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发帖数: 4527
来自主题: Running版 - 长跑新手指南(3) running economy
前面说过了,决定你长跑表现的几个要素里面,第一项slow-twitch fibers是基因决定
这个running economy不大好翻译,含义倒是很直观,在给定氧气量的情况下,你能跑
决定running economy的主要因素是你肌肉里面slow-twitch和fast-twitch fibers的比
维的类型,还有其他一些因素也可以影响这个running economy。可惜的是,我们目前
发帖数: 4527
来自主题: Running版 - 长跑新手指南(3) running economy
我觉得归根结底,running economy还是提高有效利用氧气的能力,根据其定义。所以
大量的aerobical run和long run,应该会提高running economy。

发帖数: 4444
来自主题: Running版 - 长跑新手指南(3) running economy
han ah, just found out Pfitzinger actually leave quite a high percentage of
space in this section talking about high mileage training (train FT to gain
more characteristics of ST) and improving running form (especially this one, almost half section is about running form)
running form, running form.
发帖数: 189
来自主题: Running版 - born to run寄到了
一类是handbook类型的,比如AM and Running Formula,其实就是教人怎么跑步,告诉
很多知识都能引起runner的共鸣,Ryan Hall在序言里就说了这么一句,原文记不清楚
了。另外一本Road Racing 4 serious runners也挺好,作者也是PP and SD,基本就是
感觉Running Formula有些过于程式化了,真成Formula了。真正意义上的跑步其实更多
是一项依靠主观感觉不搀杂太多科技含量的运动,如果你feel strong,就可以run
5k。Running Formula里面教人那些计算pace的方法:加多少秒、减多少秒、head wind
发帖数: 4651
来自主题: Running版 - born to run寄到了
Then you won't be disappointed. His training schedule is not heavy - 3 days
of 30-45 min run/walk during the week, and 1 long run in weekend (most
runners here won't call it long).
John is inspirational for an entire different reason. He started to run when
he was 43. He doesn't have athletic genes, his marathon time are b/w 5-6
hrs, he was overweight and still a bit heavy by our standard. Yet he
continues to run/walk - completed over 34 marathons and encouraged many
ordinary people (aka turtles
发帖数: 12693
yhflogan (滚滚长江都是水) 于 (Mon Jul 26 22:27:43 2010, 美东) 提到:
前面说过了,决定你长跑表现的几个要素里面,第一项slow-twitch fibers是基因决定
economy。也许,这个不甚重要的表达有些不确切,但是影响running economy的因素太多了,而且其他指标提升的同时,这个running economy自然会提高,所以个人观点是,我们没有什么特别好的短平快的方法来特别训练,只能依靠慢慢的积累。
这个running economy不大好翻译,含义倒是很直观,在给定氧气量的情况下,你能跑
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - RW QOD - run for yourself!
Let me tell you how I found time to run today. I got up at 5am for a 6.8
mile run this morning. Then when I came home from work after 6:30pm, I took
my daughter out for a 3.6 mile run in her stroller. While she came back home
to eat dinner with her mother, I went out for another 4.9 mile run on the
trail. That makes 15.3 miles, on a regular Tuesday.
发帖数: 4651
来自主题: Running版 - 101 reasons to run a marathon!
Still can't find a good reason why do full if one can enjoy half marathon.
I guess I'm a bit too rational, but I want to save my ankles and knees for
years of running, at least till I'm well into 70s. I worry running too
long and hard would shorten my running life. When my doctor heard me
running, his comment was "half marathon probably has the best risk/benefit
ratio", maybe he is right.
发帖数: 4859
来自主题: Running版 - 最长功力的还是long run
那我完了,平时跑的太短,周末跑的太长。 周末的Long占到MPW的45-50%. :(

your normal run, then it is a long run. Like if you normally run 6 miles,
then 9 miles and up will be long run.
发帖数: 798
来自主题: Running版 - My first ever fast run
As I said previously, I'd never run sub 10min/mile pace for long run
previously. Most of my runs are paced between 11-13min/mile. The best
long run I had was a 10:10 paced at around 11-12miles.

发帖数: 3304
来自主题: Running版 - long run之爽与不爽
before this 18m, tonyprince already logged 50mile last week, so he planed +8
felt so good ```
i could not run 18 m by myself. it's totally different if you run with
thousands runners, with fluid station every 2 miles ``````
i'm not in BQ shape yet (poor training and A.T. injury) . previously i just
hope beat my 2009 chicago's 3:47, then run beijing and nycm. now i adjust
to 3:30 in chicago, which i will run asura's name
i feel excited for next 3 marathons ``````will have lots of fun & friends `
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - After Reading Born to Run
actually, the typical bunny you find in the bushes isn't even that fast.
sometimes I see bunnies trying to run
away in front me, during a tempo run, and they weren't any faster than me (6
wait, maybe I remembered wrong. I do remember that one time in my mile repeats, I was running as fast as
the bunnies trying to get away in front of me. My pace was about 5:50. I think that's about how fast they can
发帖数: 558
来自主题: Running版 - what is your long run pace?
after reading the article (marathon mistake) baiji posted below, i am a
little bit confused. what is the proper pace for long runs? i found this
article on this topic:
apparently there are different strategies: you can do easy, tempo, goal pace
or run till you puke.
my long run pace is faster than EZ and ~10-15 sec slower than MP. what is
your long run pace?
发帖数: 19210
After being told by my coach and everyone here to run the long run slowly, I
hooked up with my buddy to help pacing me. Ran 19k Sunday morning with my
Taiwanese running buddy while his friend carried water for us on bike.
So far 19K is the longest I've ever run. Will attempt 22K this weekend.
发帖数: 1150
来自主题: Running版 - Do you carry ID when you run?
I always run with partners for longer runs, only run by myself for those
track recovery runs usually.
发帖数: 87
来自主题: Running版 - 新手请教running technique的问题
看Gordan Pirie的 Running Fast and Injury Free 提到
In proper running technique, therefore, the foot should land on its outer
front perimeter,such that the footprint follows a straight line. As the
weight is borne by the foot, it rolls inwards until flat on the ground. If
you run incorrectly, for example by throwing the arms out wide to the sides
and all over the place instead of pulling the fist and forearm in and across
the body, the legs will also fly out wide of the straight line track of
correct... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 32
来自主题: Running版 - I feel so happy that I can run again
Four consecutive 4 days, 2-2-2-3 milers respetively. Not long distances,
but I can run without a pain. It was the best moment in past 2 months. I
injured my foot, possily the tendon, when playing tennis, and the most
terrible thing was that I underestimated the injury. Always trying to come
back when I felt slightly better, and ended up with the injury again. I
know the frustration for a runner is that you always wanted to run but
you cant.but trust me, a bigger frustration is that you feel the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - long run in peak week, 4 weeks to CIM
22 miles/2:37:38, 7:10 avg pace. had some bathroom breaks and traffic stops,
still my best effort in a training run so far. mile splits are
7:38, 7:18, 7:38, 7:29, 7:11, 7:04, 6:59, 7:01, 7:08, 7:10, 7:08, 6:38, 6:39
, 7:08, 7:04, 6:53, 7:01, 7:19, 7:18, 7:12, 7:29, 7:13.
while I used to take my time to warm up in the first 6,7 miles of a long run
, today I went out at a strong pace because I wanted to see how well my body
takes it 20 miles later. I'm feeling the benefit of aerobic base -- I can... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4931
not every run is pleasant and enjoyable. most of them are. some are just
plain dreadful. my run yesterday was
one of those plain dreadful runs. but running is just like life. there are
highs and lows. you gotta be able to
pull through the low points in order to taste the sweet victory at the end.
发帖数: 4931
I've been quite careful actually. Today I've been debating with myself
whether I should do a recovery run.
Eventually I convinced myself that even if I skip a run, my shin will still
hurt tomorrow, so I might as well go
for a run. The fact is, if I do an easy run on the treadmill, my shin will
get better the next day. If I do a hard
workout on the road, my shin will probably feel a little worse the next day.
But I'm still in the peak weeks and
don't want to lose quality workouts unless I have to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4354
来自主题: Running版 - Still listening to born to run
At about chapter 25. Not sure how long the entire book is. It is a great
read. Now I am thinking about running in
simpler, less cushioned shoes with more toe room so that my toes can
function more while running.
Five fingers sounds good but I think on trails with a lot of small rocks, it
might be hard to run over such surface.
Anybody tried Nike free? Maybe start to run some in racing flat.
发帖数: 4931
Looking back at my own training, in fact, I feel that I have not had much
success following AM plan, at the end of the day. My best marathon race was
actually in May 2009, at Vermont. I ran 3:16 on a somewhat hilly course with
a comfortable negative split, and totally surprised myself at the time. I
followed no training plan at the time. Five months later, after a lot more
harder training (AM up to 55mpw), I only managed to shave off 5 minutes
despite digging as deep as I could in the race. It t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19210
F.I.R.S.T. will do it. Only two long runs top at 20 miles. But every run is
a quality run. All tempo runs are faster
than MP. I believe it will work for you, WHX.

发帖数: 2405
Agree with you. The most unexpected result is not you and Paff BQ, but
Cole didn't finish by 3:40 and JimH didn't run into sub-4. Cole and
blogrance trained so hard (same as JimH), you guys can see their
training logs on runningshead.com. Cole also runs long runs pretty good
I think few things may need to check:
1. Cole and Blogrance booked hotel Ramada Inn. Their hotel room is right
next to highway. Blogrance complained about the HWY noise.
2. Not sure if running shoes played a role in Co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Running版 - Anybody use Bottle Belt for running?
my "long runs" are just 12-15 miles, not much more than 2 hours. when the
temperatures are in the 30s and 40s, I usually don't need to drink. On the
trail I run, I will pass a drinking fountain 6 miles from my starting point,
and I run out and back. So I know I have the option to sip some water 6
miles into the run or 6 miles before the end. But I haven't exercised that
option yet except in the summer.
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - First real run in 3 weeks
It's about time.
It was still dark 6am in the morning, about 40F in Tokyo. Headed out from my
hotel to Ueno park. Though I
haven't been out on the road in three weeks, my strides felt super smooth
and my legs felt strong and
springy. I would hit 6:30 pace with ease. In the park I met a group of 12
high school looking kids, running
together, in two lines side by side, exactly like in the movies. Since I
didn't know my way, I followed them for
a little bit. In Tokyo the pedestrians wait for the tr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19210
来自主题: Running版 - The People's Republic of Running?
在google一位常住北京的瑞士铁人Patrik Li时,偶然发现了这篇2008年Runner's
World的关于北京马拉松的文章:“The People's Republic of Running? ”
Patrik Li, a consultant at a European trade and investment firm and one of
Beijing's most formidable nonprofessional runners and triathletes, finds the
17 to 20 hours of training he does weekly distinctly unpleasurable. "Here I
look at training as a job, as something I have to do," he says. "There is
no joy. I'd say that's true fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4931
there are two approaches to long runs. one is to focus on high quality,
marathon race pace runs of up to 16
miles. the other is relaxed slow long runs. in fact, 8:00 or even 8:30 would
be just fine. but if you do it that
way then the long run needs to be longer, over 20 miles, ideally 22 miles
or more.
发帖数: 646
It's a workable approach!
I used to build my confidence by doing similar things.
(high-quality speed work for speed and long runs for
endurance, although my long run was not even half the
distance as yours) Now the problem is I cannot finish
even one reasonably satisfying long run and I gave up
every time....If i run slower (will get passed by most
of the guys on the trail), it adds nothing to my
but thanks anyway!

发帖数: 2120
I want to share this quote with you-:)
Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying,
and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way. Run often and run long,
but never outrun your joy of running.
Julie Isphording, Marathon winner
发帖数: 658
来自主题: Running版 - Carl Lewis is going to run a marathon
is he serious?
The greatest sprinter of all time is ready to run his first marathon. Carl
Lewis says he will celebrate his 50th birthday by running the open portion
of the 2012 Houston Marathon.
Lewis trained in Houston under coach Tom Tellez, while winning nine Olympic
gold medals between 1984 and 1996. But Lewis insists there will be no
training this time. "I'm not doing any 20-mile runs to prepare for it,"
Lewis told SI. "And I won't be running for time. This is something I want to
do once."
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12977
来自主题: Running版 - Run to Work
3 mile from home to work? that's in the same neighborhood.
12 lbs of backpack is not necessary, should cut to zero:
If I were you, I would run to work in the morning, and run
back home at noon for lunch, then run to work again, then
run back home in the afternoon.
If you are doing that, that's only 12 miles a day
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - brief report on yesterday's training run
I started running at 9:40am. after 9 miles I waited about one hour for
tonyprince to arrive by train. I finished at 3:40am this morning. we stopped
many times to eat and refill water. around 1am, I was at kings park and
rested on the bench for a while, thinking that I couldn't move any more.
Then I found out that I could still run, so I ran a little more. :)
for most part, we adopted a 50 min run/10 min walk strategy, to prevent injury as running ultra on asphalt/concrete can be unpredictable. T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 502
发信人: gloomyturkey (一只郁闷的火鸡), 信区: Running
标 题: Re: 《2011 Campus Run 5K & Cross Country Run 6K : 2011年赛
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 1 12:19:27 2011, 美东)
发帖数: 5241
来自主题: Running版 - 推荐一个Blog:Science of Running
尤其推荐:How to Run: Running with proper biomechanics
Steve Magness:assistant coach and scientific advisor for the Nike Oregon
1500m- 3:43.87
1 mile- 4:01.02
10k CC- 29:50
10mi- 50:15
发帖数: 10018
来自主题: Running版 - 20% off gift cards to running warehouse
Thank you for contacting Running Warehouse. The gift card sale is applicable
for physical gift cards. Order #976955 was placed for an electronic gift
certificate. Therefore, the 20% off was not applied. We have allowed the 20%
off discount on this order. Below is a copy of the updated purchase.
For any future purchases for gift card's during this sale, please be sure to
directly use the "Buy Now" links below the images of the physical gift
cards to ensure you receive the discount.
Please... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 669
来自主题: Running版 - Will this work for ultra run?
I will do this during the coming Thanksgiving weekend if there is at least
one day that is not raining.
50M flat gravel trail. Goal 11 hours.
I am currently not in good running shape however. During the past year:
o Highest weekly running mileage: 25M
o Longest run: 12M
o # of runs longer than 8M: 1
发帖数: 12977
来自主题: Running版 - Will this work for ultra run?
A bit of warning to you: I was hiking a lot, though not in your capacity,
and I found that there is quite a difference between hiking and running, not
the same muscle group, basically.
The distance will create unexpected reaction in your body, if not the
muscles, then the ligaments, soft tissues, etc. You may end up with a
swollen ankle or something like that even before you finished.
So run at least one really long run, say 30 miles plus a few long run around
20-22 miles before the race.
发帖数: 669
来自主题: Running版 - Will this work for ultra run?
Gee, this thread is heading into the direction I did not intend.
I am not here to brag about anything. As I said, there are tons of people
who run faster than me and are both physcially and mentally tougher than me.
There is nothing for me to brag about.
I had thought about doing ultra runs and seeing how they feel like. I want
to have a good stragegy. So I started this thread not only for asking
advices but also for the purpose of information sharing. The LHR training
shared on this board last ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2634
来自主题: Running版 - How do I run?
I usually have only 1 hour time each week day and
2 hours each weekend day after my schedule became
so tight recently.
I have been doing at least 15 min warmup and 20 min
cooldown. So during week days, should I run faster
than before (roughly 30 min) to get enough 'quality?'
and leave LHR runs to weekend? Will LHR run still work
for just 30min or so of running?
发帖数: 2120
来自主题: Running版 - How do I run?
Sorry for being lazy to read the big book, but what are the key points in
Just run as slow as possible and try to run more?
Are you following any plans?
I have been running with about 150HR. It felt like sleeping but not very
easy. I am not sure whether this kind of running will help physically ( I
know the mental part-:P)
发帖数: 108
How fast and how long should tempo run be?
For example, if LHR run 6.5mph, how fast should tempo run be?
And how long should each run be?
发帖数: 175
有点隐隐作痛,虽然可以run through,但是感觉就像是定时炸弹一样,让我不敢大意
。为了避免受伤,按照版上大牛热心的指导开始了LHR的训练。每周三次,大概30 MPW
。具体是:周二recovery run: 4mile, pace 10'00'-10'30''; 周四8-10mi, 周日
long run (17-18mile), average HR都控制在146 bpm; max HR是161,average pace
在9‘20“-9’35”之间的样子。具体分布的话,基本是70-80%的时间都在152bpm (我
的最大有氧心率)以下。这周四还是按照这个心率跑,average pace略有提高,到了9'
但是今天的long run很奇怪,从第一个mile开始心率就居高不下,随随便便就冲到了
160,但是实际上我的pace跟以前没有什么区别。最后20mile跑下来,avg pace 9'30"
AVERAGE ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1283
It wasn't until his second semester at Pima Community College in Tucson that
Abdirah-man's running talent was finally discovered, in a story that's
become part of running legend. "I hung out with a bunch of athletes, and
every day at 3 they'd go to practice, leaving me alone," he says. "I decided
I needed to be on a team, so I went to the track coach and asked him if I
could join. He told me to come back Monday when they were doing a 5-mile run.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 23
1、我现在步频85-7,如果90步频, 速率和心率都上去了。请问高手们是不是都高步频+高速度?还是即使8-9min pace也要高步频?
2、一直按MAF跑挺舒服,但想过一段跑个斑马或10K。所以今天warm up后想用85% MHR run LT tempo for 3 miles. 结果只跑了1迈就坚持不住了(average pace 7:40, average HR=84%MHR)。请问我tempo应该跑多快多远?(my MAF =78% MHR, I run 12 miles for 1:45:00 with Average HR = MAF)
3、很多计划每周都有1-2次3-4mile recovery run. 如果不跑recovery run, 多休息一两天是否可以?
发帖数: 9040
来自主题: Running版 - Born to Run天生就会跑1-10章
好文要共享,Born to Run中文版1-10章。
Born to Run
克里斯多福.麦杜格 Christopher McDougall 着
王亦窍 译
第 一 章
——安.麦可斯,《即兴篇章》(Anne Michaels, Fugitive Pieces)
我甚至开始怀疑,也许白马这个人只不过是传说,是本地人自己编造... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2054
来自主题: Running版 - 问一下AP plan的long run
On Wednesday of weeks 9, 10, and 11, you should run warm-up for two miles,
then run miles three through six at 75 to 85% (Actually this may be
conservative for some. This workout should be an Anaerobic Threshold (AT)
workout and AT varies from individual to individual. You should feel
invigorated at the end of this and if there is any question err on the side
of caution.) Cool down two miles. On Saturday's long run every other week
you should incorporate four to six miles at about the pac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 502
赛事名称:《SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon 2012》我参加的是
21KM Women's Master Competitive
时间:9 Sep 2012 早晨5:15am
起跑点:Esplanda Bridge
终点:Padang,City Hall
Route Information:
半马路线首次经过刚开通的Bay South Garden
SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon年度赛事开始于1992年,由新加坡战
备军人协会(Singapore Armed Forces Recreation Association 简称SAFRA)与新加
念。赛事的主题极具煽动性:" Distance is nothing, if you are loving it"为主题
。赛事分21KM半程马拉松(the competitive 21-km half-marathon. 5:15am起跑),... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 174
来自主题: Running版 - hiking as cross training for running
What I love most about running as a competitive sport is its purity. In
nearly every other sport, conditioning and cross training are necessary for
top performance. Not in distance running. Elite runners don't need to cross
train. No cross training can make a distance runner better. There is one and
only one effective way of becoming a better runner: simply run more, harder
, and faster. That's why running is the mother of all sports and runners
kick motherfucking ass.
发帖数: 9040
Running Warehouse offers the Nike Men's FREE Run+ 3 Shield Running Shoes
Black/Green/Grey for $71.88. Coupon code "FB15D" cuts it to $61.10. With
free shipping, that's $6 under yesterday's mention of a different color and
the lowest total price we could find in any color by $14, outside of the
mention below. They come in sizes 7 to 13.
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