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发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Civil Unions Bill Introduced in Colorado
Posted on Advocate.com March 07, 2011
Civil Unions Bill Introduced in Colorado
By Advocate.com Editors
Colorado lawmakers are discussing a civil union bill starting Monday that
would grant same-sex couples throughout the state the same rights as married
heterosexual couples.
Two gay Democrats from Denver, Sen. Pat Steadman (pictured) and Rep. Mark
Ferrandino, are sponsoring a bill that would extend to same-sex couples
several rights and responsibilities, including enhancing inheritance rights
a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com March 31, 2011
Shumlin Pushes for Marriage Equality in R.I.
By Julie Bolcer
Vermont governor Peter Shumlin spoke about his state’s journey toward
marriage equality in Rhode Island, where he urged lawmakers to put aside any
fears and vote on the right side of history.
Shumlin visited Thursday afternoon at the invitation of Marriage Equality
Rhode Island, which organized a news conference in Providence with Rhode
Island governor Lincoln Chafee. The Vermont governor also met ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Equality now in NY!
Posted on Advocate.com April 04, 2011
5 Arrested for Marriage Protest
By Advocate.com Editors
Five members of the activist group Queer Rising were arrested Monday for
blocking traffic in a demonstration against the state's inability to pass
marriage equality legislation.
The protesters gathered in front of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's midtown Manhattan
office during the evening rush hour. The five arrested for blocking traffic
were Natasha Dillon (26, lesbian activist); Kevin Donohue (51, gay Jewish
acti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com June 14, 2011 02:35:00 PM ET
Bankruptcy Court Says DOMA is Unconstitutional
By Michelle Garcia
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California Los Angeles
x390 (fair) | ADVOCATE.COM
A federal bankruptcy court in Los Angeles ruled Monday that the Defense of
Marriage Act is unconstitutional in relation to a case involving a gay
couple who filed for bankruptcy in February.
The ruling was signed by 20 of the 25 judges in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court
for the Central D... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
By Advocate.com Editors
The extension of marriage rights to same-sex couples in New York State will
affect more than 42,000 couples raising 14,000 children and will double the
portion of the U.S. population living in states that allow gay couples to
The figures, released as the state legislature considers marriage equality,
come from the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Law and Public Policy, a think ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Marriage Equality Foes Speak Out
Posted on Advocate.com June 25, 2011 07:45:00 PM ET
Marriage Equality Foes Speak Out
By Winston Gieseke
As expected, not all of the responses to Friday’s Marriage Equality victory
in New York were positive. In addition to the National Organization for
Marriage’s outspoken reactions, other opponents of LGBT rights were equally
troubled by the state’s late night vote.
Archbishop Timothy Dolan (pictured) and the Catholic Church in New York were
among the most vocal locals in opposition. Dolan, who ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
The Surprising Role of Republicans in the Year of Gay Rights
Posted: 06/27/11 12:22 PM ET React Important
Adam Winkler.Professor of Law, UCLA
This past year has seen a remarkable shift when it comes to gay rights. From
repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell to New York's legalization of same-sex
marriage, America is finally embracing equal rights for all, regardless of
sexual orientation. Surprisingly, Republicans have played a vital role ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 下一仗:Minnesota
ST. PAUL, Minn. — With New York now gearing up for same-sex weddings, the
battle lines are forming for the next skirmishes over gay marriage – and
the most dramatic could come in Minnesota.
Gay-marriage supporters in the Land of 10,000 Lakes will be working
fervently to end a 31-state losing streak at the polls and defeat a proposed
amendment on the 2012 ballot that would limit marriage to one-man, one-
woman unions.
It's expected t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 7月20日参议院举行DOMA听证会
Senate DOMA Hearing Scheduled for Next Week
By Andrew Harmon
US Capitol x390 (Getty) | Advocate.com
The first Senate hearing on legislation to repeal the Defense of Marriage
Act will be held July 20, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Patrick Leahy
announced Tuesday. A witness list for the hearing has yet to be finalized.
The hearing on the Respect for Marriage Act, one first announced last week,
is subtitled, “Assessing the Impact of DOMA on American Families.”
“Until DOMA’s enactment, the fed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1822
来自主题: QueerNews版 - gay rights in Hong Kong ( July 2011 )
Jul 15, 2011
In Hong Kong, a quiet advance for gay rights
By Kent Ewing
HONG KONG - While gay activists in this conservative city of 7.1 million
people have for years struggled, mostly in vain, to win equal rights and
legal protections for homosexuals, immigration officials have been quietly
handing out special "relationship visas" for partners of gay professionals
coming from overseas.
The stark contradiction has, of course, met with protests of a double
standard among the local gay comm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com July 26, 2011 12:25:00 PM ET
NY Attorney General Files Brief in DOMA Case
By Julie Bolcer
EricSchneidermanx390 (Campaign) | Advocate.com
Eric Schneiderman
New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman filed a brief Tuesday in the
case of Windsor v. United States to challenge the constitutionality of the
Defense of Marriage Act, arguing that DOMA violates same-sex couples’ right
to equal protection under the law and must be invalidated.
The friend-of-the-court brief, filed in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Same-sex marriage: The tortuous road to the Supreme Court
The Marriage Law Foundation’s William Duncan describes obstacles to U.S.
Supreme Court review of the constitutional claim for same-sex marriage and
explores the implications of the way these cases seem likely to be presented
to the Court.
The following essay for our same-sex marriage symposium is by William Duncan
, the director of the Marriage Law Foundation. He has represented amici in
Perry v. Schwarzenegger and Commonwealth v. U.S. De... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1963
In one of the more interesting posts of the symposium on same-sex marriage
over at SCOTUSBlog, former Rep. Bob Barr wrote last week about the Perry
case and the Windsor v. USA case. He starts by pontificating on marriage as
an institution, then gets into it below (including his support for repealing
Perry v. Schwarzenegger
This time last year, U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker of the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of California, struck down
Proposition 8, a referendum... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - CA PROP 8 (ZZ)
Posted on Advocate.com September 06, 2011 03:15:00 PM ET
Can Prop. 8 Backers Defend Law in Court?
By Michelle Garcia
Ted_Olson x390 (Getty) I Advocate.com
The California Supreme Court heard arguments today that could have far
reaching implications not only for same-sex marriage in California, but also
for future ballot initiatives like Proposition 8, which banned gay people
in 2008 from wedding.
The question at today's hearing is about whether a group unaffiliated with
the state governmen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Washington State Aims for Marriage Equality
Posted on Advocate.com November 14, 2011 02:09:36 PM ET
Washington State Aims for Marriage Equality
By Michelle Garcia
Rep. Jim Moeller x390 (.gov) | ADVOCATE.COM
Rep. Jim Moeller
Two years after Washington approved a contentious, wide-ranging domestic
partnership law, legislators are now looking to enact full marriage equality.
A coalition of civil rights groups, under the moniker Washington United for
Marriage, will announce a push to legalize marriage equality on Monday, the
Seattle Timesrepo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
The progressive Pullen Memorial Baptist Church in Raleigh, North Carolina,
has said it will not be holding marriages for anyone until the state
legalises same-sex unions.
The Raleigh Observer reports that the congregation voted in favour of the
move on Sunday.
They agreed blessings for relationships will still be held, but no official
weddings will take place.
The congregants said North Carolina is discriminating against its gay
couples “by denying them the rights and privileges enjoyed by heter... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Just one (more) dark page of American history that still haunts today. It
makes one almost shiver knowing these sorts of stuff.
NC panel: Sterilization victims should get $50K
By MARTHA WAGGONER, Associated Press – 5 hours ago
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — People sterilized against their will under a
discredited North Carolina state program should each be paid $50,000, a task
force voted Tuesday, marking the first time a state has moved to c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com January 11, 2012 03:31:57 PM ET
Another Washington Republican Supports Marriage Bill
By Michelle Garcia
Cheryl Pflug x390 (fair) | ADVOCATE.COM
Sen. Cheryl Pflug
Two Republican state senators from Washington have voiced their support for
legalizing marriage equality in the Evergreen State.
Sen. Cheryl Pflug previously voted to enact domestic partnerships, which are
currently legal in Washington. Her most recent announcement was natural
because she has "been a longtime supp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com January 13, 2012 01:50:00 PM ET
N.J. Gov Christie Warming to Marriage Equality?
By Neal Broverman
New Jersey's high-profile Republican governor Chris Christie is playing coy
about his feelings on same-sex marriage, which Democratic lawmakers in the
state are trying to enact.
State legislators are making marriage equality a major priority in the
upcoming session. Formerly an opponent of gay marriage, senate president
Stephen Sweeney now supports it and thinks the legislatur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
By Trudy Ring
General Assembly Building in Richmond, Virginia x390 | ADVOCATE.COM
The Virginia General Assembly building
A Virginia state senator has introduced legislation that would prohibit the
state from contracting with adoption agencies that discriminate against
prospective parents on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Adam Ebbin, a Democrat from Alexandria, in northern Virginia, introduced the
bill last week, the Associated Press reports. It also covers other
characterist... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Starbucks Pushes for Washington Marriage Equality
By Andrew Harmon
Add Starbucks to the list of corporate giants who insist on marriage
equality in Washington state.
Executives with the $10-billion company based in Seattle released a
statement late Tuesday in support of a legislative effort to make Washington
the seventh state plus the District of Columbia where marriage is legal for
same-sex couples.
Starbucks joins other companies headquartered in the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
New Jersey Assembly Panel Advances Gay Marriage Bill
By Julie Bolcer
The New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee approved the marriage equality
bill in a vote Thursday afternoon, promising to escalate the standoff
between Democratic lawmakers and Republican governor Chris Christie, who has
vowed to veto the legislation.
In its first-ever hearing in the Assembly, the Marriage Equality and
Religious Exemption Act bill passed the panel Thursda... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
The Republican Party platform, by comparison, stated in 2008: "Because our
children’s future is best preserved within the traditional understanding of
marriage, we call for a constitutional amendment that fully protects
marriage as a union of a man and a woman, so that judges cannot make other
arrangements equivalent to it. In the absence of a national amendment, we
support the right of the people of the various states to affirm traditional
marr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
ANNAPOLIS, Maryland--A Maryland Senate committee approved a gay marriage
bill on Tuesday, sending the issue to the full Senate and moving Maryland
closer to becoming the eighth state to legalize same-sex nuptials.
The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee voted 7 to 4 in favor of the bill
- supported by Gov. Martin O'Malley - and the full Senate was expected to
vote later in the week. The bill was approved last week by the lower house.
"I believe the 25 votes that we had last year will hold," sa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
Alright, that may sound rather horrific, but the Maryland State Senate has
now approved same-sex marriage. Once governor Martin O’Malley signs the law
, Maryland will be the eighth state to enact same-sex marriage. Attempts by
marriage bigots to kill the bill were defeated.
O’Malley thanked Senate President Mike Miller for his efforts to get the
bill passed saying “All children deserve the opportunity to live in a
loving, caring committed, and stable home, protected equally by the law.”
Marriage... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Associated Press
Tuesday, March 06, 2012 7:17 PM GMT
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A brutal attack on a gay Chilean man drew strong
condemnation from political leaders and entertainer Ricky Martin on Tuesday.
Doctors in Santiago said 24-year-old Daniel Zamudio had been put in an
induced coma while being treated for severe head trauma and a broken right
leg suffered in Saturday's beating.
A swastika was drawn on the victim's chest by the unidentified assailants,
leading to speculation that neo-Nazis may... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Russian Parliament to Consider Ban Against Gay Propaganda
By Julie Bolcer
A bill that would impose fines for the promotion of “homosexual propaganda
” to minors has been submitted to the lower house of Russia’s parliament,
after a similar measure adopted in St. Petersburg prompted an international
The Associated Press reports on the bill submitted to the State Duma on
Thursday by lawmakers from the Novosibirsk region, who claime... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
The recent death of gay man in Chile has aparked public outcry and provoked
a debate about homophobia and hate crimes.
Reports say the 24-year-old Daniel Zamudio was reportedly tortured for an
hour by his attackers, who stubbed cigarettes out on him, carved swastikas
into his body, and mutilated him in other way.
Mr. Zamudio died after 25 days after being viciously assaulted by a group of
alleged neo-Nazis in a Santiago park.
Westboro Baptist Church protesters, in Oklahoma, 2005. Photo: Wik... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 五对跨国同性恋伴侣状告DOMA
By Andrew Harmon
Ryan Truman 390x | Advocate.com
Lucy Truman (left) and Kelli Ryan, who along with four other binational
couples filed suit against DOMA on Monday
WASHINGTON, D.C. — A group of married, same-sex binational couples has sued
the federal government, claiming that the Defense of Marriage Act, which
has long barred equal immigration sponsorship privileges, is
Five couples — one of whom first met more than 30 years ago, another who
had shuffled between the United Stat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - RI to Recognize Out-Of-State Gay Marriages
PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Rhode Island's governor on Monday declared that the
state will recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere, giving gay
couples the same rights as heterosexual ones when it comes to health
insurance and a slew of other benefits.
The order signed by Gov. Lincoln Chafee in a Statehouse ceremony directs
state agencies to recognize marriages performed out of state as legal and
treat same-sex married couples the same as heterosexual ones.
Some gay couples married outside Rhode... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
A bill to extend benefits to same-sex domestic partners of federal civilian
employees cleared an early hurdle in the Senate on Wednesday.
The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act, sponsored by senators
Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins, was approved by the Senate's Homeland
Security and Government Affairs committee. If it makes its way long way to
the president and is signed, the legislation would provide the same benefits
that married heterosexual spouses receive, such as participati... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Gay federal employees will be able to cover the children of their same-sex
partners under the federal health insurance plan once a proposed rule
published Friday by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management is enacted.
Under the proposed regulation, children will be eligible for coverage if a
parent is in a domestic same-sex relationship with a federal employee who
receives coverage through federal programs. These children would be eligible
for coverage — both under the Federal Employees Health Be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Makes Push for Marriage Equality
Noting that "the time is right," Chicago mayor and former presidential aide
Rahm Emanuel says it's time to get to work on marriage equality in Illinois.
Saying “the time is right” for marriage equality, Chicago mayor Rahm
Emanuel has thrown his considerable political weight behind getting a same-
sex marriage bill passed in Illinois.
The mayor had a letter to that effect published in Tuesday’s Chicago Sun-
Times, and he followed that up... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
GOP Congressman, Does Not Support Gay Marriage Despite Having Gay Son
Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) said Sunday that he did not support gay marriage
despite having a gay son, drawing a sharp contrast to another elected
Republican, Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, who came out for gay marriage after
his son came out to him.
"I don't support gay marriage," Salmon told Phoenix station KTVK in an
interview that aired Sunday. "My son and I have had a lot of dialogue about
it. I will say this: you know, my son ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 94
LA times的一篇文章,可能性还是挺大的。。。谁能评价一下么。。。
Despite the conservative tilt of the Roberts Supreme Court, gay rights
supporters expect the justices to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act
this month. Their hopes are pinned on Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, the court'
s usual swing vote, who has written two important pro-gay-rights opinions in
the past and voiced skepticism of the law during the court's hearing in
March. If he joins the court'... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 22013
来自主题: QueerNews版 - OK州众议员候选人的反同言论
Tea Party Candidate Says It's OK To Stone Gays To Death
The Huffington Post | By Ed Mazza
Posted: 06/12/2014 12:43 am EDT Updated: 06/12/2014 11:00 am EDT Print
Scott Esk, a Republican Tea Party candidate in Oklahoma, got into a debate
on Facebook last summer in which he advocated killing homosexuals.
“I think we would be totally in the right to do it,” Esk wrote in comments
uncovered by Oklahoma journalist Rob M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3978
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: msgc (为了下一代免遭变态残害), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 把同性淫乱叫婚姻是违法行为,应该依法处理.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 4 10:03:41 2012, 美东)
The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) (Pub.L. 104-199, 110 Stat. 2419, enacted
September 21, 1996, 1 U.S.C. § 7 and 28 U.S.C. § 1738C) is a United States
federal law that defines marriage as the legal union of one man and one
woman. The law passed both houses of Congress by large majorities and was
signed into law by President Bill Clinton on September 21, 1996.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 334
Freedom in the World - China (2009)
Capital: Beijing
Population: 1,324,700,000
Political Rights Score: 7
Civil Liberties Score: 6
Status: Not Free
Explanatory Note
The numerical ratings and status listed above do not reflect conditions in
Hong Kong or Tibet, which are examined in separate reports.
Despite expectations that it would enact at least symbolic human rights
improvements during its year as host of the Olympic Games, the Chinese
government in 2008 increased restrictions on o
发帖数: 6973
Jason Dean, China Gets a Warning on Bubbles in Housing. Wall Street Journal,
Dec. 4, 2009.
(a) Wang Shi 王石
(b) Vanke 万科集团
Quote: "Wang Shi, chairman of China Vanke Co., said government stimulus
measures enacted a year ago to keep China's economy from being sucked into
the global recession have helped to cause a fundamental turnaround in a
property market that was severely ailing before the global financial crisis
hit. *
发帖数: 3150
8 U.S.C.
United States Code, 2011 Edition
From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov
Former chapter 7 of this title included the provisions of the several
Chinese Exclusion acts, beginning with the temporary act of May 6, 1882, ch.
126, 22 Stat. 58, which, as being then in force, were, by act Apr. 27, 1904
, ch. 1... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1846
By Yoolim Lee Jan 6, 2014 4:00 PM CT 44 Comments Email Print
Photographer: Ashok Nath Dey/Getty Images
Investors in Sudipta Sen's Saradha companies protest in Kolkata as word of
the scam... Read More
Sudipta Sen was on the run when police arrested him on April 23 at Hotel
Snow Land, a resort with views of the Himalayas in Sonamarg, India, about 2,
700 kilometers northwest of his Kolkata base.
Se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13310
来自主题: USANews版 - Some funny history about Bob Casey Sr.
In 1992, as Clinton was coasting to the party's nomination, Casey encouraged
his party to dump the Arkansas governor and use the convention to pick a
new nominee, citing "the character issue" around Clinton and his "tiny, fly
speck of support." Casey, who had enacted a tough state-level anti-abortion
laws then under review by the U.S. Supreme Court, suggested that Clinton
could have trouble winning the presidency due to his pro-choice views.
When Pennsylvania held its primary days later, Clinton
发帖数: 110
Friday, October 10, 2008
At the same time the Bush administration was negotiating a still elusive
agreement to keep the U.S. military in Iraq, Democratic presidential
candidate Barack Obama tried to convince Iraqi leaders in private
conversations that the president shouldn't be allowed to enact the deal
without congressional approval.
Mr. Obama's conversations with the Iraqi leaders, confirmed to The
Washington Times by his campaign aides, began just two weeks after he
clinched the De
发帖数: 10345
Obama Climate Czarina Was Member of Socialist Group's Environmental
WASHINGTON — Carol Browner, President-elect Barack Obama's choice to be
his climate czarina, served until last summer as a member of a socialist
organization whose mission is to enact progressive government policies,
including toward environmental concerns like climate change.
Browner's name and biography have been scrubbed from the Web site of
Socialist International, the umbrella group for 170 "social democratic,
发帖数: 29846
在被记者问到时,奥巴马的预算主管Peter Orszag讲不出奥巴马“改革”医疗系统的总
Obama’s Budget Chief Doesn't Know Total Cost of Obama's Health-Care Plan
Friday, February 27, 2009
By Matt Cover
Washington (CNSNews.com) – Even President Obama’s budget chief doesn’t
know how much it will eventually cost to enact the president’s vision of
health-care reform.
The proposed $3.5 trillion budget for the 2010 fiscal year, which would
raise the federal deficit
发帖数: 12932
来自主题: USANews版 - 关于医保说两句

Did you factor in how much the malpractice amounts/freqency, drug price,
hospital expense have gone up over those years? that's ultimately where the
insurance companies have to pay to.
Malpractice payout is from Malpractice insurance, which is categorically
different from health insurance. the trend of malpractice lawsuit and payout
is flat to slightly down in recent years, thanks to the malpractice cap
enacted by several major states.
the number i posted for United Health is PROFIT, which is:
发帖数: 108
来自主题: USANews版 - Democrats on the Health-Care Precipice
Barack Obama emerged from his meeting with Senate Democrats this week to
claim Congress was on the "precipice" of something historic. Believe him.
The president is demanding his party unilaterally enact one of the most
unpopular and complex pieces of social legislation in history. In the
process, he may be sacrificing Democrats' chances at creating a sustainable
Slowly, sl
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Ford干得不错
Nice to see that the only non-government owned (and run) domestic auto-maker
is seeing business growth. I am sure that Pelosi and Frank will now seek to
enact legislation to provide significnt tax breaks if you buy a Chrysler or
GM car!
发帖数: 29846
(CNSNews.com) – A conservative civil liberties group is challenging the
constitutionality of the recently enacted federal Hate Crimes Prevention Act
of 2009.
The new law, attached to a defense authorization bill that President Obama
signed on October 28, 2009, makes it a federal crime to attack someone
because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The Michigan-based
Thomas More Law Center says it elevates people engaged in deviant sexual
发帖数: 29846
By Lydell Bridgeford
March 22, 2010
While the health care legislation passed by House Democrats on Sunday
expands coverage to 32 million Americans, the measure is bound to increase
the costs of employer-sponsored health benefits.
With the 219-to-212 vote, the House enacted health care legislation that
imposes a 40% excise tax on employers that provide high-e
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