j*****n 发帖数: 19 | 1 早点: 简单土司小匹萨
材料: 切片面包,cheese,ketchup(番茄酱)
1. 将cheese切条后均匀的撒在面包片上,再缀上ketchup
2. 用grill调制合适的距离温度,烤
3. 时间的掌控主要依据中途开箱检查啦.(如果high档,距离3cm左右,约3-5mins)
吃的啦,很像cheese tomato pizza.我比较喜欢选用mozzarella cheese.拉丝效果很好. |
ET 发帖数: 10701 | 2 【 以下文字转载自 ebiz 讨论区 】
发信人: porco (porco), 信区: ebiz
标 题: 再发几个菜
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 27 22:07:52 2009)
另起一锅,加油,倒入腊肠鲜虾炒熟,加 |
B**********y 发帖数: 3855 | 3 我手上有一个方子,供参考:
配料:姜3片,蒜 3 瓣切片,葱3-4根,切成寸长;八角1-2个,花椒1tb,oil 1tb;老抽 1tb;
450F 15min up
350F 25min up
350F 35min down
450F 5min down
450F 10min up
total:1hr30min 每个间隔,涂上涂料. |
D*****t 发帖数: 1303 | 4 俺喜欢吃茄子,奔个简单可口的茄子凉菜^_^
1. 嫩长茄子
2. 蒜蓉
3. 番茄酱、鱼露、香油
1. 将嫩茄子带皮洗净,纵向切成两半,放入微波炉高火加热4-5min左右,至熟;
2. 茄子放一边晾凉后用手撕成细条;
3. 将大蒜瓣若干压成蒜蓉或剁碎末、加3-4汤勺番茄酱(可根据茄子量自行调整多少)
4. 将调料浇在茄子上,开动啦~~!
特点:鲜香可口,酸甜不腻 |
s******s 发帖数: 13035 | 5 微波炉, 红薯洗干净还带水, 用paper towel包上, 微波炉5min, 然后每2min拿出来试
这个和大小, 品种, 微波炉功率有关, 没有定数. 如果做的比较多, 我就会勤快点, 最
烤箱烤个15/20分钟. 只用烤箱太慢了 |
y*****o 发帖数: 689 | 6 以前在sushi店打过工,我觉得不需要放5min。关键还是刀要很快,还有上面说的,刀
有讲究 |
c******n 发帖数: 4965 | 8 hehe microwave is easier and cleaner
just put a little oil, then microwave for 3--5min |
c********e 发帖数: 42175 | 10 我知道,我就是说吃嫩的,太费劲了。。。
我走路5min的校园里,就有颗嫩棵桃树,哈哈。。可惜不爱吃。。 |
B******U 发帖数: 631 | 11 怀孕之后,在家彻底做起了家庭主妇。每天最开心的就是等老公下班回家后一起吃饭散
1.准备yeast。用稍高于体温的水溶解yeast 20min左右,水里加了点糖。
3. 发面。把揉好的面用布盖上,放在oven里维持温度在warm的状态。一个小时后,面
是昨天做的,用的是all p... 阅读全帖 |
w****a 发帖数: 3231 | 12 first turn the oven up to 400 degree
then pan sear the tuna both side about 1 min each side
put the pan with the fish into oven cook for another 5mins.
It should turn out to a perfect mediium rare tuna
finished with a ginger orange juice soy sauce
it's just a little bit giner; orange juice and light soy sauce. |
H*****1 发帖数: 4815 | 13 I cook pasta, healthy, tasty and easy to make. :)
bring water to boil (you can cook eggs in the pot too);
pour in pasta;
prepare other ingredients (I use spinach, broccoli, bell pepper, shrimp, and
caned fully-cooked chicken);
after 5min, pour in all other ingredients;
after 3min, drain the pasta and stir well with sources.
takes about 15min. |
s******u 发帖数: 139 | 14 有几个小tips
1. 在上锅之前,一定要注意醒的时间,要足够长时间才成,一般都要30min左右
2. 起锅之前,不要一下子就掀开了,可以小火差不多5min左右,然后再起锅,这样就
不容易塌锅了 |
s******s 发帖数: 13035 | 15 豆腐切块,放一包辛拉面调料,海鲜mix, 泡菜(随意),加水煮沸5min,
上面打一个鸡蛋,关火上桌 |
b**********k 发帖数: 1262 | 16 由于懒得写方子, 一直没上传
今天就传了 拿些包子吧。
牛排买的是那种New York Strip
当天买 当天吃, 觉得冻了之后在解冻的牛排味道总是差了一些,具体说不上来。
anyway 先洗一洗, 然后表面摸黄油,试了几次, 发现先把黄油拿到微波一下, 融化
之后,然后再抹到牛排表面效果比较好, 当然可以把黑胡椒还有盐一起。
先烧热锅, 后放牛排, 只翻一次面,边煎边撒黑胡椒和sea salt 但是不要撒多了。
我放的中火, 大概煎个4-5min 吧, 具体没算。
sunny side up 鸡蛋, 锅烧的很热, 然后放油, 然后油也很热之后,迅速把鸡蛋打
下去, 看到蛋清基本上没有透明的之后, 感觉就差不多了。
配菜可以弄点蘑菇或者是西兰花,或者番茄什么的, 这次我用的是番茄。
嗯然后弄好之后就放盘子里, 刀子切开, 外面味道还不错, 里面的肉像果冻一样,
由于之前用黄油封住了里面的水, 所以就是这样了.....
那个谁快点发包子, 还有手机.... |
s*******k 发帖数: 8239 | 17 本人闭关修炼减肥大法。
其实鄙人最大爱好是烹饪 而不是吃饭~
故 罢了 罢了。
献给在座各位(厄。。坐在电脑前的各位 - -)
准备魔芋丝 黄瓜丝 金针菇 黑木耳丝 如果有胡萝卜加点也不错 可我家木有了
豆芽 金针菇 黑木耳 快速焯水
蒜蓉 生抽 醋 糖 香油 根据口味自行掌握比例
我做的东西永远这么简单 lol
做热水 下各种你喜欢的蔬菜 我下了豆芽 豆腐丁 海带 葱花
准备好两勺味增 大概是两碗的量
关火 先用一些... 阅读全帖 |
l********y 发帖数: 151 | 18 报告实验结果,实验对象红薯,苗条的。
第三次broil,30min (因为我忘了关oven),直到满屋子红薯香,流糖水~吼吼! |
l********y 发帖数: 151 | 19 报告实验结果,实验对象红薯,苗条的。
第三次broil,30min (因为我忘了关oven),直到满屋子红薯香,流糖水~吼吼! |
b********n 发帖数: 16354 | 20 其实这爱尔兰人的节吧,不干我们什么事儿,不过天气美到爆,真真是五个月来最美的
1. 两磅牛肉洗净切块,用纸巾吸干表面的血水,热锅煎至四面上色封汁,不用油煎,
2. 洋葱切片,红萝卜切小块,炒半熟;烤箱预热500F;
3. 锅底放蔬菜,上面铺牛肉;撒上盐和黑胡椒;再均匀撒面粉;偶放啦好多黑胡椒啦
4. 用筷子拨一拨牛肉,都沾上盐黑胡椒和面粉后,牛肉块翻面再撒一次;不要撒面粉
5. 加盖烤箱烤4min; 牛肉翻面再烤4min; 将烤箱调到350F;
6. 加入红酒,盖过所有牛肉;我有贴我用的红酒啦,真心觉得物美价廉啊;不过一瓶
7. 再加入一勺番茄糊、蒜粉、百里香和月桂叶;稍微拨一拨啦;
8. 加盖烤3hrs;
9. 两个半小时的时候,将蘑菇切片,用奶油炒香上色;
这个这个,我真是又爱... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 16354 | 21 凑热闹啊纯凑热闹~~~锅盖不是很大,西红柿不要一起扔啊~~~
1. 两杯水烧开,加半勺红茶叶。
2. 转中火煮3min, 加半锅牛奶;
3. 边缘起泡后去盖,继续煮5min;煮的时候不断用勺搅拌,偶不想它起一层皮~~
4. 关火,加3-4颗冰糖;
5. 融化后用大大的网格勺过滤茶叶盛碗。
1. 天津粉皮2张,泡水2小时,中间换水一两次;软了后剪成宽一点的条状;洗净豆芽
2. 水开后一次烫熟香菜、豆芽、粉皮;
3. 碗底调匀鱼露、醋、麻油、柠檬汁几滴、白胡椒一点点,川烫的开水浇上一勺,再
偶拿鱼露当盐用,不知道是不是很诡异~~不过习惯了就好,嘻嘻~~~ |
a****a 发帖数: 359 | 22 I tried. 5mins per side is not enough. I used at least 10 mins per side.
It was delicious. |
d****i 发帖数: 2346 | 24 根据楼主的问题我给几点建议:
1. 发面后拉一下能看见很多蜂窝就说明发好了。
2. 馒头揉成型以后放一会儿,二次发酵。因为你在揉的时候把里面的气泡都挤没了。
3. 我的做法,冷水上锅后,知道冒气才开始计算时间,20min。
4. 到时间以后,不要急于揭锅,关火,放置大约5min后再拿掉锅盖。 |
t*****e 发帖数: 15794 | 25 从同事那里学的,非常简单
chicken cutlet
Egg and milk in a bowl, beat
Until even.
Chicken cutlet dip in the egg.
Bread crumbs and salt 和adobo,
fried in the pan to golden brown
Oven 350 , 5min。
顺便作了炒鸡蛋,也不浪费。 |
x****g 发帖数: 109 | 26 先祝大家圣诞快乐!
康,感恩节的时候买了Mauviel的12‘ pan和wok,今天拿出来用了。我就是按着新锅里
面的一个说明书的步骤开的锅,但是感觉screwed up了。今天只搞了那个pan,wok还没
下一步按着那个说明是“cover the bottom of the pan with oil and heat for 5min
",我倒了大概2mm厚的soy oil,但是我手贱,四周摇了一下(是不是不应该这样?)
,锅的壁上也沾上了一些油,然后就开始烧了,然后又按着说明, repeat了一次刚才的
于1M,下面是图片google drive的链接):
https://drive.google... 阅读全帖 |
d****i 发帖数: 2346 | 27
,不清楚。 |
f**k 发帖数: 2586 | 28 看来贪心害死人啊
我们这里rite aid 有几家不让买GC了,开的店的是a3,狡猾大大的
大家现在都采购什么卡啊? gas,prepaid还是其他? |
z******e 发帖数: 930 | 29 122街Broadway。 两居室中的一个卧室短期出租(Dec 6 - Jan 15),包括电视,网络
月,or $25/天,可商量。回站内信箱或电话646-549-6732。
周翔 |
m********n 发帖数: 802 | 30 My husband back to China on business for 2 months.I am using his ID to post
Rent for 1 to 2 months.
-1 min walk to express bus take you to downtown DC, GW (15 mins’ drive, non
rush hour, before 7:45 am in the morning, rush hour between 7:45-9:30 am
will take longer)
-1 min walk to metro buses (every 5 mins) take you to pentagon and pentagon
city metro.
-Nice community with Giant, CVS, restaurant, etc. all within 5mins walk
-Secured high rise apartment. 7 floor, face to south with |
l*******c 发帖数: 1 | 31 Unleaded 2 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms with sunny balcony, 1200 Sq.f
Free central air condition, heat/hot water included, dishwasher, wall-to-
wall carpet, several large storage closets, basic cable, Laundry room and
trash room on the same floor
Gym, swimming pool, tennis court, function room, garden, parking in garage (
$35/month), uncovered parking ($25/month), overnight visit parking, manager
and maintenance offices on site, monitors, security guards at night
Quiet neighbors and no pets in the |
s******z 发帖数: 60 | 32 Manhattan uptown, 107th Street and 3rd Ave.
A cozy single room in a 2 br. Living with a nice quiet PHD graduated male.
Convenient Commuter, very close to bus station, M101, M102, M103 M98
only 1 mins walk. 5mins to No.6 subway.
Ask for 400/mo share utilities and DSL.
Single only, Long-Term only (up to 4 months), No smoke and pet. Student,
Scholar prefered.
superpyz hotmail.com
superpyz post.harvard.edu
for details
Thank you for your interesting |
h*******5 发帖数: 709 | 33 i have a apartment for rent walk 5min. to path train. $1250 per month
if u interest please call 201-779-8823 Ruby |
t*******s 发帖数: 3 | 34 Looking for a male professional to sign a 1 year lease of a real 2bedroom/
2bathroom apartment at a luxury high-rise management property building at
Exchange Place/Newport, NJ, starting between May 15 and June 1. Roughly
5mins walk to the Exchange Place Path station, 10mins train ride to WTC Path
. Perfect for NYC commuters. The link to the property is http://equityapartments.com/market/brochure.aspx?page=Photos&PropId=776&TourCount=5&PowerSearch=0
I'm looking at the apartment with description c |
x*j 发帖数: 15 | 35 Great deal: two-bedroom apt for1180/month nearMIT MGH
1. Excellent Location! Right adjacent to 1 Kendall Sqr. 5min walk to MIT
main campus! 7 min walk to redline T-stop. 20min walk toMGH
2. Charming town house in quiet neighborhood. Place for two cars parking.
3. First flour: washer and drier
Second flour:Spacious,resurfaced kitchen and living room.
Third flour: two bedrooms with large bathroom
4. Ideal for couple with kid or two mature graduate students desiring
habitat away from sch |
c**********g 发帖数: 86 | 36 one room in a 3 bedroom available from May 28,2007.
location: 720W 172nd st.
rent: $700 including everything (internet as well)
contact: 401-215-8823
email: s****[email protected]
more info:
very nice landlord, share with one postdoc of CUMC
5 min walk to Columbia University medical center.
5 min walk to subway, 5min walk to columbia shuttle
washing machine, dryer in kitchen.
personal microwave, refrigerator, table, tv, bed in your room. |
c*****e 发帖数: 167 | 37 a small bedroom in a 2bd apartment at college park, MD is available from now
. <5min driving to metro station or I-495. Very good neighborhood.
$410 including utilities, internet, cable. From now to Aug. Good for
Thanks. |
P**G 发帖数: 305 | 38 1 big and nice bedroom in a 3 bedrooms duplex, share a big living room and
kitchen with other 2 guys. Rent is $500/month (negotiable), including
utilities and cable,internet
located in Jersey City, 5min walk to PATH station, 15min to Manhattan
short term: from now to August 1st
long term: from August 1st. It is different to short term. Maybe you will
rent whole duplex which is a 2 floors house. A big living room and kitchen
in the first floor, and 3 bedrooms and bath room in the second floor. re |
i**********5 发帖数: 467 | 39 One bedroom is available in a 3bed/2bath apt in a high rise building with
door man in newport.
you will share bathroom with a male roommate. Both 2 roommates are young
professional chinese, working in finance. Very clearn apt, and very good
5mins walk to path and 15mins to mahattan.
Rent is $1100 per month, and 2 month deposit is required. utilities will be
If you are interesed, please send email to g****[email protected]
You can come to see the apt tomorrow night. |
x*j 发帖数: 15 | 40 Two fully furnished bedrooms available
1. Excellent Location!
Right adjacent to 1 Kendall Sqr and Draper Lab.
2. 5min walk to MIT main campus! 7 min walk to red line T-stop. 15min wakk
to MGH.
3. Laundry is available in the basement.
4. Ample private parking.
5. Rent is $395-475 per month .
contact by e mail with your inf.
x***[email protected] |
x*j 发帖数: 15 | 41 Two fully furnished bedrooms available. Excellent Location!
Right adjacent to 1 Kendall Sqr and Draper Lab.
2. 5min walk to MIT main campus! 7 min walk to red line T-stop. 15min wakk
to MGH.
3. Laundry is available in the basement.
4. Ample private parking.
5. Rent is $395-475 per month .
contact by e mail with your inf.
x***[email protected] |
x*j 发帖数: 15 | 42 Two fully furnished bedrooms apt available Aug15. Excellent Location!
Right adjacent to 1 Kendall Sqr and Draper Lab.
2. 5min walk to MIT main campus! 7 min walk to red line T-stop. 15min wakk
to MGH.
3. Laundry is available in the basement.
4. Ample private parking.
5. Rent 1200/per month .
contact by e mail with your inf.
x***[email protected] |
x*j 发帖数: 15 | 43 1. Excellent Location! Right adjacent to 1 Kendall Sqr. 5min walk to MIT
maincampus! 7 min walk to redline T-stop. 20min walk toMGH
2. Charming town house in quiet neighborhood. Place for two cars parking.
3. First flour: washer and drier
Second flour:Spacious,resurfaced kitchen and living room.
Third flour: two bedrooms with large bathroom
4. Ideal for couple with kid or two mature graduate students desiring
habitat away from school yet not losing the convenience of proximity to you |
m*******y 发帖数: 1 | 44 http://www.longviewplace.com/
Luxury apt. Contemporary furniture. Furnished room. Washer&dryer in unit.
Wireless internet. Fitness center, game room, private theater. Close to I-95
, I-90. Access to commuter rail, bus. 5min walk to Brandeis University.
$850 rent includes heat,hotwater. Split cable, electricity.
Looking for quiet female roommate. Summer sublet or longer term. Lease
signing not required. Available now.
c*****[email protected] |
x*j 发帖数: 15 | 45
1. Excellent Location! Right adjacent to 1 Kendall Sqr. 5min walk to MIT
7 min walk to redline T-stop. 20min walk toMGH
2. Charming town house in quiet neighborhood. Place for two cars parking.
3. First flour: washer and drier
Second flour:Spacious,resurfaced kitchen and living room.
Third flour: two bedrooms with large bathroom
4. Ideal for couple with kid or two mature graduate students desiring
away from school yet not losing the convenience of p |
x*j 发帖数: 15 | 46 two bed room apt for rent 1200/month very near MIT MGH
1. Excellent Location! Right adjacent to 1 Kendall Sqr. 5min walk to MIT
maincampus! 7 min walk to redline T-stop. 20min walk toMGH
2. Charming town house in quiet neighborhood. Place for two cars parking.
3. First flour: washer and drier
Second flour:Spacious,resurfaced kitchen and living room.
Third flour: two bedrooms with large bathroom
4. Ideal for couple with kid or two mature graduate students desiring
habitat away from sc |
x*j 发帖数: 15 | 47 1. Excellent Location! Right adjacent to 1 Kendall Sqr. 5min walk to MIT
maincampus! 7 min walk to redline T-stop. 15min walk to Harvard yard
2. Charming town house in quiet neighborhood. Place for two cars parking.
3. First flour: washer and drier
Second flour:Spacious,resurfaced kitchen and living room.
Third flour: two bedrooms with large bathroom
4. Ideal for couple with kid or two mature graduate students desiring
habitat away from school yet not losing the convenience of proxim |
p****1 发帖数: 5 | 48 There are two very nice and large bedrooms in a 4br/2bath appartment located
in Cleveland Circle. You can take ether one of the two or both. They are
available from July 15th to Aug. 28th, 2007.
It's close to everything!
2min to C line;
3min to D line leading you to harvard medicine school
5min to B line leading you to Boston University
All of the three green lines leading you to downtown boston
3min to CVS, 24hour store, and lots of food restaurants;
3min to BC shuttle stop and 86 bus stop lead |
b***u 发帖数: 12 | 49 在beacon st边上,走路去哈佛10min,去star market 5min。房子新铺的硬木地板,新
如果有意,请发email到g********[email protected],
3x |
t********7 发帖数: 1 | 50 纽约皇后区一楼600多平方尺一房一厅,厨卫家具齐全,有车位。步行5分钟至联合大道
的QM1车站(40min快巴士到曼哈顿)/Q46 。步行5分钟至缅街Q20/Q44车站,开车5分钟至
St John’s和皇后大学,10分钟至法拉盛唐人街,学区好。月租$990全包。请电:718
Ground level 600+ sqft one bedroom with living-room in Queens NYC. Bedroom
has closet. Kitchen, fullbath. $990/month including all utility. Furnished
with bed, table, sofa, chairs and TV. Parking place available. For non-
smokers only, no pet.
5min walk to UnionTpke QM1(quick bus to Manhattan) and Q46 bus stop, and
Main Street. Q20/Q |