan and Congress had all instituted sanctions
against the white minority South African government because of its policy of
racial apartheid. But in 1986, Reagan condemned Mandela’s group, the ANC,
which was leading the black struggle against the apartheid regime, saying it
engaged in "calculated terror ... the mining of roads, the bombings of
public places, designed to bring about further repression."
After the apartheid regime in South Africa declared the ANC a terrorist
group, the Reagan administration followed suit.
In August of 1988, the State Department listed the ANC among "organizations
that engage in terrorism.” It said the group ''disavows a strategy that
deliberately targets civilians,” but noted that civilians had “been
victims of incidents claimed by or attributed to the ANC.
1 (共1页)
KKK David duke事件居然还在发酵原来即使上了watch list的人照样可以买到枪
北美国总理婊出了圣母婊新高度 (转载)58%美国人支持对圣诞节航班恐怖分子采用严厉审讯手段获取情报,30%反对
南非共产党终于公开宣布曼德拉是共产党中央委员Obama在Tucson的2011年1月12日演讲的观后感 (转载)
我们应该尊重恐怖分子,他们的杀戮是因为“不公平的对待 & 人们没有尊重他们”而引起的恐怖分子的新9.11袭击
Son of Real-Life 'Butler' Says Father Liked Reagan, Other Presidents加州杀人的穆斯林学生早就在恐怖分子watch list上
巴马总统给曼德拉降半旗了 (转载)华人众议员们欢迎叙利亚难民,这不能代表华人利益
话题: mandela话题: anc话题: reagan话题: congress话题: african