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USANews版 - MILLER: D.C.’s crime solution: Be a victim
WDT: Gouverneur mayor will file for bankruptcyViolent crime jumps 18 percent in 2011, first rise in nearly 20 years
MILLER: Gun ownership up, crime down美国枪支犯罪一直在下降
Elizabeth mayor says there’s no gang problem (转载)Black on White Crime, America's Hidden Victims
市长也疯狂芝加哥那个Hate crime好像还是打太极了
反枪派市长,Bloomberg的朋友,因酒后乱开枪被捕 (转载)Cobbling together a dream ticket-The economist
Another Bad Week for Bloomberg's Gun Control Group »Michele Bachmann: Debt Limit Deal Means 'We Embrace Being Greece'
Hard Times, Fewer CrimesPublic to get first glimpse of King memorial
US violent crimes decrease by 12 percent奥巴马的新闻发言人Jay Carney家里挂着前苏联宣传招贴
话题: quander话题: crime话题: mayor话题: young话题: public
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
DC Deputy Mayor: Dear Victims of Crime, Better You Are Beaten, Raped, Stolen
From Than You Protect Yourself
March 6, 2012 | Filed under Big government,Constitutional Issues,Deaths,
Democrats,Gun control | Posted by Warner Todd Huston
Washington D.C.’s Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice wants you all
to just stop whining about the rising crime in his fair city. He wants you
to continue being a victim and like it. Not only that, but he thinks it’s a
good thing that you should become a victim. Better that than protecting
yourself, don’t you know?
That is what Dept. Mayor Paul Quander told victims of crime in Washington D.
C. last week during a Third Ward public safety meeting. You don’t have any
right to protect yourself, Washingtonians. You have only one response
available to you: allow evil to prevail.
Unlike other big American cities, crime in D.C. is up 40% in the first two
months of 2012. But Quander thinks it’s no big deal. Cowering is his motto.
A young citizen attending the meeting came to the open microphone to ask Dep
. Mayor Quander what crime victims are supposed to do when confronted with
violent criminals bent on mayhem.
“The choice that you have to make,” Quander rambled, “is to give them
what they want. You walk away and you live and you survive.”
But the young man was incredulous and for good reason. “But how do you know
that you are going to live and survive, you are completely at their mercy,
” the young man asked.
Naturally, like all arrogant, left-wing, government officials who are
confronted with questions that cannot be answered while observing their
wrong-headed left-wing dogma, Dep. Mayor Quander wanted to shut down this
young man’s questions, tried to intimidate him in the public forum, and
tried to get him to “talk later” instead of then and there. And who isn’t
smart enough to know that Quander had no intention of allowing the young
man to continue the conversation later, eh? Don’t we all know that Quander
would have hid behind his armed bodyguards as he scurried out of that public
meeting as soon as it was over? He was not interested in discussion. He was
interested in pronouncements.
In any case, the young man persisted. What should D.C. victims of crime do?
This is the left-wing blather disgorged from Quander’s mouth:
If you are armed, it escalates the situation. It is much better, in my
opinion, to be scared, to be frightened, and even if you have to be, to be
injured, but to walk away and survive. Because you can, you’ll heal, and
you can replace whatever was taken away. But the trauma of that gunshot to
you or to someone else is traumatic.
Um, so… being beaten — or “injured” as Quander so dismissively put it —
raped, stolen from… that all isn’t traumatic?
This cretin does not deserve to be an official concerned with public safety
nor, most especially, “justice.”
1 (共1页)
奥巴马的新闻发言人Jay Carney家里挂着前苏联宣传招贴反枪派市长,Bloomberg的朋友,因酒后乱开枪被捕 (转载)
一万卡和巴马夫妇住一个街区Another Bad Week for Bloomberg's Gun Control Group »
柯米、穆勒交情深 曾联手挡小布希监听Hard Times, Fewer Crimes
小黄人乌泱泱进入美国冬奥代表团,白人都看不下去了 (转载)US violent crimes decrease by 12 percent
WDT: Gouverneur mayor will file for bankruptcyViolent crime jumps 18 percent in 2011, first rise in nearly 20 years
MILLER: Gun ownership up, crime down美国枪支犯罪一直在下降
Elizabeth mayor says there’s no gang problem (转载)Black on White Crime, America's Hidden Victims
市长也疯狂芝加哥那个Hate crime好像还是打太极了
话题: quander话题: crime话题: mayor话题: young话题: public