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USANews版 - Tax the fucking poor
[合集] 经济刺激机会给穷人的福利倒是蛮多的。。。。美国国营Amtrak铁路,平均每个乘客要纳税人补贴$32美元
好! 德州法律要求申请失业补助的人通过药检如果盖茨巴菲特捐款不是为了逃税
trump网站多了一个position链接,有非法移民的政策给Hillary 捐了 250 美元
Obama’s America: ‘Out Of Control’ Mob Shows Up Trying to Get Subsidized Housing38 States Consider Suing Federal Government Over Healthcare
Trump的Healthcare Plan雏形几张抗议的照片
On to Tax CutWAPO--上海市民说宁愿女儿外发,不嫁安徽人 (转载)
在CNN上看不到的新闻:60%俄国人怀念苏联时代Not Good News: MI Unemployment Drops To 11.7%
5 Reasons Why Obama’s Plan to Increase Taxes on the Rich, Is the Reason for High Unemployment and PoJob Search Tops a Year for Millions
话题: poor话题: tax话题: healthcare话题: fucking话题: so
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2198
The so-called "rich" provide over 70% of government tax revenue, yet the so-
called "poor" or 47% of citizens pay no taxes.
If they're paid $14 per hour along with free healthcare and housing for not
working, why the hell would they want to work for $7 per hour and buy their
own healthcare?
Enough is enough, tax the fucking poor, stop killing the middle class.
发帖数: 3833
wtf, it seems u r the poorest. as far as i can tell,all usanews goers r
lower classes. for one thing, they don't speak very much english. i support
tax 3 times of these people


【在 T**********2 的大作中提到】
: The so-called "rich" provide over 70% of government tax revenue, yet the so-
: called "poor" or 47% of citizens pay no taxes.
: If they're paid $14 per hour along with free healthcare and housing for not
: working, why the hell would they want to work for $7 per hour and buy their
: own healthcare?
: Enough is enough, tax the fucking poor, stop killing the middle class.

发帖数: 3833
if u r so rich, u would consider donating to the poor, instead of
complaining on the poor. u get it?


【在 T**********2 的大作中提到】
: The so-called "rich" provide over 70% of government tax revenue, yet the so-
: called "poor" or 47% of citizens pay no taxes.
: If they're paid $14 per hour along with free healthcare and housing for not
: working, why the hell would they want to work for $7 per hour and buy their
: own healthcare?
: Enough is enough, tax the fucking poor, stop killing the middle class.

发帖数: 2198
Yes, I don't have a job, each month I get a $1200 check to cover my housing
and in fact I only pay $400 for a government subsidized 2-bedroom apartment,
then I get another $600 of food stamps, plus free healthcare with zero co-
pay for my entire family. My kids go to schools for free, college tuition is
paid for too because we are poor.
Why the fuck do I want to work for $3000 a month and pay taxes, healthcare,
mortgage, ...?


【在 a**t 的大作中提到】
: wtf, it seems u r the poorest. as far as i can tell,all usanews goers r
: lower classes. for one thing, they don't speak very much english. i support
: tax 3 times of these people
: so-
: not
: their

发帖数: 3833
I don't understand what you are talking about. Nobody in the US lives like
what you described. If this is true, why would people bother to work? Do you
know hundreds of people are applying for a job of $1500 a month and people
who make $3000 a month consider themselves middle classes. If you said is
true, They could be much better if unemployed snd everybody in this country
is in the mdiddle class. Have you seen many people in this conunty sleeping
on the street? I guess you should join them to enjoy freedom of speech.


【在 T**********2 的大作中提到】
: Yes, I don't have a job, each month I get a $1200 check to cover my housing
: and in fact I only pay $400 for a government subsidized 2-bedroom apartment,
: then I get another $600 of food stamps, plus free healthcare with zero co-
: pay for my entire family. My kids go to schools for free, college tuition is
: paid for too because we are poor.
: Why the fuck do I want to work for $3000 a month and pay taxes, healthcare,
: mortgage, ...?
: support

1 (共1页)
Job Search Tops a Year for MillionsTrump的Healthcare Plan雏形
O8 on vacationOn to Tax Cut
Michele Bachmann: I am not a politician在CNN上看不到的新闻:60%俄国人怀念苏联时代
Understanding Unemployment Statistics5 Reasons Why Obama’s Plan to Increase Taxes on the Rich, Is the Reason for High Unemployment and Po
[合集] 经济刺激机会给穷人的福利倒是蛮多的。。。。美国国营Amtrak铁路,平均每个乘客要纳税人补贴$32美元
好! 德州法律要求申请失业补助的人通过药检如果盖茨巴菲特捐款不是为了逃税
trump网站多了一个position链接,有非法移民的政策给Hillary 捐了 250 美元
Obama’s America: ‘Out Of Control’ Mob Shows Up Trying to Get Subsidized Housing38 States Consider Suing Federal Government Over Healthcare
话题: poor话题: tax话题: healthcare话题: fucking话题: so