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Running版 - lows and highs, midfoot strike, and unbreakable
Stride angle, bounce, and overstride angle etc...求助,脚跟疼
Western States 100 Mile this week[合集] 7.14跑5K比赛,问题请教
【中文字幕】NHK马拉松最强军团-挑战耐力的极限我可怜的右脚 - Running Form
Is he heel strikingStride 怎么跑
本版第一魔女10X100 meters stride 怎么跑?
julian did it!世界上第一个100迈race是怎么来的。
how to run downhillTop Ten Characteristics of Good Running Form (cc)
话题: my话题: stride话题: angle话题: run话题: midfoot
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1283
had a pretty terrible long run yesterday. probably had a bit too much
whiskey saturday night, woke up at noon, took my daughter to the playground
and ended with a super meltdown, my daughter refused to enter the door and
my wife had to sit and talk to her outside our apartment for a good half
hour... my long run following that wasn't good either. I went out running 6:
30 pace, averaged about 6:50 pace for the first hour, in close to 70F
weather which is a bit too warm for me at this time of the year, having
gotten used to running in the cold all winter. After 10 miles I decided to
slow down, but despite that I felt like I was done at around 15 miles. I
could have continued but it felt like a pure struggle, just wasting energy.
So I called it a day.
My right shin was bothering me slightly and I wasn't sure if I would run
today. But I decided that now is not the time to skip a key workout, so I
went for a run by charles river in today's much cooler weather. And it felt
great. I got pulled by the fast guys along the river, and then pulled away
from them one by one. I made a conscious effort to extend my stride angle,
and focused on midfoot strike, sometimes more towards the heel, to avoid
stressing my right shin. And it felt great. I was breathing 2/2 and didn't
feel tired at all. I feel that my energy was endless, and my forms was such
that I could turn into an all out sprint at any time. I felt that I was
going at least 6:20 pace for most part. I ran for 10 miles and didn't feel
any bit tired at the end, could easily having gone another 10, it seemed.
But I knew it would be a smart thing to quit before getting tired.
After today's experience I feel that extending stride angle is definitely
more efficient for me than a high kick. And midfoot strike appears to cost
less energy than the pure forefoot.
Unrelated, I finally got to watch Unbreakable: WS 100 (thanks to Xiaolong,
Baiji and Caomuzhiren). It was thrilling to me to see how the top ultra guys
race up close, and was educational for my wife. I liked how Gordy said,
well you could always come back tomorrow, come back next time, but sometimes
, there isn't a next time. Sometimes, life gives you only one shot, and you
have to take it. My wife calls Tony Krupicka "Jesus", and says that Hal
Koerner is either metro or gay (and he married his fiancee as a cover up).
发帖数: 2912
我现在除了每周一次的Longrun尽量保证质量,剩下的workout大部分都是junk miles了


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: had a pretty terrible long run yesterday. probably had a bit too much
: whiskey saturday night, woke up at noon, took my daughter to the playground
: and ended with a super meltdown, my daughter refused to enter the door and
: my wife had to sit and talk to her outside our apartment for a good half
: hour... my long run following that wasn't good either. I went out running 6:
: 30 pace, averaged about 6:50 pace for the first hour, in close to 70F
: weather which is a bit too warm for me at this time of the year, having
: gotten used to running in the cold all winter. After 10 miles I decided to
: slow down, but despite that I felt like I was done at around 15 miles. I
: could have continued but it felt like a pure struggle, just wasting energy.

发帖数: 2120
Hey Man, your running spirit is unbreakable!-:)


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: had a pretty terrible long run yesterday. probably had a bit too much
: whiskey saturday night, woke up at noon, took my daughter to the playground
: and ended with a super meltdown, my daughter refused to enter the door and
: my wife had to sit and talk to her outside our apartment for a good half
: hour... my long run following that wasn't good either. I went out running 6:
: 30 pace, averaged about 6:50 pace for the first hour, in close to 70F
: weather which is a bit too warm for me at this time of the year, having
: gotten used to running in the cold all winter. After 10 miles I decided to
: slow down, but despite that I felt like I was done at around 15 miles. I
: could have continued but it felt like a pure struggle, just wasting energy.

发帖数: 18660
恩.good day..bad day..you are still in shape for your goal.
you are absolutely right..sometime, there isn't next time...
so just do it this time. right now


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: had a pretty terrible long run yesterday. probably had a bit too much
: whiskey saturday night, woke up at noon, took my daughter to the playground
: and ended with a super meltdown, my daughter refused to enter the door and
: my wife had to sit and talk to her outside our apartment for a good half
: hour... my long run following that wasn't good either. I went out running 6:
: 30 pace, averaged about 6:50 pace for the first hour, in close to 70F
: weather which is a bit too warm for me at this time of the year, having
: gotten used to running in the cold all winter. After 10 miles I decided to
: slow down, but despite that I felt like I was done at around 15 miles. I
: could have continued but it felt like a pure struggle, just wasting energy.

发帖数: 1866
I pretty much understand if not mistaken, that high kick you said here is
like high heel recovery behind the COM.
Can you explain what extending stride angle is, and how you do that please?


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: had a pretty terrible long run yesterday. probably had a bit too much
: whiskey saturday night, woke up at noon, took my daughter to the playground
: and ended with a super meltdown, my daughter refused to enter the door and
: my wife had to sit and talk to her outside our apartment for a good half
: hour... my long run following that wasn't good either. I went out running 6:
: 30 pace, averaged about 6:50 pace for the first hour, in close to 70F
: weather which is a bit too warm for me at this time of the year, having
: gotten used to running in the cold all winter. After 10 miles I decided to
: slow down, but despite that I felt like I was done at around 15 miles. I
: could have continued but it felt like a pure struggle, just wasting energy.

发帖数: 1283
I'm still trying to adjust to warmer weather and moving most of my run
outdoors now which also poses a higher injury risk because I have forgotten
how to run slowly outdoors (unless I'm running with someone else). I figured
that I have to work around my schedule since I'll be taking a long flight
this saturday. So essentially I'm splitting my long run this past weekend
and will be doing my next long run Friday.


【在 r********r 的大作中提到】
: 我现在除了每周一次的Longrun尽量保证质量,剩下的workout大部分都是junk miles了
: 右脚脚跟时不时疼一疼,同一只脚的趾甲也有点ingrown,都不知道怎么落地好了。。。
: playground
: 6:
: .

发帖数: 12977
hard to image what is extended stride angle without being over-stride


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: had a pretty terrible long run yesterday. probably had a bit too much
: whiskey saturday night, woke up at noon, took my daughter to the playground
: and ended with a super meltdown, my daughter refused to enter the door and
: my wife had to sit and talk to her outside our apartment for a good half
: hour... my long run following that wasn't good either. I went out running 6:
: 30 pace, averaged about 6:50 pace for the first hour, in close to 70F
: weather which is a bit too warm for me at this time of the year, having
: gotten used to running in the cold all winter. After 10 miles I decided to
: slow down, but despite that I felt like I was done at around 15 miles. I
: could have continued but it felt like a pure struggle, just wasting energy.

发帖数: 1283


I lower my center of mass and extend my knees forward. The important thing
is that when you do this you must maintain a high cadence, and so this is
only something you do when you feel fresh. At present I don't have enough
confidence to go the full marathon with this style of running. I'll probably
save it for my second half.

【在 x******9 的大作中提到】
: I pretty much understand if not mistaken, that high kick you said here is
: like high heel recovery behind the COM.
: Can you explain what extending stride angle is, and how you do that please?
: playground
: 6:
: .

发帖数: 1283
sammy wanjiru has a stride angle of 106 degree while chris solinsky has a
stride angle of 84 degree. surely sammy wasn't overstriding. you will have
to lower your center of mass.

【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: hard to image what is extended stride angle without being over-stride
: playground
: 6:
: .

发帖数: 10018
glad you like it:) you didn't wear GPS while running outdoor?


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: had a pretty terrible long run yesterday. probably had a bit too much
: whiskey saturday night, woke up at noon, took my daughter to the playground
: and ended with a super meltdown, my daughter refused to enter the door and
: my wife had to sit and talk to her outside our apartment for a good half
: hour... my long run following that wasn't good either. I went out running 6:
: 30 pace, averaged about 6:50 pace for the first hour, in close to 70F
: weather which is a bit too warm for me at this time of the year, having
: gotten used to running in the cold all winter. After 10 miles I decided to
: slow down, but despite that I felt like I was done at around 15 miles. I
: could have continued but it felt like a pure struggle, just wasting energy.

julian did it!求助,脚跟疼
今天试穿cumulus[合集] 7.14跑5K比赛,问题请教
how to run downhill我可怜的右脚 - Running Form
发帖数: 1283
I don't even know where my 305 is at the moment. I'm not sure if I have
enough motivation to find it before boston marathon.:) yesterday I was able
to know my pace because I ran a 2.5 mile loop. I actually ran the first lap
thinking "this doesn't feel all that easy, I'd better be going at sub 7 pace
", and found out that I averaged about 6:30 on the first lap.

【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: glad you like it:) you didn't wear GPS while running outdoor?
: playground
: 6:
: .

发帖数: 10018
congrats! you graduated from using a GPS!


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: I don't even know where my 305 is at the moment. I'm not sure if I have
: enough motivation to find it before boston marathon.:) yesterday I was able
: to know my pace because I ran a 2.5 mile loop. I actually ran the first lap
: thinking "this doesn't feel all that easy, I'd better be going at sub 7 pace
: ", and found out that I averaged about 6:30 on the first lap.

发帖数: 1866
Never seen him run, for some reason I think this is close to Mutu's running
style....He posted a pic of himself at the CIM finish line...


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: I don't even know where my 305 is at the moment. I'm not sure if I have
: enough motivation to find it before boston marathon.:) yesterday I was able
: to know my pace because I ran a 2.5 mile loop. I actually ran the first lap
: thinking "this doesn't feel all that easy, I'd better be going at sub 7 pace
: ", and found out that I averaged about 6:30 on the first lap.

发帖数: 4859


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: I don't even know where my 305 is at the moment. I'm not sure if I have
: enough motivation to find it before boston marathon.:) yesterday I was able
: to know my pace because I ran a 2.5 mile loop. I actually ran the first lap
: thinking "this doesn't feel all that easy, I'd better be going at sub 7 pace
: ", and found out that I averaged about 6:30 on the first lap.

发帖数: 12977
just googled and found this, very interesting:

【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: sammy wanjiru has a stride angle of 106 degree while chris solinsky has a
: stride angle of 84 degree. surely sammy wasn't overstriding. you will have
: to lower your center of mass.

发帖数: 1866
好玩儿,Ryan Hall哪天要是真的跑到106度,估计半马都死无葬身之地。。。

【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: just googled and found this, very interesting:
: http://www.somaxsports.com/photo.php?analysis=wanjiru

发帖数: 10018

【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: just googled and found this, very interesting:
: http://www.somaxsports.com/photo.php?analysis=wanjiru

发帖数: 1866

【在 x******9 的大作中提到】
: 好玩儿,Ryan Hall哪天要是真的跑到106度,估计半马都死无葬身之地。。。
发帖数: 1866

【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: 直觉告诉我这是很垃圾的"研究",青龙桥大哥有啥看法?
发帖数: 12977
Stride 怎么跑用更高的步频跑步
10X100 meters stride 怎么跑?Top Ten Characteristics of Good Running Form (cc)
世界上第一个100迈race是怎么来的。RDL 100m 比赛过程1
发帖数: 12977
发帖数: 1633
Are these snapshots taken at the moments of max stride angles?

【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: just googled and found this, very interesting:
: http://www.somaxsports.com/photo.php?analysis=wanjiru

发帖数: 12977
I guess

【在 m***g 的大作中提到】
: Are these snapshots taken at the moments of max stride angles?
发帖数: 10018
发帖数: 12977
interesting reading

【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: runners on letsrun looked at it as completely joke or BS..
: http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?thread=3714332
: http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?thread=3855642&page=
: http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?thread=4492740

发帖数: 41236
高步频加这么大的步幅, 估计得有至少4分以内的速度了吧,

【在 x******9 的大作中提到】
: 好玩儿,Ryan Hall哪天要是真的跑到106度,估计半马都死无葬身之地。。。
发帖数: 2054
看照片比较有欺骗性,偶的照片都显示是heel striker

【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: 看了wanjiru最后一次的马拉松,芝加哥马拉松最后阶段和第二名的争夺,wanjiru明显
: 大腿抬起来的角度高多了。
: 但是我引用的文章另外有一张照片提到他恰恰相反,没有overstride

发帖数: 1283
The running biomechanics is complex. Certainly more stride angle doesn't
always mean better, faster running. Taking anything to the extreme will
backfire. On the other hand, I'm sure for some runners, especially crappy
hobby runners with no flexibility like myself, more stride angle could be
used. There is no overstriding issue as long as a good cadence and midfoot/
forefoot strike is maintained. I certainly feel that I get a bigger stride
angle when I run 6 min pace or under on the treadmill, my hips stretching
out, in a way that feels good.

【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: runners on letsrun looked at it as completely joke or BS..
: http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?thread=3714332
: http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?thread=3855642&page=
: http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?thread=4492740

发帖数: 1215
Somehow overstriding with big angle are always heel strikers, which cost
lots of energy.

【在 M*****a 的大作中提到】
: 看照片比较有欺骗性,偶的照片都显示是heel striker
发帖数: 2054

【在 J*******1 的大作中提到】
: Somehow overstriding with big angle are always heel strikers, which cost
: lots of energy.

RDL 100m 比赛过程3Western States 100 Mile this week
RDL 100m 比赛过程5【中文字幕】NHK马拉松最强军团-挑战耐力的极限
Stride angle, bounce, and overstride angle etc...Is he heel striking
发帖数: 1283
first let me clarify that I was talking about stride angle, not strike angle
. The two have nothing to do with each other. large stride angle has little
to do with overstriding or not.
also, it is not clear that heel striking costs more energy. The problem with
heel striking is risk of injury, not efficiency.

【在 J*******1 的大作中提到】
: Somehow overstriding with big angle are always heel strikers, which cost
: lots of energy.

发帖数: 2054
somax那个stride angle我去年就觉得是做广告的。。。
heel striker并不有害,主要很多人Heel striker的时候腿伸的直直的,比如我。。。
flat landing我觉得有点儿像heel striker


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: first let me clarify that I was talking about stride angle, not strike angle
: . The two have nothing to do with each other. large stride angle has little
: to do with overstriding or not.
: also, it is not clear that heel striking costs more energy. The problem with
: heel striking is risk of injury, not efficiency.

发帖数: 1215
Good to you. It seems that you more like cooler weather. Needa watar in 70F+
. ;)


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: had a pretty terrible long run yesterday. probably had a bit too much
: whiskey saturday night, woke up at noon, took my daughter to the playground
: and ended with a super meltdown, my daughter refused to enter the door and
: my wife had to sit and talk to her outside our apartment for a good half
: hour... my long run following that wasn't good either. I went out running 6:
: 30 pace, averaged about 6:50 pace for the first hour, in close to 70F
: weather which is a bit too warm for me at this time of the year, having
: gotten used to running in the cold all winter. After 10 miles I decided to
: slow down, but despite that I felt like I was done at around 15 miles. I
: could have continued but it felt like a pure struggle, just wasting energy.

发帖数: 1215
cool. I had same feeling once I tried 6 min pace Sprint, down the hill.
Exactly same feelings as you said, hips stretching out, heard "so so so ",
the wind. ;)

【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: The running biomechanics is complex. Certainly more stride angle doesn't
: always mean better, faster running. Taking anything to the extreme will
: backfire. On the other hand, I'm sure for some runners, especially crappy
: hobby runners with no flexibility like myself, more stride angle could be
: used. There is no overstriding issue as long as a good cadence and midfoot/
: forefoot strike is maintained. I certainly feel that I get a bigger stride
: angle when I run 6 min pace or under on the treadmill, my hips stretching
: out, in a way that feels good.

发帖数: 1866
I have been always taught/told to do (1) and to avoid (2) given the same
stride angle. (2) is a sign of overpushing, and people say it hurts turnover
and costs more energy to swing a further outreaching back leg to the front
of body. For (2), overstriding may/maynot occur it is a more individualized
issue seems. Larger stride angle may be just a result of good running form,
strength, flexibility, correct force apply to the ground.... but may not be
something that we want to consciously pursue...
I must be wrong like before, always
发帖数: 1283
One can adapt to the heat by training in the heat. And yes, water is
necessary at 70F+ for me.


【在 J*******1 的大作中提到】
: Good to you. It seems that you more like cooler weather. Needa watar in 70F+
: . ;)
: playground
: 6:
: .

发帖数: 1283
one man's medicine could be another man's poison. also, the kind of
adjustment I was talking about is a small and subtle one, and may not even
be visible to the spectator. it could make some run better, make others run
worse. I know it works for me, but it may not work for you. for those of us
chasing PRs, 1% or 2% improvement would still be huge.


【在 x******9 的大作中提到】
: I have been always taught/told to do (1) and to avoid (2) given the same
: stride angle. (2) is a sign of overpushing, and people say it hurts turnover
: and costs more energy to swing a further outreaching back leg to the front
: of body. For (2), overstriding may/maynot occur it is a more individualized
: issue seems. Larger stride angle may be just a result of good running form,
: strength, flexibility, correct force apply to the ground.... but may not be
: something that we want to consciously pursue...
: I must be wrong like before, always

发帖数: 1866


【在 L***0 的大作中提到】
: one man's medicine could be another man's poison. also, the kind of
: adjustment I was talking about is a small and subtle one, and may not even
: be visible to the spectator. it could make some run better, make others run
: worse. I know it works for me, but it may not work for you. for those of us
: chasing PRs, 1% or 2% improvement would still be huge.
: turnover
: front
: individualized
: ,

发帖数: 41236
嗯,一般不是说要run tall, 不要run low么, 虽然我以前跑跑步机


【在 x******9 的大作中提到】
: I have been always taught/told to do (1) and to avoid (2) given the same
: stride angle. (2) is a sign of overpushing, and people say it hurts turnover
: and costs more energy to swing a further outreaching back leg to the front
: of body. For (2), overstriding may/maynot occur it is a more individualized
: issue seems. Larger stride angle may be just a result of good running form,
: strength, flexibility, correct force apply to the ground.... but may not be
: something that we want to consciously pursue...
: I must be wrong like before, always

1 (共1页)
Top Ten Characteristics of Good Running Form (cc)本版第一魔女
RDL 100m 比赛过程1julian did it!
RDL 100m 比赛过程3今天试穿cumulus
RDL 100m 比赛过程5how to run downhill
Stride angle, bounce, and overstride angle etc...求助,脚跟疼
Western States 100 Mile this week[合集] 7.14跑5K比赛,问题请教
【中文字幕】NHK马拉松最强军团-挑战耐力的极限我可怜的右脚 - Running Form
Is he heel strikingStride 怎么跑
话题: my话题: stride话题: angle话题: run话题: midfoot