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TexasHoldem版 - anyone's watching cash poker?
Vanessa Rousso is available again!2012/01/10 Session 2, Up $150
What would you do in this hand?A hand I played well last night
讨论一手shove的牌&求建议关于poker club2 bad plays today
Odds advantage(OA)大家评一下这手牌
Play against LAGsrivered top 2 pair
What to do?got bluffed or not?
should I fold KK when my gut feeling is that the other guy hit a pair of As?Can you use tell as your edge at live game?
话题: cash话题: play话题: painful话题: poker话题: show
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 274
i found it to be a more realistic show than HSP or PAD. People play real
cash games instead of trying to show off how good they can be at bluffing.
however, is that just me, or a lot of players on that show are just
incredibly bad. a lot of hands are played so terribly that are just painful
to watch.
发帖数: 9164
you mean party poker big game on live stream now? it is pretty good
learning experience, IMO. they are the very top cash game players in the
world and it is live and unedited. they play the money out of their own
pockets. seems Durrr and patrick anotonus etc join in later.
it will be live for 48 hours online. check it out, guys.


【在 n***a 的大作中提到】
: i found it to be a more realistic show than HSP or PAD. People play real
: cash games instead of trying to show off how good they can be at bluffing.
: however, is that just me, or a lot of players on that show are just
: incredibly bad. a lot of hands are played so terribly that are just painful
: to watch.

发帖数: 9164

these high stake players have different thought than us. they play a lot
more LAG than us.

【在 n***a 的大作中提到】
: i found it to be a more realistic show than HSP or PAD. People play real
: cash games instead of trying to show off how good they can be at bluffing.
: however, is that just me, or a lot of players on that show are just
: incredibly bad. a lot of hands are played so terribly that are just painful
: to watch.

发帖数: 274
people on party big game play fairly solid, doesn't have "i'm on tv, got to
play cool" feeling,
i was referring to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRyx6M-ADHs&feature=relmfu

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: painful
: these high stake players have different thought than us. they play a lot
: more LAG than us.

发帖数: 717
Nothing fancy but most players solid. I would love to play with Chad Brown,
the shining fish....


【在 n***a 的大作中提到】
: people on party big game play fairly solid, doesn't have "i'm on tv, got to
: play cool" feeling,
: i was referring to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRyx6M-ADHs&feature=relmfu

1 (共1页)
Can you use tell as your edge at live game?Odds advantage(OA)
best strategy against a LAG?Play against LAGs
2012 Session 1, lost $600What to do?
target of febshould I fold KK when my gut feeling is that the other guy hit a pair of As?
Vanessa Rousso is available again!2012/01/10 Session 2, Up $150
What would you do in this hand?A hand I played well last night
讨论一手shove的牌&求建议关于poker club2 bad plays today
话题: cash话题: play话题: painful话题: poker话题: show