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easy fold??Am I a donkey?
what to do?flop bottom set, led out and got raised on draw heavy board
话题: regular话题: pot话题: bb话题: hand话题: call
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1175
某天玩1/2/3NL live, 先是靠桌上几个新人,两百很快到1100多.....然后一个regular
, 300buy-in后和我抢鱼吃,一手A-A后大约有900.然后碰到这手牌...
BB raised to 20, 4 callers, I limped in with Qh7h at button. Flop Qs7dJd. BB
bets 25, regular raised to 60, a crazy calling station called, I tanked a
while and made it 200. BB folded, regular tanked a long time and then called
. Calling station shoved for about 420. I considered shove too but decided
to just flat call since I did not know too much yet how regular plays.
Regular tanked a long time again and then pushed all in. I was kicking
myself for blowing this pot with mid two pairs. I asked the regular that set
of 7 is no good? He said pot is too big already. I thought for a while and
mucked my hands..... Regular ended up winning the pot since the crazy only
has AdKh and turned a 4d and rivered a 6s.
Lesson learned: small hand, small pot; big hand, big pot. Also do not go
broke with marginal hands.....
Any advice on how to play this hand?
发帖数: 456
I really hate to fold the hand after putting in almost half of my stack. And
I feel your bottom two has quite good chance to be good against villian on
the flop.
(1) I don't think he has QQ/JJ since he limped/called pre-flop, and it is
unlikely that he has Q7/J7.
(2) On the flop he called your 3-bet, which sort of discounted the strong
made hands (like 77/QJ) in his range. With a draw heavy board I expect
villian to play his strong hand fast on the flop, especially when he is OOP.
(3) Your flat-calling donkey's shove under-represented your hand strength
and actually widened villian's all-in range. You played your hand as a
drawing hand in villian's eyes.
With more than $1700 in the pot and $500 to call, I will call without the
2nd thought.
发帖数: 9164
+1. will crying call after putting so much money in with 2 pairs.
I do not really like the preflop call and still prefer a fold on the flop
agaist a raise and cold call.
多想钱,少想牌。 这吃我最近打cash game 常提醒自己的。

【 在 cookieqq (Cookieqq) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 257
What's regular's hand?
the 2 pairs is pretty big hand for me based on action.
You beat tons of combo draw hands AdQd etc and I don't see regular got Qs
and Js. I put it in or wait no D or J turn to put in if in tight mode.
You got to take some risks to win big pots most time or only donks will pay
you off without rare cooler set over set hands.


【在 b*******s 的大作中提到】
: 某天玩1/2/3NL live, 先是靠桌上几个新人,两百很快到1100多.....然后一个regular
: , 300buy-in后和我抢鱼吃,一手A-A后大约有900.然后碰到这手牌...
: BB raised to 20, 4 callers, I limped in with Qh7h at button. Flop Qs7dJd. BB
: bets 25, regular raised to 60, a crazy calling station called, I tanked a
: while and made it 200. BB folded, regular tanked a long time and then called
: . Calling station shoved for about 420. I considered shove too but decided
: to just flat call since I did not know too much yet how regular plays.
: Regular tanked a long time again and then pushed all in. I was kicking
: myself for blowing this pot with mid two pairs. I asked the regular that set
: of 7 is no good? He said pot is too big already. I thought for a while and

发帖数: 13670
flop a bet, a raise, a cold call, and you are not even top 2...... will fold
most of time unless you know the players well


【在 b*******s 的大作中提到】
: 某天玩1/2/3NL live, 先是靠桌上几个新人,两百很快到1100多.....然后一个regular
: , 300buy-in后和我抢鱼吃,一手A-A后大约有900.然后碰到这手牌...
: BB raised to 20, 4 callers, I limped in with Qh7h at button. Flop Qs7dJd. BB
: bets 25, regular raised to 60, a crazy calling station called, I tanked a
: while and made it 200. BB folded, regular tanked a long time and then called
: . Calling station shoved for about 420. I considered shove too but decided
: to just flat call since I did not know too much yet how regular plays.
: Regular tanked a long time again and then pushed all in. I was kicking
: myself for blowing this pot with mid two pairs. I asked the regular that set
: of 7 is no good? He said pot is too big already. I thought for a while and

发帖数: 7793
“flop a bet, a raise, a cold call, and you are not even top 2“
while this is true, it is also a "1/4 pot" bet, raise to "3/4th" pot and a
cold call (who is a fish).


【在 p*******p 的大作中提到】
: flop a bet, a raise, a cold call, and you are not even top 2...... will fold
: most of time unless you know the players well
: regular
: BB
: called
: set
: and

发帖数: 456
Agree. I probably choose to call rather than to fold here. The hand is too
strong to fold, but too weak to raise and to play the whole stack.


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: “flop a bet, a raise, a cold call, and you are not even top 2“
: while this is true, it is also a "1/4 pot" bet, raise to "3/4th" pot and a
: cold call (who is a fish).
: fold

发帖数: 1770
since regular tank too long to call ur flop raise, i will all in after the
calling stationall in. most likely you can push the regular out. even he
called, based on current info, u should be still ahead


【在 b*******s 的大作中提到】
: 某天玩1/2/3NL live, 先是靠桌上几个新人,两百很快到1100多.....然后一个regular
: , 300buy-in后和我抢鱼吃,一手A-A后大约有900.然后碰到这手牌...
: BB raised to 20, 4 callers, I limped in with Qh7h at button. Flop Qs7dJd. BB
: bets 25, regular raised to 60, a crazy calling station called, I tanked a
: while and made it 200. BB folded, regular tanked a long time and then called
: . Calling station shoved for about 420. I considered shove too but decided
: to just flat call since I did not know too much yet how regular plays.
: Regular tanked a long time again and then pushed all in. I was kicking
: myself for blowing this pot with mid two pairs. I asked the regular that set
: of 7 is no good? He said pot is too big already. I thought for a while and

发帖数: 51
by raise to 200, you are over rep your value range.
by call 220 more after fish shoved, your value range almost shrink to QQ/JJ.
So, if I was the regular, it is an hard call for 200, but an easy shove
after you call, if he have any made hand with Q or J
If the regular have any kind of flush draw or combo draw (most likely), he
was calling 200 trying to bring in the fish, and shoving after you call 220
for value.
发帖数: 1175
Thanks a lot for the comments. The reg has QJ. The reason I called the 420
shovel was the reg took so long to call my initial 200. After he pushed
allin, I put him on QJ top two pairs. In that case my only hope was to catch
another 7, which is a two-outer. For 500 more, even though the pot is
already 1700, I think I made a good fold.
Was I out thinking too much on the reg? Hindsight I probably should fold on
the 420 raise since most likely the reg took long to get the crazy to push
allin. He told me after the hand he put me on two pairs.

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【在 q**q 的大作中提到】
: by raise to 200, you are over rep your value range.
: by call 220 more after fish shoved, your value range almost shrink to QQ/JJ.
: So, if I was the regular, it is an hard call for 200, but an easy shove
: after you call, if he have any made hand with Q or J
: If the regular have any kind of flush draw or combo draw (most likely), he
: was calling 200 trying to bring in the fish, and shoving after you call 220
: for value.

1 (共1页)
flop bottom set, led out and got raised on draw heavy boarddid i make the right fold?
两手牌what is your calling range?
Did I miss a thin river value bet there?easy fold??
哈哈,命苦不要怨政府what to do?
Is it a good move?我也贡献一手hand
What will you do ?讨论一手牌
two more hands.one hand in vegas
好久没贴啦share some hands
话题: regular话题: pot话题: bb话题: hand话题: call