

全部话题 - 话题: temptation
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发帖数: 349
Withdrawing your contributions
The rules for Roth IRAs permit you to do something that isn't allowed for
traditional IRAs: withdraw the nontaxable part of your money first.
Distributions from traditional IRAs come partly from earnings and partly
from contributions. But when you take money out of a Roth IRA, the first
dollars you take out are considered to be a return of your regular
contributions. You don't have to meet any special tests to receive those
dollars free of tax. You can take them ou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1318
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 湾曲 小黑屋 研究所
don't know much le. But now that Salesforce acquired
ExactTarget, MKTO's position is a little awkward.
Just keeping an eye on it. It is very hard to tell the long
term outlook of new companies. But recently IPO market is
pretty hot. It is also hard to resist the temptation of
possible short term upsides.
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - GOOGLE goolge我该咋办呀
pat pat. that's sad.
after you got married, someone
much better looking than your
spouse started to make overtures.
hahaha. good luck resisting
发帖数: 7299
【 以下文字转载自 Gay_Criminolgy 俱乐部 】
发信人: msgc (为了下一代免遭变态残害), 信区: Gay_Criminolgy
标 题: 为制造仇恨,变态人渣编故事骗人十年
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 21 00:20:32 2014, 美东)
LGBT Teen Who Committed Fake Hate Crimes Against Herself 10 Years Ago Speaks
This is likely a story you only noticed or cared about if you were a)
growing up in Marin in 2004-05, or b) paying close attention to LGBT hate-
crime news, but it did make some national headlines at the time. It goes
like this: A senior at Tamalpais High School in Mill Val... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 印度警告美国不要限制ICC (转载)
战栗吧, 老美,你们的神经系统上有蛆虫!
"We think this is actually going to be harmful to us. It would be harmful to
the American economy and, frankly, it would be harmful to the relationship"
between the two countries, Jaishankar told AFP in an interview.
"Once I feel I'm not getting a fair deal, I am less responsive to the
concerns of the other party. Then tomorrow if an American company comes and
says, 'You know... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8405
Don’t Work. Be Hated. Love Someone
*I didn’t write any of this…took it from my friend’s blog. It’s
amazingly sharp. Please read till the end!
Written by Adrian Tan, author of The Teenage Textbook (1988), was the guest-
of-honour at a recent NTU convocation ceremony. This was his speech to the
graduating class of 2008.
I must say thank you to the faculty and staff of the Wee Kim Wee School of
Communication and Information for invi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4403
yelp上Lake Hills Farm Fresh Produce Stand最新reviews是今年7月6日的
We were in a rush after picking blueberries, so we didn't actually get to
purchase anything here (this time!!)... But, WOW! Everything looked so
amazing and fresh! This little produce stand is definitely worth a look --
and I'm sure your tummy will thank you ;)
Of course... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Seattle版 - 骆家辉为何沉默?
as an ambassador he needs to do a lot of behind the scene work. And this
is still an issue of media bias turning into hate-speech, not between 2
governments, thankfully. So I understand his silence.
Let's not ask him to be the superman. Let's cherish and support our guy/
gal. The path to public office is filled with temptations, wrong-turns,
detractions, pitfalls. Let's not shoot our guy/gal in the back for any
perceived mistakes/slowness.
November election is coming up. Please help yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7299
【 以下文字转载自 Gay_Criminolgy 俱乐部 】
发信人: msgc (为了下一代免遭变态残害), 信区: Gay_Criminolgy
标 题: 为制造仇恨,变态人渣编故事骗人十年
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 21 00:20:32 2014, 美东)
LGBT Teen Who Committed Fake Hate Crimes Against Herself 10 Years Ago Speaks
This is likely a story you only noticed or cared about if you were a)
growing up in Marin in 2004-05, or b) paying close attention to LGBT hate-
crime news, but it did make some national headlines at the time. It goes
like this: A senior at Tamalpais High School in Mill Val... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
"We think this is actually going to be harmful to us. It would be harmful to
the American economy and, frankly, it would be harmful to the relationship"
between the two countries, Jaishankar told AFP in an interview.
"Once I feel I'm not getting a fair deal, I am less responsive to the
concerns of the other party. Then tomorrow if an American company comes and
says, 'You know, we've got this set of problems,' the temptation f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 83

发帖数: 13571
How about La Temptation?
La = The; also sounds like spicy in Chinese
发帖数: 5431
来自主题: Utah版 - 阿拉斯加之蓝色诱惑
I like that blue ice, mysterious temptation
发帖数: 9094
来自主题: WashingtonDC版 - 如何提高英语阅读和写作水平
如何提高英语听力水平? Make it a fun process!
Listening comprehension is another area which requires a lot of attention
from English learners. Intrinsically your ability to understand what goes
into your ears would help shape what comes out of your mouth after all the
information is processed within your brain. Therefore, there is a positive
feedback loop between the listening and speaking skills of an English
learner. For example, a good listener would easily and correctly understand
a speaker’s main poin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9501
来自主题: Basketball版 - 确认了:甜瓜是小林的伯乐
Exclusive: Jeremy Lin says 'Lin-sanity' was triggered by a leap of faith
By Marcus Thompson II
m******[email protected]
Posted: 02/13/2012 11:55:25 AM PST
Updated: 02/13/2012 12:23:28 PM PST
Click photo to enlarge
NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 10: Jeremy Lin #17 of the New York Knicks brings the
... ( Chris Chambers )«1234»When you see Bay Area product Jeremy
Lin smiling on the court, tongue wagging, it's not just because his New
York Knicks have won five in a row. It's not just b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14386
来自主题: Basketball版 - 靠GQ都出动了
During his brief but wondrous stretch of national superstardom, Jeremy Lin h
as given us only glimpses of himself, through his on-court conduct and humbl
e postgame comments. Naturally, we want to know more. Hurried by the potenti
ally short-lived apex of Linsanity, GQ contacted old friends, guys he'd stud
ied, played, and lived with, to get the truth about the 23-year-old Harvard
grad-turned-Knicks savior during his formative years. The result? Jeremy Lin
is, by most accounts, a spotless athlet... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3003
来自主题: Basketball版 - ###此帖已应当事人要求删除###
"Men lie, women lie, but numbers don’t–and the proof is in the pudding
with this Kurse. It is safe to say that dating a Kardashian is career
suicide with the kiss of death from one of these illustrious sisters. Our
only prayer is that Jeremy Lin doesn’t fall victim to this career ending
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - Are you guys going to long beach?
Hehe it's not my style to plan 3 months in advance... too many variables in my
life -- not too great as far as bridge is concerned.
But I envision that the temptation is too high and I eventually drive up there
for at least one weekend -- I wish I could do both if can find decent partners
on both, AND, a big AND, if my family approves -- but so far this is still a
dream. And the downside is that it's too tiring if just play life master pairs
in the 1st weekend, and too boring if just play fast p
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - what to bid
If they do have a grand, 5S from you is more likely to push them there than
6S is. The reason is: Given this auction, It's not a surprise that opps would
bid over 5S. If they just located their fit at 6 level, there
is a greater temptation for them to raise 1 level higher. But if you bid 6S
immediately, it's a much tougher decision for opps to make.
If you passed first place, don't bid over 6H, unless you think even 7S is
a good save against their 6H. Since you have no defensive trick, and there
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - 怎么打?
Also, declarer should really work hard to understand when he should take opp
's gift and make an impossible contract and when he should resist the
temptation and fall back to the original plan. This is probably the key
issue for all the discussions.

发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Cycling版 - My toughest ride so far
I didn't think I would be biking much in Aspen, so I didn't bring any of my
biking equipments. But then I found out that Aspen is the most awesome place
for cyclists, and I just couldn't resist the temptation to hit the road. I
get to ride on this one diamond back mountain bike essentially for free. But
the bike is not exactly in good condition. It looks pretty old. It feels
light and rides smoothly. But the front tire went flat a few days ago.
Luckily I wasn't far from home on the trail then, a
发帖数: 3290
It is really tempting. 跑版的马拉松再加上我自个upgrade Cat3的远大理想, 靠,
too many temptations these days. I need to focus focus focus! 老铁明年去打个

发帖数: 669
来自主题: Cycling版 - Is kestrel talon worth $750
In local cl saw a 2005 kestrel talon road bike carbon frame with dura ace
rear derailed and flight deck other components are ultegra. The wheels are
krysulum (might be wrong).
The whole condition is not top. It has some scratches some teeth are worned
I am really temptating. However I hesitate because I am not sure about the
durability of the carbon frame.
Can any of you giv some advices?
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs 6.0 - iPhone Lite
发帖数: 171
来自主题: Fishing版 - 年年有鱼
I went to the local lake again, and this time, equipped with the "Schooley's
Spring Bobble Pole". Another truck arrived almost at the same time at ~ 8
am. I was brave enough to go on ice, set up my new poles. This guy hesitaed
and stayed on bank.After ~30 min, I caught two, and he had not got a bite. I
told him what worked. He could not resist the temptation anymore and came
on ice as well. He was also an experienced ice-fishman. He brought a hammer,
and a chisel to make a hole. That seemed to b
发帖数: 137
来自主题: Fishing版 - 鱼版长期的病论
Do not worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older it will avoid you.
------Joey Adams
发帖数: 348
来自主题: FlashGame版 - [转载] Hichhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
【 以下文字转载自 FilmArts 讨论区 】
【 原文由 ducati 所发表 】
Great sci-fi. Great flashgame. You can play this for months.
If you get stuck (which I assume you will soon after you start),
feel free to check the instruction, designed to address the most
retarded questions in this galaxy. In fact reading the instruction
is fun enough by itself... but try to resist the temptation.
Play this before the movie comes out.
Link to the novel (doc file):
发帖数: 2284
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - Buy Ammo at Walmart
I used to buy Ammo (9mm) online. Today, got a chance to walk in a nearby
Walmart (20 minutes away), didn't resist the temptation, and bought quite a
few boxes of Federal 50 & Winchester 100 white box, which will last another
few months.
发帖数: 11154
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - 【转】The List of Shooting Range Stereotypes
8. The Idiot Girlfriend.
Usually found in the company of the Punk-Ass Amateur. Typically between the
ages of 18 and 26, the Idiot Girlfriend doesn’t like the range, but wants
to ensure her boyfriend isn’t involved in any activity that doesn’t
include her. Arrives woefully unprepared for the range, with no water,
unsuitable clothing, and often no hearing protection. Will, however, have
flawless makeup. After a period not exceeding 20 minutes, will immediately
begin complaining about a) how hot it... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - The Poor Man’s Guide To Survival Gear
(It has all the photos)
From Brandon Smith of Alt-Market
The Poor Man’s Guide To Survival Gear
Special Note: Obviously, an entire book could be written on this subject,
which is a task beyond the scope of this article. The purpose of the
following piece is to give those with financial difficulty a foothold on
prepping without added pain. It is meant to be a starting point, not a
A friend of mine took note recently tha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4735
来自主题: loseweight版 - Craving for sweet today. :(
My company also have good supplies of free desert almost the other day, for
example last Saturday, one of the
most skinny girl bought us some very nice donuts with cream to the office,
everyone was complaining about
how fat it is but all of us had one donut. So the temptation never go away,
but we can make decision not to eat
Just my two cents.
发帖数: 9479
来自主题: loseweight版 - 2011-11-07 早餐午餐 + 晚餐(10楼)
发帖数: 9094
Kao, too many temptations! How can one keep on a diet after reading this
post?? So cruel!
All right, repeat after me: Food is evil! Food is evil! Food is evil even
if it looks or sounds delicious!
发帖数: 369
来自主题: loseweight版 - 减肥日记
since moving to US in 2005, the weight is going up year after year without a
break. Now i am 150lb! During the years, I have tried to exercise, but
never take it very seriously. I am not a strong will person, so always
finds various excuses to pause the exercises and give myself treats of yammy
food. This time, I hope I can see some body shape change or weight change
to have some self motivation.
Well, I am going back to gym since last Thursday, Nov 1 and packing my lunch
fruit, veggie and f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26270
来自主题: loseweight版 - 一个励志的有减肥经验谈的link
- What was your biggest challenge?
- If you reached a weight loss plateau, how did you break out of the rut?
- What’s your current exercise routine?
- What’s your daily diet look like?
- Do you have specific suggestions for avoiding temptations?
- If you have any suggestions to others what would they be?
发帖数: 9375
来自主题: NCAA版 - 居然没人讨论1-pete?
And they cunningly scheduled the pro day on the same day the recruits
No 18-yo kids could have resisted that temptation.
发帖数: 764
claiming McCoy is a saint different than other TX players who cannot resist
the temptation
发帖数: 998
来自主题: NCAA版 - zz: tough questions to OSU
1). Why the delay in reporting Tressel's violations?
It was crystal clear on Jan. 13 that Tressel had knowingly played ineligible
players throughout the 2010 season, but Enforcement wasn't notified for
nearly three weeks, until Feb. 3, the day after National Signing Day.
2). Do you want to be affiliated with someone like Tressel?
Ohio State makes the case in its response to the NCAA Notice of Allegations
that it suffered a serious penalty by taking "decisive action against a very
successful coac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20742
i resist the temptation to check out that post!
发帖数: 39815
来自主题: Outdoors版 - climbing log@Red Rocks, Nov 12-17
I know it was hard to resist the temptation. I believe you gained a lot of
experience in this trip. You'll start to lead trad very soon:)
发帖数: 654
“Roadside Bears
It's exciting to see bears up close, but we must act responsibly to keep
them wild and healthy. If you see a bear along the road, please do not stop.
Stopping and watching roadside bears will likely start a "bear jam" as
other motorists follow your lead. "Bear jams" are hazardous to both people
and bears as visibility is reduced and bears may feel threatened by the
congestion. Roadside bears quickly become habituated t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 654
If you see a bear along the road, please do not stop.
... Habituated bears may learn that it is acceptable to frequent campgrounds or picnic areas, where they may gain access to human food. .... Please resist the temptation to stop and get close to roadside bears - put bears first at Glacier National Park.”
这个网页还有张人... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1386

发帖数: 654
所以我说Park Service的宣传教育还不够。这里还专门讲了因为看熊堵车的坏处。
一个是交通阻塞后熊的视野缩小,人声嘈杂,还有就是熊觉得在路上没有危险,以后就常在路边逛,被车撞死。还有就是跑到人宿营的地方,到垃圾桶翻吃的,以致发展到看到车里有颜色的盒子(也不只是食品)就扒车窗等等 (我的朋友在车里放了一盒洗衣粉,颜色很亮,结果车窗就被熊给掰了)。
“Roadside Bears
It's exciting to see bears up close, but we must act responsibly to keep
them wild and healthy. If you see a bear along the road, please do not stop.
Stopping and watching roadside bears will likely start a "bear jam" as
other motorists follow y... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - My toughest ride so far (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Cycling 讨论区 】
发信人: whxhm1 (whxhm), 信区: Cycling
标 题: My toughest ride so far
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 2 13:11:04 2009, 美东)
I didn't think I would be biking much in Aspen, so I didn't bring any of my
biking equipments. But then I found out that Aspen is the most awesome place
for cyclists, and I just couldn't resist the temptation to hit the road. I
get to ride on this one diamond back mountain bike essentially for free. But
the bike is not exactly in good condition. It looks pretty old
发帖数: 2651
来自主题: Running版 - 今年就圆这个梦!
I've been doing long distance running for over five years now. Starting from
5K, 10K to half, running a full marathon race is always my dream. I just
signed up for CIM on 12/6/09 under the encouragement of Blogrance and many
other runners on this board. Thank you my friends! I couldn't resist the
temptation of CIM any more. I believe I was the last 200 runners who signed
up before the cap of 7000. 今年就圆这个梦! CIM, here I come baby!
发帖数: 2651
来自主题: Running版 - Holiday's temptation
Since I started to train for marathon I tried to avoid cookies.
I could not resist to eat a couple of them when I found out
there was a basket full of cookies in the office kitchen.
Well, I have to find a time to run now...
Merry Christmas!
发帖数: 1230
来自主题: Running版 - Holiday's temptation
Free Pistachios(美国腰果?) in office. i often have them as breakfast. is it
good or bad for runners?
I know it has lots of fat, but also hear about 'eating seeds or nuts is good
'. Hesitate.
发帖数: 2651
来自主题: Running版 - Holiday's temptation
hmmm... I know almond nuts are good for runners, but
not sure about pistachios. You've running pretty strong
these days, so they must be good for you.

发帖数: 1124
来自主题: Running版 - Holiday's temptation
Pistachios不是腰果吧,应该是开心果。用我儿子的话说, 是“happy子儿“
是我的most favorite snacks, but it does have a lot of fat, most nuts do. I
guess nuts fat are good fat

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