E*V 发帖数: 17544 | 1 Soviet architects could dispel sadness indeed. They were trying to put
meaning in life and death and display it in their works. Some of the Soviet
structures are still standing and look very weird.
This one is the Kiev crematorium named after Herostratus. An amazing
building is towering over the old Kiev cemetery and makes people think about
eternal life. They want to live forever and never get to the place like
This must be the gloomiest building in all post-Soviet space - the House of
So... 阅读全帖 |
n****e 发帖数: 327 | 2 The problem for Liu's fans are they attack anybody who has any doubt on Liu,
for example, they use: "小人之心,心里阴暗,瞧不起你这种人" a lot, or even
worse. This is an open society, if you could convince others to follow you,
then do it, but don't try to prevent others to say anything that is
possible you don't like. With this dramatic event, it is natural for some
people to have different opinions, it will be very strange that everybody
has to 100% like liu, fan liu, is it a religion or a cult? |
f*******l 发帖数: 8811 | 3 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: Jerry0803 (Jerry and Tom), 信区: USANews
标 题: 这个印度博后实在无耻:暗中破坏组员的实验半年终于被捕
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 24 16:56:08 2010, 美东)
Vipul Bhrigu,Toledo大学的博士,到Univ of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer
Center做博后。从09年12月开始“细致而系统”的暗中破坏同组博士女生Heather Ames
直到出现media上被洒酒精,并且接二连三的发生,终于正式... 阅读全帖 |
m**c 发帖数: 7299 | 4 连环杀手--兰迪 史蒂芬 卡夫(Randy Steven Kraft)
姓名∶Randy Steven Kraft
外号∶记分卡杀手(Score-Card Killer)
Randy Steven Kraft是一名美国连环杀手。虽然他被控谋杀了16人,但是他涉嫌谋杀了
尸。许多受害人生前饮用了大量的酒和镇定剂。但直到1983年5月14日,Randy Steven
World... 阅读全帖 |
m******s 发帖数: 8493 | 5 en? strange.cos you do have 510c3 account.
my friend sent some internal email as well.
完. |
e*******e 发帖数: 9616 | 6 Why just blow? You don't want a full package bodyshop? Strange but
understandable request. |
o****d 发帖数: 5454 | 7 MY GOD, I spend a lot of time to think why she became not popular recently
years, I couldn't find it at all.
When I saw this news, it looks to me 外F must be the reason.
A women with a 外F mind looks strange. This must affect what she showed to
us in film. |
w*l 发帖数: 2550 | 8 maybe, only that ver few ones.
I have not seen any that have this clearly stated though.
It's primarily the instructors' responsibility: quite strange to me why it
would that long for them to realize that one kid was missing. |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 9 香港社交界最受瞩目的并不是那些人前风光无限的女明星,而是含着金汤匙出生,锦衣玉食长大,进名校镀金的豪门千金。除了大家都熟悉的赌王何鸿燊家的几个公主,其实还有一些“低调”的名媛。下面就让我们来818这些,在上升势头凶勐的新人王,看看谁是新生代社交界Queen。(北青网娱乐综合,转载请注明出处)
罗宝文( Poman )学历 : 美国北卡罗莱纳州杜克大学心理学学士。来头 : 富豪集 团太子女 ,集团行政董事
罗宝文自小资优, 19岁便大学毕业,其后一直协助父亲罗旭瑞打理家族生意,在众人眼中,她的道路平坦得完美。但每科考试均名列前茅的罗宝文,在初踏足社会时却经历过一段迷失期,「觉得做得不够出色,疑惑自己是否做生意的材料」。不过,在虚心请教和尽力而为后,她已开始享受这另一阶段的学习,毕竟「没有人是完美的」。
因卓越成绩而多次跳级的罗宝文, 15岁赴美攻读心理... 阅读全帖 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 10 香港社交界最受瞩目的并不是那些人前风光无限的女明星,而是含着金汤匙出生,锦衣玉食长大,进名校镀金的豪门千金。除了大家都熟悉的赌王何鸿燊家的几个公主,其实还有一些“低调”的名媛。下面就让我们来818这些,在上升势头凶勐的新人王,看看谁是新生代社交界 Queen。
罗宝文( Poman )学历 : 美国北卡罗莱纳州杜克大学心理学学士。来头 : 富豪集 团太子女 ,集团行政董事
罗宝文自小资优, 19岁便大学毕业,其后一直协助父亲罗旭瑞打理家族生意,在众人眼中,她的道路平坦得完美。但每科考试均名列前茅的罗宝文,在初踏足社会时却经历过一段迷失期,「觉得做得不够出色,疑惑自己是否做生意的材料」。不过,在虚心请教和尽力而为后,她已开始享受这另一阶段的学习,毕竟「没有人是完美的」。
因卓越成绩而多次跳级的罗宝文, 15岁赴美攻读心理学,但回想这段令好多人羡慕的学生... 阅读全帖 |
c**********d 发帖数: 389 | 11 Lots of nonsense. Strange language.
这种破先例的省钱措施很“碉堡” |
c**2 发帖数: 8496 | 12 自杀 would be strange, she was so ambitious. Married, got green card and
could wait to get divorce (摆脱婚姻枷锁) in less than 2 years. Found a
company 经营模式 that must be heavily relied on interpersonal relationship.
Too ambitious to end her own life.
爸爸非常不客气地说我.... shows that she was not that independent after all,
maybe needing parent's money support to continue. |
c**2 发帖数: 8496 | 13 自杀 would be strange, she was so ambitious. Married, got green card and
could wait to get divorce (摆脱婚姻枷锁) in less than 2 years. Found a
company 经营模式 that must be heavily relied on interpersonal relationship.
Too ambitious to end her own life.
爸爸非常不客气地说我.... shows that she was not that independent after all,
maybe needing parent's money support to continue. |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 14 加拿大滑铁卢大学 (University of Waterloo)华裔机械和机电工程系教授李冬青(译音:Dong Qing Li)博士,因为在论文中涉及剽窃他人成果,被校方予以停止教职4个月的处分,处分期间不准使用任何校内资源,处分从今年4月1日起执行。
滑大副校长Feridun Hamdullahpur在一封致全校师生的电子邮件中表示,学术诚信是滑铁卢大学的核心价值,反映了全校师生的公平,责任和尊重。李博士的行为令学校的国际性声誉蒙上阴影。
今年夏初,滑铁卢大学教授李冬青(Dongqing Li,音译)和攻读工程学博士学位的达希吉(Yasaman Daghighi)因涉嫌剽窃,撤回在Microfluidics and Nanofluidics期刊上发表的一篇有关芯片实验室制备最新技术。
据多伦多星报报导,文章应作者要求被撤回;作者在撤回声明中称,文章援引麻省理工和加州大学科研人员,在诱导电荷电现象方面的研究成果未作任何修改,一些从其他发表文章上援引的复制数据也没有提供适当的参考来源。作者在... 阅读全帖 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 15 早前只身到美国加州洛杉矶自助旅行的21岁加拿大女子蓝可儿(Elisa Lam),19日晚间证实陈尸在她投宿旅馆楼顶的水塔底,当局预计21日验尸,警方透露目前判断死者是否被谋杀还太早。蓝可儿生前所住的洛城Cecil旅馆20日宣布暂时歇业数天,员工也被下达「封口令」避谈案情。部分旅馆房客对楼顶水塔发现女尸浑然不知,他们还以为供水出问题,对业者未告知详情也相当气愤。
据加州洛县验尸部门发言人云特(Ed Winter)20日表示,本案目前在深入调查中,现阶段无法透露任何尸体的状况;他也完全不知道死者到底在塔里浸泡多久,一切要待验尸报告出炉才能定夺。就部分媒体报道「尸体是赤裸的」以及「四肢扭曲、头上脚下插入水塔」,云特拒绝发表意见。
洛市警局(LAPD)公关室值班警察仅透露,本案尚在调查中。周三有消息指蓝可儿住在加拿大温哥华的父母抵达洛杉矶,配合警方调查,但洛市警察局媒体部官员20日下午指出,警方目前没有相关消... 阅读全帖 |
y****i 发帖数: 38 | 16 核心提示:2015年12月22日,美国邪教“耐克塞姆公司”前顾问弗兰克·帕拉图(
Frank Parlato)在《尼亚加拉瀑布记者报》刊登《拉尼尔和布朗夫曼姐妹试图收买达
东登喇嘛与耐克塞姆邪教女高层萨拉?布朗夫曼在热水浴... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 17 1月20日,美国当选总统川普将迎来就职典礼,正式宣誓成为美国总统。如今距离开幕只剩半月光景,就职典礼筹备的如何了?
演讲稿由川普亲自撰写 行文简短
川普的传记作者、总统历史学家道格拉斯·布林克利(Douglas Brinkley)表示,川普想亲自撰写就职演说稿,从(去年)12月29日就开始动手写,并且这会是一份简短的演说稿,“因为他不想让来宾站在寒风中太久”。
新任总统一般利用发表就职演说的机会向美国人民阐述本届政府的政纲和目标。对于就职演说的长短而言,并无一定之规。1793年3月4日,乔治... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 18 近日,美国媒体报道,金庸小说《射雕》三部曲的英译版将分12卷陆续出版,拟以“中国版指环王”的名号把“射雕”三部曲介绍给欧美读者。
11月17日,美国Quartzy网站发表题为《中国的“指环王”三部曲终于要翻译成英文了》的文章。据悉,《射雕英雄传》英文译名为Legends of the Condor Heroes, 共分12卷,计划2018年2月发售第1卷《英雄诞生》(A Hero Born)。
金庸和托尔金作品主题相似:伸张正义,打造英雄。和托尔金幻想... 阅读全帖 |
s*****w 发帖数: 1017 | 19 前些日子刚看了一篇科普文章(呵呵,不好意思,这么大了还看科普的
实验似乎证实了这个模型,不过那时加速器能提供给电 |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 20 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: choi (choi), 信区: USANews
标 题: The Evolving States
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 2 21:14:49 2010, 美东)
Michael J. Trinklein, Altered States: The strange history of efforts to
redraw the New England map. Boston Globe, May 2, 2010.
My comment:
(a) Please also read THE STATE OF BOSTON, whose icon in this page is called
"Redrawing New England." The latter does not appear in the print. In the
print toda |
j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 21 这里有一段关于苏式m43枪伤的介绍。很显然并不是很容易碎裂。
In fact, there is a bit of a controversy brewing in some of the AAR’s
coming in from OCONUS on the effectiveness of 7.62 x 39 mm ammunition.
Initially, this appears somewhat strange, as there may be more forensic data
available regarding wounds caused by the Russian 7.62 x 39 mm FMJ than for
any other rifle cartridge. The original 7.62 x 39 mm Russian M43 Type PS 120
.5 gr FMJ boat-tail bullet has a copper-plated steel jacket covering a large
steel core and a typic |
i****2 发帖数: 1520 | 23 我也不明白. I feel strange where the maid sleep.
but lots of housewives have philippine maids following. |
w******3 发帖数: 3 | 24 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wmz55123 (wmz55123), 信区: Military
标 题: UCLA开放课程:中国的兴与衰 Fall and Rise of China (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 7 08:41:36 2011, 美东)
发信人: wmz55123 (wmz55123), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: UCLA开放课程:中国的兴与衰 Fall and Rise of China
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 7 08:40:11 2011, 美东)
发信人: wmz55123 (wmz55123), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: UCLA开放课程:中国的兴与衰 Fall and Rise of China
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 7 08:38:40 2011, 美东)
UCLA开放课程:中国的兴与衰 Fall and Rise of China
更... 阅读全帖 |
y****i 发帖数: 1050 | 25 The first appearance of the Tiger on the Eastern Front was unsuccessful. The
first Tigers were issued to the 1st platoon of the 502 Battalion of Heavy
Tanks (Schwere Panzer Abteilung 502). On the 29th of August 1942, the four
Tigers arrived at the Mga railway station near Leningrad. Early that day,
the tanks were unloaded and prepared for battle. At 11:00 AM, the Tigers
went into their battle positions. Major Richard Merker commanded the platoon
, which included four Tigers, six PzKpfw III Ausf.... 阅读全帖 |
y****i 发帖数: 1050 | 26 The first appearance of the Tiger on the Eastern Front was unsuccessful. The
first Tigers were issued to the 1st platoon of the 502 Battalion of Heavy
Tanks (Schwere Panzer Abteilung 502). On the 29th of August 1942, the four
Tigers arrived at the Mga railway station near Leningrad. Early that day,
the tanks were unloaded and prepared for battle. At 11:00 AM, the Tigers
went into their battle positions. Major Richard Merker commanded the platoon
, which included four Tigers, six PzKpfw III Ausf.... 阅读全帖 |
y****i 发帖数: 1050 | 27 The first appearance of the Tiger on the Eastern Front was unsuccessful. The
first Tigers were issued to the 1st platoon of the 502 Battalion of Heavy
Tanks (Schwere Panzer Abteilung 502). On the 29th of August 1942, the four
Tigers arrived at the Mga railway station near Leningrad. Early that day,
the tanks were unloaded and prepared for battle. At 11:00 AM, the Tigers
went into their battle positions. Major Richard Merker commanded the platoon
, which included four Tigers, six PzKpfw III Ausf.... 阅读全帖 |
d*******r 发帖数: 3875 | 28 Translation
Within the span of hundred years of human existence,
what a bitter struggle is waged between genius and destiny!
How many harrowing events have occurred while mulberries cover the conquered
Rich in beauty, unlucky in life!
Strange indeed, but little wonder,
since casting hatred upon rosy cheeks is a habit of the Blue Sky.
The first six lines of the poem The Tale of Kiều
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truyen_Kieu |
s**********e 发帖数: 33562 | 29 老先生怎么也想不到他收的两封信都是从本版出来的。不过年近古稀的老先生第二天就
Dear Tigereatmeat,
Strangely enough, yours is the second such question I have received in the
past two days. By way of an answer let me simply quote what I wrote to the
other person, who was asking if the Red Army actually employed blocking
detachments at Stalingrad. I wrote the following:
The Red Army began employing "blocking detachments" to prevent panic,
desertion, and disobedience to orders in September 1941 on ... 阅读全帖 |
h*i 发帖数: 3446 | 30 Q people spread very wide. My theory is that this was a predominately
warrior race. In east Asian, a small group of Q people conquered the
majority Yan-Huang race (O3) and established Shang. These people ruled and
made wars, but didn't have much knowledge of material productions. They didn
't know how to make wheels for example. They do know how to make alcohols
and other mind altering substances.
When I read Chinese history, I always find the history of Shang very out of
place. These people di... 阅读全帖 |
R*****d 发帖数: 1148 | 31 先听首歌:
- 《旧唐书 列传第一百四十八 大食》
主角并不过分。按照纳训老先生--一千零一夜... 阅读全帖 |
R*****d 发帖数: 1148 | 32 夜谈天方 (6) 天方夜谭之文学篇:从天龙八部讲起
最后终成眷属。需要打一点儿折扣的是,同白都伦成其好事之后,戛梅禄还娶了另一... 阅读全帖 |
w****j 发帖数: 5581 | 33 这是富兰克林写于1754年的话:
"It would be a strange thing if six nations of ignorant savages should be
capable of forming a scheme for such a union and be able to execute it in
such a manner as that is has subsisted ages and appears insoluble; and yet
that a like union should be impracticable for ten or dozen English colonies."
过the Iroquois League的政治组织方式后写下的话。另外,国会在1775年由John
Hancock签署的对the Iroquois的讲话是这样说的:"The Six Nations (the Iroquois
League) are a wise people, let... 阅读全帖 |
c*********d 发帖数: 9770 | 34 By Ishaan Tharoor April 28, 2015
There's no place on Earth where East and West, cardinal directions, don't
But, over the centuries, East and West — particularly the East in the minds
of people in the West — have become terms loaded with cultural freight.
For a long time in the European imagination, the divide between these
spheres centered on where Christendom ended and the lands of Islam began.
The history of colonialism both reinforced and reconfigured these divides.
The map below is Wor... 阅读全帖 |
y****1 发帖数: 671 | 35 Part 3:
Kicking Down Doors
Back at Zhang's hostel, guests began pouring in from the streets. Many
headed to the roof, transfixed by the sight of a city in flames. Five
Tibetan neighbors crawled over nearby rooftops to join them, Zhang said.
Then, about 3 p.m., he heard a "strange, high-pitched sound." He looked down
to see a gang of 30 to 40 people swing into his street, howling. He was
surprised to see that most in the mob were young women, who had masks over
their mouths and were wearing backp |
s****n 发帖数: 4902 | 36 Strange as it may sound, China may be more open to fundamental political
reform than the U.S.
Might, for example, more appreciation for freedom of expression shift
Eastward and a greater appreciation of governing in the common interest and
long-term perspective shift Westward?
To be sure, there is much cultural history under the bridge of today’s
interdependence that contributes to the tectonic pace of convergence. China
’s ancient |
c**********1 发帖数: 31 | 37 咬模特的奶头 is not a strange behavior for a young man.
you can do it. lol |
t***e 发帖数: 3601 | 39 Strange ah, Shandong women in village can't even go on the dinner table with
guests. |
c**********w 发帖数: 1746 | 41 why does 小将 think they would have better life in Mao's time? This is a
very strange thing. Do they have brain in their head? |
R*******N 发帖数: 7494 | 42 统计局's strange. Smbd is making false data.
70 |
w*****h 发帖数: 2120 | 43 There are many strange animals in the folklore of China,such as
骊駹 |
b***n 发帖数: 590 | 45
A female software developer.
Anyhow, she was elected in 2009, while her house was listed
for foreclosure. Her daughter said she was heading to UT for
college, wearing Long Horn T-shirt and complained about missing
the summer orientation. UT said there was not even a record of application
from her.
This sounds a very strange family. |
g******0 发帖数: 294 | 46 where ?
link please
as I know, he did not have any lawyer yet,
which is pretty strange, so I feel more 戏 in this case |
d*****l 发帖数: 8441 | 47 Nothing strange. Australia is now worrying about US policy change to support
Indonesia, one of her enemy. |
Z**S 发帖数: 1211 | 48 If you find it strange, it is because you were misled by Pop Fang.
It is pathetic that there is no professional journalism in China, and I don'
t one can blame it totally on the political system.
If there were journalism with integrity in China, there would be no need to have
Pop Fang around.
。就是连CNN的报道都是正面的。 |
u****n 发帖数: 7521 | 49 这个印度哥们的回帖很精准
Democracy as an excuse By: Keith |
Thursday , 23 Sep '10 7:20:10 AM Reply | Forward
Sad fact is that India does use democracy as an excuse. Indians look at
China and say she has abused her populous and forced them to build the shiny
cities, something that India cannot do due to the rule of law and democracy
. Strange how India was able to evite 140,000 poor families to make space
for the Commonwealth games despite democracy and rule of law. The difference
between China and India |
u****n 发帖数: 7521 | 50 http://www.indianexpress.com/comments/dont-blame-democracy-for-bad-governance/683662/
Democracy as an excuse By: Keith |
Thursday , 23 Sep '10 7:20:10 AM Reply | Forward
Sad fact is that India does use democracy as an excuse. Indians look at
China and say she has abused her populous and forced them to build the shiny
cities, something that India cannot do due to the rule of law and democracy
. Strange how India was able to evite 140,000 poor families to make space
for the Commonwealth games d |