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JobHunting版 - Got an offer
关于程序设计语言的讨论:通天塔导游怎么找 the ISI Web of Knowledge ranking of journals
如果编程语言是车的话 (转载)如果编程语言是车的话
C++疑问:Animal a,Animal* a,哪种访问方式快问问学计算机的同学、家长们,现在还有人学PASCAL吗 (转载)
where we can get C runtime libary source code微软的SDE居然不需要会C++ 和 data structure!? (转载)
问个简历问题, 工科PHD简历到底写一页还是二页天天泡网是不是很可怜?
恭喜几道面试题和一位铁杆果轮度过了愉快的一上午 (转载)
G家mapreduce一道题[Mac Dev]整了个ObjectiveC的笔记,看看气氛对得上不
话题: c++话题: page话题: resume话题: job话题: list
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
Hi, all:
Just received the offer letter. This board helps me a lot when I start for job
hunting. Hope this post can also help those after me.
2 year working experience at Beijing in a US company
Fresh master in CS from an univ. ranked bad
My resume has 2 page. The first page list my objective, skills, education and
working experience. Second page list course project, research project and
publication. I feel it does not matter to have a resume with 2 page. It will
do you good
发帖数: 2
Hi, all:
Just received the offer letter. This board helps me a lot when I start for job
hunting. Hope this post can also help those after me.
2 year working experience at Beijing in a US company
Fresh master in CS from an univ. ranked bad
My resume has 2 page. The first page list my objective, skills, education and
working experience. Second page list course project, research project and
publication. I feel it does not matter to have a resume with 2 page. It will
do you good to be as complete as you can in your resume. The important thing
is the layout. I listed all those section important for job hunting in the
first page.
Prepare for interview:
I think job hunting is very good chance to learn sth.
You may identify your strong point and try to sharp it. Try to be as
knowledgable as you can.The interviewer will not expect you to impress him on
every skill the job requires. But we get to have something that can
distinguish ourselves.
You may also have to learn something new depending on the job. This is a good
opportunity to learn it since you are highly motivated. And this may pay back
in other interviews. At least this is case for me.
Some books in OO programming:
Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and Smalltalk: examine the fundamental
concepts in OO and a managable ,yet very good, material on C++.
Effective C++: very good if you want to improve your C++ skills after you get
familiar with the basic C++ language features.
More effective C++: really advanced!
Effective STL
The standard C library by P.J. Plauger
The draft standard C++ libary by P.J. Plauger
The C++ standard template library by P.J. Plauger
C++ FAQ: a faq book on C++ (you can get FAQ over a lot of topics at
Some resource on OO design:
www.patterndigest.com: a complete list of design patterns
发帖数: 34


【在 w****d 的大作中提到】
: Hi, all:
: Just received the offer letter. This board helps me a lot when I start for job
: hunting. Hope this post can also help those after me.
: Background:
: 2 year working experience at Beijing in a US company
: Fresh master in CS from an univ. ranked bad
: Resume:
: My resume has 2 page. The first page list my objective, skills, education and
: working experience. Second page list course project, research project and
: publication. I feel it does not matter to have a resume with 2 page. It will

发帖数: 147
发帖数: 535
1 (共1页)
[Mac Dev]整了个ObjectiveC的笔记,看看气氛对得上不新手问个OOD的问题
请教个问题:Apple为什么抓着Objective C不放?问个简历问题, 工科PHD简历到底写一页还是二页
和一位铁杆果轮度过了愉快的一上午 (转载)G家mapreduce一道题
关于程序设计语言的讨论:通天塔导游怎么找 the ISI Web of Knowledge ranking of journals
如果编程语言是车的话 (转载)如果编程语言是车的话
C++疑问:Animal a,Animal* a,哪种访问方式快问问学计算机的同学、家长们,现在还有人学PASCAL吗 (转载)
where we can get C runtime libary source code微软的SDE居然不需要会C++ 和 data structure!? (转载)
话题: c++话题: page话题: resume话题: job话题: list