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发帖数: 4718
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: iviva (not again), 信区: USANews
标 题: 实例对比美国警察是否更倾向枪杀嫌疑犯
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 9 10:30:41 2016, 美东)
男子持杀猪刀追砍路人 警察开枪将其制服
他们到达现场后,看到汪某光着膀子手持杀猪刀将一辆麻木车拦住,他用刀将车挡风玻... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8922
来自主题: Military版 - 五角大楼声明:事先通知过俄方
Pentagon Spokesman Captain Jeff Davis issued a statement in which he
confirmed that US officials warned Russian counterparts ahead of the strikes
over a "deconfliction line".
Here's an excerpt from his statement, and
The strike was conducted using Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAMs)
launched from the destroyers USS Porter and USS Ross in the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea. A total of 59 TLAMs targeted aircraft, hardened aircraft
shelters, petroleum and logistical storage, ammunition supply bunkers,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2730
来自主题: Military版 - 中国对美国打击叙利亚表示理解
Briefing by Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Mnuchin, and Secretary Ross on
President Trump's Meetings with President Xi of China
Tideline Resort and Spa
Palm Beach, Florida
3:58 P.M. EDT
MR. SPICER: Hi, guys. So this is being streamed back to both the Tideline,
as well as the White House.
Obviously, today the President was very pleased with the outcomes of today’
s meeting. I wanted to give you guys a quick readout, so today I’ve
brought three of the top participa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1161
Instead of Launching a Missile, North Korea Throws a Party
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea marked its government’s 69th anniversary
not with another missile test, as many had feared, but with a gala party for
the scientists involved in carrying out the country’s most powerful
nuclear test yet last week, the state-run news media reported on Sunday.
The country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, celebrated the national holiday on
Saturday by bringing his nuclear sc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20965
来自主题: Military版 - 楼45
The Mitutoyo Case: Will Japan Learn from Its Mistakes or Repeat Them?
In the last few years, a number of Japanese companies have been implicated
in export control violations that have highlighted deficiencies in Tokyo's
ability to control the spread of sensitive dual-use technologies. One of the
most prominent and egregious cases is that of the Mitutoyo Corporation, a
leading precision measuring device manufacturer. The charges in this case
revolved around the illegal transfer of fi... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 用drone暗杀的可能性
你只顾舔屁股, 没有看到你白爹杀人是最牛逼的,
the researchers' latest attempt to build support for a global ban on
autonomous weapon systems, which kill without meaningful human control.
They released the video to coincide with meetings the United Nations'
Convention on Conventional Weapons is holding this week in Geneva,
Switzerland, to discuss autonomous weapons.
"We have an opportunity to prevent the future you just saw, but the window
to act is closing fast... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
China just tested the world’s most powerful naval gun, and US intelligence
says it will be ready for warfare by 2025
Amanda Macias
China tested the world’s most powerful naval gun earlier this month and it
’s expected to enter China’s arsenal by 2025, according to sources with
direct knowledge of a U.S. intelligence report.
The warship-mounted electromagnetic railgun was first seen in 2011 and
under... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 807
来自主题: Military2版 - F-22 Assertions and Facts
read between the lines,you can figure out what it means.
Assertion: F-22 production uses a shim line and national spreading of
suppliers has cut quality, thus the F-22 lacks interchangeable parts.
Fact: The F-22 does not have a shim line. During the earliest stages of
production while tooling was undergoing development, there were a few
aircraft with slight differences which were subsequently modified. The F-22
supplier base is the best in the industry, as demonstrated by the aircraft’
s high qu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12923

孤陋寡闻了吧 哈哈
Last week we showed you this photo I took of a mysterious missile that
Boeing had on display at the Surface Navy Association’s annual
convention just outside of DC.
I had never seen, or heard of, this missile before and no one at
Boeing’s booth could talk about the weapon. Well, a spokeswoman with
Boeing’s Phantom Works division just emailed me to explain that the
Joint Air-Breathing Multi-Role Missile (JABMM) is being designed for use
by the Navy’s Littoral Combat ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 62
听没听说过1994-2004 Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB)?这十年间,克林顿政府(
猪党,左逼)颁发律令,a United States federal law that included a
prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic
firearms it defined as assault weapons, as well as certain ammunition
magazines it defined as "large capacity."
另外,你认为以美国的枪支文化和现在的持枪状况,禁了assault weapons(不是你说的
一种!)和large capacity magazine, 就有可能禁所... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 62
”?按照你的逻辑,如果禁了所有的原子弹,还是有mass killing怎么办(事实上任然
通过目前所有回帖来看,像你这样死不承认assault weapons和larger capacity
magazin对mass shooting带来的严重性的人,根本毫无道理、逻辑可言,我之所以还回
1994-2004的Federal AWB,是禁止新的assualt weapons的生产和出售,在其法律生效前
的assault weapons不属于禁止系列。而且AWB禁止的也只是部分类型的assaut weapon,
具体自己可以wiki.因此基于这10年的mass shooting 数据并不是真正的“禁了所有的
步枪”。但是我们仍然可以借鉴看看禁止部分assault weapons对于mass shooting的影
响。下面这张图是你自己帖子里... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3630
Gun politics in Switzerland are unique in Europe. The vast majority of men
between the ages of 20 and 34 are conscripted into the militia and undergo
military training, including weapons training. The personal weapons of the
militia can be kept at home as part of the military service. However, it is
generally not permitted to keep army-issued ammunition, but compatible
ammunition purchased for privately owned guns is permitted. At the end of
military service period ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3365
Imagine flying from New York to London in under an hour
By Mike Mount, CNN Senior National Security Producer
Perhaps Han Solo said it best in Star Wars when, describing his hyper-fast
smuggling spaceship the Millennium Falcon, he said, "It may not look like
much, but it's got it where it counts."
While the Air Force might take exception to being likened to the Falcon, in
reality the platypus-nosed X-51A Waverider hypersonic flight t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3150
Russia will use nukes in case of a strike – official
Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has warned that Russia will use nuclear
weapons if it comes under an attack, adding that this possibility serves as
the main deterrent to potential provocateurs and aggressors.
“One can experiment as long as one wishes by deploying non-nuclear warheads
on strategic missile carriers. But one should keep in mind that if there is
an attack against us, we ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Fred Lucas
November 1, 2011

(CNSNews.com) – Making a case for national gun registration, Sen. Dianne
Feinstein (D-Calif.) said “perhaps mistakes were made” in the botched gun-
walking program known as Fast and Furious, but she said trying to assign
blame misses the larger problem.
“This is a deep concern for me. I know others disagree, but we have very
lax laws when it comes to guns,” Feinstein, an advocate of gun control,
said during Tuesday's hearing of the Senate Judiciary Subcommitte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
November 13, 2012
As our Lady Liberty reported yesterday, General Petraeus’ alleged mistress,
Paula Broadwell, told an audience last month that the American CIA was
using the Benghazi annex of the US Consulate to detain al-Qaeda prisoners
from Libya as well as from other areas in Africa. The CIA has denied these
claims of course, but Fox News is now reporting that independent sources
have confirmed that the CIA had been holding at least three Libyans prisoner
in the annex “for days” before the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Iranian Scientists Looking at “Nuclear Explosive Yield” for Mostly
Peaceful Bomb
by Jammie
Remember, they’re just developing nuclear capabilities for peaceful
purposes. So hey, why not let them have a bomb?
Iranian scientists have run computer simulations for a nuclear weapon
that would produce more than triple the explosive force of the World War II
bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, according to a diagram obtained by The
Associated Press.
The diagram was leaked by officials from a country ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
January 2, 2013 by Warner Todd Huston
Joshua Boston, a retired Corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps, has a message
for Senator Dianne Feinstein (D, CA) concerning her newest gun banning bill.
Corporal Boston says, “No Ma’Am.”
Boston posted an open letter to Senator Feinstein at CNN’s ireport site on
December 27 to let DiFi know that he, at least, would not submit to the
government denuding him of his Second Amendment rights.
Boston informed Sen. Feinstein that he will not register his weapons nor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - No one needs ten bullets to kill a deer
January 9, 2013 by Baron Von Ottomatic
So sayeth New York Governor Andrew “Son of Mario” Cuomo in his State of
the State speech today as he railed against the semi-automatic rifles with a
detachable magazine politicians refer to as assault weapons and high-
capacity magazines used in said assault weapons and many modern handguns.
As much as I hate to agree with anything spouted by the gun-grabber high
command, it’s very tough for me to find fault in that statement. No one
should need ten bul... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Bill Clinton Whopper: 'Half of All Mass Killings in the U.S. Have Occurred
Since the Assault Weapons Ban Expired in 2005'
By Tom Blumer | January 14, 2013 | 09:43
Tom Blumer's picture
While it's not exactly news when former President Bill Clinton fails to tell
the truth (after all, the first count on which he was impeached concerned
his lying under oath in grand jury testimony), a whopper he hauled out at
the Consumer Electronics show last Wednesday concerning gun violence was so
over t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Obama Pushes Syria Intervention with Same Argument He Ignores on Iran »
President Obama has turned to Congress to save him from staggering political
isolation on the global stage. It is an isolation that is the inverse of
the promise of a passionate and reciprocal multilateral embrace that carried
him into office.
Asking Republicans to rescue him from a foreign policy catastrophe entirely
of his own making is not a neat political trick. It dramatically cheapens
the office of commander-in-ch... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4140
President Putin Did the Right Thing on Syria Crisis
Wang Limin
Syria is an independent country, and should have her rights to have her
weapons. While some countries like the United States can have all kinds of
weapons and were able to use them at the U.S. will, why Syria can not keep
her chemical weapons as a deterrent against invasion?
Bring up the solid evidences about the chemical weapons used on August 21,
2013 first. Not all countries around the Earth are full of idiots or bigots... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Noel Sheppard | September 15, 2013 | 11:00
CNN’s Candy Crowley did her best Hillary Clinton Sunday.
During a State of the Union discussion about the American-Russian agreement
concerning Syria, Crowley asked a skeptical Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.
), "Who cares" that "Russia got the diplomatic edge?" (video follows with
transcript and commentary):
CANDY CROWLEY, HOST: I'm joined now by Mike Rogers, he is chairman of
the House Intelligence Committee. What do you think of the plan?
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Mike McCaul said Wednesday’s tragedy at Fort Hood is another reminder that
members of the military should be able to carry concealed weapons on base.
“I personally think, if you’re trained for combat, you ought to be able to
carry a weapon,” the Texas Republican said on Fox News’s “The Kelly File
” on Wednesday night in the wake of the shooting that left four dead and
more than a dozen injure at the Texas military base.
A bill to that effect has been introduced in Congress but has not gone
anywh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Peter Lee
Lee, a physicist born in China who worked at the Los Alamos National
Laboratory and later for TRW Inc., pleaded guilty to lying on security-
clearance forms and passing classified national-defense information to
Chinese scientists on business trips to Beijing.[29] He compromised
classified weapons information, microwave submarine-detection technology and
other national-defense data,[4] and the Department of Energy later
concluded that his disclosure of classified information "was of si... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Terrorist Arrests in Germany, Belgium; Nine Warning Signs Ignored; Could
Attacks Have Been Prevented?
In the wake of the terrorist activity in Paris that killed close to 150
people in eight separate attacks, the Investigation Widens to Germany and
Three Key Developments
● Belgium charges two men in connection with the Paris attacks
● Germany arrests five people in a town close to the Belgian border
● France has authorized the distribution of an antidote for nerve gas
The investigati... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2249
来自主题: USANews版 - SANDERS以色列政策
I was invited along with other presidential candidates to be at the AIPAC
conference in Washington, but obviously I could not make it because we are
The issues that AIPAC is dealing with are very important issues and I wanted
to give the same speech here as I would have given if we were at that
Let me begin by saying that I think I am probably the only candidate for
president who has personal ties with Israel. I spe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4718
男子持杀猪刀追砍路人 警察开枪将其制服
拔出枪鸣了两枪警示。但是,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: USANews版 - 枪手用的是bump stocks
AP: Las Vegas shooter had devices allowing gun to fire like an automatic
The man who unleashed hundreds of rounds of gunfire on a crowd of
concertgoers in Las Vegas had two accessories that could have allowed his
semi-automatic rifles to fire rapidly and continuously, as if they were
fully automatic weapons, officials said.
Though legally and widely available, the so-called "bump stocks" have
attracted scrutiny from authorities and lawmakers in recent years.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
Is Japan's Elite Hiding A Weapons
Program Inside Nuclear Plants?
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Confused and often conflicting reports out of Fukushima 1 nuclear plant
cannot be solely the result of tsunami-caused breakdowns, bungling or
miscommunication. Inexplicable delays and half-baked explanations from Tokyo
Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI) seem to be driven by some unspoken factor.
The smoke and mirrors at Fukushima 1 seem to obscure a steady... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4140
President Putin Did the Right Thing on Syria Crisis
Wang Limin
Syria is an independent country, and should have her rights to have her
weapons. While some countries like the United States can have all kinds of
weapons and were able to use them at the U.S. will, why Syria can not keep
her chemical weapons as a deterrent against invasion?
Bring up the solid evidences about the chemical weapons used on August 21,
2013 first. Not all countries around the Earth are full of idiots or bigots... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
Is Japan Hiding A Weapons Program Inside Nuclear Plants?
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Confused and often conflicting reports out of Fukushima 1 nuclear plant
cannot be solely the result of tsunami-caused breakdowns, bungling or
miscommunication. Inexplicable delays and half-baked explanations from Tokyo
Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI) seem to be driven by some unspoken factor.
The smoke and mirrors at Fukushima 1 seem to obscure a steady purpose... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 132
we petition the obama administration to:
Seriously, respectfully and quickly work to end the violence committed by
assault weapons.
There are classes of weapons that are specifically designed to kill people.
These weapons continue to be used to their terrible full potential on
innocent men, women and children. Regardless of your politics, one thing we
sh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6276
Afghanistan Veteran-13611483 days ago:
The only justification for anyone to fire a weapon in this type of situation
is when that person has a reasonable belief that they face a risk of death
of grievous bodily harm, or that someone else faces a risk of death or
grievous bodily harm. These parameters are expanded for law enforcement to
include stopping the flight of a dangerous criminal, and for the military to
include protection of sensitive equipment or information.
The training for use of let... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
Is Japan's Elite Hiding A Weapons
Program Inside Nuclear Plants?
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Confused and often conflicting reports out of Fukushima 1 nuclear plant
cannot be solely the result of tsunami-caused breakdowns, bungling or
miscommunication. Inexplicable delays and half-baked explanations from Tokyo
Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI) seem to be driven by some unspoken factor.
The smoke and mirrors at Fukushima 1 seem to obscure a steady... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
China Says U.S. Should Give Syria's Assad 'an Opportunity to Explain' Before
Trump Attacks
Newsweek Tom O’Connor,Newsweek 19 hours ago
China has urged the U.S. not to take military action against the forces of
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who some Western governments and their
allies have accused of a chemical weapons attack that Beijing said remains
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told reporters his government
was "regretful" after competing U.N. Security Coun... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6276
Afghanistan Veteran-13611483 days ago:
The only justification for anyone to fire a weapon in this type of situation
is when that person has a reasonable belief that they face a risk of death
of grievous bodily harm, or that someone else faces a risk of death or
grievous bodily harm. These parameters are expanded for law enforcement to
include stopping the flight of a dangerous criminal, and for the military to
include protection of sensitive equipment or information.
The training for use of let... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6276
Afghanistan Veteran-13611483 days ago:
The only justification for anyone to fire a weapon in this type of situation
is when that person has a reasonable belief that they face a risk of death
of grievous bodily harm, or that someone else faces a risk of death or
grievous bodily harm. These parameters are expanded for law enforcement to
include stopping the flight of a dangerous criminal, and for the military to
include protection of sensitive equipment or information.
The training for use of let... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
Is Japan's Elite Hiding A Weapons
Program Inside Nuclear Plants?
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Confused and often conflicting reports out of Fukushima 1 nuclear plant
cannot be solely the result of tsunami-caused breakdowns, bungling or
miscommunication. Inexplicable delays and half-baked explanations from Tokyo
Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI) seem to be driven by some unspoken factor.
The smoke and mirrors at Fukushima 1 seem to obscure a steady... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6276
Afghanistan Veteran-13611483 days ago:
The only justification for anyone to fire a weapon in this type of situation
is when that person has a reasonable belief that they face a risk of death
of grievous bodily harm, or that someone else faces a risk of death or
grievous bodily harm. These parameters are expanded for law enforcement to
include stopping the flight of a dangerous criminal, and for the military to
include protection of sensitive equipment or information.
The training for use of let... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6276
Afghanistan Veteran-13611483 days ago:
The only justification for anyone to fire a weapon in this type of situation
is when that person has a reasonable belief that they face a risk of death
of grievous bodily harm, or that someone else faces a risk of death or
grievous bodily harm. These parameters are expanded for law enforcement to
include stopping the flight of a dangerous criminal, and for the military to
include protection of sensitive equipment or information.
The training for use of let... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11067
来自主题: WashingtonDC版 - 买买提指点江山的水平真是刚刚的
比如说这个1994年通过的Federal Assault Weapons Ban,就是禁止出售半自动武器的.
这个ACT,为什么不重新提出?不能买这类武器了,是损害普通人的利益吗? 还是枪支
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) (or Public Safety and Recreational
Firearms Use Protection Act) was a subtitle of the Violent Crime Control and
Law Enforcement Act of 1994, a federal law in the United States that
included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-
automatic f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11154
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - 【转】The List of Shooting Range Stereotypes
8. The Idiot Girlfriend.
Usually found in the company of the Punk-Ass Amateur. Typically between the
ages of 18 and 26, the Idiot Girlfriend doesn’t like the range, but wants
to ensure her boyfriend isn’t involved in any activity that doesn’t
include her. Arrives woefully unprepared for the range, with no water,
unsuitable clothing, and often no hearing protection. Will, however, have
flawless makeup. After a period not exceeding 20 minutes, will immediately
begin complaining about a) how hot it... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4761
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - 有了这个估计可以跟棕熊拼一把了。
WASP Injection Knife 5-1/4" Blade, Tapered Grip (Black)
Click to Enlarge No Reviews, Be the first to review this item!
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6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Typically ships within 10 days

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Overview Reviews WIWASPKATB: Model 12 - Tapered Grip (Black)
WASP Injection Systems
A... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11154
"Around kids, guns are scary, but jogging on the greenway at night? That's a
different story," says Ms. Frickman.
In that way, the two women represent a new, largely pro-gun demographic. A
majority of married women support the right to carry a concealed weapon in
America, while single women, on the whole, do not. Overall, 85 percent of
Americans support the right to keep and bear arms, according to a sur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3786
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - AR-15的可靠性问题
read my post! my point is if you maintain your weapon right, ar is a
reliable weapon. im not comparing anything.
yes, after 50 years, they are designing better weapon. why the army is not
switching over to xm8 and scar??? because m4/m16 is not that bad, and the
new weapon is not that much better!
as a civilian, if you want to pay top $$ for a piston AR, it is your freedom
. just do not trash down a weapon which is very good in the right hand!

发帖数: 3786
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - 一寸短,一寸萌!(三级俱乐部)
11.5" for .223
Dwell time:
Dwell time is the time that your gas operated weapon maintains pressure to
continue the cycling of the weapon. It primarily exsists from the time the
bullet passes the gas port in the barrel to the time the bullet exits the
muzzle. When you pull the trigger and fire the weapon the movement of the
bolt carrier group unlocks the bolt, extracts, and ejects the spent casing.
Then it cocks the weapon, feeds, chambers the next round, and then locks
again. One of the thing th... 阅读全帖
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