

全部话题 - 话题: shoves
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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - is this a bad play?
KQo, 3x pre, got 2 callers behind.
flop: TJ2 rainbow
i bet $3.5 or 2/3 pot, MP (same 100BB stack as mine) calls, LP shoves his
last $9.
i raise to $21, MP shoves.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末Delaware Park一战
1) hand 1:
AKs at BB,一桌人limp,俺“squezee”到$17,UTG这老哥是新来的,5把以前让俺
check raise Txx flop,这把有点气不顺,恶狠狠的看了俺一眼,call。
flop: 899 rainbow,俺c-bet pot,老哥盯着俺看半天,说你不可能hit了这个flop(说
turn:A。俺接着刚才的势头,$80。老哥all-in $220。俺过于冲动,犯了低级错误,
2) hand 2:
6d6h at MP, bet $11,老哥和另一个鱼跟。
flop: KdJd2d。
鱼和俺check,老哥bet pot。老哥自从那一把以后,一直在观察俺是否会on tilt,呵
多把牌都sha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - crazy hand
don't know since i have watched a lot but played zero hand of 1/2NL online,
for a 4-table reg, if he has AA, a 5-bet to like $150-$200 makes more "sense
" to me, which commits himself and sets stage for flop shove anyway if gets
called. and i'd expect he flats x% of time too.
it's more or less like in a tournament, nowadays ppl all get popular with
this 2.x raise (anything from steal to real), if it's for real, it carries
the same meaning as 3x. here with a 300BB stack, shoving against $77... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - My KK play
like one hand i played yesterday.
i got AQo at SB, MP limps, BTN (with a high steal rate) raises to $2.5 (i
have waited long enough to give him one back), so i pop up to $8. to my
surprise, MP calls and BTN folds (as i expected).
flop: all low rainbow craps. i lead out small and he immediately raises to $
6.5, for his pre-flop action, i guess i have a chance to kill him here, so i
re-pop to $13.5 with air, he calls.
turn is another low blank, i block bet small and he calls again. still, no
appar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 非常衰的一个session
KK对QQ,pre-flop shove, 两次死掉, flop Q。
UTG 3x(有笔记), 俺AA over shove,结果BB毛驴绝对是喝高了,6s7s call,结果
river flush,俺手里还拿着As,靠。
KcQc和QTo,死抗在QhTc7c Qs的turn上,靠,river还Ac有个球用。
22 bluff人家AA,死得也很难看。
对short stack也扔不出硬币的正面,sigh。
唯一解气的是毛驴limp behind limper,然后5-bet俺100BB all-in,俺QQ,实在不敢
相信这家伙有AA,KK甚至AK这样的牌,结果人家是Q9,还是off suit的,笑翻,
drawing dead。
发帖数: 551
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AA > KK > QQ
QQ raised pot
QQ+1 3-bet
I called the 3-bet
KK raised pot
QQ all in
QQ+1 folded
I shoved
KK shoved
发帖数: 666
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Why you should play AK aggressively preflop
Great article. Consider this scenario: After calling a 4 bet from a "normal" player (either LAG/TAG but non-maniac), and the flop came 9 high rainbow then not surprisingly the aggressor shoved or bet pot-size. This seems to happen very often. What would be our strategies there? From your writing it appears that it would be better to 5 bet shove before seeing the flop and I definitely concur as it is extremely difficult to play on the flop with AK if you just call a 4 bet.
发帖数: 15860
1)如同以前说到过的,这种flat preflop,然后mini-raise flop是一个比较典型的
pattern,十之八九是带有试探性质的probe raise或者这把里面的semi-bluff with
2)turn check shove。他的turn over bet是个明确的信号,他多数情况下希望你fold
,而你check shove虽然在这里并不错,但是对他绝对是吃了一惊。可是问题在于micro
stake里面,你指望他会已经花了一半的stack,而fold掉另一半with flush draw,这

发帖数: 5415
我AA UTG 3bb, LP 3x到9bb,BTN call,我4bet到29bb,LP shove(10bb more),btn
flat?!每轮的4次raise到了我只能flat,flop 227,我直接shove BTN call,然后摸
发帖数: 1500
imo, mircro stake没位置with AA在多人re-raise/call的情况下,我基本上都直接
shove了,因为换了我站在btn的位置想,一个short stack可以忽略不计,可是UTG3x入
局4x反raise,任何正常点的人,除了手上kk不忍心放手(换了我,也早pf shove了)
,都会早想好了,如果flop撞不到就直接fold,这样的话,你的flop allin,落后你的
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 最近两手有意思的牌... NL100 rush
it is beyond me why would people call over shove with like 101th nuts. This
guy only has a K high flush. Is it because people always reads strong over
bet as weakness? I should over shove more often from now on on
early streets. The stronger the bet the wider the calling range is? this is so exploitable.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 拿mtt第一名的同志们很牛
what's your stack size?
if you only got 7-8BB alike, his call is OK after squeezing 3x already (well
, 3x here is not even squeezing but stealing). against any random hand, 25
looks stupid but actually not that bad, unless you got a made pair or A2/A5
alike, this hand is not dominated (unlike KJ by AJ alike). against hands
like AT, KQ, KJ (in your shoving range), guess what? the odds are actually
as for the luck part, yes, we need it, but we need more skills to build a
bigger stack first too... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有屎以来最臭的TPTK打法
1) pre-flop你既然flat 3x in 5-way,就注定了你95%要打small hand, small pot,
out of position;
2) 你flop了TPTK,不错的牌,但是5-way,没有位置,你check到底是要trap还是要pot
3) pre-flop raiser现在c-bet half pot,至少有点货色吧?然后一个regular raise
那么大,flush draw flop...... OK,你还是有疑问,call那么大,然后人家两个人
一个拿着AQ, AT, A9...,另一个拿着flush draw在开玩笑???(两把你能beat的牌)
4)真不信,check re-shove都还有点同情分,SIGH。
发帖数: 5415
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手牌
shove flop. turn的话...两头难受,fold的话剩20k,基本就是open shove了,call的
发帖数: 457
(pic. provided by fryking, lol)
First briefly describe the course how I reach the final table. At the very
beginning of tourney, I got double up over someone’s donkey move. After
that, my AA 3 bet preflop, villain call and hit bottom two pairs, we went
all in and fortunately I catched higher two pairs at river and suck him out.
With 3X starting chips, I cruised all the way with healthy chips until
around 100 players remain when the blinds increase faster than the chips I
can accumulate. After my... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - goes 要turn pro 了?
no, he rarely check raises/shoves on this type of flops.
he missed totally with AQo/AJo/ATs alike hands.

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - goes 要turn pro 了?
Unless you think that he is shoving with AA only you actually are better off
calling this than folding with the odds.
Another issue is that if you made it this big, there is no reason for AA to
5 bet shove here anymore. You will see a lot of flat here with AA which put
you in a very tough situation post flop.
I think it is much better to make it smaller size. People will not think you
are messing around most of the time anyway.
发帖数: 490
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - (转载)Stages Of A TAG (Ed Miller)
He posted this a long time ago. Maybe rewrite it for magazine.
This is the complete list
1. Hrmm, this K5s looks kinda good
2. I will never play anything but these 18 hands under any circumstances
3. I need to fold postflop if I don't hit a hand. And I need to fold to
pressure if I don't have a great hand.
4. Maybe I can loosen up a little bit in position. I can play more hands
because I know how to fold them postflop.
5. I need to bet my good hands hard so I can get value for them.
*** This is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I am learning to use hand history convertor..
How do I make the converted hand history to show up with
graphs? Which format do you use?
Donk please shove turn please shove turn.. yes... thank you...
Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - http://www.handconverter.com/hands/1031880
The DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter
MP1: $38.65
MP2: $96.70
CO: $73.35
BTN: $62.15
Hero (SB): $185.25
BB... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5415
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天打rush
昨天晚上rush吸走我166bb...AA shove K59 flop被K3 call...然后river 3...AA 3bet
,pot K23,shove 6结果对面拿出45...没地方说理了...所谓的rush"紧"就是这么紧法
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天打rush
“昨天晚上rush吸走我166bb...AA shove K59 flop被K3 call...然后river 3...AA
,pot K23,shove 6结果对面拿出45...没地方说理了...所谓的rush"紧"就是这么紧法
赶紧 把他们mark上
still rush 不是一般得紧啊
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - goes rake back ranks 29th
“i have 6s
ep raise 3X. i call.
flop 56J. He checks i bet 5$, he minraise to 10$. pot is 29$.
turn is a Q he bet 17$. i call. pot is 63$.
river is a 9.
he checks. I shove 67$. he calls with Js. ”
讲解一下他犯的什么错 让你shove, 10NL fish wants to know
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - goes rake back ranks 29th
"people have a wider calling shove range than their shove all in range."
You check flop you lose value over long run...set of 6 over set of J. 怎样打都是到all in... 因为这手牌他如果觉得check that river is good. 长期他损失的value 会更大... 我可以是J 或 Q. all unlikely to put in another bet but will call another bet...Particularly that hand has no clear draw, so i obviously had a made hand on flop. even small 2 pair is possible. 这种miniraise flop, check river, 长期只能伤到自己..But it is great. fish is going to be result oriented lik... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌啥思路?
check raise flop with that board is suicide. There is simply no strong hand
in his range. You will get shove on with so many hands in hero's 3 bet
range. flush draw, 2 over card and he can't continue. Unless he was going to
check raise and get it in, I think it is very bad.
hero's play is ok until river. i am not sure whether shoving that river has
value at all (well if we look at the result it is). He needs to have a very
loose image to pull this off or have some sort of history. Otherwise, th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌啥思路?
utg+2 c/r on the flop to 148 is very good, he will fold to a shove for sure,
because the equity is so bad against hero's value range. He has only 2
outers a lot of times, and he is behind even against monster draws.
In that scenario, hero will fold 88-JJ there, probably fold QQ there also.
The only pair which hero can continue is AA, KK. Hero will force to fold
majority AK, AQ combinations, only AsKs, AsQs can continue. Raising flop is
good play there. I do that a lot in cash games.
Against stra... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新手求教Final table策略
welcome new face!
nothing wrong with what you're doing. 10BB shove with A suited或者小对子都
all in进去 is pretty standard play. you're not dominated unless others hold
a big Ax or pair, there're much more other hands they might call you with.
策略能最大化盈利, you have to gamble as a short stack. time is running out
and blinds are going up quickly, everyone knows that. poker is a game of
incomplete information, you make your moves based on what info. is available
to you. as here, shoving with suited Ax or smal... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 回家前最后一把牌,tough spot
你想太多了... 75$ to commit yourself. if he has straight, you have redraw.
any thing else, you need to clear him on river. make the river bet small
relative to pot by bet turn large enough. 100$ on river is perfect sizing
shove. You also need to charge for all the draws. Like i said, Q can add a
lot outs to his hand since he does not know you have sets. He can add a pair
to his flush draw. Add a OESD or gut shot to his flush draw. Or 1 pair turn
2 pair. All these hand he will call your big bet on tur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AC trip report -- part 1
如果pocket 10s 能shove 这个river 会更牛B.. ^_^..其实J 这里就是nuts..
估计fcf HU 里可能常shove pocket 10s at this spot to make profit~~~
发帖数: 490
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - So what will you do in this situation?
I will shove. But I get a lot of swing because of it. Last night, I shoved into a set ... with my flush draw + 2 over cards
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - So what will you do in this situation?
4 bet pre .. I am guessing this guy's 3 bet % should be at least 5%. vs this type of oppoents, I am 4 betting AKs and getting it in preflop if he shoves. If he flat 4 bet, you will get a lot of fold equity post flop. I will pot flop and reraise all in if raised. If called, shove turn.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 那帖我删了..
这牌最tilt的地方是他其实hit了2 outer on turn. 否则他是call 不下来的. river
shove 其实是50 50. 碰巧碰上对手top of the range. raise 到24 on turn shove
river, 我感觉挺强的, feel like value bet all the way. 可能是筹码太浅了.. 要
他fold set 还是很难.. 我也可能是AK~~~

发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 上来哭一哭
btn limp, me sb pot size raise, bb pot size rr, btn fold, then i shoved all
my damn 200bb, bb thought a bit, then called with his 200bb
coz i get used to shove aks and kk+, did not think too much, so sad!!
first day play 50NL
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌是直接shove好还是check-shove
won't make a difference. He won't fold if he bet flop with the stack size.
This hand is spew. 3 betting 10% does not mean he 3 bet MP1 vs utg+1 10%.
Your 4 bet sizing is also too big. It makes it too easy for him to flat your
4 bet with KK AA. I think you should just give up on the 3 bet preflop
with AQo with the position. If it is button vs bb, it might be ok but again
4 bet size is too big..
发帖数: 4158
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌是直接shove好还是check-shove
mini 4-bet to $5?

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - super user at FTP?
happens everyday.
yesterday 2 hands:
1) EP 3.5x, MP over shoves 100BB, SB snap calls 50BB.
EP folds, MP shows AA, SB turns over 68s.
board: 9Tx7x
(plus, i fold 77, oh yeah).
2) UTG 4x (he's a very TAG guy), MP calls, i fold AJs as respect to UTG, BB
directly shoves 120BB! UTG folds, MP is kind of short with 50BB, tanks and
finally calls.
BB, 66, MP, 99
board: AJQxx
66 don't suck out but it shows how brave they are, lol.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Donks don't know we are keeping records~~
it is so easy with notes. just let him commit himself with shit and shove~~
Note for this villian before the hand--"raise flop and 3 bet get it in with straight draw.. donk"
New notes--"limp call J10s and miniraise flop and almost pot turn and call shove with top pair J."
Just hope he comes to my table more often~~~
Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players -
CO: $106.05
Hero (BTN): $103.50
SB: $145.05
BB: $100.30
UTG: $152.75
UTG+1: $193.90
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手我应该4bet么?
at best coin flipping is correct probably. But i am shoving anyway~~~ hoho...
I hate to lose 3bb for my redline.. SHOVE~~~~~and berate him in chat if he show up with AQ- JJ-
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今日大坑--日FTP
better than my 3 hands today, hoho.
AK vs. huge donk's call with QTo, 5-bet all-in pot pre, board AKxxJ
QQ vs. button's AK re-shove, board JxQxT
KK 4-bets AQd and she donk shoves, board xxQQx
lol, guess this hand hurts my RP for a full day...
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 终于抓住emilyran
在ELECTRO(2/4rush) 上有两个中国的Regular, emilyran and liuxiaohua.
我觉得牌打的都一般, emilyran calls a lot of 3 betting OOP with marignal
hand like 67s, AJs, etc and trends to overplay her/his hand postflop. Her
fold to 3 betting is only 51 on my HEM. way too low. Liuxiaohua's stat is
21/17, way too loose on electro

I lost a full buy in pot(400 vs 400) to her, almost nothing I can do.
KK VS AA on 100 blind preflop allin. I almost never fold KK on 100BB
preflop unless having extreme strong read a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
how many hands do we need in hands history for 3 betting or 4 betting
stat to be meaningful?
There is very important decision to make when you face 4 betting when
holding KK, especially when you are 120BB+ deep. I think againt player whose
4 betting range is below 1.0 on a 4 betting pot, we should fold KK against
a shove if not too committed. Since AA and KK are 0.9 of top hand range,
you are drawing to chop against 4 betting from these gugys on a 4 betting
pot with KK.
I am ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - NL100现在果然充斥着durrr
记得以前ev mm的理论是,overbet shove on river always=nuts
貌似现在应该改改了,overbet shove on river always=bluff
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 来讨论讨论这两手牌
hand 2 they probably both have a straight. Not sure what straight. but I do
not like utg's play. I think he should just shove turn. or donk lead river.
Why calling that big raise then check call river? weird. Typical fish
mistake "calling range is wider than shove range". FISH~
发帖数: 99
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - My first $22 27 S&G in PS (5)
Not much later, a tragedy happened on the other $11 table I was playing at
the same time. I was looking at the $20 table and writing my post. I
totally lost my attention on that $11 table. After I (99 BB) happily
preflop 3-bet shove the "donk/fish"(SB) on my right, I was surprised that he
called. Then I realized it wasn't the donk/fish I remember. The fish was
long gone and on the seat is a very tight regular. He showed AA.
Now I am in my tilt mood.
Coming back to the $20 table, with my l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
against a regular at BB, i'm fully prepared with his flop check raise on QT8
most of time (it certainly hits almost his full range, just big or medium) to
defend against CO.
my $13 3-bet is designed for him to fold and shows him i could be serious
here too. on the other hand, i could not let semi hands like 9Ts or Q9o come
along for a ride too cheaply. for the remaining cards in the deck (coming on
turn/river), almost anything >7 could kill further action. that's a whole
lot of cards, hehe.
i ad... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
I know there is about 30% chance that a no pair hand hit a pair or up.
What is the chance of flop one card open ended str draw, or one card flush
draw, or two suited card flop flush draw? Considering both suited or no
suited case. Supposed Villian shove with any pair, any Ace, KT+, so we can
exclude these hand out.
this would helps me a lot against passive player when playing Heads up when
BB is high. limping on the button can steal a lot in pos, but also risk
giving a free flop.
I what to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 457
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - cmis91 may have a HUGE night
I regret that I play too tight when around 80 players were left. Passive
call with KQ and AJ when facing open bet from regular raiser. The reason is
that I saw so many actions there and suspect my 3 bet doesnt have much fold
equity and KQ and AJ is tough to proceed facing 4 bet. I want to wait
premium hand for value. Now I realize sometimes you just cant avoid
aggression play from others and have to fight back. For that A3,Button
literally has 4 BB left. That's a must call for my A3 since i alr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - preflop QQ need help
QQ vs KK,AA,AK, has 40% equity
here I am putting 87bb for 113 bb if shove, so if he will call with AK,
seems I should shove
if he only calls with KK and AA I think I need to fold
but the real problem is how to tell if he will only call with KK or AA, I
hate this
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - my result on super turbo sng
definitely. I have the same problem.
Those 35$ level regs do some wired stuff to me.
For example:1. SB shoves me every hand, I will call with Q5o quite
confidently. However, I do not know whether I can call with 95o.
2. Bubble situation: Big stack shoves on the bubble, I am in BB, I am the
1BB shorter than the 2nd chip leader, and have K6s, whether should I call it.
As you can see from my graph, I have 1400$ downswing in one day, if that
downswing continues for 2 days longer, I am almost out. So... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sick sick variance
I do not know. My luck is so bad on 35$ level super turbo sng.
Only 179 games, lose 1800+ usd. Average: -10bucks per game.
This month, I only played 179 games on 35$ level
(To be honest, I dare not to play that game a lot. Since I can play 300
games easily in a day, but with -10$/game, how can I dare to play? :< )
I check my play, it seems normal. But the result is so horrible. They shove
on me, I call with best hand, it always lose.
When I shoves, they call with Ace rag on the bubble(, which is... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sick sick variance
I do not like to call allin on the bubble. But they shove on me, and stack
size setup means I can not fold, I am sure I have 60% equity at least.
Stupid enough, I can not win those flips at all.

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