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_Options_and_LeveragedETF版 - Hello everybody
Advanced strategy诚心请教option trading的问题. 谢谢.
女人在寻找幸福的道路上就是等待option expire的过程。Short put 如果价格高于strike price - premium该怎么办?
question: how to use puts to hedge against ER?Put bufferfly 问题
怎么现在没人奔了?plan to short BIDU ER volatilies
option stock 配合option question
a question about option priceOption 价格是怎么算出来的
Weekly option的出现的确对股票有整形的作用Option 求解
如果买了100个call contract请教option assign的问题
话题: iv话题: option话题: expiration话题: strikes话题: trading
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1328
I am fairly new on option, but interested in leverage by trading
I understand that option trading is much harder and challenging than stock
trading due to the intrinsic complexity and basically unlimited choices.
I appreciate if somebody can answer my question as follows:
Given that you are pretty sure about the price trend, say, up by 30% in
the next two months, what would be the best strategy to benefit from
option trading?
I know you can sell puts or buy calls, but how do you decid
发帖数: 572
Just go through calls of all strikes and expirations, and compute the payoff
, and select the maximum one. e.g. if the current stock is $100, and you are
sure it will go to $130, next month, then you can go through the calls of
all strikes and expirations, and simulate the option price of all these
strikes and expirations after 1 month using BS formula (assuming IV is fixed
, if you'd like) and select the best one. Some software allows you to do
that. However, if IV is not fixed, some strategies
发帖数: 572
c = F(St,IV,t | S0, Strike, Expiration) is determined by B-S formula.
Now you alerady know St,S0, IV, t, and c(t=0), so maximize
C(t=T)/c(t0) = F(St,IV,T=t | S0, Strike, Expiration)/c(t0) w.r.t all strikes
and Expirations.
发帖数: 1328
Thanks Laputa.
My thought was to pick the one just underwater, and select the best month.
That is too naive, right?
One more question: say if the strike price is 130. On the expiration day,
will the 100 call be priced at 30, or anything close? I can wait and see
myself next week, but my question is, is there a market at all on that day?
Based on the presumption that nobody will actually exercise the option, why
do they buy it as it's expiring? But if nobody buys, this game doesn't make
发帖数: 572
on the expiration day, it's close to 30, but not exactly 30. So
there's still price change there, so people will still sell and
buy to speculate or hedge. If the option is near at money, then
people may excercise or let it expire.


【在 B*S 的大作中提到】
: Thanks Laputa.
: My thought was to pick the one just underwater, and select the best month.
: That is too naive, right?
: One more question: say if the strike price is 130. On the expiration day,
: will the 100 call be priced at 30, or anything close? I can wait and see
: myself next week, but my question is, is there a market at all on that day?
: Based on the presumption that nobody will actually exercise the option, why
: do they buy it as it's expiring? But if nobody buys, this game doesn't make
: sense...

发帖数: 1328
I read something about the BS formula. It seems to me that we can ignore all
other parts except for IV. I mean, we can simplify the premium at current
time as a function of IV only. As we "know" the price trend of the
underlying stock, so we buy option when IV is low as implied by the premium
So we can select the lowest IV from the available striking months to
maximize the return.
Does that sound reasonable?
发帖数: 572
In theory, IV should be the same for all strikes and expiration, although
volatility skew indeed exists for different strikes and expiration. In
IV could be different, and buying option with low IV may give you some edges,
although those low IV may be caused by other factors.
If you already know the price move of the stock with 100% certainty. Then in
theory you should use infinite leverage, which reflects in options, you
should choose out of the money strikes and closer expiration.


【在 B*S 的大作中提到】
: I read something about the BS formula. It seems to me that we can ignore all
: other parts except for IV. I mean, we can simplify the premium at current
: time as a function of IV only. As we "know" the price trend of the
: underlying stock, so we buy option when IV is low as implied by the premium
: price...
: So we can select the lowest IV from the available striking months to
: maximize the return.
: Does that sound reasonable?

发帖数: 1328

Then in
Thanks. I will watch tomorrow to see the expiration day behavior...

【在 L****a 的大作中提到】
: In theory, IV should be the same for all strikes and expiration, although
: volatility skew indeed exists for different strikes and expiration. In
: reality,
: IV could be different, and buying option with low IV may give you some edges,
: although those low IV may be caused by other factors.
: If you already know the price move of the stock with 100% certainty. Then in
: theory you should use infinite leverage, which reflects in options, you
: should choose out of the money strikes and closer expiration.
: al

发帖数: 1328
Based on my observation, most people actually choose to exercise their
option. Probably those open interest are held by institutions.
They can short sale the underlying stock in the last day to hedge their call
option or buy for their puts. Like scalping the market, they can get some
safe, although small profit...
1 (共1页)
请教option assign的问题option stock 配合
Options Expiration day effecta question about option price
问一个有关OPTION的简单问题Weekly option的出现的确对股票有整形的作用
有人买 FB $70 call如果买了100个call contract
Advanced strategy诚心请教option trading的问题. 谢谢.
女人在寻找幸福的道路上就是等待option expire的过程。Short put 如果价格高于strike price - premium该怎么办?
question: how to use puts to hedge against ER?Put bufferfly 问题
怎么现在没人奔了?plan to short BIDU ER volatilies
话题: iv话题: option话题: expiration话题: strikes话题: trading