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TexasHoldem版 - 这牌打得真凶..
不会打了,估计是Fish了99 heads up
一手牌 shove or fold?did i make the right fold?
这样的牌怎么打?easy fold??
Can you fold top set?这牌该怎么打?
call shove or fold?good read or bad play?
A K preflop 值不值all in?这牌怎么打?
话题: jj话题: flop话题: turn话题: fold话题: bet
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7793
他最后tank fold.. 感觉有点over play了...
大家有啥想法? 他是社么牌? 10s Js? 为啥tank fold 呢? 他应该不会把set 或A fold掉吧...
发帖数: 15860
not Ax.
not KK/QQ/JJ, TT? could be, but pre-flop only calls a short's shove, kind of
too weak.
TsJs, pre-flop too loose, flop too weak.
77/88 alike hands, he believes either you got a real hand before turn, or at
least turn A helps you.

A fold掉吧...

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 他最后tank fold.. 感觉有点over play了...
: 大家有啥想法? 他是社么牌? 10s Js? 为啥tank fold 呢? 他应该不会把set 或A fold掉吧...

发帖数: 2063
The only hand possible is TT.
JJ, He will shove you on the flop.

A fold掉吧...

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 他最后tank fold.. 感觉有点over play了...
: 大家有啥想法? 他是社么牌? 10s Js? 为啥tank fold 呢? 他应该不会把set 或A fold掉吧...

发帖数: 7793
JJ 只比1010 可能大, 或者至少一样大..

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: The only hand possible is TT.
: JJ, He will shove you on the flop.
: A fold掉吧...

发帖数: 2063
consider river is a Jack, his chance for holding JJ is very slim.
Plus holding JJ will have much more confidence than TT on those kind of

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: JJ 只比1010 可能大, 或者至少一样大..
发帖数: 7793
you are right on river of course, because the combination for JJ is 3 now
instead of 6.... but on the turn I was right "JJ 只比1010 可能大, 或者至少一
样大.." JJ and 1010 is no difference on the turn after i 4 bet the hand
preflop. If JJ has more confidence, it means JJ is more likely than 1010 to call the 4 bet and continue on flop instead of folding on flop.
发帖数: 2063
For pairs, one level up means a ton, it means you can dominate other ppl's
hand(, meanwhile other ppl's chance to dominate you is less likely). JJ are
much different from TT, especially on that flop.
If you are so confident on the turn, you should c/r him allin on the turn.
If you bet out that way on the turn, all better hands will put you allin.
However, less hands will fold.
Plus, if you bet out that way, btn guy allin, I guess you will call any way.
If that is true, you should check, and let

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: you are right on river of course, because the combination for JJ is 3 now
: instead of 6.... but on the turn I was right "JJ 只比1010 可能大, 或者至少一
: 样大.." JJ and 1010 is no difference on the turn after i 4 bet the hand
: preflop. If JJ has more confidence, it means JJ is more likely than 1010 to call the 4 bet and continue on flop instead of folding on flop.

发帖数: 7793
I understand what you are saying. Most of the time it is the case. But this
hand is a little different. The pot is exceptionally big, 60$ bet on a 160$
pot on turn. I feel I already passed the commitment threshold on flop. If
i check and he check behind, then I can be screwed by many cards on river...
it is true that he didn't look like that he has an A. But to be able to
protect my hand with a 1/3 pot bet, it is not bad. if our stack is larger
and pot is smaller, i can understand the argume

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: For pairs, one level up means a ton, it means you can dominate other ppl's
: hand(, meanwhile other ppl's chance to dominate you is less likely). JJ are
: much different from TT, especially on that flop.
: If you are so confident on the turn, you should c/r him allin on the turn.
: If you bet out that way on the turn, all better hands will put you allin.
: However, less hands will fold.
: Plus, if you bet out that way, btn guy allin, I guess you will call any way.
: If that is true, you should check, and let

1 (共1页)
flopped baby flush, got raised on the turn. what to do?call shove or fold?
说一把搞笑的牌A K preflop 值不值all in?
不会打了,估计是Fish了99 heads up
一手牌 shove or fold?did i make the right fold?
这样的牌怎么打?easy fold??
Can you fold top set?这牌该怎么打?
话题: jj话题: flop话题: turn话题: fold话题: bet