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Fitness版 - How much strength will I lose if I do that?
完美身材从现在开始创造 - 5/7/2007关于减肥
腹肌到底能不能天天练超牛逼的腹肌work out
再说sit up, crunch想把身材再练紧一点,该做些什么
[合集] 再说sit up, crunch推荐P90x和insanity power training
[合集] 也说crunchPush up & 皱纹
请推荐简单方便的core strength 和 lower back muscle 的exercise昨晚一不小心在电视上看了一下Insanity的广告片
SIX STAR MUSCLE 的产品怎么样P90x太枯燥了
话题: strength话题: your话题: fat话题: do话题: p90x
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 610
Just finish my first 5x5 routine,barely
bench 225
squat 255
deadlift 275
The problem is body fat rockets high to 20%, due to lack of diet control and
cold winter..i need that fat to keep warm..i know it's just excuse..
anyway, I am starting to take P90X to shake those fat off my body, and plan
to try insanity after P90x if everything goes well (probably not so that's
just plan), which could amounts to 6 months fat-cut oriented training. My
question is will that significantly affect my strength level? Since I want
to go back to 5x5 after the fat cut phase, will I lose too much strength if
I do that, for example drop my squat to 185 after half year?
发帖数: 210
Your raw strength depends mostly on how much muscles you have and your CNS -
to what percentage and how hard you can activate your muscles.
So the answer to your question comes down how to keep your muscles and CNS
level while on a cutting phase. It is cliche but that depends on your diet
and training.
Diet wise, you need to keep your protein intake high (1-1.2g per lb is the
consensus) even if you are on a caloric deficit diet. Training wise, in
addition to P90x style training I believe you need to add training sessions
to lift heavy. At least once weekly, work out your major muscles to the max
with low volume, low rep, high intensity training.
My personal experience is that you can have minimum strength loss while
cutting if you get your diet and training dialed in.


【在 t***k 的大作中提到】
: Just finish my first 5x5 routine,barely
: bench 225
: squat 255
: deadlift 275
: The problem is body fat rockets high to 20%, due to lack of diet control and
: cold winter..i need that fat to keep warm..i know it's just excuse..
: anyway, I am starting to take P90X to shake those fat off my body, and plan
: to try insanity after P90x if everything goes well (probably not so that's
: just plan), which could amounts to 6 months fat-cut oriented training. My
: question is will that significantly affect my strength level? Since I want

发帖数: 610
Thanks for the reminding!
forgot those old school principles for a long time..
maybe arrange the heavey weight lifting session in the middle or end of week
, when p90x is not intense.
but when p90x gets taxing, ex after 4 weeks into phase 2, heavy weight
lifting might be difficult to carry out, i guess at that point it's time to
make decision, and i probably will choose fat burn over muscle gain.. too
tired of fat
i will try to eat a lot of protein, although not sure if can keep 1g/lb,
that's a lot! never eat that much, except using whey protein.


【在 J***n 的大作中提到】
: Your raw strength depends mostly on how much muscles you have and your CNS -
: to what percentage and how hard you can activate your muscles.
: So the answer to your question comes down how to keep your muscles and CNS
: level while on a cutting phase. It is cliche but that depends on your diet
: and training.
: Diet wise, you need to keep your protein intake high (1-1.2g per lb is the
: consensus) even if you are on a caloric deficit diet. Training wise, in
: addition to P90x style training I believe you need to add training sessions
: to lift heavy. At least once weekly, work out your major muscles to the max
: with low volume, low rep, high intensity training.

发帖数: 26270
发帖数: 610
i eat half pound of fried egg/egg white/cheesed egg at morning, how much
protein is that? maybe 15 ?
usually 15g at morning + 30g at lunch + 30g at dinner = 75g protein, but
that is just rough number, never count them right..
150-160g of protein for you? i think it is a bit of too much.. that is 1.5g/
1lb, even semi-professional guys don't really take that much, I remember
warren wang(big niu article listed at the top of this board) only took 80g a
day.. that amount of protein will add heavy load to your kidney.
i am sure you don't need to sell that kidney for an iphone, but you still
need that kidney right? :)

【在 p*********l 的大作中提到】
: 你要是光少吃,不调结构,蛋白质不够,肌肉损失会很明显的
: 最近半年我100-109磅,每天吃150-180克蛋白质,只有1勺蛋白粉

发帖数: 26270
you need to do your own homework, buddy!

【在 t***k 的大作中提到】
: i eat half pound of fried egg/egg white/cheesed egg at morning, how much
: protein is that? maybe 15 ?
: usually 15g at morning + 30g at lunch + 30g at dinner = 75g protein, but
: that is just rough number, never count them right..
: 150-160g of protein for you? i think it is a bit of too much.. that is 1.5g/
: 1lb, even semi-professional guys don't really take that much, I remember
: warren wang(big niu article listed at the top of this board) only took 80g a
: day.. that amount of protein will add heavy load to your kidney.
: i am sure you don't need to sell that kidney for an iphone, but you still
: need that kidney right? :)

发帖数: 610
hate homework but will do..

【在 p*********l 的大作中提到】
: you need to do your own homework, buddy!
: myfitnesspal.com

发帖数: 610
half pound egg = 30g of protein ..
发帖数: 210
As a matter of fact, current research shows high protein intake does not
really damage your kidneys, provided you have a pair of healthy kidneys to
begin with, just like dietary cholesterol intake alone (like from egg yolks)
does not affect your blood cholesterol level much at all if you do not have
cholesterol risk factors.
See, it is just too easy to make such seemingly correct connections. Since
you need kidneys to process whatever leftover from processing proteins, high
protein intake must be bad for kidneys. It make them work more right? And
since your eat in cholesterol from food and food makes you you, your blood
cholesterol must be associated with dietary cholesterol right? It is not
unlike the believe of 'you are what you eat' from our ancestors.
Allow me to digress a bit. There are people insist you really should not do
sit-ups or crunches since our spine is a piece of mechanism anyway, made of
bones of muscle fibers. There must be limit say 1 million times you can bend
your spines like when you do your crunches. They insist you will end us
with back issues when you are older if you do daily crunches.
I guess you need to think critically when some information are provided to
you, even if they are seemly obvious. Are those actual facts or just myths.
See, I almost believed them when I was told as an early teenager that you
should not, you know, jerk off too much as you can only ejaculate so and so
many times in life. You will end up having problems when you meet actual
girls later in your life. But then, I was like, how the heck do you know
that as a fact? Any research or statistics on that? NO WAY! That's when I
started to form the habit of critical thinking.... :)


【在 t***k 的大作中提到】
: i eat half pound of fried egg/egg white/cheesed egg at morning, how much
: protein is that? maybe 15 ?
: usually 15g at morning + 30g at lunch + 30g at dinner = 75g protein, but
: that is just rough number, never count them right..
: 150-160g of protein for you? i think it is a bit of too much.. that is 1.5g/
: 1lb, even semi-professional guys don't really take that much, I remember
: warren wang(big niu article listed at the top of this board) only took 80g a
: day.. that amount of protein will add heavy load to your kidney.
: i am sure you don't need to sell that kidney for an iphone, but you still
: need that kidney right? :)

发帖数: 2829
jerk-off leads to critical thinking. How awesome is that?


【在 J***n 的大作中提到】
: As a matter of fact, current research shows high protein intake does not
: really damage your kidneys, provided you have a pair of healthy kidneys to
: begin with, just like dietary cholesterol intake alone (like from egg yolks)
: does not affect your blood cholesterol level much at all if you do not have
: cholesterol risk factors.
: See, it is just too easy to make such seemingly correct connections. Since
: you need kidneys to process whatever leftover from processing proteins, high
: protein intake must be bad for kidneys. It make them work more right? And
: since your eat in cholesterol from food and food makes you you, your blood
: cholesterol must be associated with dietary cholesterol right? It is not

[合集] 也说crunch新人请教如何练腹部
请推荐简单方便的core strength 和 lower back muscle 的exercise关于减肥
SIX STAR MUSCLE 的产品怎么样超牛逼的腹肌work out
发帖数: 26270


【在 t***k 的大作中提到】
: i eat half pound of fried egg/egg white/cheesed egg at morning, how much
: protein is that? maybe 15 ?
: usually 15g at morning + 30g at lunch + 30g at dinner = 75g protein, but
: that is just rough number, never count them right..
: 150-160g of protein for you? i think it is a bit of too much.. that is 1.5g/
: 1lb, even semi-professional guys don't really take that much, I remember
: warren wang(big niu article listed at the top of this board) only took 80g a
: day.. that amount of protein will add heavy load to your kidney.
: i am sure you don't need to sell that kidney for an iphone, but you still
: need that kidney right? :)

发帖数: 610
Calm down, 教条是不对滴,哥喝过的蛋白粉比你吃过的饭还多,all natural and
listen to ur body 也是pt说的

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

【在 p*********l 的大作中提到】
: 1克/磅是减肥的蛋白质底线,不然肌肉花花的掉
: 1.5-2克/磅是增肌的蛋白质,很多人吃到2克以上
: 你常识差太远了,姐没工夫跟你磨
: 5g/
: a

发帖数: 26270

【在 t***k 的大作中提到】
: Calm down, 教条是不对滴,哥喝过的蛋白粉比你吃过的饭还多,all natural and
: listen to ur body 也是pt说的
: 哥的训练要开始了,不和你唠叨了
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

发帖数: 610

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

【在 p*********l 的大作中提到】
: 我才喝一勺粉/day,其他都是吃的肉蛋奶
: 你喝伤了肾,那你就怪自己基因不好算啦
: 你也许资历老点,可是连一个鸡蛋几克蛋白质都不知道,说你常识差有什么不对的吗?
: 我基本上不吃米饭,所以即使你喝过的蛋白粉比我吃过的饭还多,也没神马了不起的

发帖数: 26270

【在 t***k 的大作中提到】
: 看把你急的,哥真没空和你计较
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

发帖数: 26270
提个建议:你要是以cut为目的而且对自己的fitness level比较有信心的话,直接做
Insanity,p90x可能对你太弱了... 同时坚持做weight,防止力量下滑。热量要控制,
发帖数: 1485
就象去墨西哥旅游,或者吃地摊小吃,或者开车ROAD RAGE竖指头,看你愿意担多大的


【在 J***n 的大作中提到】
: As a matter of fact, current research shows high protein intake does not
: really damage your kidneys, provided you have a pair of healthy kidneys to
: begin with, just like dietary cholesterol intake alone (like from egg yolks)
: does not affect your blood cholesterol level much at all if you do not have
: cholesterol risk factors.
: See, it is just too easy to make such seemingly correct connections. Since
: you need kidneys to process whatever leftover from processing proteins, high
: protein intake must be bad for kidneys. It make them work more right? And
: since your eat in cholesterol from food and food makes you you, your blood
: cholesterol must be associated with dietary cholesterol right? It is not

1 (共1页)
P90x太枯燥了[合集] 再说sit up, crunch
[合集] 推荐P90x和insanity power training[合集] 也说crunch
下了P90X的mp4请推荐简单方便的core strength 和 lower back muscle 的exercise
到底啥是P90???一堆光盘??SIX STAR MUSCLE 的产品怎么样
完美身材从现在开始创造 - 5/7/2007关于减肥
腹肌到底能不能天天练超牛逼的腹肌work out
再说sit up, crunch想把身材再练紧一点,该做些什么
话题: strength话题: your话题: fat话题: do话题: p90x