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USANews版 - Michele Bachmann: Debt Limit Deal Means 'We Embrace Being Greece'
Chris Matthews – Michele Bachmann Video: Are You Hypnotized vs Tingling Legsmichele bachmann for presidency 2012
Bachmann: 111 waivers means ObamaCare is a failure看来华尔街已经选择Mitt Romney了
听茶党如何回应奥巴马的国情咨文美国茶党之我见 (转载)
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Guess Which Makes Liberal CrazyBachmann: Obama 'AWOL' at crunch time on deficits
谁将是共和党下届总统候选人 作者:曹长青Michele Bachmann: I am not a politician
看了Sean 采访Michele Bachmann2016年共和党推出Palin/Rice这样的白黑配对,肯定胜选
Ron Paul 2012和党砖家McCain: Hillary Would Be President If Election Were (转载)
话题: debt话题: michele话题: greece话题: bachmann话题: embrace
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by n*****[email protected] (The blogprof)
Piling on more debt to supposedly solve the debt crisis is like giving an
alcoholic a case of vodka to cure his or her addiction. I'm convinced that
neither party has a clue what balancing a checkbook means of the federal
level. Only a minority of one party - the tea party - knows what needs doing
but are deluged with Washingtonians.
Republican 2012 presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said
the debt limit agreement reached by the White House and congressional
leaders is "like saying we embrace being Greece."
1 (共1页)
和党砖家McCain: Hillary Would Be President If Election Were (转载)Guess Which Makes Liberal Crazy
Michele Bachmann: 世界末日到了!都是奥巴马的错谁将是共和党下届总统候选人 作者:曹长青
Michele Bachmann: The Rapture Is Coming And It's Obama's Fault看了Sean 采访Michele Bachmann
oh, Michele Bachmann is a whoreRon Paul 2012
Chris Matthews – Michele Bachmann Video: Are You Hypnotized vs Tingling Legsmichele bachmann for presidency 2012
Bachmann: 111 waivers means ObamaCare is a failure看来华尔街已经选择Mitt Romney了
听茶党如何回应奥巴马的国情咨文美国茶党之我见 (转载)
马萨诸塞前州长争夺共和党总统候选人提名GOP Hopefuls Say Let Europe Solve Debt on Its Own
话题: debt话题: michele话题: greece话题: bachmann话题: embrace