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发帖数: 666
Live 1-2 NL. I was having a brutal session in a down swing then came this
hand. EP weak tight player raised to $10 (5BB) with ~200 behind. One more
player (about 150 behind) called and I was on button with Ts9s with less
than 100 in stack and called. Both blinds folded and the UTG limper (no
read on him) raised to $100 and the original raiser went all in to make it $
210. It was folded to me. My read was that I was up against at least one
high pair (AA, KK) vs two high cards (AK,AQ), or mor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哪位高手 讲解下 show down value
what do you want to know? or just some simple examples?
a simple one, if you have a weak hand, for example 99, against a limper, you
raise 3x pre and get called. flop comes as K52 two suited, he check calls
your c-bet. turn is 3 off suit, he checks and you feel uncomfortable to fire
another barrel (either stack size or his stats or whatever), so you check
behind. river is T off suit, he checks again, what do you do now?
you have a made hand from the beginning, but not improved. on this board,
ve... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Pro 也执着
欺负limper, 叫你limp,我4x preflop, 我pot flop, 2/3 turn, river等来了, 就check好了。
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Pro 也执着
欺负limper, preflop 4x, flop call, check turn, river 丫 bet 1bb, nnd, 这不
逼我bluff装方块A么, 我咬咬牙raise吧。 被丫call了, 完蛋了。
结果竟然我赢了, 晕倒在地。
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - live 1$/2$ 牌例 (1)
this raise is not to clear the field. It will not have any effect anyway. It
is just a pot sweetener. I could go 5$ as well.
If i was at button, i might raise larger after limpers.
Game strategy I am trying to adapt recently, control pot size when out of position, blow the pot up when in position.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - live 1$/2$ 牌例 (1)
there is a chinese guy sitting across the table.
preflop couple limpers, donk raise to 12$, he raise almost every other hand.
Flop A5J rainbow..
donk lead 20$, chinese check calls calls. pot is probably around 70$
turn is another A.
chinese check, donk bets 7$ chinese miniraise to 14, donk reraise to 55$.
chinese calls.
river is a 2.
chinese checks, donk goes 130$, with probably 70$ left. chinese all in.
donk fold ~~~~ chinese shows a 2 (of course he has A2).... donk does not even ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - live 1$/2$ 牌例 (2)
I lost couple pot, and stack was a little short 175$ stack or so.
I am at co with KsQs couple limpers to me, I raise it up to 12$, button
calls a 1 others called. pot is 38$. Button just got on the table, so no
flop 10s8s4h
I have flush draw + back door straight draws.
ep check i bet 25$, button raise 75$. EP fold. to me.
What do I do here? i have 140$ left.
I think this is pretty straight forward with some EV calculation. Shove or fold.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 为什么现场都要5x,6x的开盘?
AA limp utg is ok. reraise all in 就不必了。。 reraise 到一定的SPR 就好了。
。 limp reraise with AA, 其实他叫,你的EV 更好, 只要你raise 得足够大。。。
live 有位置的时候还是要多raise. 2 张broad way card 在button 就可以开锅vs
limpers. 10-12$.. 有位置打大锅,没位置打小锅,加上你的起手牌好,长期肯定盈利
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天大家打牌么
yeah, thanks to FTP, my last hand for this session, got KK, one limper, i
directly shove $50 to finish it and he calls with ....... KhQh, you already
know the flop, right? lol.
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新手求教Final table策略
牛 原来fryking 也是mtt老牛
my 2 cents, 4.4 还是属于small stake,有钱人从来不是很care,导致tourny总体风
格偏松,初期无数donk,中后期loose to c flop的依然很多,当然这是相对而言的。
都有他们自己的原则,比如中期aa limp induce bluf,小盲偷盲的range without
limper等, 记上一笔说不定什么时候就给你double up的chance,总之 胆大 心细 决
定了就无所顾忌,视具体情况,灵活调整战术,绝对不要一根筋就行。 希望抛砖引玉
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 回家前最后一把牌,tough spot
UTG($200) limps, 2 more limpers。
俺跟它本来没交集,唯一两把牌,第一把俺88,它66 pre-flop $12,c-bets 943
rainbow flop, check mini-raises 9 turn, checks river A,让俺88 call死。另一把
俺是89o,turn board 357-6,它bet folds,没有pay me off。
此外,这家伙连续slow played monsters至少3把,当然都是垃圾牌,比如58o flopped
boat, river quads这样的轻喜剧。还有一把T3s,flopped 2 pair, turned boat,
river pair和俺 chop chop。
OK,话说俺准备收拾回家($450),结果摸上来这... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 457
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - vegas trip abstract
我打的是比较彪悍。不过感觉1/2 bluff还是比较难的,top pair根本没人放。所以最
好的赢钱方式还是有牌的时候多extract value。可惜那两天什么牌都没有。其实后来
BSO一个bluff 吧。 我K7 草花 straddle,4-5个limper,option我pop到16. 一个人
call了。flop 好像是4 8 8, 一个草花, 我c-bet 25, 被别人min raise到50.我的
lead out 20。感觉他的bet还是weak,估计啥都没有,我就check raise all in (大约120).他immediately release。 感觉倒是心惊肉跳,挺爽,就是不知道长期是不是+EV啊。
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Return to/from the live game
got back from borgata. Played yesterday afternoon until 1am. 才赢了300多一点点. 两把有意思的牌.
raise LP with pocket Js 12$. SB calls
flop Kc + 2 small cards all clubs. SB calls i had no club.
sb checked, I checked behind.
Turn was a small card blank, SB bet 15$ i call.
river was a small card club. 4 club on the board
SB bet 15$. I raise to 55$. Sb tanked 3 mins and called. I showed my JJ and he showed KhQc.~~
another hand,
i am at bb with AdQc couple limpers button raise to 7$. I 3 bet to 21$ utg
tot... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 215
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 现场打牌如何抓bluff?
1)我BB position raise KQs,all fold esp the middle position limper called,
flop 6K6,I checked, she checked, 然后 turn 8,她check,我bet 3/4 pot,she
called, river blank, I bet 2/3 pot for value, she push all-in(about 2 pot
size to call).
After about 1 min, I tanked. she showed 23s. @#@#$@%$
2) I min raise with TJs at the BB, the UTG called me. The flop come with 892
,two diamond,I checked, he checked behind, one the turn,Q comes he bet about
half the pot, I raise 3x and he called. th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - More entries for NL100 rush than NL50 rush.

lol. tons of fish now. but why bother to raise a early position limper
with KJ unless you have some kind of read/stat? I limp a lot in early or
middle pos, but only with KK or AA and look for 3 betting agaist a raise.
Do not mind raising with AK, even AQ there, but KJ is way too weak at that
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - this is ugly
my vpip is one of lowest in Eletro, but I kept got 3 bet by hands like AK,
AQ , even like QT. and when I shoved , they almost never fold AK. Maybe they
think my late pos range are quite wild.( I open any pair, 67s+, AT+, KJ+,
JTs+ in late pos) I got 4 bet quite often by AK or QQ. Only some reg use
these stat. Most player do not even have tracking software. If you play
Electro, you will find out most ppl play AK like AA. Folding KK just lost
too much equality. But I still play QQ like a drawin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sigh, need luck for this one
1) our table never broke for the whole tourney, ppl came in and busted all
the time, but for most of time, at least 2 guys had been playing with me for
quite some hands.
2) my steal/resteal rate was still low, even MM told me to 4-bet a guy wtih
49o who she had notes on, lol.
3) i guess most of them had some kinds of HUD turned on, and they should
know that i was a fish taking shots without any big scores at all.
4) i managed to show down with decent hands, maybe missing some value but
good adve... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sigh, need luck for this one
i almost busted another ftops champ, "gobeck" or something, he got 20BB left
, 5x a limper from MP, i 10x him at BTN... this time i got a real hand, KK.
he folded, but he's rather snap call someone's shove with 2nd trash pair on
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sigh, need luck for this one
the limper before him, was a calling station, if i flat, he's surely coming
on board, did i want 2 callers with 1/4 stack in for KK? maybe yes.
at that point, i was playing simple and trying to go HU with him, he
amazingly laid down and it made me feel bad, hehe.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sigh, need luck for this one
i guess this is a hand that can be tuned.
stack sizes: limper got 70BB, champ got 20K, i got 30K. BB is another factor
too, he and i got long history, there was a small chance he could come
abord if i flatted since the whole table was targeting at the calling
station's nice stack.
i was fully expecting champ to call or shove me after that 5x. he's way more
disciplined, i have to say.

come along and get out drawned by 2 player.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I am not good enough to fold this.

this is such a fish though. definetely should make the pot bigger when
you hit such a dream flop.
I lost a pot over 1500 in 2-4 rush when I just started to play rush. I
raised AA to 20 in mp with a UTG limper, got 5 callers. flop comes A33. I
have a little bit over 750, a Norway redline pro had 33 and he got me
covered check the flop, bet the turn, got raised, just called and allin on
the river.
do not know there is anything I can do different, if the stack is over
2k, could just ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 155
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - $600 pot at turning stone
Last Saturday, my wife finally agreed to go to TS with me. Got there around
2 PM and sat down at a new
$200-max table with $1/$2 blinds. The table was loose and passive.
I was pretty card dead for the first two hours. A young guy with glasses
joined the table then. The young
guy was aggressive and loved to talk. He often made preflop-raises to $20 to
pick up the blinds from
limpers and flashed his trash hand with a smirk. He won a big pot with set-
over-set against an old man
who looked like a k... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5415
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - LIVE爆满
今天在2p2上看到一篇告诉online kid如何转型live的文章,笑死我了...不过说的倒是
真话,比如2/5里会有人很NB的用3rd pair跟到底之类的...一个主要建议是扔掉KTo
AJo这样的牌而多玩Axs的牌,因为limper太...多,hit到flush基本一定会stack off之
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - flop decision
lol, then like i said, UTG+1 is a very bad player, short stack, limped with
KK (AFTER a limper), raised an awkward size after a bunch of callers...
flop check was also a disaster with Kc, was he committed or not? his words "
Now I have to call!" were joking? or was there a chance he could fold (if
you didn't call)?
what was he expecting? checked down and another club on turn/river (with 4 card
flush board?) to save his ass and "hopefully" win this pot? hehe. or check
called/pushed? with his smal... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - flop decision
how do you justify a limp (after limper) raise $30 (with only $100 left) into
4 callers (including one raiser) pre-flop with KK? he's giving anyone at least
1:3 (1:4, 1:5...) good odds.
flop is one of the best flops he could expect, even with A. with 20%+ stack
invested and only having less than pot stack, he's way passed his commitment
threshold and with his holding, he has to, no matter what.
his play is problematic because most flops would give him a big trouble. and
his small $30 is inviting... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how do KK fare in M-way preflop
fryking i don't think you take much what I said in this post. But I will
give you a live example I played to answer this question.
I was holding 120$ on 1$/2$ table. (don't ask me why I am short stack.
Everyone run bad once a while. lol.. luckily, I am no fish playing short
stack either)
Right before i was heading home. I caught KK on bb. 1 limper ep one guy
button raise 7$. I reraise to 21$. both of them called. out of position. 63$
pot with 100$ left.. OMG sitting duck? yeah both of them were... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - some interesting live poker hands.
too many points, let me see see by 5 each time.
[1] ppl show us hands for some reasons, either to confuse us or brag. if he
can do pot with total air sometimes, he should have enough expr/read to know
who on this table are his main opponents/targets. with this said, we should
stay alert and judge hands case by case. you ddidn't mention your position
here, so i assume you're BB and not a limper. i'd keep the pot controlled
and just flat most of time, or do a raise to $50 to show real strength (
b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I got my ass kicked in live game
Recently I played live games a lot, most on 2/5 table.
The casinos I frequents includes the ones in AC, PA and CO. IMO, the player'
s skill level on 2/5 table are a little better than 1/2 game, but it is not
sth you can't handle. I was doing well this year, only had one losing
session this year. I see a lot of players, fishes, nit (myself included),
solid TAGs. But very few times I see very tricky players. I saw one during
last weeks' session in Sands, pa.
It was a black guy on my right(which me... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 551
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I got my ass kicked in live game
这个地方,我会bet about $40.
Black guy and one limper, I sit a button with JJs. I raised to $25. Black
guy called and the other called. $75 in the pot. Flop, 8h, 7s, Qd. Both
checked. I didn't like to Q that much and decided to check instead, keep the
pot small.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Why we should not slow play strong hand.
1$/2$ at parx this weekend. Pretty funny hand.
5-6 limper to me at button with 35o. i limp too just because I have button.
flop 10J4r. all checked to me, i bet 10$
all fold except one blond, decently attractive woman in her 20th.
turn is Q, she checked, i bet 20$. she called without thinking for long.
river is a K, she check again. I bet 40$. She is not happy. Holding her
cards up and said "this is a very bad card for me. you have an A right?"
I didn't say anything. She showed her card to the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - poker is about playing the people
Another hand at parx.
This guy looked decent holding a fairly big stack. i had 400. he probably
had me covered. one hand caught my attention earlier. He flat raise with Qs
preflop. called flop and folded turn with his over pair. Big mistake to
show this type of information.
2 limper to me, big stack included. I am at button with 67s. I raise to 15$.
both of them called.
flop KJ10r. What a beautiful flop~~
all check to me. i went 30$. 1 fold. big stack called.
turn is a 2. A beautiful blank tur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 请教一手live12的牌
my image is aggressive with true hands with kinda high percentage cbet, but
loose limper with 1 or 2 bb, like most of others
bluffing is rarely to c, but ppl fighting or calling huge with good hands,
plus 2 or 3 histories that aa limping and fight to allin with no matter what
on board
here comes the hand:
hero a9s mp raises to 12
2 callers
flop: a9x rainbow
hero delay check, solid grandpa delay bet 25, one fold, hero delay call
turn: x with small back door flush draw
hero check, solid grandpa be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 666
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 不可思议的晚上
wow, so many strong hole pairs and sets. Haven't had such a nice hot streak
in probably 24 months...
Hand 5: "AA raise 12 at button" How many limpers already? Mr. and Mrs. 蜀黍
both in along with 3 others? lol You might want to raise higher on the
button with the table atmosphere changed so much after your 蜀黍 couple
joining the party.
"flop 8TA rainbow" What a flop for you AND 蜀黍 holding J9... At this point
there is nothing you can do. Given his style, he might even call your all-
in bet o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 274
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 不可思议的晚上
hand 5
4 limpers。这是我的一个大错误,$10raise好像所有人都会跟进来。
其实我$10raise 是因为看见有一个short stack只剩$40+,想诱使他shove然后reraise
。结果兄台call $10 with $30+ behind。#@!$%
我把蜀黍放在2P或strong A,因为turn的check call small bet。
我当时想,如果他有straight,应该会check raise。
他check river以后,我认为我的third nut should be the best hand。
hand 9 确实是play with scared money,因为这个晚上太多的big pair/flopped set
被crack掉了。当时觉得如果这个邪门的桌子上有人flop了SF对我的As full真不是不可
这晚上非常的邪门,另外有两把,我AK EP,和一个super tight大爷开玩笑:“can i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 不可思议的晚上
如果我是utg 1, 我会说"对尖, 平跟, 加注!"

hand 5 4 limpers。这是我的一个大错误,$10raise好像所有人都会跟进来。 其实
我$10raise 是因为看见有一个short stack只剩$40 ,想诱使........
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发帖数: 666
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Two Depressing Hands on Saturday Night
Hand 1 - 1-2 NL, 5 limpers including SB, I was in BB with 4d2d and checked.
Flop came 653 rainbow. SB checked, I checked, and MP Asian player made a
pot-size bet with $120 behind. His image was nit-TAG and one LP loose
passive player called. Given actions so far, it was clear that I had the
best hand. MP Asian player's range was crystal clear: top 2 being 70% and
set being 30%, and LP probably had a 4 or A6. Folded to me, and I popped to 40
with 120 behind. Seeing me in the BB, my primary ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 为什么raise是大约2.5BB?
if u raise to 2BB, most likely ppl (BB and limpers) will call you with only
one more BB.
if u raise to 3BB or the old "standard", since nowadays ppl mix up a real
hand with other position raises, probe raises, etc., sometimes you'll feel
3BB is actually too much if you raise a lot of hands.
so the new standard now is like 2.2-2.5BB, big enough to kick some guys out
but at the same time, not as expensive as 3BB for yourself. if one guy is
going to call 2.5BB no matter what, then he's very likely ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 为什么raise是大约2.5BB?
range,effective stack,3-bet %,flop odds, turn shoving possibility...然后
快速求解“最优”到底是2.2还是3还是4? 末了还得想想是不是符合自己的bet size习
这帮人就是不停raise,sometimes almost with any 2,别人投降的时候他用3BB也没
意义,别人反抗的时候他还变相pot control,减少前期投资。
积少成多,每把要是都省那... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 俺不是老刑,也不要流量
Some tourney advice that I think helpful from Annette Obrestad.
1 'Try and build a stack early otherwise you're going to find yourself
having to shove all-in to survive, and you don't want to do that. It's
definitely worth taking some risks to achieve this. You might have to shove
all-in as a bluff sometimes or risk chips, but it's the best way to ensure a
deep run. Don't be afraid of going out early.'
2 'The more hands you play early on the more reads you'll be able to get,
and attacking lim... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 还有一把牌b
这把牌其实没意思, 结尾还行.
several limper, button raised to 19$. I called at sb. all folded. button and
I were both fairly deep 200bb stack.
flop K83r.
i checked. button went 20$. I called.
turn is an 8. I check. button check.
river is a K.
I went 22$, button went in tank. Then he folded and asked "do you have a
king?" I showed my hand and answered "i don't, but i have a better hand". I
had QQ.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - live "reg"'s interesting logic
So I was running over the table a bit and cleared 3 guy within half hour.
Then this hand came up.
several limpers I completed at sb with 89o.
Flop A89r. I lead 12$. all fold.
Then bb told me that he folded an A. I asked "why?" He said, "you are
running so hot, and you will hit no matter what you have" I asked "what is your kicker?". He said "7". I don't have a problem with him folding but i thought his logic was pretty interesting. I guess not all live players are calling station. I have also s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - rivered top 2 pair
bet 40$ or 45$ on the river which I think you should, then you won't need to ask this question. He would never fold a weak K at this spot.
Also if 2 or 3 limper after straddle, i would raise this to 25$ preflop.
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - my live game hand
1/2 game. a hand during weekend. I am LAG to others because they seldom open
the pot and never 3 bet pre-plop. Looks like they dont give me much credits.
I am in BTN with Qs9s. 5 limpers and I open to 17. 2 callers, EP is young
loose player and MP old calling station.
flop 678 RB. I have BD flush draw. check to me, and I bet 28 and both called
. turn is 5s. I have the str8 and flush draw. check to me of cause.
I check too. no one has 9T for sure. just need wait for them to bet on river.
river K... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
5/10 NL. Very loose game and lots of action. A few guys sat down with 10+
I played a super nitty game with shortstack(starting with 1k) at the table
and tried to not getting involved with many pots.
Then this hand came out: I was at SB with 1.8k, there were two limpers,
including button with very big stack. I looked my hand and I got KK. So I
made 100$ to go out of SB, BB called and button called as well.

BB is a very loose/aggro cash game pro and sat with more than 10K
s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 100
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
tough spot, I would ship in. Villian could raise for info here a lot w/ 88+
and we are not that deep enough to just flat here.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
u pushed, and he folded
mark this as my final answer, lol.

发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
3 players in the pot plus 2 limper's money so the pot is just over 300
unless I miss something. So you were betting at least 85% of the pot.
If BB just called you $300 bet, what info would you get from that? Nothing.
As BB's range is still widely open and could have all kinds of hands as MM
mentioned. By betting that much and given the nit image you have, you are
saying to everyone "Guys, I have over pair, come on...".
Also why are you afraid of getting floated here? You have close to nuts hand
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
my bad that I missed something in the orignal post. both limpers called
100$ raise preflop and there were straddle . So the pot is 430$ preflop.
Onec factor we may consider when making these decision that the stack
in the game was so deep and the game was very loose. The game had a few new
comers/fishes , not much balance needed. I agree that a lot of online
cash players think too much about balance in live game.
With my super tight image and they may already know that I had QQ+, I
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
The stack is not so deep any more after preflop action. If you bet and give
up, u are playing kk like ak. With the stack size, and a relatively safe
board, I think the primary goal here is to stack someone with worse like 10s
js or any shit hand a live fish can come up with. The question is how.

my bad that I missed something in the orignal post. both limpers called 100$
raise prefl........
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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天老大用23 double up 了
其实后来想想,俺还不如人家输家打得好,呵呵,那哥们儿后来一直sweet talk,想降
后来又搞了别人一把,KK at BB, $13 vs 2 limpers.
flop: KTs3s
bet $15, either they have something or nothing, although i have "the hector
effect" in my head, lol.
MP, a new guy, immediately raises to $40. i don't slow play, think for a few
secs, and raise to $90.
he calls with only $40 left, now i have a clear pic what he might have.
turn, blank, i put him all in and he has to call.
river: T, "ship it".
he shakes his head for missin... 阅读全帖
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