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发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - tounament高手进来
foxwoods live,偶尔看到一些非主流的大叔或者tilt的小朋友拿着a2s或者是KJs这种
funky hand在fullring table上,去接15个bb以上的shove,可能他们有特别的read吧
。一般ATs/KQs 去接都是marginal的
应了那句话,no zuo no die
发帖数: 94
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 我来分享一下我自己的一些体会
flop shove better? reason: there is flush draw. the first one shove could
have 10x or over pair or flush draw. but the people behind u could have
flush draw too, so if u flat call, u give them 3 to 1 favor, they will call
u on the flush draw. shove take down the pot, win around 400.
call the flop, but shove on the turn? u bet 200, give the fish chance to
fold on the river if u smell sth like u had boat. shove will get him all in
or all out. since he flat u, so he is 80 percent on the draw and hi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天赌场一把3/5
Shove 不shove 还是要因人而异吧。 3 bet <1% 的如果4 bet估计KK 都不能shove.
For what it worths, tournament is still quite different. The stack size is
much shorter. 30个bb, AK shove no issue at all. For live cash came, the
stack is at least 100 bb, most of time 200bb or above. That has to have an
impact on the 5 bet shove range.

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - get 2nd for 26$ ko game
I do not know how many M I have. But I guess a lot, since only 2 ppl left,
we have all the chips, and the tourney is not a turbo one.
That game is crazy, I have 2:1 chip leader in the beginning. When I limp
the button, that guy shoves. When I raise the button, that guy shoves. When
I am in the blinds, he shoves. Every time, it is a 30-40BB shove, I just can
not call.
Finally I get unpatient, and limp with K7 suited, he shoves, I call, and
lose the game.
I do not know SAGE. What is that?

发帖数: 1531
来自主题: Military版 - Michigan已经红! (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: DonaldTrump (Make America Great Again!), 信区: USANews
标 题: Michigan已经红!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 8 15:34:57 2016, 美东)
1 / 125
Josie Polizzi, 5, works on a drawing of Rapunzel at her grandmother's feet
as she fills out her ballot to vote at Pioneer High School on Tuesday,
November 8, 2016. Melanie Maxwell | The Ann Arbor News
Melanie Maxwell | [email protected]/* */
Print Email Paula Gardner | [e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1531
来自主题: USANews版 - Michigan已经红!
1 / 125
Josie Polizzi, 5, works on a drawing of Rapunzel at her grandmother's feet
as she fills out her ballot to vote at Pioneer High School on Tuesday,
November 8, 2016. Melanie Maxwell | The Ann Arbor News
Melanie Maxwell | [email protected]/* */
Print Email Paula Gardner | [email protected]/* */ By Paula Gardner |
[email protected]/* */
Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on November 08, 2016 at 12:54 PM, u... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 俺打算开始写blog了
i guess it's probably because we play different stakes.
in nl200 the preflop action is very aggressive, and it's very rare that my 4
bet would get flat called.
it's mostly a fold or a shove. I'll snap call a shove as the game has evolve
d to a point where ppl shove TT, AK, AQ a lot here so I'm slightly ahead of
his shoving range and calling is +ev.
In the very rare occasions I'll get called and it always confuses the crap o
ut of me; different ppl have a different flat call 4bet range and it's
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - i confess
i bad beat ppl too much today.
1) JJ shove pre-flop, vs. AT and AQ, board: xxQQJ;
2) QQ shove pre-flop, vs. KK, board: xxxxQ;
3) JJ shove pre-flop, vs. donk's A5o, board: AxxxJ;
and this last one is SICK, LAG guy limps, i raise 4.5x, he shoves, i call
and am shocked to see...AA.
well...(don't complain next time i get cracked, lol)
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 贡献一个rush game的一手牌
我shove turn了
call preflop因为这个是rush game 的bb, 这个3bet我有position,我基本call with
any 2 card 只要stack deep
flop cb, no reason to fold
turn是挺tough的,但是我觉得他over pair或者semibluff的概率大过set, 对我来说,要
么fold要么shove,call not an option.
bb的牌是67 diamond, 他3bet air, flo cbet with air, and turn bet with open
ended straight draw (他没有其他draw), 我shove以后他考虑了一会儿就call了
river blank
我同意老大的分析,turn应该fold, 不过考虑到rush game,而且又是button和bb之间,我
觉得fold和shove close, call我觉得是最坏的,如果river black,他不会call 任何你
的bet,如果river3rd flush或者straight card
发帖数: 4742
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - tough river spot NL100
shove更像bluff 更能让你call? 最后咋样?fold了么?

this spot? is it 1010+ (that leaves 1010 AQ pretty much or maybe 33 but
unlikely) ? If it is then i think there are much more bluff range in his
shove, because anything better than that will not check back turn. If a Q
is in his shove range, then things change a lot. Is a Q too thin for his
shove this deep?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这个session比较背
1) AQo call LAG's 3x, flop TJK rainbow, he 5-bet shoves me with QdJd,
catches runner runner flush, lol.
2) KK "squeeze", regular calls 3x and then re-shoves 100BB on me with QQ,
turn Q.
3) QQ value bet all the way, shove Txxx turn, donk calls with T9o, guess
what's river, lol.
4) KK "squeeze", AhKh re-shoves me, of course he needs flop.
5) KJo calls button's steal in 3-way, check raise big on KJ2 rainbow flop,
hehe, don't even slow play here, donk button from chile hits Q gutshot on
turn. yeah,
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哇,他limp出了一个nuts
Raise to ~ 17 and fold to shove. It's pretty thin, but still a full house(I
know I am donk/fish, could not resist the extra thin value...LOL)
Regs will not call you donk shove with str8 for sure, can only get value
from fish. 66? may be, but 66 should be removed from the range because of
the turn actions.
KT/JT looks so possible.
so, given your stack, you shove on river:
1. for Regs, 100% -EV.
2. for fish, still -EV as str8 is the only hand you get more value and we
assume fish will call.
Will y... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - rail call for fryking
AKs不squeeze,然后donk shoves HUGE on 55x,俺A5.
AJo 3x pre, 然后donk shoves on QJx,俺AQ.
Ad8d 2x,然后small bets on Qd6dx, turn shoves HUGE on 6,俺A6o at BB。
一堆这样的牌,加上大量利用image,steal成功不以huge chip leader进final table
然后就萎缩了,ATs re-shove AKo,这家伙一直喋牒不休,要“证明”它是最好的
QQ loses to AA。
最后一把你也看见了, 2 nut str8 vs. nut str8,没什么话说,呵呵。
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - goes rake back ranks 29th
I think you should shove river because of the stack size alone. You will get
a call regardless but you obviously think your check make him spew the pot.
good for you.
The fact is that all the hand he push, he will call a shove regardless. BUT
he will not push all the hand that he will call a shove with. i hope you
see what I mean for your own good. Only time I will check is when I put
villian on a draw with no showdown value... or i see villian's hand as very strong but I have the nuts and t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 490
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - So what will you do in this situation?
I don't like shoving the turn. It's much better to shove the flop when you still ahead.
Any hand gonna fold to your turn shove, will definitely fold to your flop shove.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - So what will you do in this situation?
I miss typed that one. I shove on the flop.
On the turn shove probably tough to get him lay down.
say we both 140. 4-bet cause 33 each, pot 66, c-bet 40, pot will be sth like
$146, and we both have 70 left ( actually in the example above, he has less
than that). Shove only cause him 70 to a $210 pot.
For him, any reasonable hand is an automatic call.
So in this situation, shove on the flop is the best play, pct wise, we are
But sometimes I just don't feel I can hit that. Run twice will be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 现场的三手牌,讨论下吧
hand 1. all in on the flop is like 3 X pot over bet? terrible. 2/3 pot and shove turn.. results? not important but it is a suck out.
hand 2. bet flop. I think river check call is fine with low end straight if you bet flop because you take a lot of his 6 out of his range by betting except maybe 66, J6. 56. after check turn his range is wide and he is very likely to bet his straight draw on turn..
hand 3 again bet flop. bet turn. Not sure how much over shove all in is for you on the river. If th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - cmis91 may have a HUGE night
yes, i was watching 4 tables at the same time, almost every 20BB alike
reshove and call was a coin flip. every table was filled with either pro, ex
FTOP winners or big name sharks.
one poor guy, literally 3 hands in a row:
1) AA called MP's shove with TT, lost.
2) then QQ at SB called UTG's (ex FTOP winner) 20BB shove with 22, BB re-
shoved with 77, 22 hit flop 2;
3) then only about 10BB left, shoved next hand again 66 in unopened pot, SB
(same 77 guy) woke up with AA.
a sad story to tell for we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - cmis91 may have a HUGE night
MTT, especially this huge field, 14409 players, it's really a super tough
challenge. when only about 200 left, almost everyone was a pro or semi-pro,
and cmis91 bought in for 3 entries, total $648 investment.
as far as i saw, he's playing LAG in the middle and super tight towards the
end, a few key hands to build his stack:
1) AJo open shoved from UTG for about 15BB, got snap called by MP's AKo, way
behind and the flop was TQx, or not even J would save him... turn was a
miracle, K.
2) TT 2x from... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - can i call this river?
其实这牌如果board 不pair可以考虑shove turn. paired board shove look bluffy, 因为你full house 应该不会shove turn,可以考虑smallish bet like 1/3 pot and reevaluate river shove or check behind.
the following hand villian tanked until last sec to fold i think he has top pair at least
Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players -
UTG: $54.55
UTG+1: $38.00
UTG+2: $120.10
MP1: $165.70
MP2: $80.80
Hero (CO): $100.00
BTN: $113.80
SB: $73.50
BB: $40.00
Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with 8c ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - frustrating
In the morning, I spend 20 minutes to play 8 games, and have 4 bubbles. I
get beated every time I call other's allin.
I know it is not my day. And I should not call allins on the bubbles at all,
that is one huge mistake.
In the afternoon, I play super turbo sng again. This time, I shove allin by
myself, and get called every time.
Sometimes, the calling is just totally no-sense.
For example: I have K6s from SB, and I have note on BB("when I limp, he will
shove"), so I shove from SB. Get snap call... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - flop decision
Let me break it down to you why i like his play.
preflop: i think limp behind and reraise with premium pair is a very good weapon when someone behind is aggressive. He can reraise to get a good spr preflop. I do this all the time on-line vs agro fish. Now the reraise size, if his stack is deeper, i would not like the 30$ raise, not because it does not THIN the field but because it does not give a good spr to put all the stack in post flop. Now that he has 130$ stack, 30$ is a great size (bigger... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有没有人可以具体谈谈Pot Control?
Very nice post.
I think pot control can go either way. Whey you hand is marginal, you
wanna get value from one street or two, like when you have AA on KTT
rainbow board. But you do not even have go all the way, since you can just
let it go against lot of opp when you get strong resistance based on betting
size/tell etc. Against lot of opp, you can easily fold AA when you got
raised any time on KTT board. Lots of time you may need a plan with your
On the other side, even mo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一个值得纪念的周末
当然是对鄙人这条业余small stake 玩家来说。
1. 参加和有生以来第一次 live 的 SNG, $120 + $20. 到凯撒打 cash,发现现在凯撒
因为找不到足够的人玩 MTT,所以搞起了 single table SNG. 还挺好玩的,前两位有
payout $650, $350. 很不幸第一次玩就当了 bubble boy,给后来的第二位用一对 3
shove,用 AQ call 了之后,输了 coin flip. 最后 Small blind KTs, all in 4 BB,
不幸的是 BB 正好醒过来是一对 JJ。
运气真的是很重要,最终的第一名就是一只打不死的蟑螂,short stack 很久,然后
ALL - IN preflop AQs vs 我的 AK,给他 runner runer flush. 然后又在 4 hand 的
时候用 A7 all-in 我的 A8,谁料半路杀出个程咬金,chip leader shove with KJo,
我被迫 fold A8s preflop. 结果 flop 我还是 full house, 后来的第一名就靠这... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Would you call or fold this hand at the river?
I agreed with you guys. Should have either check call a bet or bet fold
against a shove on the river.
I chose to call the shove on the river, my reasoning was this: against a
shove, my top two pair only beats bluff. I almost always lose to set or str.
But first,does he has a set here? At the Q, 9, 5 flop, I can basically rule
out he slow played pocket Qs in late pos, I can rule out pocket JJs as well
, because a person with a normal brain will probably laydown JJs facing a
bet and a call on the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 717
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问一手牌
Usually it is a fold because i agree that we should not always play this
kind of hand too aggressively. But here I think it is a shove after sb
It is all about table dynamics. As you described, utg is possibly on tilt/
loose and sb, just like you, prepared to exploit it. So range-wise, they
could probably on the lower end of the bet/raise range. Especially after sb
raised and you shoved, utg would have to fold if he is not too on tilt. And
sb had a decent percentage of folding chance sin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 241
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这样的牌怎么打?
有小队子的情况下,我也减少点损失。当然,她在after flop后shove,肯定也是call
她,跟shove preflop效果一样。
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这样的牌怎么打?
it probably does not make any difference in this particular hand vs this
particular opponent. But here is what I think we should consider to make
this decision to shove or call.
When we commit more than half of 60$ preflop with 60 behind, we have way
passed the commitment threshold. As long as we never fold post flop, calling
or shoving preflop is exactly the same--we don't make any mistake. Now to
our opponents, she is on the same boat, she has committed more than enough
chips to go all the way... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 两手牌

Well said! I definitely agree that reverse poker can be more profitable for
a single hand or against an unknown villain (that is when people start to
call you a tricky player). Balancing is more for online play and when you
play against thinking villains.
In tourneys, a similar play is called stop and go. Say you got 10BB at BB,
and button raises 3BB. You found that you got AT, which you almost never
fold at this stack size. But you know if you shove, button calls for sure
since he is pot... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 385
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - several hands played yesterday
1. I was at BB with KK. all limped to me so I pop to $17 to go. UTG old guy
immediately repop up to $50. I thought for a while and fold. He shows his AA
(damn, I know it. what I have in my mind was "should I call $33 more to see
whether I can hit a K?")
2. I was at BB with AA. A straddle pot. Several limpers as usual. SB
suddenly shove with $54. I thought for a while. Usually I will shove to
isolate. But I just feel some one might have some big pair limped in this
pot. So I smooth called the $54... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 帮我看看这把牌的问题
凭记忆,大致如下,tourney, in the money, 24 ppl left,ante/blinds 1600/8000/
pay structure: final 9 starts to jump significantly, 10 to 35 close
stack: hero 22bb 8th, v1 19bb 13rd, v2 12bb 18th
hero: tricky player, flatted with over pair, post flop bluff/fold to shove
once, normal steal %, not 3 bet much, flat-in-blinds-range broadway+
v1: 25/23, recently dropped steal % after facing couple of 3bet shoves, high
cbet%, a4s btn 2bb steal/call tag short stack 8bb 3bet shove once
v2: preflop cal... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 975
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新手请教一手牌
I will never fold here. Call or raise-shove are both fine.
He raise preflop, check flop, and raise turn. His value range includes (99,
AK,KQ,AA). Assume he go all-in with AK and KQ half time, and fold half time,
there are 9 combinations that beats you, 16 combinations you beat.So, that'
s definitely a +ev shove. Of course, he can also have some 97s type hands in
his range, which make shoving even more profitable.
Considering that he was last to act on the flop and he checked, he did not
c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - some cases for ICM calculation
case 1, hero open shove, need to count the rest players' calling range and
re-shoving range(especially for shortstack) after first calling
case 2, hero call shove, need to count the rest players' re-shoving range
any other case?
发帖数: 492
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周六WV的几首牌
2个月没去好好打了,这次一去发现1/2 table搞的好像比以前凶了乜,求分析求指
Hero ~125$, UTG QQ preflop raise to 12, Villain Cut-off 600$ call, BB call (
Flop 783 rainbow, BB check, Hero bet 20$, Villain asked for my stack then
raised to 60$, while doing this he trash talked to me that he is going to
call if I shove all-in. BB fold. Action on me.
对方的image: 从之前的一些hand history看出来对方是a thinking regular, able to
make mixed moves, calling range比较大。
我的image:我在这首牌之前打的都比较weak tight。很少有agressive play,还在前
一局的turn上... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3289
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 我也来抱怨下
星期五finished third了一个180-buy in tourny, good for about 2.5k....
星期六乘手热又买进了一个150buy-in 近俩百人人参加 头奖大概快7k吧 一开始打得很
顺 迅速积累了一个healthy stack 到了刺刀见红的时候输了两个关键扔硬币 一个是
button shoved with 55, I woke up with AK in small blind and lost.....很长一
段时间都card dead 撑到快bubble了 在big blind hold 69o... 这时候噹当当4个
limpers flop:695 with two heats....我当时剩13BBs左右 害怕丑陋的事发生 就
shove了 一个接一个fold button一个老头(!!!!)snap called my shove with 23 off-
suitted and no hearts(!!!!!!!!!!).... 4 on the turn, and another 4 on the
这老头... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一个Tournament 问题
昨天一个2.5k guarantee 的Tournament。 final table 7 left.
blind 4.5k. 我有24K, 最小筹码。 第二小筹码close to 40K. 我的M < 3.
HJ (stack 70K) mini raise 9K. MP is fairly active. not the first time
raising. CO chip leader (120K). call. I am at button with AJo. What is
the correct move here? with blind and ante, the pot is already 27k. I
should have very little fold equity here, but with the pot this big, AJ
shove seems to be + chip ev, no matter what. Small fold equity means MP
will call wide, so more + chip... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 492
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - what would u do in 哥的 spot here
IMO For $1/2 I would definitely fold to a shove with that stack. It's not
worth it to take the variance with the whole stack. Against all pairs it's a
coin flip, even against complete trash it's 66vs33. Also BB shove with
short stack he might have well blocked a K or A. The actual equity for AK
might be even lower.
I think that's an ok play for tourney because you can lose at most the buyin
. But for cash game play I would not do that, the blinds won't change and
there will be always a better sp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 715
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - overplayed combo draw
那个女生的line 就是bet/shove (bet on turn to take it down, if get called,
May shove on river) . 只是没想到会被 immediately pushed back, 从shove on
river 变成了被shove on turn.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - To gamble or not to gamble
I chose to fold. Showed my cards to guys sitting next to me before folding.
MP+1 fold, Btn Raised to $300, SB snap shove the rest of his stack. Btn snap
call. turn blank, river 2s. SB showed KsQs and Btn mucked and claimed he
had flop straight.
At the time, I don't think calling $150 was an option. $150 to $125 pot I am
absolutely not getting a right price to call. Plus there are two guys act
behind me, so either of them raise, then it automatically becomes ALL-in
So basically it come... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 813
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - To gamble or not to gamble
If you are holding a set, will you commit all you chips?

I chose to fold. Showed my cards to guys sitting next to me before folding.
MP+1 fold, Btn Raised to $300, SB snap shove the rest of his stack. Btn snap
call. turn blank, river 2s. SB showed KsQs and Btn mucked and claimed he
had flop straight.
At the time, I don't think calling $150 was an option. $150 to $125 pot I am
absolutely not getting a right price to call. Plus there are two guys act
behind me, so either of them raise, then it au... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问一手牌
donk shove 其实也不是十么大错, check shove 或check call shove all in 的EV可
能稍稍高一点(不过也是因人而异),还给你一个reevaluate 的机会, 但也risk
checking around 被人追上。这里就算check 了, 基本也是套池了, 大部分情况都不
能fold 的。 如果阅读对手limp monster 的几率不大(前几轮 经常有人limp 之类)
, preflop shove 我觉得应该是最佳。稍稍落后range 但加上dead money in the pot
和fold equity, 这里应该是+ev. tourney fish 胡说两句, D神见笑。。。
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 该不该call?
这个turn很多weak reg 会用JJ J10的牌check back, slow play full house 希望对手
improve river 或bluff river. 其实这是一个leak. 这里的board super wet, 应该
fast play shove turn, maximize value.
这牌在turn 的value 比river 大太多了。 很多draw 牌 都在turn 会call 的因为已基
本套池了。特别对手如果会读一点牌的weak reg, 基本会觉得这里你不会用full house
shove, 因为他们自己会在这个spot 错误地选择slow play, 所以会把一些不是outs
的outs 算进去, 错误的call 下来。 相反在river 因为他们牌不会再improve, 就变
成一个bluff 不bluff, 抓不抓bluff 的问题, 这样你基本都会失去value.
更深一步,这里shove turn 还可以用来balance 你的turn semi-bluff range. 如果
你在这里check nuts, 反... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One more hand
Online 0.25/0.5
Everyone stack 50.
Hero with Ah8c at BB.
BTN raise to 1.5, hero,MP1 and MP2 call.
flop Ac,8s,3h.
hero check,MP1,MP2, BTN check;
turn 9s,
hero bet 2, MP1 fold,MP2 raise to 8, BTN fold, hero call.
river, Qs,
hero check, MP2 check.
MP2 show 33 and won the pot.
我flop check的想法是后面有几个人,如果MP1或MP2 bet, 能多几个进锅,我在flop
我觉得check后一定有人会bet。谁知BTN check。不过最近发现养鱼塘在后面raise后,
如果flop上有A或K,有些人就check。他们的想法是对方call preflop,手里很可能有A
或... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 577
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新id发帖
桌上有个maniac总是raise raise all in , 输光了就rebuy,
期间maniac被chip leader清空了两次。
然后我jj early position 3 bb,mid pos and late pos 2 guys flat call(非
maniac guy)
flop: jax rainbow, i bet pot, mid guy fold. late guy raise, i cover him and
he has only half pot size left,
i shove he call. he got aaa. 尼玛。
中间继续看chipleader 清空maniac和maniac trash talk不提。
然后我kk early pos 3bb, manic button call. flop x5x rainbow, 具体我是
bet 然后shove还是直接shove的记不清了,反正是在flop上就shove了,maniac
po... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 796
limper还是一样的多。我在后位拿到AX统统open 18.就这样打了3圈没有一手show down
大部分人的打法就是有好牌就open 10刀左右,没有就看情况limp。



hero at btn with A7o。 4 limpers. hero open 18. a half drunk fish at utg
flop A75 rainbow. check to hero. bet 16. he call.
turn is 8, still rainbow. check check/
river is 4, check, hero bet 35. fold
t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - 俺打算开始写blog了
i guess it's probably because we play different stakes.
in nl200 the preflop action is very aggressive, and it's very rare that my 4
bet would get flat called.
it's mostly a fold or a shove. I'll snap call a shove as the game has evolve
d to a point where ppl shove TT, AK, AQ a lot here so I'm slightly ahead of
his shoving range and calling is +ev.
In the very rare occasions I'll get called and it always confuses the crap o
ut of me; different ppl have a different flat call 4bet range and it's
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - i confess
i bad beat ppl too much today.
1) JJ shove pre-flop, vs. AT and AQ, board: xxQQJ;
2) QQ shove pre-flop, vs. KK, board: xxxxQ;
3) JJ shove pre-flop, vs. donk's A5o, board: AxxxJ;
and this last one is SICK, LAG guy limps, i raise 4.5x, he shoves, i call
and am shocked to see...AA.
well...(don't complain next time i get cracked, lol)
发帖数: 4978
Customers hit by pepper spray at Wal-Mart describe scene of chaos
Shoppers went to the Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch on Thursday night for the
Black Friday sale but instead were caught in a pepper-spray attack by a
woman who authorities said was "competitive shopping"Matthew Lopez went to
the Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch on Thursday night for the Black Friday sale but
instead was caught in a pepper-spray attack by a woman who authorities sai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30882
Customers hit by pepper spray at Wal-Mart describe scene of chaos
Shoppers went to the Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch on Thursday night for the
Black Friday sale but instead were caught in a pepper-spray attack by a
woman who authorities said was "competitive shopping"Matthew Lopez went to
the Wal-Mart in Porter Ranch on Thursday nig... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
现场的一手报告:阿拉斯加的一个左派博客作者先使用暴力,骚扰Joe Miller。却反过
Joe Miller's Security Detail vs. The Alaska Dispatch
On Sunday afternoon I attended the Joe Miller Town Hall and it was a good
event until it ended. When I attend these events, although I support Miller,
I will hold a critical eye.
I will also stay in the back to observe the audience to see their reaction
and I will also watch how the press act.
What I found in... 阅读全帖
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