s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 1 谢谢你贴出这个文章。非常有用的一个资料。比这个系列里很多空对空的争执
我得指出的一点是: EPA的这个资料里明确说了:他们只测了短期的毒性,
The acute oral toxicity data submitted support the determination that the
Cry1Ab protein is non-toxic to humans. When proteins are toxic, they are
known to act via acute mechanisms and at very low dose levels (Sjoblad, et
al.1992). Since no effects were shown to be caused by the plant-incorporated
protectants, even at relatively high dose levels, the Cry1Ab delta-
endo... 阅读全帖 |
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 2 Int J Biol Sci 2009; 5:706-726 ©Ivyspring International Publisher
Research Paper
A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health
Joël Spiroux de Vendômois1, François Roullier1, Dominique
Cellier1,2, Gilles-Eric Séralini1,3
We present for the first time a comparative analysis of blood and organ
system data from trials with rats fed three main commercialized genetically
modified (GM) maize (NK 603, MON 810, MON 863), which are present in food
and fee... 阅读全帖 |
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 4 You should not make a statement before you read the argument.
NOBODY here questions the safety of the transgenesis techniques.
We are talking about whether the particular gene, Bt protein, which is a
toxin for insects, is for long term human consumption. |
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 5 Bt protein is a toxin (toxic protein) from Bacillus thuringiensis, a
bacteria in the soil.
This protein was never in human's diet. |
z****g 发帖数: 3340 | 6 Phoenix cells that are derived from HEK293 cells and used for making
retrovirus. |
b*p 发帖数: 242 | 7 【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: bip (<<< Beast-In-Pit >>>), 信区: Stock
标 题: 2011-Decades of diagnostic and therapeutic biologics?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 4 09:37:51 2011, 美东)
Renewed interest in and increased possibility of profitability of antibody
drugs, antibody-conjugated cancer toxins and vaccines,full genome sequencing
for potential vaccine recipients? |
n***3 发帖数: 663 | 8 Cell Microbiol. 2008 Dec;10(12):2434-46. Epub 2008 Aug 28.
Heat shock inhibits caspase-1 activity while also preventing its
inflammasome-mediated activation by anthrax lethal toxin.
Levin TC, Wickliffe KE, Leppla SH, Moayeri M.
Please send the paper to e*********[email protected]
Thanks! |
S*****P 发帖数: 323 | 9 http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2011/06/sequence-yiel
DNA Sequence Yields Clues to Germany's 'Super Toxic' E. coli outbreak
by Martin Enserink on 2 June 2011, 5:50 PM |
Just from the high number of deaths and severe cases, scientists and public
health experts battling Germany's massive E. coli outbreak knew they were up
against something unusual. Now, early results from sequencing projects of
the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strain appear to confirm that
a never-before-see... 阅读全帖 |
j****x 发帖数: 1704 | 10 1. 没有临床证据表明抗生素对EHEC有效(抗性?),同时可能诱发肾衰竭(toxin)。
2. 检测并不难,难在溯源,不仅仅是个生物医学问题,还是政治经济问题。
3. 类似E.coli O157,这次也就是个new stain而以。 |
s********n 发帖数: 2939 | 11 不是说这个E. coli有很多抗性基因么?不过好像医生都不建议使用抗生素,据说是防
止杀死细菌的同时释放出更多的toxin。 |
j****x 发帖数: 1704 | 12 和O157一样,表达一个Shiga Toxin,这玩意比较致命,抗生素无效,而且可能促进毒
目前比较有开发价值的应该算是neutralizing therapy,除掉这种毒素,O157也好O104
也罢,和普通大肠杆菌就没啥太大分别了。 |
d*****r 发帖数: 2583 | 14 http://www.hhmi.org/news/popups/isrf_pop.html
2011 International Student Research Fellows
Institution Student Advisor Discipline
Boston University Wei Guo
China Barbara Shinn-Cunningham Systems and computational
Brandeis University Marcus Long
United Kingdom Lizbeth Hedstrom Protein degradation using chemical
California Institute of Technology Andreas Hoenselaar
Germany Thanos Siapas Spatial mapping in the hippocampus using
reality... 阅读全帖 |
b*****n 发帖数: 1841 | 15 搭车问一个,有没有人用CreER诱导表达toxin然后特异性地杀死一些细胞的报道?
CreER leaky 有多严重? |
W*****o 发帖数: 1780 | 16 去查了一下,张旭总共发表了90多篇英文文章(不算中文)。回国之后作为联系作者也
有快20篇了。其中有cell, neuron, Journal of neuroscience, PNAS 好多篇。而且他
1. Li KC, Wang F, Zhong YQ, Lu YJ, Wang Q, Zhang FX, Xiao HS, Bao L, Zhang X
. (2011) Reduction of follistatin-like 1 in primary afferent neurons
contributes to neuropathic pain hypersensitivity. Cell Res, 21: 697-699.
2. Li KC, Zhang FX, Li CL, Wang F, Yu MY, Z... 阅读全帖 |
g***j 发帖数: 40861 | 17 s*****[email protected]
Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium DT 104
on Alfalfa Seeds by Levulinic Acid and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
Authors: Zhao, Tong; Zhao, Ping; Doyle, Michael P.
Source: Journal of Food Protection®, Volume 73, Number 11, November
2010 , pp. 2010-2017(8)
Control of Salmonella on Sprouting Mung Bean and Alfalfa Seeds by Using a
Biocontrol Preparation Based on Antagonistic Bacteria and Lytic
Authors: Ye, Jianxiong1; Kostrzyns... 阅读全帖 |
d*****n 发帖数: 19 | 18 Botulinum neurotoxin D-C uses synaptotagmin I/II as receptors and human
synaptotagmin II is not an effective receptor for type B, D-C, and G toxins.
Journal of Cell Science, In Press. Thanks a lot. |
M*******C 发帖数: 183 | 19 多谢!
Science. 1983 Feb 4;219(4584):493-5.
Latrunculins: novel marine toxins that disrupt microfilament organization in
cultured cells.
Spector I, Shochet NR, Kashman Y, Groweiss A. |
K**4 发帖数: 1015 | 20 具体说 Microbial Toxins & Pathogenicity
或者 pathogen-host interaction |
m******5 发帖数: 1383 | 21 直接表达后可用的,非precursor
google半日后只找到human版本 |
l**********1 发帖数: 5204 | 22 Materials and Methods
FVB/N mice carrying the human DTR transgene under control of the CD11c and
CD11b promoters obtained from Dr. R. Lang (Divisions of Ophthalmology and
Molecular and Developmental Biology, Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH)
were backcrossed onto NOD/LtJ mice (origi- nally purchased from The Jackson
Laboratory) for 10–12 generations to produce CD11c-DTR/NOD and CD11b-DTR/
NOD mice;
DTR transgenes were identified by PCR on tail DNA using primer se- quences
for DTR-1 (5'-A... 阅读全帖 |
m******5 发帖数: 1383 | 23 Thank you!! I have still looking for full length sequence
l**********1 发帖数: 5204 | 24 写伊妹儿问他要 mice DTR full sequence data
above paper last/corresponding author:
Jonathan D. Katz, PhD
Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
Phone: 513-636-5306
Email: jonathan.katz (at) cchmc.org
就说你们lab CNS submitted draft will cite his that paper bla bla bla... |
g***j 发帖数: 40861 | 25 Mathusa EC, Chen Y, Enache E, Hontz L. Non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing
Escherichia coli in foods. J Food Prot. 2010 Sep;73(9):1721-36. Review.
PMID: 20828483.
s*****[email protected]
谢谢 |
l********k 发帖数: 14844 | 26 说cooking会毁坏大部分dna的来说说,为什么不新鲜的食物吃了会拉肚子?难道不是因
常是半生甚至全生就往下咽么,不管是菜还是肉。 |
l**********1 发帖数: 5204 | 27 血型有关 O 型的人 是易感霍乱的 比较AB A or B
please refer
X-ray chemist solves cholera mystery -
The likelihood of becoming seriously ill from cholera depends on your blood
group. It is possible to find a new remedy for the feared illness by
studying the molecular structure in the toxin in the cholera bacteria.
//www.apollon.uio.no/english/articles/2012/cholera.html |
M*****e 发帖数: 279 | 28 Try toxins, such as PTX, CTX |
s****9 发帖数: 932 | 29 谢谢你的包子,看在包子的面子上,多说几句。
首先,做单抗的抗原是不是N Terminal,或者细胞外的部分。如果不是,抗体识别的
eg. Alex488),用FACS染一下,看看能不能特异结合细胞外的抗原。
这个抗体对于抗原的结合能不能影响蛋白的功能。比如,overexpress 这个抗原之后,
加抗体,in vitro culture对肿瘤细胞的生长有没有影响。如果有,可以猜想它是一个
negative result,说明也推翻不了太多问题。
BALB/c上,然后打抗体看有... 阅读全帖 |
e**r 发帖数: 1144 | 30 包retrovirus用的Phoenix细胞系
有什么筛选标记基因可以抗DT吗? |
m**********2 发帖数: 6568 | 31 因为BT名字里有“毒素” TOXIN。人们听见就吓尿了。 |
C********4 发帖数: 308 | 32 一个条件性细胞剔除模式小鼠的诞生 (2013-02-22 18:10:22)转载▼
标签: talen 创业 大鼠基因敲除 基因敲除 杂谈 分类: 个人随笔
对于基因敲除(gene knockout)小鼠大家并不陌生,比如我们想要研究一个基因
细胞剔除,cell depletion),一看不能产生新抗体了,或是胰岛素没了,血糖升高器
抗体的”。然后就可以发文章到CNS(Cell, Nature, Science)了。当然这些都被别人
个非常简单的方法,就是白喉毒素介导的细胞剔除。白喉毒素(Diphtheria toxin, 简
称DT)大... 阅读全帖 |
l******a 发帖数: 3339 | 33 这个版都是学生物的吧?真心不觉得转基因有什么安全问题,除非是toxin,不然都被
面的问题。 |
l******o 发帖数: 8344 | 34 我是个会计,看到首页,觉得很感兴趣,就溜达了进来
我最先觉得楼住说的很有道理,于是我去google and translate了
然后我很困惑地是,西医说,RA(类风湿性关节炎的直接原因是免疫系统里的t and b
cells 过度活跃的结果 (见下文):
The immune system determines the body's responses to foreign substances (
antigens) such as viruses and toxins. The immune response helps the body to
fight infection and heal wounds and injuries. The inflammatory process is a
byproduct of the immune response.
Two important components of the immune system that play a role in the
inflammation associated with rheumatoid a... 阅读全帖 |
y***u 发帖数: 7039 | 35 Nature要为孟山都背书啊?
孟家的实验只作了三个月, 而肿瘤是在四个月后才出现。。。
New research out of France has linked both an herbicide and a genetically
modified corn to organ damage, tumors and early death among rats, prompting
a call for greater regulation of GM foods among sustainable agriculture
The study – published Wednesday in Food and Chemical Toxicology – found
that rats who were exposed to Roundup, a weed killing herbicide, and rats
who were fed Roundup-resistant corn developed mammary tumors, kidney and
liv... 阅读全帖 |
y***u 发帖数: 7039 | 36 请问方舟子: RoundUp残留在转基因作物上是多少, 煮熟了是不是就没有危害了?
New research out of France has linked both an herbicide and a genetically
modified corn to organ damage, tumors and early death among rats, prompting
a call for greater regulation of GM foods among sustainable agriculture
The study – published Wednesday in Food and Chemical Toxicology – found
that rats who were exposed to Roundup, a weed killing herbicide, and rats
who were fed Roundup-resistant corn developed mammary tumors, kidney and
liver ... 阅读全帖 |
s*****o 发帖数: 2490 | 37 bt toxin作为传统杀虫剂使用的话,残留应该非常低--降解得实在是太快了,运气不
性非常高,但是成本实在是太高了,只能用在有机农业这种小众的高投入的地方。 |
w******g 发帖数: 58 | 38 lz,你根本是在颠倒是非黑白
1. BT毒素对猪猪们及大鼠的一些生理指标的影响。(Buzoianu, S.G. et al. Animal,
2012; 6(10):1609-1619)http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23031560
沙发说“在喂养110天后,BT玉米喂养的猪们,血清中的aspartateaminotransferase (
AST,一种转氨酶) 显著降低(P<0.05)。此外,Serum Urea在30天的时候也有显著改变
括全部110天吃GM的组都没有降低。(On day 30, SU was lower for the non-GM/GM
treatment compared withthe non-GM, GM and GM/non-GM treatments (P < 0.05).)
这明显无法得出吃转基因导致SU改变... 阅读全帖 |
X*******8 发帖数: 3895 | 39
:作者的结论是“The magnitudeof change observed in some serum biochemical
:parameters did not indicate organdysfunction and the changes were not
accompanied by histological lesions.Long-term feeding of GM maize to pigs
did not adversely affect growth or theselected health indicators
看结论背后的东西,相信你... 阅读全帖 |
w******g 发帖数: 58 | 40 lz,你根本是在颠倒是非黑白
1. BT毒素对猪猪们及大鼠的一些生理指标的影响。(Buzoianu, S.G. et al. Animal,
2012; 6(10):1609-1619)http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23031560
沙发说“在喂养110天后,BT玉米喂养的猪们,血清中的aspartateaminotransferase (
AST,一种转氨酶) 显著降低(P<0.05)。此外,Serum Urea在30天的时候也有显著改变
括全部110天吃GM的组都没有降低。(On day 30, SU was lower for the non-GM/GM
treatment compared withthe non-GM, GM and GM/non-GM treatments (P < 0.05).)
这明显无法得出吃转基因导致SU改变... 阅读全帖 |
X*******8 发帖数: 3895 | 41
:作者的结论是“The magnitudeof change observed in some serum biochemical
:parameters did not indicate organdysfunction and the changes were not
accompanied by histological lesions.Long-term feeding of GM maize to pigs
did not adversely affect growth or theselected health indicators
看结论背后的东西,相信你... 阅读全帖 |
l***s 发帖数: 841 | 43 这几天在考虑用老鼠做siRNA in vivo delivery。联系了几个实验室,他们有些现成的
技术: 1) liposome; 2) Ad病毒; 3)细胞受体结合(试过peptide, toxin,
nanoparticle, 但没试过RNA)。 我有几年没关注这个领域了。同学们有些什么好的建
议? |
n***w 发帖数: 2405 | 44 Toxins may affect the brain temperature regulation function. |
g****d 发帖数: 238 | 45 不是新英格兰地区吧,宾州州大地处山中,老板算化学工程但实验主要微生物方面很杂
,生物膜,petsister cell, green chemistry,biofuel,toxin/antitoxin,
engineering Ab, 工业界有联系好多基金出自公司和能源部,但他希望找去学术界的人
做这persister cell机制,实验室以前博后一个同胞回国一个去别国教职,好像没看到
MDR transporter)都不同,去任何地方都不免学习新技术新背景,我对三个方向都有
兴趣,只想尽量出点好文章搞定身份以后学术还是业界看到时哪种可能实在不行回去 |
z********8 发帖数: 818 | 46 谢谢你的讲解。 我做过药理,但是不懂毒理。如果10mg/g,是一次性口服,那这个剂
量,还是非常的高,如果溶解在水里,就是100%的浓度了。呵呵。 当然了小鼠口服
500ul 是没有问题的,但这不影响你的结论。
“EPA不要求bt toxin做积累毒性主要是由
于高剂量下0 mortality和没有clinic signs,而不仅仅是急性毒性低。任何一种农药
你的意思是由于急性毒性实验中没有发现mortality和没有clinic signs,就不需要做
超过90天的长期毒性试验了? 我的意思是按照国家申报标准要求,就是按照protocol
。 或者国家有没有关于主要农作物转基因食品的毒性试验标准。
bt |
s*****o 发帖数: 2490 | 47 唉,我不知道是我表达得不清楚,还是你没有弄清楚我的意思,最后变成了你认为我罗
子而是用了纯蛋白,你觉得bt protein在种子中可能会导致在胃内不能被充分破坏而进
入肠道对肠道上皮产生毒性。而我认为在acute toxicity中用到的剂量已经非常高了,
相对于在种子中的bt protein的量要高得多得多得多,相对种子里的bt protein也更有
量)是个笑话。而我认为你之所以这么认为是你并不了解oral toxicity实验的操作,
另外,你认为bt protoxin在肠道被切割成active protein的可能性不低?据我所知,
现在的这些bt toxin的protoxin,尤其是针对主要农业害虫鳞翅目幼虫的这些bt
当然你说得对,这些没有数据支持,都是基于理论上的... 阅读全帖 |
l****y 发帖数: 398 | 48 有些SS容易断, 有些不容易。 toxin那些intra chain的不容易断吧,或者断了对构象
另外,T3SS用来做protein drug delivery也有人在试。 |
K**4 发帖数: 1015 | 49 crispr系统本省就是来源于Archaea的,它作为toxin system to fight against virus
(phage),这个方向的研究很多。 |
B********5 发帖数: 10 | 50 SCI impact factor 2 的杂志。请私信联系,附上CV和你的官方电子邮件地址。 |