

全部话题 - 话题: loose
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发帖数: 18174
来自主题: Swimming版 - 小白练习自由泳的请教问题
straighter legs, not straight legs
大腿在前,小腿在后,标准的感觉是loose legs。不过脚腕子柔韧性不过关的人,因为
要时刻提醒自己point toes,所以可能感觉不到loose。或者苦练改善柔韧性,不费力
发帖数: 1601
Is world No.1 really that important? Grand slam titles are way more
important in my opinion. If loosing No.1 means he will attend less functions
and he can rest more, I am more happy for him than sad. Loosing No.1 will
also give him a good reason to improve to get it back.
发帖数: 199
来自主题: Tennis版 - 不会处理软球咋办
说明老兄的击球时间掌握的还是不好, 还有 never think it is one shot game,
always think about this is at least two shots game. 就是 首先不要想一拍子 打
死人家。这样一想, 心里就毛糙了,就会 loose balance, loose timing. just
take your time.
never take any shot as an easy shot, 轻敌是大忌.
发帖数: 6757
两根线四个结,容易loose tension, 绑结时也会loose tension. 我是在ex-pro 的建
发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - 奔个视频请指点
loose power loose spin
发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - 奔个视频请指点
Nothing special, just the usual, semi-western grip, racquet up during the
prep, loose wrist, drop racquet head, contact in the front, windshield wiper
I think the hardest part is probably loose wrist and drop racquet head. Ppl
tend to cut off the swing path and hit the ball. You can try to stay on the
baseline, drop a ball, let it bounce twice or even three times then hit it.
Because the ball is low, you will be forced to drop the racquet head.
Because the ball has no pace and low, you will... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - 如何克服想赢怕输打球tight?
I have same issue ... so I end up play not to loose instead of play to win
What I tell myself now is play the ball not the person, it's just you and
ball and not to think about score.... it's easy to say than done cuz I'm
still loosing a lot lol...
发帖数: 6757
I agree with TennisFan on this one, you have to evaluate following before
making an adjustment:
1. what is your style and game plan?
2. In what ways is your opponent 比自己强?
3. What do you meant by aggressive?
Just going in and try to hit the ball harder, tries to initiate attack,
change direction of the ball might make you loose faster, but you might feel
very "shuang" after loosing though. :)
发帖数: 6757
Just to add, you gotta to have a loose arm and loose wrist for those type of
shot. You won't be able to hit a quality shot if any part of body gets

发帖数: 6757
来自主题: Tennis版 - 忽然找到点反手削球的窍门
technically I was told every shot need to be loose, but my grip on slice is
still tighter.
I think it's like volley, you are suppose to have a loose grip and knife the
ball, but tight grip works too and it's easier to pick up in the beginning.
When you gain confidence, and better feel, timing etc., you can then loosen
up the grip. Your forehand probably started with a tighter grip too. No?
发帖数: 3845
我觉得所谓的pronation是手臂放松wrist snap的结果,但如果老想着pronation反而手
臂容易僵硬。可以试着用球拍向地上wrist snap拍球找timing的感觉,真正发球的时候
也就是朝着头顶上盯着球拍过去。另外,loose grip pressure, loose arm也很关键。
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 interesting hand last night.
NL500( 5/5) in bicycle casino.
1.got AK suited, one loose guy bet 30$ on the button bf flop , I just called
on the big blind.another guy called too.
flop is K 9 3 no flush draw, both checked to the button.He checked, turn
is 6
now there is flush draw there, So I bet 40$, both of them called.
river is another 3, I bet 40$ tried to charge the K small kicker or just A9'
s money,
as I expected the guy behind me just called, to my surprise, the button
loose guy reraise to 140$, what can he has.
发帖数: 868
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 interesting hand last night.
The other guy didn't have AA? His call was not good. He's exactly sandwiched
between two raisers.
What I learnt was: good loose and aggressive players only play small pots
loosely. They're serious with big bets.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - poker is like making love.
you play every crappy hand, they call you loose.
you play only premium hands, they call you tight.
long term, tight is better than loose.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - swing
199958 jackpot被打穿有他一小份的(尽管后来有次俺问他不承认)。......anyway, 赌
到夜里12点,稀里糊涂的居然输了破记录的将近$800!两把错误的chase各花了$200 on
乐观起来,具体也没有什么大牌(其实也不能这么说,除了把straight flush,加一把
quads 7s, 呵呵),只是慢慢的红筹码变成绿筹码......从旁边的一个技术不错但是运
那把quad 7s的时候处于最低潮,筹码有限(<$1
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - bluff or not?!
AJ late position bet 8$ , one very loose guy called on small blind.
flop is
AcKc5h he checked, I bet 14$, he checked raise to 28$, I called, turn is Kd,
he checked , I checked, river is 7s, he bet 77$ for this 77$ pot ( he is
very loose aggressive )
really tough, turn he check , seems he got flush draw or A weaker, but river
jump out and bet the pot??
I will post the final result after discussion.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AJo
no matter how a player plays, he still may hit nuts and let you pay. hehe.
Actually those are different situations, in this case, you called two bets,
and he could place you on an ace, thus with nuts, he would just push
all in. Also, against loose players, he may overplay his top pair
, but against you, he doesn't have to play the same way. I play my
top pair top kicker hands against loose callers very aggressively and
stack them frequently, however, against solid players, you don't want to
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - about bluffing.
hehe, guess it's the button's fault for only betting $25 (compared to $14
pre-flop), for loose guys, $14/$25 doesn't really make a difference, they
would likely want to see another card. melonli somehow got a reason to slow
play a little bit till the turn (70% chance i would do the same with 55),
because his main target was button guy.
but he was still too loose, i thought he at least got a weak pair(4 or 5),
and a 6...
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - follow up or not?
we always face case like below.
KA in pocket, one guy raises bf you, and you 3 bets him, he cold calls.
flop 10d 5d 3s sth. like this, he checked to you, you bet pot , say 80$, he
turn is 8 h , should you follow up bluff, or just check .
if river is another unrelated card say, 4s, he checked to you again , will
you keep bluffing/??
if your opponent is
1. loose aggressive player
2. tight conservetive player
3. loose passive player
4. tight aggressive player.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AJ?
哈哈,发现类似top pair, medium kicker, facing all-in from "very loose
aggressive" players的情况你遭遇挺多的,还是记得清楚的多?
1) you were SB, right? your $6 was kind of low and
meaningless in 1/2 games, most of time BB would call anyway except too
crappy hands, but for loose aggressive guys, they play any two cards, hehe.
2) don't know if you wanted him to call your check-raise on flop, but only $
12+ looked more like "i want you to call, just want to set it higher, not
too high".
3) i would check again on turn first..
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - follow up bluff
against a loose player, you really want to play in position and value bet
top pairs or over pairs strongly, not to play a big pot out of position
with only ace high. Suppose he holds something like AQ, KQ, QJ, if you push,
he'll call you down easily cause he's loose, and you are an underdog.
Semibluffs work well against decent opponents, cause the more likely
they'll fold, the more profitable your semibluff is.
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 8 high
I got position , he raise 50% at least in late position.
There is no way I don't reraise here , if you called hand you will lose 8$ ,
but now I won how much??
I will follow up a big bet on the turn if no dangeous card showed and will
still take down the pot.
loose aggressive is the way to play, not tigh passive. especially vs loose
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 8 high
nothing wrong with the preflop reraise imo. The guy is loose, so his hand
can't stand too much fire and lots of the time you take the pot down right
there. If it got called like this hand it's fine because we have position
and 87s/o played ok against big hands in position. We can check down this
hand and win because we are the aggressor preflop and we have position. It's
a perfect example why being aggressive win you money.

发帖数: 85
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Some hands played and thoughts after tonight
Short handed 40/80 must move game. Opponents are all passive, either tight
or loose, my favor game.
1. a korean donkey raised UTG, loose old guy (at the time, have no clue at
all about this guy), I called the button with KQ space. Didn't 3-bets there
because I knew the Korean so well who is easy to manipulate. My hand is good
and have position, and was so confident about the hand. One of blinds
called and we 4 see flop. flop came K56 with 2 diamonds, all check to me, I
bet. 2 folds and old guy c
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Don't let downswing bother you
one guy, who's a co-author of Professional Texas HoldEm (new book in 2007,
about cash game only), he wrote one foolproof strategy to play cash games (
he plays 2/5NL) recently on Card Player magazine - buy in short, 100-150BB
for 2/5NL, wait for your decent cards, raise pre-flop and then go all-in on
flop (of course, with top pair or alike hits) against loose aggressive guys.
details can be found in the recent issue (dec.5).
loose aggressive is actually the most dangerous style, could wipe out y
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - horrible player
well, one need to bet strongly with over pairs and top pair, top kicker
loose players, and fold marginal midpairs when facing resistence.
If you adjust correctly, they are certainly your best customers.
For this hand, the preflop reraise was a huge blow IMO, cause loose guy
call it with a potential better hand.

发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - tough one.
QQ , one guy bet 10$ under the gun , 5 players called, I have QQ small blind
, raise to 60$, first guy fold, a loose guy all in 250$( he is very loose
and aggressive), everyone fold, should I call?( couple of hands before I
did almost the similar thing with 88 on big blind, and one guy have KK
checked raised me, and I fold show my cards)
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - never muck your cards
one new old player (a 2/5 regular and looks like solid) sit down with $300.
he played a few hands and looked good.
i was short stack before the hand ($120), got As9s in LP, limped in, a few
limpers too.
flop: not too bad, KsTs7c.
old man bet out $25, every one folded to me. i was loose and called for a
turn: 6d, well, i missed a bus.
old man thought for a while (looked like he smelled my flush draw) and bet
out $100 to put me all-in.
well, i was loose when i was short stacked, for a
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - favorite hand tonight
i'll assume its a she.
she's very aggressive. a few hands ago, she raised J7s on button, I 3bet her
with J7o. flop came TT9, I bet she called, turn was an 8, i check raise her
all-in and we split the pot.
basically she knew i'm loose aggressive and she knew i knew she's loose
aggressive too.
So in this hand her button raise and my BB 3bet basically meant nothing
given our history. Now, if she really had a big hand, I think she would
raise big, make it look like a bluff. Her very small 4bet size
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Odds advantage(OA)
the best way against a bluff is not call, but raise, if you read a bet
as a bluff, you should raise and it's often very hard for the bluffer
to call, even the most loose player in this galaxy.
Actually there are some situations that you should try a check-raise
bluff instead of a direct bluff.
Suppose your opp is very loose and likes bluffing. If you bet 3/4 pot
as a bluff,
you may get called 1/2 of times from his bluff catching hands. However, if
check, induce a bluff of 75% times, known fr
发帖数: 85
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 hands I played today
1. Loose-aggressive 60/120 game. UTG limp in, UTG +1 limp, I limp in with
K9o (K heart). BB is a black football player super loose, super aggressive,
and like to bluff, who raised. everybody called. Flop came 368 with 2 hearts
, BB bet, UTG folded, UTG+1 folded, I raised, BB 3 bets, I called. turn is
the 7h, he bet again, I called. river is Qd, he bet again, I called. He
marked the hand, I won with K high. I think that I played this hand bad, I
should raise the turn, and led out on the river, or
发帖数: 85
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - winning style
Books always say the T/A is the winning approach. Well, there is no problem
you play T/A style, you can win, but not much. with my experience, the
biggest winner should be adjustable loose-aggressive style. From all those
big names: Ivey, Hansen, Juanda,all those Tran, Pham,... they all carry this
way. However, if you are the beginner or medium or even medium - high level
, don't go too looser, that will hurt you. When you have more experience,
you can loose it a bit, a bit.
You can either play
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how much to bet?
not always, the key here is your position (UTG) sucks for AA.
5xBB is pretty big from here already for a normal (not too loose) table.
after all, you want one or two callers for profit with your AA (not just
collecting blinds), 10xBB is just too much. anything in between won't make a
diff. if ppl are loose.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 4 hands of QQ (2)
dealt QQ at button ($300), 5 handed late table. everyone folds. well, i don'
t want a dry pot, standard steal like bet of $7. my target is BB, a loose
asian guy ($250) who's on tilt. i want him to believe i have bs.
yes, SB folds, BB calls. he's in a mood that he can play any two connectors,
suited cards, face cards, Ax for any value <$15 from any position.
flop: QT7.
bingo!! he bets $10 into me. he's loose but predictable. he only bets with a
2nd pair or higher or PP like 99 in this situ
发帖数: 1105
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - KA
"I bet 120$, he raise to 240$ ( I got 500$ behind, he cover me)"-- who is "
he"? tight or loose guy? if is tight guy, i guess he got two pairs at least
and will fold; if is loose guy, I will call...
发帖数: 715
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - huge fold.
calling 3bet w Axs or sc oop is very loose. not betting made flush on river
oop just does not fit into the creative loose call style.
hehe, it is always situational. just go with what you feel.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 请问一下这一手有没有错误
nothing wrong, he got lucky only.
pre-flop all in is not good, you risk $60 to win $2, anyone who calls you
would either be way ahead (QQ+) or loose coin flip (AK, AQ);
flop all-in is not good either, only $24 in pot, you got $44 behind, unless
he's very loose, no way he calls your pre-flop raise with a 7x hand. after
his call, you should know you have the best hand here.
nothing wrong on turn, you would love to get called by AKo, and max your
profit, you're WAY ahead with 1 card coming.
don't f
发帖数: 72
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share my Bad Day in Foxwoods
昨天去了Foxwoods,玩1-2 No Limit,是我经历Bad Beat最多的一天,我带了400,每次
本push或者被push的时候都是way ahead,那输了也就算了。 剩最后100的时候,一时
有点on tilt,down to $60 bucks,这时我对自己说,不能放弃,如果放弃,干脆现在
后来以后牌,kjo, flop j 3 5, 我bet 20, 一个loose guy raise我,我就all-in了,
他是j 3, river K, 于是我活了下来。 (不能老被bad beat,也需要有时bad beat他
于是开始进入状态,没有碰到很不正常的事情。筹码到160左右的时候,pocket 7,
flop 7 J 3,由于是5个人的pot,我是第一个,于是bet 25,一个loose guy raise to
65,我raise to all-in,他call, shows 7 J. 这把我赢下来以后就差不多break even
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Share my Bad Day in Foxwoods
Nobody can compete with me on bad beat city right now. None.
我已经撞墙撞了好几个星期了, 每次打牌, 都多少 buy in 就输多少 buy in. 几乎每
次都会撞到人家的 set. 我打了快两年牌都没有碰到过这么多 set.
最近一次去赌场, 创下我个人输钱最快记录. 5 分钟两个 buy-in, $500.
刚坐下, $250 starting chips. 等 blinds 时, 看一桌小年轻超 loose, 9Jo call 人
家 all-ins, 心里有点数, 这时一 loose table. 第二把牌, Q10 of spade, 那小年轻
raise $30, 我右边一个白胖 call, 一般在 1/2 NL table, 我是绝对不会 call $30
raise with Q10 suited, 但在这种情况下, 我认为小年轻肯定不是 quality raise,
说不定我的 Q10 suited 还是 best hand!
我决定 call, see a flop. Flop, 8, 9, J rai
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - horrific downswing what to do?
我现在也是一个大的 downswing. 前一段时间赢的全输回去了 and some. 现在到了逢
今年总的来说还是输的, 而且还输了不少.
poker bad beat 总是有的, 但我觉得头几次 bad beat 自己心态还好, 但多几次被人
drew out , 输了很多钱后, 无形中自己的心态的确起了变化. 表现在不该 loose 的情
况下变得很 loose, 看牌多了, chase draw 也多了, 而在自己 ahead 的情况下又变的
很 timid, 不敢放钱进去, 拍被又一次 draw out. 总之 play way out of my style,
pretty much messed up.
我的办法是我要停止打一段时间. 感觉自己心态坏了, 在一个大黑洞里, 爬不出来,信
心全无. 这种情况下干什么事都得砸锅. 或者我会把打牌次数减到一个月打一次, 每次
buy-in 不超过 300. 基本在我经济承受范围之内. 受重伤之后, 就得疗伤. wish
everyone luck
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Niagara Falls 输光光
wow, must be a very loose game.
5BB and most players called? then the pot on flop should be 40BB or so, 12.
5BB is too small for protecting a big ace hand.
but still, you should fold:
1) you're counting on 2 outers, 8% chance. actually even less, since you can
barely call another bet on turn (if you miss). he might check though but
there're too many ppl in the hand.
2) you're out of position in a multi-way pot;
3) you may totally draw dead, such a flop is good for hands like TT/88. even
loose su
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 贴一手刚才的牌
this hand sucks but i won't play AhTh like this, even preflop:
1) $7 is pretty "standard" for an over pair or AKs, either one you're big
2) calling 10% of stack is kind of loose. there're not many flops good for
AhTh. if you hit A on flop, you can't play too strong all the way if he
floats you. if you hit T, like in this hand, you can only get value from
very loose player's small PP, not even KT alike. so either A or T is no good
news for you. A and T, this is like 1% chance? ATs and K
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这里牛人太多,再来一副牌。
play money games比较乱来,不好说。
不过俺觉得这牌看flop就够了,turn (Kc)和river (8d)基本上是blank。
也过了。除开这个one pair hand,这个Kc,8d几乎没有improve什么drawing hands的
可能,flush不存在,8d貌似有straight可能,但是考虑flop 6s,4h,3c,只有57可能,
那么KK,88,K8等monster呢,也经不起一路的推敲,KK preflop早动手了,88在这种
low flop也应该有所表示,K8的话,flop纯属乱来,turn上不bet也不合理。
如果他有6x,flop上应该不会太weak(对于loose而言)。如果是46, 36这样的牌,在
1) 33/44/66,巨无霸,你一路都是way behind
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发现rush poker里面steal真的很重要
不要为了loose而loose, 看你的style,有人就是适应tag,有人适应lag,找到自己舒服的
发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 看完了哈老tournament系列的第一部
totally agree. for beginner, it is very good for learning the fundamentals.
for example, now I understand cbet, probe bet, etc., not just when to do it
but also why to do it and how to access my hand strength afterwards.
I think I will learn Harrington's old school methods and play a few more
months, and then try to understand the more up-to-date loose plays. Could
you please recommend some books about more loose playing style, i.e., what
books would internet kids read? thanks.

发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 3月目标完成
Saw him playing 100+9 buy-in tourney yesterday. He finished 2nd for 3.4K.
But he played rather loosely. Final table, all in (he is the then chip
leader) to steal with QJo and get caught by BTN with AKo and loose(the chip
leader). After that he has the average chip and tough time until enter
another coin flip (this time he get lucky). Down to 3ppl, he is the underdog
. Lucky is the top two collide and he benefits(he has 20% of chips). A few
hands later, he all in with A6s from SB and BB called wi
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Remindar to myself
playing loose against short stack is the biggest leak in microstake poker
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - my data seems to show big problem
你这个data sample size 太小了.. 说明不了问题..有点loose,不过只要能赢钱,
loose or tight preflop 其实无所谓..
发帖数: 1807
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - HOLDEM 扑克口诀 zz
can anyone explain tight and loose game?
tight= players only play when they have a good hand?
loose= players play more games thus more bluffs too?
and this one
so If I bet 50 the Pot is 150, I should call? and if 250, I should raise?
发帖数: 1394
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - went to casino today .....lost $360 T_T.
A5s, don't call preflop.
这手牌基本看出来:you play a loose passive style,plus, you like to make
在我看来,loose,passive,making moves 正好是live low stakes NL的三个输钱方法。
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