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发帖数: 29846
August 10, 2011
Those of you following the barbaric rioting in Britain will not have failed
to notice that a sizable proportion of the thugs are white, something not
often seen in this country.
Not only that, but in a triumph of feminism, a lot of them are girls. Even
the "disabled" (according to the British benefits system) seem to have
miraculously overcome their infirmities to dash out and steal a few TVs.
Congratulations, Britain! You've barba... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 428
来自主题: History版 - 近代前期英国崛起的历史逻辑
:《中国社会科学》2013年9期 作者:计秋枫
内容提要:英国虽 然一直是欧洲的一个重要国家,但只是从1688年的光荣革命后
英国崛 起的要素包括:君主立宪制度保证了国家决策程序最大限度地体现国家的整体
行海外开拓的有力工具;既面向欧洲大陆又面向海外贸易及殖民地的双向战略使 英国
关 键 词:英国 崛起 大战略 海权 国际关系史
牛充栋。其中的一些著述强调英国工业革命的重要作用,以致给人一种印象,即近 代
为,所谓“崛起”,是一个特定的概念,特指一个相对弱小的国家在它所处 国际体系
内力量排位的快速提升,成为该体系内的一流大... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 886
来自主题: Military版 - 英军二战后战争死亡人数
Malaya 1948-60: fatalities 340
Lasting from 1948 until 1960, the Malayan emergency was a period of unrest
following the creation of the Federation of Malaya after World War II.
British forces were used to suppress the uprising led by rebels of the
largely Chinese Communist Party of Malaya. Its policy of relocating rural
Chinese into "New villages" proved especially unpopular. Later, after
addressing political grievances, the uprising petered out.
Yangtze River incident 1949: fatalities 46
On 20 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16484
Devastating secret files reveal Labour lies over Gaddafi: Dictator warned of
holy war if Lockerbie bomber Megrahi died in Scotland
* Devastating stash of documents left in British Ambassador's residence
* Britain gave Libyan secret police questions to interrogate dissidents
* We even informed Gaddafi how Cobra works and MI6 budget
The startling extent to which Labour misled the world over the controversial
release of the Lockerbie bomber is exposed today in top-secret documents
obtai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 872
来自主题: Military版 - Eve of Disaster. a well written article
Eve of Disaster
Why 2013 eerily looks like the world of 1913, on the cusp of the Great War.
The leading power of the age is in relative decline, beset by political
crisis at home and by steadily eroding economic prowess. Rising powers are
jostling for position in the four corners of the world, some seeking a new
place for themselves within the current global order, others questioning its
very legitimacy. Democracy and despotism are locked in uneasy competition.
A world econom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 759
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: ldy (大才001), 信区: Military
标 题: 英国议会考虑禁止Donald Trump进入英国
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 18 23:24:11 2016, 美东)
Members of Parliament debating on Monday whether to bar the presidential
candidate Donald J. Trump from entering Britain.© -/Agence France-
Presse — Getty Images Members of Parliament debating on Monday whether to
bar the presidential candidate Donald J. Trump from entering Britain.
LONDON — They ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3978
来自主题: CanadaNews版 - Eve of Disaster. a well written article
Eve of Disaster
Why 2013 eerily looks like the world of 1913, on the cusp of the Great War.
The leading power of the age is in relative decline, beset by political
crisis at home and by steadily eroding economic prowess. Rising powers are
jostling for position in the four corners of the world, some seeking a new
place for themselves within the current global order, others questioning its
very legitimacy. Democracy and despotism are locked in uneasy competition.
A world econom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 431
来自主题: History版 - 北欧为什么没有被西欧殖民
Well, for starters, European nations were not colonized. Being part of a
multi-ethic empire is one thing, turning into a colony is a whole different
matter (once nationalistic feeling started to dominate and nation state
started to replace kindgom and empires as the predominant political entities
, empires just wouldn't survive, Europe just, due to geopolitical reality,
geographical proximity and the fact that Europe got enlightened way earlier
than the rest of the world, even the most backward,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 518
来自主题: History版 - 英国继续禁止转基因
GM crops will continue to be banned in Britain after Brexit says Michael
Gove in blow to UK/US trade deal
Christopher Hope, Chief Political Correspondent
28 November 2017 • 9:00pm
Food made from genetically modified crops will continue to be banned in the
UK after Britain leaves the European Union, Michael Gove has suggested.
The Environment secretary’s admission could dam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 901
David Cameron on Wednesday became the first serving British prime minister
to voice regret about one of the bloodiest episodes in colonial India, a
massacre of unarmed civilians in the city of Amritsar in 1919.
The killings, known in India as the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, were
described by Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian independence movement,
as having shaken the foundations of the British Empire. A group of soldiers
opened fire on an unarmed crowd without warning in the northern Indi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
David Cameron has risked souring Britain's relations with Berlin in the
runup to next week's crucial European summit by calling on Germany to play a
larger role in safeguarding the single currency.
Addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, the prime minister said
resolving the ongoing crisis was not just the job of indebted countries such
as Greece and Italy, which have been forced to adopt punishing austerity
measures; "surplus" countries, such as Germany, should also have to play
their par... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
iPic Sharp:
($.99 -> Free, 3.9 MB) 5 Stars
Marine Master:
($.99 -> Free, 3.6 MB) 5 Stars
Let's Fish!:
(Free -> Free, 38.2 MB) 5 Stars
Moon Secrets - Children磗 Story Book:
($4.99 -> Free, 6.7 MB) 4.5 Stars
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3449
来自主题: Military版 - 小将说,英联邦承认过西藏独立
UK recognises China's direct rule over Tibet
The British Government has been accused of undermining the Dalai Lama in
negotiations with China by recognising Beijing's direct rule over Tibet for
the first time.
Foreign Secretary David Miliband said: "Like every other EU member state,
and the United States, we regard Tibet as part of the People's Republic of
Chi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 147

1. 洞朗地区位于中国西藏自治区亚东县,西与印度锡
金邦相邻,南与不丹王国相接。1890 年,中国和英国签订《中
2. 2017 年 6 月 16 日,中方在洞朗地区进行道路施工。
6 月 18 日,印度边防部队 270 余人携带武器,连同 2 台推土
机,在多卡拉山口越过锡金段边界线 100 多米,进入中国境
人数最多时达到 400 余人,连同 2 台推... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 58
来自主题: Olympics版 - Racism in Olympic Coverage
Gabby Douglas’ hair, female Chinese athletes as stoic automatons, ‘plastic
Britons,’ and advertisements featuring monkeys on gymnastic apparatus—if
one thing has characterised media coverage of the 2012 Summer Olympics, it’
s rampant racism. While the Olympics are ostensibly an event that brings the
world together, the racism that runs through much of the coverage serves to
underscore the differences between ‘us’ and ‘them,’ whether
commentators are making snide references to African runners or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Conservative Models
By John O'Sullivan
March 14, 2012 4:00 A.M.
Where is conservatism heading in the English-speaking world? This question
is currently being answered in the four countries of the Anglosphere —
namely, the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Britain — in four distinctive ways.
I will assume that American readers have a rough grasp of the state of
conservatism in the U.S. as revealed in the Republican primaries. It is
currently — as it has been for many years — a struggle for dominance in
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 94
Is Egypt On The Verge Of Engineered Civil War?
by Tyler Durden
From: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-08-03/egypt-verge-engineered-civil-war
For thousands of years, Egypt has been one of the primary pillars of the
Eastern world. When Egypt falls into turmoil, a shockwave is felt by all
other nations that heralds great change and perhaps even great catastrophe.
The West's longtime interest in maintaining a solid foothold in Egypt is
based on this reality; even in our modern age, when Egypt is i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Andre Walker 15 Aug 2014
As exclusively reported by Breitbart London last week, Muhammed has been
crowned Britain's most popular boys name in figures published by the Office
of National Statistics (ONS) today. The name of the Muslim prophet beat
Oliver as the most popular boys name chosen by parents in Britain in 2013.
As a result of the way the statistics are put together, the name does not
appear to have won, as the ONS classifies each of the different spellings as
a different entry on the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1814
来自主题: USANews版 - 伦敦市长想让英国脱离欧盟
Donald Trump’s politics have arrived in Old Blighty, and Britain may never
be the same. The Mayor of London has joined the campaign for Britain to kick
itself out of the European Union. This terrifies the easily terrified
Prime Minister David Cameron, making good on a promise to put continued
membership in the EU up for a popular vote, has set the referendum for June
23. He did it reluctantly and urges everyone to vote “stay.”
Mayor Boris Johnson presides over London, and he’s a member o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 英国新生男孩最流行名字是穆罕默德
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 22 01:36:02 2014, 美东)
by Andre Walker 15 Aug 2014
As exclusively reported by Breitbart London last week, Muhammed has been
crowned Britain's most popular boys name in figures published by the Office
of National Statistics (ONS) today. The name of the Muslim prophet beat
Oliver as the most popular boys name chosen by parents in Britain in 2013.
As a result of the way the statistics are put toget... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
(A) Come on. Living in US, we know nothing about the Great Britain (GBR).
You should have given some introduction.
(1) Place names.
Most place names in Massachusetts are from GBR (the word Massachusetts is
Native American). That is why I have a vague idea where the namesakes are,
that you mention.
(a) Bristol
(The town of Brycgstow (Old English, "the place at the bridge")[16] appears
to have been founded in c.1000)
In Anglo-Saxon time, Cambridge was ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1765
Verification of Academic Record
CGFNS P.O. Box 8628,Philadelphia PA 19104-8628 USA Telephone(215)349-8767
Fax(215)349-0026 Email:e****[email protected]
Applicant Name:____1____ Date of Birth:______2_______
Type of Program:______3___ Years of Education Required for Admission:______4
Name of Degree/Diploma Awarded:________________5____________________________
(Please print title of degree/diploma in native lang... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7508
Derivation of "Great"
After the Old English period, Britain was used as a historical term only.
Geoffrey of Monmouth in his pseudohistorical Historia Regum Britanniae (c.
1136) refers to the island of Great Britain as Britannia major ("Greater
Britain"), to distinguish it from Britannia minor ("Lesser Britain"), the
continental region which approximates to modern Brittany. The term "Great
Britain" was first used officially in 1474, in the instrument drawing up the
proposal for a marria... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8463
来自主题: Military版 - 造假: 美国第一!!! 哈哈
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Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 80
Updated - February 11, 2004
Edited by Jeffrey Richelson
Originally posted December 20, 2002
Previously updated February 26, 2003
Documents - Press release - Further reading
Between Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, and the commencement of... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Did Hong Kong have to pay money to Britain every year when it was still a
British colony?
Oh Yes, a lot.
Britain did not levy any tax on Hong Kong. It worked the other way round.
Remember, to the British, the Opium War was not a war on sovereignty but a
war on trade. You never tax a colony. You trade with it or simply put, you
rob it, with or without opium.
Military Expenses. Hong Kong... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 557
LONDON — So much for the Olympic Games encouraging international
brotherhood and understanding.
In the case of France and Britain, the London Games have reignited the
traditional rivalry between the two nations with a cross-Channel spat over
French claims that the triumphant British cycling team might have cheated.
The dispute has gone right to the top, with Prime Minister David Cameron
telling the French this week that they should be more gracious in defeat.
He, like much of the British press, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Posted 04/18/2012 06:34 PM ET
Special Relationship: As Argentina marshals diplomatic support for its claim
on Britain's Falklands Islands, the best President Obama can declare in
response is U.S. "neutrality." It's an insult to our top ally — and trouble
for us.
One can only wonder what an irresponsible Evita Peron wannabe like
Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner must think when she
sees the shabby way President Obama treats America's leading ally, the
United Kingdom.
At the wee... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
I See England, I See France
by Matt Purple
The left and much of the center are launching a scorched-earth assault
against the right's position on taxes.
Republicans are being told they must hike taxes on top earners if they're
serious about paying down the debt. Grover Norquist is being portrayed as a
mad sorcerer, staggering around and misfiring spells in fits of pique while
his entranced minions slowly come to. Here in Washington, meaningless
buzzwords are fluttering through the air like dead ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Trump Was RIGHT Again! Police Come Forward and Drop Bombshell About Muslims
09 Dec, 2015 by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Police officers in London are now coming to the defense of Donald Trump and
saying that they are frightened to go into certain Muslim areas of London
and that they are virtual Muslim no-go zones. While the rank and file police
are defending Trump, the authorities and elite are trying to tear him apart
. I think I’ll go with the working blokes on this one, thank you very much.
Of co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - 奥巴马又打了自己的脸!
President Obama’s infamous remark that Britain would go to the “back of
the queue” in negotiating trade deals if it voted for Brexit has rank among
the most foolish diplomatic initiatives in presidential history. Not only
did it spark resentment in Britain that helped the Brexit vote, it is
turning out to spectacularly incorrect. Quite contrary to Obama’s
prediction, there is a bit of a land rush underway as trading powers are
eager to negotiate tarde deals with the fifth largest economy in thr ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9671
下午11:00(31 分钟前)8964 苏联“六四”档案解密:“六四”屠杀三千人从 童言无
忌 戈尔巴乔夫支持六四屠杀。
Reshared post from Pillar Chang.8964 苏联“六四”档案解密:天安门死3000人 -
作者:封从德 注意这一段对话: Lukyanov reports that the real number of
casualties on Tiananmen Square was 3,000.(Lukyanov:天安门的真实死亡数字是
3000人) Gorbachev: We must be realists. They, like us, have to defend
themselves. Three thousands . . . So what?(戈尔巴乔夫:我们必须现实。他们和
我们一样,必须维护自己。三 千。。。那又怎么样?) 这是“六四”屠杀三千人的最
新证据。此前有三个证据指向三千人这个... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: History版 - English Monarchy
(2) Paul sonne, Last in the Line of Succession, Ms. Vogel Is Glad She Isn't
Queen; Descendant of Sophia of Hanover, She Would Rule Britain if 4,972 Die.
Wall Street Journal, Apr 27, 2011.
"The U.K. succession rules date back to the 1701 Act of Settlement. Princess
Anne, a Protestant, was destined to die with no heir, and the English
Parliament wanted to prevent a Catholic from seizing the throne upon her
death... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6858
来自主题: Military版 - 帝国的陨落
来源: ognc 于 2010-12-12 05:58:18 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话
] 本文已被阅读:254次 字体:调大/调小/重置 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加
跟贴 | 查看当前最热讨论主题 0
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
By Alfred W. McCoy
December 11, 2010 "The Nation" - - A soft landing for America 40 years from
now? Don’t bet on it. The demise of the United States as the global
superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines. If Washington
is dreaming of 2040 or 2050 as the end of the American Century, a more
realistic asses... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 178
(It would take) 300 years of colonialism. In 100 years of colonialism, Hong
Kong has changed to what we see today. With China being so big, of course it
would require 300 years as a colony for it to be able to transform into how
Hong Kong is today. I have my doubts as to whether 300 years would be
---Xiaobo Liu, Open Magazine, November 1988
The above “300 years of colonialism” theory for China was actually
proposed by Xiaobo Liu, who was awarded the 2010 Nobe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5904
来自主题: Military版 - 替薄督说句公道话
The shabby Bournemouth 'love nest' where murdered British businessman met
his powerful Chinese 'mistress' (and she's now accused of killing him)
Neil Heywood 'seen pinching bottom of Gu Kailai on way up to £250,000 flat'
Sources claim 'affair began due to party boss husband's lack of passion'
She moved to Britain in 2001 to send son to school and set up business
Mrs Gu now chief suspect in death, which has sparked scandal in China
This is the shabby seaside fl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 824
Assange asylum decision leaves Britain in uncharted waters
By Guy Jackson | AFP – 7 hrs ago
Ecuador's decision to grant asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange puts
Britain in uncharted diplomatic and legal waters, as it insisted Thursday it
would go ahead with extraditing him to Sweden.
When Ecuador's Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino announced to applause in
Quito that his government w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33185
U.S. Allies, Lured by China’s Bank
The Obama administration, to its embarrassment, has been spurned by Western
allies flocking to a China-led Asian development bank, defying White House
pleas to stand back. In a surprise announcement last week, Britain said it
would become the first Western nation to join the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank, a potential rival to the American-led World Bank.
On Tuesday, Germany, France and Italy announced that they would also join
the bank, and Australia and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1651
"I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion"
-Entry dated to September 1942 on a conversation held with Churchill in Leo
Amery : Diaries.
-- 温斯顿·丘吉尔
“Power will go to the hands of ras-cals, rogues, free-boot-ers; all Indian
lead-ers will be of low cal-i-ber and men of straw. They will have sweet
tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst them-selves for power and
India will be lost in polit-i-cal squabbles. A day would... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33185
US 'is an empire in denial'
Historian accuses Washington of failing to face the facts
Fiachra Gibbons, arts correspondent
The United States is a "danger to the world" because of its denial that it
is a military and economic empire, according to Niall Ferguson, historian
and new-found darling of the American right.
Prof Ferguson is author of Empire: How B... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3449
寰楋紝杩欓攨鍙堢敤缁欏彴婀句汉浜br />
During the first eight months of this year, 41,790 people left Nghe An
looking for work, many of them overseas.
The province was ravaged by one of Vietnam鈥檚 worst environmental disasters
in 2016 when a steel mill owned by Taiwan鈥檚 Formosa Plastics contaminated
coastal waters, devastating local fishing and tourism industries and
sparking widespread protests
woman feared to be among 39 migrants found dead in a lorry in Essex have
said she was fooled into paying people smuggle... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 关于控枪的无知 - By Thomas Sowell
Gun-Control Ignorance
How many times do the same arguments need to be refuted?
By Thomas Sowell
Must every tragic mass shooting bring out the shrill ignorance of “gun
control” advocates?
The key fallacy of so-called gun-control laws is that such laws do not in
fact control guns. They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people
bent on violence find firearms readily available.
If gun-control zealots had any respect for facts, they would have discovered
this long ago, because there have been ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 163
看了楼上的留言,心都碎了,突然想起一句话 “母校,是一个自己可以骂上一千遍,
而不允许别人骂一遍的地方”。 俺就是这个学校上的本科,在此,要向广大不了解真
相的人民群众呼喊一声,ccsu不是想象得那么糟糕,new britain 也不是想象得那么恐
new britain是个city, 康州的任何city都有很多规划是福利穷人的,所以市容市貌,
安全隐患,居住条件都不能和周围的town平起平坐。俺在new britain 居住过10年,没
见过枪战,也没见过抢劫,只是偶尔在电视里看到过,new britain东边儿抢劫了,还
开枪了,然后大家互相议论,搞得满城风雨,好像new britain到处都是枪子儿,走路
学质量不敢恭维,和康州其他大学比,真是自惭形秽。 不是本学校太糟,而是康州的
方吧,如果是为了拿个文凭,出来找工作,还是比较靠谱的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18037
来自主题: NewYork版 - H1N1又回来了?
Ten dead as H1N1 flu returns to Britain
LONDON (Reuters) – The H1N1 swine flu virus which swept the globe last year
has returned to Britain with 10 people dying in the last six weeks, health
officials said Saturday.
Britain's Health Protection Agency said the 10 deaths had occurred in adults
all under the age of 65, most of whom had underlying health issues.
"Over the last few weeks, we have seen a rise in the number of cases of
se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15215
来自主题: CanadaNews版 - UK's Prince Philip, 90, has heart surgery
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Prince Philip, the 90-year-old husband of Queen
Elizabeth, had heart surgery to ease a blocked artery on Friday after being
rushed to hospital with chest pains as he prepared to celebrate Christmas
with the royal family.
Britain's longest-serving royal consort, known for his outspoken and
sometimes brusque manner, needed an operation to fit a small tube known as a
stent that keeps the blood vessel open.
Philip had been preparing to spend Christmas with other members ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17544
来自主题: ChinaNews版 - War on Iran has already begun.(ZT)
War on Iran has already begun.(ZT)
来源: ERommel 于 2011-12-07 18:39:13 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄
悄话] 本文已被阅读:302次 字体:调大/调小/重置 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖
| 加跟贴 | 查看当前最热讨论主题 They don't give up. After a decade of blood-
drenched failure in Afghanistan and Iraq, violent destabilisation of
Pakistan and Yemen, the devastation of Lebanon and slaughter in Libya, you
might hope the US and its friends had had their fill of invasion and
intervention in the Muslim world.
It seems not. For months the evidence has been ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: History版 - Bismarck
Geoffrey Wawro, The Shrewdest of the Shrewd; Bismarck made Germany into
Europe's most powerful country—and permanently poisoned its politics. Walll
STreet Journal, Apr 9, 2011.
(book review on Jonathan Steinberg, Bismarck: A Life. Oxford Univ Press,
(a) Otto von Bismarck
(b) Minister President of Prussia
http://en.wikipedi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
Cameron Risks Spat With Chinese by Wearing Poppy During Visit
U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron resisted a request from Chinese
officials yesterday to remove the poppy symbol that Britons wear every
November in memory of their war dead during his visit to Beijing.
Poppies have been Britain’s symbol of remembrance since World War I,
when the flowers grew on battlefields. The Roy... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 617
西方的洗脑新闻里, 这篇比较中立。提到中国只提了“Chinese criticism, largely
expressed through state-controlled media, has been particularly virulent。”
原因很简单, 这篇不是仅仅报导中国的反应。 专门针对中国的, 同一个事情,则上
纲上线。比如路透社的报导, 关键词是反西方宣传, 臆想的中国动乱, 和我党又害
China seizes on Libya for propaganda war against West
Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:58am EDT
* China media denounce Western motives in Libya
* Propaganda campaign to counter calls for protests
* Campaign shows Party's jitters - analyst
华俄街报纸, The Global Times on Wednesday published a commentary 。。。。... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 53800
来自主题: Military版 - 日军的自行车闪击战
Bicycle Blitzkreig
The Japanese Conquest of Malaya and Singapore 1941-1942
by Allen Parfitt
On the first day of 1941 a bespectacled Japanese staff Colonel named Tsuji
Masanobu reported to a modest building in Taipei. His job was to head a
military small research department. The task of this unit of 30 officers,
enlisted men and civilian workers was to plan a possible southward attack by
the Japanese Army to conquer South Asia and th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30882
来自主题: Military版 - War on Iran has already begun.(ZT)
War on Iran has already begun.(ZT)
来源: ERommel 于 2011-12-07 18:39:13 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄
悄话] 本文已被阅读:302次 字体:调大/调小/重置 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖
| 加跟贴 | 查看当前最热讨论主题 They don't give up. After a decade of blood-
drenched failure in Afghanistan and Iraq, violent destabilisation of
Pakistan and Yemen, the devastation of Lebanon and slaughter in Libya, you
might hope the US and its friends had had their fill of invasion and
intervention in the Muslim world.
It seems not. For months the evidence has been ... 阅读全帖
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