

全部话题 - 话题: limper
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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 俺晕
2h6h, passive table, so i limp in MP, 2 more limpers, BB (short and quiet
guy) makes it $13 to go.
i have a trouble giving too much respect for a new guy's first raise, so i
fold, 2 limpers call.
flop: As3h4h
oh, lord, you have to treat me like this before 2012?
BB checks, limper 1 bets $25, limper 2 calls, BB folds. oh, dear lord!!!
turn: 5hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
limper 1 bets $xx (my head is blank then), limper 2 calls.
river: paired board somehow.
limper 1 shoves last $60, limper 2 folds.
俺对... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - about bluffing.
A hand in NL400 FTP.
pocket 5 in big blind.
one limper , button bet 14$, I called 14$ on big blind, the limper called
flop K45 no flush draw, I checked, limper( this is a very loose guy )
botton bet 25$, I called, limper called, turn is 7, still no flush draw, I
checked , limper checked too, botton bet 55$, i checked raise to 165$,
limper called!
botton fold.
river is 8!
so K4578 there. I checked, limper all in 220$ for the almost 500$ there.
tough decision.......
发帖数: 274
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 原来preflop还真什么都可以靠
local 小casino,鱼儿游啊游,打出了很多令人目瞪口呆的牌
一开始还比较正常,preflop raise to $10一般也就两三个caller,偶尔还可以直接拿
limp to LP short stack raise to $12, 4 callers,
flop 994r, check to short stack w/ AA went all in w/ 45$,
short stack limper 1, all in ~60$: K9o!
limper 2, all in~85$: 95s!!!
2 limpers, 一个玩得还不错的deep stack大哥bb直接raise到35$,both limpers
flop: Jd6c6d, bb check, EP bet $25, LP fold, bb蛋疼call,
turn: 7c, bb check, EP bet $100 with $200 behind,bb蛋疼call,
river: 3c, bb check, EP check
bb sh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 796
limper还是一样的多。我在后位拿到AX统统open 18.就这样打了3圈没有一手show down
大部分人的打法就是有好牌就open 10刀左右,没有就看情况limp。



hero at btn with A7o。 4 limpers. hero open 18. a half drunk fish at utg
flop A75 rainbow. check to hero. bet 16. he call.
turn is 8, still rainbow. check check/
river is 4, check, hero bet 35. fold
t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - about bluffing.
A hand in NL400 FTP.
pocket 5 in big blind.
one limper , button bet 14$, I called 14$ on big blind, the limper called
flop K45 no flush draw, I checked, limper( this is a very loose guy )
botton bet 25$, I called, limper called, turn is 7, still no flush draw, I
checked , limper checked too, botton bet 55$, i checked raise to 165$,
limper called!
botton fold.
river is 8!
so K4578 there. I checked, limper all in 220$ for the almost 500$ there.
tough decision.......
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - [合集] 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
player (Hope is the best thing) 于 (Mon Nov 21 15:26:29 2011, 美东) 提到:
5/10 NL. Very loose game and lots of action. A few guys sat down with 10+
I played a super nitty game with shortstack(starting with 1k) at the table
and tried to not getting involved with many pots.
Then this hand came out: I was at SB with 1.8k, there were two limpers,
including button with very big stack. I looked my hand and I got KK. So I
made 100$ to go out of SB, B... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7014
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Deep Stack不好打
crazy hand 1:
卷毛(40bb左右)preflop raise到10bb,秃头(坐在dealer)call。
heads-up flop:29K(有diamond flush draw),卷毛bet all in,秃头 call!
final board:29K310(3张diamond)。卷毛痛苦的亮出AKo,秃头亮出23(suited 草花
crazy hand 2:
一个early limper(30bb left),卷毛在middle position,raise到5bb,秃头call,
early limper也call了
flop:256,rainbow,limper check,卷毛 bet 16bb,秃头直接 raise到了80bb,ear
ly limper call,卷毛tank了一会儿,也call了!
最后的board:2569k,rainbow,early limper亮了9Ko(!!!),秃头亮了A7s,卷毛亮
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一个值得纪念的周末
当然是对鄙人这条业余small stake 玩家来说。
1. 参加和有生以来第一次 live 的 SNG, $120 + $20. 到凯撒打 cash,发现现在凯撒
因为找不到足够的人玩 MTT,所以搞起了 single table SNG. 还挺好玩的,前两位有
payout $650, $350. 很不幸第一次玩就当了 bubble boy,给后来的第二位用一对 3
shove,用 AQ call 了之后,输了 coin flip. 最后 Small blind KTs, all in 4 BB,
不幸的是 BB 正好醒过来是一对 JJ。
运气真的是很重要,最终的第一名就是一只打不死的蟑螂,short stack 很久,然后
ALL - IN preflop AQs vs 我的 AK,给他 runner runer flush. 然后又在 4 hand 的
时候用 A7 all-in 我的 A8,谁料半路杀出个程咬金,chip leader shove with KJo,
我被迫 fold A8s preflop. 结果 flop 我还是 full house, 后来的第一名就靠这... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 谁说老婆生孩子运气好的?
1/2 玩了几小时。 碰到2 pair, set, trips 多次,碰到quad 几次。 只输了两百刀
。 少输就是赢, 哥输钱也很自豪。。
AK EP raise 11$. 2 caller, MP, Button. flop 9d5d4s. check check check.
turn 5c. check check check.
river 2h. check check button 15$. call. button pocket 5.
couple limpers, got JJ at button. raise to 15$. all fold, big fish at CO
flop 964 rainbow. fish got 94o.
several limpers. raise to 17 at LP QQ. all fold except EP short stack.
FLOP Ah9h6h. I got Q of heart. EP short stack fish donk 30$ have very
l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AA out of position
AA NL 200 in FTP
small blind, one limper , I raise to 11$ on SB , BB called, limper called...
flop is 449, no flush draw , I checked, BB bet 22$, limper called, I checked
raised to 50$ , BB folds, limper reraise to 80$, I called,
turn is 10 , I checked , he all in 70$ ,
tough for me now.....
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - some interesting live poker hands.
I played quite some live poker for the past 2 weeks. Here is some
interesting hands. adding water for the board and let's have some discussion
. All question spots are numbered for your convenience.. Every thing is 1$/2$ table. ~~~
1) 3 limper SB raise to 17$. SB is an old man. He shows me a lot of hands
before. Has raised up to 12-30$ preflop with pocket 8s, AJs etc. He is also
aggressive post flop. Bet over pot sometimes with complete air. I look down
I have Js. What would you do? [1] Edit:... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands to discuss
The board is so quiet this weekend. Let's discuss a few hands played
yesterday at PARX.
Hand 1: 1/2 game. 7-way limped pot, hero had Q2o in BB. The flop was QJ2
with QJ of spades. Checked to button who led $10, hero made it $25 to go.
All folded to a LP player who 3-betted to $55, button quickly folded. What
should hero do? both
LP and hero had $140ish before flop action. The LP player was quiet
on the table and didn't do anything out of line yet.
Hand 2: 2/5 game. Button raised to $25 a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2801
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands to discuss
2) This hand seems simple, hero got the nuts on the flop, rt? Do anything
cant be too wrong with the nuts. Most often I'd still lead the bet from the
beginning. $60 seems good. If anyone reraise i'd re-repop hahahah.... The
catch is that in this draw heavy hands many people just cant let their
drawing hands go... So i'd just tax them to the max.

Hand 2: 2/5 game. Button raised to $25 after one limper. Hero made the call
with KQh in SB, the limper called. Flop was JT9 with JT of clubs. What
shou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 谈谈今晚的SESSION
去了,结果玩得很烂,而且ON TILT,什么烂牌都玩,一下就输掉600。但还是不想走,
竟然又跑SLOT 上玩,平时很少玩的,当晚自己都觉得疯了,就是不想离开赌场,最后
以我老BET老偷POT,不到1小时我的200 STACK就涨到了400。后来我拿Qc10c EP RAISE
8块,下面小伙子立马CALL,FLOP A 10 3,两张梅花,这种FLOP我肯定BET了,所以就
BET了15,小伙CALL。TURN BLANK,我继续BET个35,谁知小伙ALL IN... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 385
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚的几首牌
昨晚去离家一个小时的一个小赌场玩了一会,从6点打到11点,up $240...
刚开始的时候牌不好,最好的牌是QTo, hit到nut straight 还是跟别人split pot.
然后8点多的时候来了一个maniac 1, 基本上只要是top pair, 或者是on draw的牌都是
直接shove. 这位哥们在short stack ($100)被清了几次后,开始转运,hit到set,赢
了$100多,拿到一把A5s,flop 55Q5K,结果在他river bet $30后,一位哥们头脑发热
all in,结果他snap call,double up to $350左右。
此后,来了另外一个maniac 2 (长相酷似t-bag),此君pre-flop把把raise (从7到20
一手牌 maniac 2 preflop raise $7, 我左边一位哥们raise到$20,maniac 2 想了一会
call, flop comes AA2, maniac 2 lead out for $20, original raiser s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哪个长周末打牌了?
周末跑到大瀑布呆了三天,打了几个短session, 没什么很有趣的牌,就在这记个流水帐
DAY 1: less than 30mins 2/5,-$900. 一把QQ,一把KK. 全是preflop allin against
DAY 2: 2 hour 1/2 +$8; 3 hour 2/5, +$900.
DAY 3: 4+ hour 2/5, +$900
总体感觉那的牌手水平一般. 可能跟buy-in structure有关, 那的2/5跟AC 和PARX的1/
2(或者Ballys 的1/3)更接近. 风暴MM绝对会后悔没去打2/5,否则winrate轻松翻番.
Hand 1:
Pre-flop: a few limpers, cut-off raised to $25, BTN and 1 limper called.
Flop: 456 with 2 diamond. PFR c-betted $50, 2 callers.
Turn: 5. PFR betted $100. BTN moved al... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 796
拿到的大牌有QQ两次,JJ一次,AKo两次。没有拿到过AA KK。

limp。坐我左边的中年白男两次拿着QQ limp。




hero is at CO with Ah9h, 3limper,hero open 15。 utg中年白男 calls。 heads
flop is 7dJdJx. utg check, hero check.
turn is 7x, utg bet 20. hero call.
river is 6x, utg b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - AA out of position
AA NL 200 in FTP
small blind, one limper , I raise to 11$ on SB , BB called, limper called...
flop is 449, no flush draw , I checked, BB bet 22$, limper called, I checked
raised to 50$ , BB folds, limper reraise to 80$, I called,
turn is 10 , I checked , he all in 70$ ,
tough for me now.....
发帖数: 85
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 bluff hand tonight in AC
40/80 limited holdem game. Loose and passive.
1. One guy limp in at late position, button limp in, SB complete, and I
raised in BB with KQo. Flop came 567 all different suite. SB check, I check,
limper 1 bet, button call, SB call, I call. Turn card is 4 which made
straight possible. Everybody check, river is A. SB check, I bet out, limper
folded his hand and said 'worse and worse', button fold, SB thought for a
while and folded. I won with K high
2. 3 limpers including button. SB completed, I ch
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天
TT late position, 1 EP limper, I raise, loose BB call, limper call.
KT7 rainbow board, check to me, bet pot, BB call, limper fold.
turn is A, BB bet less than 1/2 pot, I raise a little bit less than 3 times
of his bet, he push, I call, he had JQ. It's an almost 400BB pot.
I had some history against this guy, he's not a strong player. On one
previous hand he also donk to me very weakly on turn, I raise him, he
reraise me again very weakly, I push all-in and he fold. That's why I raise
the turn in
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发觉我也可以写书了。。。
"Concept No. 20: Sometimes you should limp behind limpers with
pocket aces. In limit hold ’em, you’d never want to limp behind other
holding pocket aces, but in no limit (with deep stacks) it can sometimes be
a good play. You’d do this if you have opponents yet to act who like to raise
a series of limpers with weak hands.
“Deep limping” with aces balances your play and traps overzealous preflop
stealers. You can reraise the raise (even better if someone calls the raise
you act), a
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Live hand 1$/2$
My boss at work went to Sands Sunday. He told me a hand this morning. Tell
me what you think of it.
Hero is at SB with KsQs
3 limpers and button raised to 25$, Hero called so were 2 other limpers. 4
way pot
(POT 100$) flop Qc9s7s
He checked, EP limper bet 25$, 1 guy called, button raised to 100$, Hero
called EP calls 1 fold.
(POT 425$) turn is a 4d
He checks EP checks, button all in. Hero had 200$ left and Button has him
covered. He calls. EP fold.
Now he told me all the people he talked to agre... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家谈谈自己最好的bluff把
I will start with mine:
No cap 2-5 NL, live game at a Vegas casino.

It was like 6am in the morning, the table was quite active and super
deep. Brian Rast, the guy who won two bracelets this year, came from a broke
high stake game, sitting down with at least 50k. There was another very
loose guy sitting down with over 10K. With such deep stack, everybody played
quite loose preflop .

I limped in 10$(straddle) with 44, a standard play for deep stack cash
game, another ppl cal... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - [合集] 大家谈谈自己最好的bluff把
player (Hope is the best thing) 于 (Sun Nov 13 17:40:20 2011, 美东) 提到:
大家说说自己得意的bluff,要把bluff 的思路讲清楚。 然后大家投票,得票最多者
奖励30 个包子。
当然,也后也可以讲best laydown,best thin value bet 一类,但俺觉得还是best
bluff 最刺激。
nanpa (nanpa) 于 (Sun Nov 13 18:11:42 2011, 美东) 提到:
算不上最好的bluff,但还是很刺激,上周末的home game, 1/2
EP, raise to $7,CO call, button call,
hero SM 35o
$7 在这个桌上是个比较小的raise,后面两个limp应该也只是中/小对或SC之类的牌... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands last few days
Another hand.

There is a white woman about 50 years old on the table, who has been
playing really really loose. She called about 80% preflop and plays ABC
poker postflop. She said she owns a lot of business in Vegas and has been
playing a lot of 10k buyin tourney. Some ppl on the table said they see her on Tv poker show before. She said she is good friend of linda Johnson. lol. She seems a
total cash game fish for me.

Anyway, she won quite a few big pots and had over 1k on th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Am I a donkey?
FT, shhhhh, could you just keep your voice lower???
1) hand 1:
black 99 at LP, 3 limpers, i raise to $11, all call + BB.
flop: Qs8dTc, very shitty one for my holding in 5-way, even with position.
all check to me, i don't think i can take it down here with a c-bet, so i
turn: 9d
it hits me but also a ton of other hands, all still check to me, i still
river: Td
BB (a short stack) leads out $35 (with ~$20 left), tight ABC lady calls, i
shove $170. BB snap calls, lady tables KJo or tur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Will you make that call?
here is what I think about this hand. I am a cash game fish though, mostly
playing SNG type preflop game. so any critics welcome.
preflop, AK did not say what position villain is at, let's assume two ep
limper, villain call from hj. hero open 6x from btn/co, blinds fold, ep fold
, villain (hj)call. stacks are deep, so villain's range could have small/mid
pair or decent SCs.
flop Q87r goes check-check. villain's check means nothing, hero's check
however often means he has a good hand with showdow... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 56
home game, 1-1
villain 我俩算是朋友,每次打完home game他会开车送我回家, 路上会讨论一下 当
天重要的几手牌 打得对不对。 他对我最大的指导就是 在river上 bluff还是value
bet,一定要考虑目的, bluff的话 想把什么比你 大的牌 打走, value bet的话,
想让什么样的比你小的牌 call the bet。。。 对 对手牌的range的解读,他也给了我
很多建议。 我认为 V是一个比我level 稍微高一点的牌手, 桌上基本不和他tangle。。
villain 打牌风格不算紧,算是经常open pot。。
hero with a stack of $200 and villain covers hero. Hero is at CO with A3s (
diamond), one limper (weak tight player) at HJ, hero raises to $9, villain
calls at button and limper calls.
Flop A 10 8 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 221
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 分析一手牌
2 limpers late position
CO: AA raise 5 bb
Bb fold sb fold
Two limpers from late position call
Flop 6d 7d 2h
Check check
CO bet 8 bb
First limper folder
CO-1 rereaise to 20 bb
Should CO fold or call without any read to the other player?
发帖数: 85
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - 2 bluff hand tonight in AC
40/80 limited holdem game. Loose and passive.
1. One guy limp in at late position, button limp in, SB complete, and I
raised in BB with KQo. Flop came 567 all different suite. SB check, I check,
limper 1 bet, button call, SB call, I call. Turn card is 4 which made
straight possible. Everybody check, river is A. SB check, I bet out, limper
folded his hand and said 'worse and worse', button fold, SB thought for a
while and folded. I won with K high
2. 3 limpers including button. SB completed, I ch
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - 今天
TT late position, 1 EP limper, I raise, loose BB call, limper call.
KT7 rainbow board, check to me, bet pot, BB call, limper fold.
turn is A, BB bet less than 1/2 pot, I raise a little bit less than 3 times
of his bet, he push, I call, he had JQ. It's an almost 400BB pot.
I had some history against this guy, he's not a strong player. On one
previous hand he also donk to me very weakly on turn, I raise him, he
reraise me again very weakly, I push all-in and he fold. That's why I raise
the turn in
发帖数: 399
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - pocket 7's
today I played a very lucky hand in the casino. I limped in middle position
with pocket 7's after two limpers, the cutoff limped too, then the LAG on
the button raised, two blinds and both limpers and I called, surprisingly,
the CO made it 3 bets. Everyone called again. So 7 people put in 3 bets
The flop came As9s7d , I flopped bottom set, but two spades on board. I bet
out with the intention of either button or CO making 2 bets to chase people
away. CO called, not surprisingly, button
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 第一次去vegas打牌
OK,so I checked the flop, the turn is a blank, and the two limper checked
to me. The pot is still 33$. Since they are pretty weak so far, so I bet out
20$. To my surprise, they both called. The river is a Ks. Now I have a
flush, pot is 93$. Again the limper both checked. What's my move?
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - what should i do?
first of all your preflop raise is too small, there are already a few
limpers, and you raise to 3BB, you are just inviting them to call you, but
your hand is not a big pot hand even it's suited. It also doesn't play well
in multiway pot. Your little raise didn't do anything, it didn't define your
hand well, it built up a pot that your hand isn't good for and it didn't
limited the field. You need to raise it big, 3.5BB + 1BB per limper is the
standard online raise, I assume you need to raise a li
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - damn
well, that's ok, look at the fate of my quads last night:
77 in bb, one limper, sb raised 4bb, I called, limper called.
floped AA7,
it went check, check, half pot bet, call, raise to 1.5 pot,
fold, reraise to push me allin, I called,
turn was 7, and certainly river was Ace, sb showed down AK.

发帖数: 1394
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Vegas一手牌
preflop raise to 15 有点太少了,given there are several limpers,给小对子不
错的implied odds,在vegas感觉两张同花大牌和小对子都赶不走,只是build了一个比
在每个street call的很松(1/2 & 1/3),像这种前边几个limper的,我看到
effective stack在200以上,我想大概有另两种打法,如果在第5,6位置,后边有agg
flop危险或者action很强也容易lay down。另外,如果后边人很怂爱limp,直接打到30
+,满足锅里那点钱了,当然碰到KK QQ
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - what the heck?
hehe, i would let ur hand go. he might even have flopped quads, and was
desperately looking for some huge bonus.
even though he could hardly put you on a runner runner flush, but he dared
to make this donkish shove, unless he's totally drunk or rich fish... a
flush was surely in his eyes.
i did something like this before.
1/2NL, i got $500, chip leader got 1K+.
my hand: 55
flop: QQ5, all limpers checked;
turn: 5, i jokingly bet $5 to sweeten the dry $10 pot, limpers folded (not
even some ace tra
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发现rush poker里面steal真的很重要
I'm facing another issue now: often get raised or 3-bet. for example:
1. if I limp in with hands like A5s KTs KQ in early position, the button or
BB often raise to 5BB (sometimes there's another limper).
2. if I raise to 3X at cutoff or hijack position, the button or BB often 3-
bet to 9BB (sometimes there's another limper).
I noticed that in my latest two sessions and that happened more often than
normal. I'm not sure if it's a trend in rush poker, or because they get data
on me and think I'm a
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - hand review

2 limpers ahead is the reason why I didn't raise. but agree that raising is
a possibility. But i feel it gives the limpers to good an odds to call
unless i raise a lot which turn my hand to a bluff before the flop even.
2,为什么要lead?你打的nl10,donk 60c into 85c? 这么强的donk 如果你的对手没
I use to like check raise here. But nowadays I think bets and call raise is
much better. 1. It won't give him a free card if he indeed pla
发帖数: 1240
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how would you play this hand?
my 2 cents.
if sb has a big hand, he is likley to cold call your 3bet to trap the limper.
the way he 4bet your isolation of the limper widens his range. a lot of ppl
start to re-isolate nowadays with a wide range of hands.
you totally under-represent your hand on the flop and turn. The turn Q is a
good double barrel card for him against your "seemly weak" range, i.e.,
top pair no kicker, mid pair, etc. His smallish bet size may also be a tell
double barreling.
on the river, it is a tough deci
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哇塞,现在流行这么打?
i know, but it's a very risky play in cash games against unknown players.
AA's power is against 1 single player with some sort of strong hands (KK/QQ/
JJ/TT/AK), so limping from EP will potentially invite a lot of limpers too,
plus SB and BB, we're very likely to play with 3-5 players post flop, and 2
may have position on us. against a bunch of OK hands, AA's winning % drops
huge, AND, what hurts most is most such limpers can't lay down AA when
things apparently go wrong.
even AA hold up on flop
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Don't limp call reraise.
2 limper i 5 X CO raise to 12X and 2 limpers both call..
i shove all fold...
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - weekend 打了点live poker
hand 1:
1 limp EP CO raise to 10$ (he has raised EP before 10X with pocket 9s.
Relatively weak tight like most live player)
I am at button AQs,
I 3 bet raise to 25$. limper fold, CO 4 bet to 100$. I instant know that my
had is not goodm, but i still acted painful and hestitated and throw away
the hand after a while. He showed me AA.. Easy lay down preflop when weak tight 发彪。。
Hand 2:
Some asian guy just joined table.
2 limper including the asian guy I have KQo at button. I raised to 10$
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 饭了最愚蠢的错误!!!!!
it has nothing to do with flop or turn.
2 limper + 1 raiser and you are at button with AK. 3 bet preflop here is a must,
unless you have other special read, i.e. utg limper limp utg 0%... even if
it is the case, it is probably still better to 3 bet.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这一把有点意思
JJ这家伙几把之前曾经EP 2x with 99,然后weak calls一路Txxxx with position,俺
BB 88。
preflop很软,以后可以考虑suck out或者bully。)
发帖数: 666
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How Would You Play This Hand
Live 1-2 NLHE
Two limpers then a regular sitting to my immediate right raised to 15 (7.5BB
). The player had a stack of about 200 and had played a decent TAG game,
normally nit style but had a tendency to play bluff catching hero. Stack
size at 105, I was at High Jack with pocket JJ and called the 15. Folded to
an EP loose limper who also called.
Flop came AcQcJc and went check-check to me. I bet 20, EP folded and the
original raiser announced all-in.
Given the information, what would you d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 离奇的 bad beat.
lol, nice, my last one was like nothing to yours.
1/2NL, 89s raised $12 vs. 2 limpers, and got called by 2 LPs, SB, BB and 2
flop was super easy and safe: 88Q, lol.
checked to me, i made a small $25 to go, ft, all folded!!! except this
nervous EP, who check shoved his short stack $100.
snap call (he turned over A8s on river)
turn: T
river: J
i told him i got a straight and he was so mad at me, "WTF are you doing with
a 9???!!!"
someone reminded him i got an 8 too, still he felt like los... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 几把牌听听意见
1) AcKc at SB.
a few limpers, BTN (a new aggressive guy) makes $9 to go, and i pop up to $
30, all fold and he gives a suspicious look, calls
flop: JcTc3
i bet $45, and he smooth calls.
turn: 9d
we each have about $250 left, he covers me by a little.
2) TT at cutoff, make $20 to go vs. 2 limpers.
one old man (normal) calls quickly at BB, everyone folds.
flop: 942 rainbow
he checks, i c-bet $30, he calls
turn: 7
he checks, i check
river: 2
he directly over bets $90, what should i do? we e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发个贴骗包子
A few hands played at PARX yesterday, all on 2/5 table. I am just describing
how the hands played to kick off the discussion, and will share my thoughts
My image on the table was toward to TAG.
Hand 1: I had QTo at button, a few limpers, so I limped as well, both SB and
BB called, 6 ways to the flop. Flop was AQT with QTd. CO led out with $10
bet, I called and another player called. Turn was 6h (a blank), CO betted $
25, I called, the other player folded. The river was Js, CO checked to m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天有把牌被人骂donkey 了。
QQ赢了我后还说是还了我刚才的river suck out.. lol
他坐在我左手, 其实他运气不错, 拿了至少3 次set, 前两次, slow play 结果都输
了straight, river 还放不下, 最后一次top set Ks, check 2 street, river over
bet 30, 没人叫。 我在sb 和button raise 两次 15$, KJo, KQo, 都碰上他的AA 3
bet 回来, 我含恨fold 他都show 了。 水平很臭, 但脾气很大, 有点on tilt。 (呵
呵 what else is new for a poker player?). 他还有手牌top pair 上bet flop, 在
turn上, flush 成的牌面上下flop 同等的size 注, 然后check river.
这把牌, 我在sb, KdJc. several limper, 我这次没有raise, just comp... 阅读全帖
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