发帖数: 1 | 2 几何。代数是为了研究许多几何问题而发明的。有理数,根式数乃至群论开始研究的都
是几何问题。 |
发帖数: 1 | 4 代数这个词 源自于阿拉伯语。代数的发展是阿拉伯人对数学发展的重要贡献。 |
G****r 发帖数: 5579 | 6 Bradley McCredie
VIce President and IBM Fellow at IBM
Today, IBM's Research team announced the next breakthrough in semiconductor
innovation that will make significant contributions towards improved system
cost performance. The core of this breakthrough is a new device architecture
that will enable 5nm geometries.
While some industry watchers and pundits have predicted that 7nm may be our
last technology node this new technology provides a strong proof point we
will be advancing past 7nm techno... 阅读全帖 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 7 不是高斯娃的一年级普通娃只有 concrete operation。而没有复杂的 formal
operation 能
力,很难理解 3*3 这种 xform geometry based spatial perception。
concrete operation 学校老师会教。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 8 父母版很多女生把 complete a square 都忘了 。
真心的说,这些只要美帝学到 algebra I 和 calculus in the style of algebra I
就够了。。。之后都不用浪费时间了,因为套公式和 TI-82 函数计算器已经学会了就
够了。。。多好多高中快乐恋爱时光的。。。欧几里德几何 Geometry I 选修算了,大
: 我觉得减压应该是少公式,少计算,注重概念。当年学过来的解题一套一套的,
: 决实际问题的时候,完全不知道怎么用。
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 9 楼上这位网友说的是初中 science 课,文科生比理科生学得好的那种 。。。 高中物
理课是严格的 Mathematical science ,geometry I 学成 in the style of algebra
I 的学生,一般就选修算了。 |
d********m 发帖数: 3662 | 10 good versions. celion dion's version made me puke once by the way. |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 11 对酒当 Opera I,人生 Geometry I。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 12 对动物而言,咬合力不行是硬伤 。。。
这个就跟床上姿势三千种花拳绣腿,敌不过 core muscle group 加 pelvic floor
muscle group 的 HIIT,任何姿势都保证又硬又紧又滑情爱销魂飞。。。
或者就是推妈版鸡兔同笼七十二式招招制敌,最终敌不过 geometry 1 欧几里德第五公
: 家猫缺乏咬脖子一击致命的技巧。
: 这点比老虎差很多。
: :家猫确实比较给猫科动物丢脸
: :只会欺负弱小 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 13 这个部分是 Piaget 老先生不懂得现代马工人工智能深度学习的概念,导致其儿童认知
阶段发展理论,在 concrete operation 阶段的时间点很准,但 formal operation 阶
这个原因是,concerete operation 在瓜熟蒂落前,其实也要拚人工智能深度学习小时
数 。。。 但区别是在于,concrete operation 文科生的人工智能深度学习小时数,
可以在日常生活日常经验中获得 。。。 但 formal operation 就不行,必须拚专门训
打个比方就是,娃天天上下学,或者去 playground 玩,自然就有走路跑步这种
concrete operation 的的预先深度学习小时数的积累,人称:经验 。。。 但游泳就
不行,这些小时数都不算,游泳得积累泳池小时数,还得有足够比例的泳池 drill 小
时数,不能都是瞎玩 。。。 双人碧草也一样,必须先积累足够跟女伴双人碧草小时数
,才能开始又紧又滑 。。。光靠积累军版索男下室干撸小时数不行。
这就是为啥 14 岁上 geometry 1 的时候,有些娃一年学会... 阅读全帖 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 14 但 geometry 1 不及格的话,algebra 1 就只能成为 baby algebra 吧 。。。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 15 你这些不管是真是假,你没几何学 geometry 1 就没法实用,只能是鸡兔同笼的钻牛角
故事会上说 。。。 克里奥佩德拉的木头舰队,当面没有无线电,出海后分舰队之间无
法通讯,只能事先算好会师计划 。。。 结果安东尼奥这个高中橄榄球队的数学不及格
,舰队会师出错,被敌人分割而溃败 。。。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 16 木匠用的是,小学 concrete operation 的几何,因为可以不断试错 。。。 而克里奥
佩德拉跟安东尼奥的木头舰队 spoon position sex 很硬很紧很滑的温情碧草,是初中
formal operation 的 欧几里德 geometry 1,因为木头舰队没有无线电和 iPhone 10
木匠那样一次一次试错 。。。 而且每次海战不完全一样,也没法像木匠那样刷 Kumon
反复练 。。。 安东尼奥哥们就算错了一次,分舰队丢了无法会合。安东尼奥这一错之
后此后此生没碧草,结果比海日还悲愤。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 17 对接精度是工程学的事啊,对欧几里德几何学不就是上下一笼统 。。。 或者哥们你们
geometry 1 的放水考试都是矩形是不是?
: 车技巴丹,现代高层建筑要求的对接精度不是金字塔可以比的
f***y 发帖数: 4447 | 19 https://m.toutiao.com/i6499743832802853390/
1973年,匈牙利数学家 László Fejes Tóth 在 Exploring a Planet 一文中提出了
球带猜想(Zone Conjecture)[1]。该猜想描述了如果一个单位球面被几个球带完全覆
盖,它们的宽度总和至少为 π。44年过去了,以色列理工学院(Technion)的中国数
学家姜子麟和莫斯科物理技术学院(MIPT)的 Alexandr Polyanskii 终于证明了
Fejes Tóth 的猜想,其结果发表于GAFA数学杂志 [2]。他们的证明对于离散几何非常
○ László Fejes Tóth 猜想。半径为1的单位球体被等宽的区域覆盖。所有区域的
宽度总和的最小值是π。每个区域用不同颜色标记。| 图片来源:MIPT
离散几何学(Discrete Geometry)研究的是点、线、圆、多边形和其他几何对象的组
它周围?或者,在平面上,如何以最密集的方式排放相同大小的圆?又或者在空间... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 21 姚兴腾教授轶事 【转载】
却不愿意批准卖给他,所以他让当时是系主任的Ben Gross教授去询问缘由,后来Gross
2.姚教授通过这些seminar和conference让大量的中... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 22 姚兴腾教授轶事 【转载】
却不愿意批准卖给他,所以他让当时是系主任的Ben Gross教授去询问缘由,后来Gross
2.姚教授通过这些seminar和conference让大量的中... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 23 “For the formulation of a general field theory
which synthesizes the physical laws of nature and provides
us with an understanding of the fundamental forces of the
universe. As one of the conceptual masterpieces of the twentieth
century explaining the interaction of subatomic particles,
his theory has profoundly reshaped the development
of physics and modern geometry during the last forty
years. This theoretical model, already ranked alongside the
works of Newton, Maxwell, and Einstein, will sur... 阅读全帖 |
m**********e 发帖数: 12525 | 24 码农真搞笑
人havard有姚姓滕,你能在华科校园找出半个能看懂kahler geometry的人吗? |
发帖数: 1 | 25 当然可以。你可以修改公理推导出来另外一套系统。也可以扩展公理 进而完善现
比如 假如你有一条公理:平行线永远不相交。但是当你研究 projective geometry 的
时候你可以引入一个 line at infinity. 这种情况下 平行线在无穷远处就可以相交。
[在 CatchGodLine (捆仙绳) 的大作中提到:]
:宪法是可以修改的 这是常识
:公理不能修改 |
m**********e 发帖数: 12525 | 26 系数是实数是现代物理的基本数学要求
用纯数学的语言说,所有物理的operator必须是self adjoint
self adjoint,限制了态叠加的系数必须是real number
所以啊,搞string的才会弄出一个叫Kahler geometry的怪物出来,其目的,就是保证算符
在多维复空间内仍然是self adjoint的 |
s*****l 发帖数: 7106 | 27 首先 2000 不算贵 算入门
其次 你骑的太少 感觉不出来
frame的区别主要是重量 可靠性 和 geometry
所以最简单的 你把车拎起来 感受一下
基本上越轻越好 |
g*****g 发帖数: 64 | 28 Griffiths and Harris, Principles of Algebraic Geometry, Chapter 0 has the
necessary discussion and proofs of topics discussed in this post, along with
their connections. Have fun :) |
w********2 发帖数: 632 | 29 如何用数学描述树叶花瓣儿的飘动?linear algebra? geometry?group theory? |
x****6 发帖数: 4339 | 30 都是研究Birational geometry的。 |
x****6 发帖数: 4339 | 32 这个词怎么没听过?科普一下?
:trirational geometry更牛 |
s*****V 发帖数: 21731 | 33 稍微强度高的科学计算要是用python做慢死,比如FFT, linear algebra, geometry。
C |
s***h 发帖数: 487 | 34 科学计算大不了还可以等一年,Robotics 才更坑爹。
: 稍微强度高的科学计算要是用python做慢死,比如FFT, linear algebra,
: 估计能有1000倍的差距,1000X对很多应用就是存在和不存在的差距了。
: C
发帖数: 1 | 35 第一个Arthur Winfree,就是露露钱的老公的爸爸
他写的The geometry of biological time,是第一本非线性在生物里面应用的书
第二个steven strogatz,他写了两本
一个就是很多学校的教材Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos : with Applications to
Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering |
f******o 发帖数: 2469 | 37 How to Become a Plumber
If you want to become a plumber, here are the steps to take.
Get your high school diploma or GED. A plumber needs a foundation in math (i
.e., algebra and geometry), science (i.e., physics) and computers (i.e.,
computer-aided drafting). If offered, you may also want to take classes in
drafting and blueprint reading.
Get your vocational training. Take plumbing vocational classes at a trade
school or technical or community college. The certificate you earn will be
on the to... 阅读全帖 |
n****4 发帖数: 12553 | 38 当然,我这只是个理论,就象乔西曾经说过的那样,That... that was just a theory
! There's a lot of theories that didn't pan out: Lone gunman... communism...
geometry.... |
c*******a 发帖数: 1879 | 39 看看无人驾驶的要求:
Experience & Skills
Ability to produce production-quality C++
Strong background in mathematics, linear algebra, geometry, and probability
Ability to build machine learning applications using a broad range of tools
such as decision trees, Hidden Markov Models, deep neural networks, etc.
Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or
related field
Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and collaborate across teams and
Openness to new / diffe... 阅读全帖 |
n**e 发帖数: 1296 | 40 1987年12月11日,Scholze出生在一个科研教育氛围颇为浓厚的地方:德累斯顿。那里
且师从Michael Rapoport教授,在波恩大学继续攻读博士学位。
“状似完备几何学”(perfectoid geometry),充分地将几何方法运用在代数领域,
代数几... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 41 这点破事还要jjzz
The shape of the event horizon of a black hole is always approximately
spherical. For non-rotating (static) black holes the geometry of the event
horizon is precisely spherical, while for rotating black holes the event
horizon is oblate. |
S*********n 发帖数: 4050 | 42 Wow. You talked as if you were his wife.
I rarely hear anybody say that he didn't commit adultery. I did hear people
say that it's not important.
You are going really extreme.
"She said when Gingrich admitted to a six-year affair with a Congressional
aide, he asked her if she would share him with the other woman, Callista,
who is now married to Gingrich"
This is from wiki -
Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married Jackie Battley,
his former high school geometry teacher, when he... 阅读全帖 |
S*********n 发帖数: 4050 | 43 from wiki -
Ethics sanctions
Eighty-four ethics charges were filed against Gingrich during his term as
speaker. After extensive investigation and negotiation by the House Ethics
Committee, Gingrich was sanctioned $300,000 by a 395–28 House vote. It was
the first time in history a speaker was disciplined for ethical wrongdoing.[
In January 1997, Gingrich said "I did not manage the effort intensely enough
to thoroughly direct or review information being submitted to the committee
on my behalf.... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 44 By JUSTIN SCHECK and IANTHE JEANNE DUGAN
BLUE LAKE, Calif.—Malodorous brown smoke from a power plant enveloped this
logging town on April 29, 2010, and several hundred residents fled until it
Six months later, the plant got $5.4 million from a federal program to
promote environmentally preferable alternatives to fossil fuel.
The plant, Blue Lake Power LLC, burns biomass, which is organic material
that can range from construction debris and wood chips to cornstalks and
animal waste. It is... 阅读全帖 |
l*********1 发帖数: 2971 | 45 发信人: yuxuxin (开水泡妞), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 我老怒了! 美国到底怎么了?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 4 11:06:11 2012, 美东)
宾洲一个16岁的小女生dress down day穿Romny/Ryan的t-shirt去上课,被老师赶出
教室,叫嚣他们是民主党的学校,穿Romny/Ryan的t-shirt就象穿3k, 其他老师和同学
Philly Student Told to Lose Romney T-Shirt or Get Out
Teacher likens Port Richmond teenager wearing a T-Shirt for GOP candidates
to... 阅读全帖 |
r*x 发帖数: 1055 | 46 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: yuxuxin (开水泡妞), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: Re: 我老怒了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 4 11:16:16 2012, 美东)
Philly Student Told to Lose Romney T-Shirt or Get Out
Teacher likens Port Richmond teenager wearing a T-Shirt for GOP candidates
to "wearing a KKK shirt"By Dan Stamm and Claudia Rivero | Thursday, Oct 4,
2012 | Updated 9:36 AM ED
A Philadelphia high schooler says she was humiliated after her teacher told
he... 阅读全帖 |
s****d 发帖数: 1830 | 47 我又不需要做这低级的不能低级东西 又没参加过培训
只会datastructure&algorithm complier theory OS computation theory, computer
computation geometry。。。这些
龙虾党居然以为大学cs department教 怎么programming 笑死我 |
j*********r 发帖数: 24733 | 48 Virginia teen earns master’s degree weeks before graduating high school
A Virginia whiz kid received her master’s degree on Saturday before she is
set to graduate high school.
Stephanie Mui, 17, of Fairfax, Va., received a master’s degree in
mathematics from George Mason University on Saturday and, according to the
school, was the youngest among more than 8,700 graduates at the spring
“As a student she is sharp, very sharp. She impresses everyone,” said Sean
Lawton, an associate pr... 阅读全帖 |
G******e 发帖数: 9567 | 49 http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/08/18/are-blind-spots-a-myth/
Are Blind Spots a Myth?
In an effort to reduce lane-change accidents, some automakers are trying
radar to eliminate blind spots that could conceal an adjacent vehicle.
For example: Ford’s Blind Spot Information System, or BLIS, which uses
radar located in each rear-quarter panel to scan for objects between the
rear bumper and the outside mirror. If an object is detected, a small
warning light in the side-vie... 阅读全帖 |
c**********s 发帖数: 237 | 50 几年前按kbb价格买了一辆旧车,开了两年后,按kbb价格卖掉,居然赚了两千。虽然
Lead Software Enginee
Lead Software Engineer is responsible for providing technical leadership in
setting the direction and successful execution of software development by
leading a team of technical resources responsible for developing and
supporting products for Kelley Blue Book’s mobile portfolio
The Product Technology Group creates and maintains all of Kelley Blue Book’
s products. Our... 阅读全帖 |