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1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5754
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 【基要派版本】罗马书2:1-16

Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for
wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest
doest the same things.
This reproof is directed against hypocrites, who dazzle the eyes of men by
displays of outward sanctity, and even think themselves to be accepted
before God, as though they had given him full satisfaction.
Hence Paul, after having stated the grosser vices, that he might prove that
none are just... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4956
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 论断
太 7:1 “你们不要论断人,免得你们被论断。 太 7:2 因为你们怎样论断人,也必怎
样被论断;你们用什么量器量给人,也必用什么量器量给你们。 路 6:37 “你们不要
“饶恕”原文作“释放”); 罗 2:1 你这论断人的,无论你是谁,也无可推诿。你在
。 罗 2:3 你这人哪!你论断行这样事的人,自己所行的却和别人一样,你以为能逃脱
神的审判吗? 罗 14:3 吃的人不可轻看不吃的人;不吃的人不可论断吃的人;因为
神已经收纳他了。 罗 14:4 你是谁,竟论断别人的仆人呢?他或站住,或跌倒,自
有他的主人在;而且他也必要站住,因为主能使他站住。 罗 14:10 你这个人,为什么
论断弟兄呢?又为什么轻看弟兄呢?因我们都要站在 神的台前。 罗 14:13 所以我们
不可再彼此论断,宁可定意,谁也不给弟兄放下绊脚跌人之物。 林前 4:3 我被你们论
断,或被别人论断,我都以为极小的事,连我自己也不论断自己。 林前 4:5 所... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
Of God, and of the Holy Trinity
I. There is but one only,[25] living, and true God,[26] who is infinite in b
eing and perfection,[27] a most pure spirit,[28] invisible,[29] without body
, parts,[30] or passions;[31] immutable,[32] immense,[33] eternal,[34] incom
prehensible,[35] almighty,[36] most wise,[37] most holy,[38] most free,[39]
most absolute;[40] working all things according to the counsel of his own im
mutable and most righteous will,[41] for his own glory;[42] most loving,[... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: _BibleStudy版 - 11月罗马书查经 - 第二章
Romans 2
1Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for
wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that
judgest doest the same things.
2But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them
which commit such things.
3And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and
doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
4Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and
longsuffe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3620
anyone knows. some of those 5 apts could be used for his little no.3's
发帖数: 4574
Hu JB also thinks so.
It doest not think things from the point of view of interest of nation and
发帖数: 1797
i believe.
There are more special people than you think on this planet.
Don't be like a frog in the well.
Those who doest believe, go fly to China and try yourself on this program.
发帖数: 427
T139 is in a fairly big pacakge.
The USPS label Shenyi sent to me shows a price of 5 something, which a small
priority box will cost.
I was at USPS, and found the package didn't fit the smallest priority box.
The mediam box would cost 10 dollars.
Doest that mean I need to cut open the phone package and take the phone out?
I am sorry, it's my first time dropping a package at USPS. Can anyone give a
发帖数: 5586
that doest seems working.
use differnt ip/ use diffent shipping address.
发帖数: 750
The first lnk doest work.
发帖数: 11
来自主题: Faculty版 - 接了offer再拒掉,是不是很伤rp
Doest matter.
By the way, did you have the interview by Skype, or on-site in person?
发帖数: 592
来自主题: HouseRental版 - NY 和 NJ, 住哪儿好?
buy a brita pitcher($7-8$) and filter (3pk $10), which can provide you with
almost a year of filtered water consumption by yourself.
Doest it really matter where you live?
发帖数: 2012
they said the h1b candidate is US citizen in the record and USCIS doest not
give a shit of the record.that's y I said if you are not very intereted in
the positon,dont waste time in taking the fuxking green card interview
发帖数: 2012
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 十年经验,读啥样的学校
he doest not have OPT, no company will wait for him for the October's H1
approval ,so can not hire him
发帖数: 249
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 宝宝最近不吃不喝的,真急人
Did you give him jar food? If yes, try to make some by yourself instead. And
also try teething biscuit. If he doest like water, give him soup. since he
is already 6m+, he can have yo baby yogurt now.
发帖数: 249
Not every woman has a husband, and also not every couple has a kid. So why
don't you calm down first? Your anxiety doest help anything. Take good care
of yourself and wait for the good news with patience.
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: Stock版 - 有谁昨天平空仓买多仓了?
Just up one day, people r thinking of shorting, doest sound rite.
发帖数: 2183
should be ok ba...if u worry, then hold for couple of days. it doest hurt..
发帖数: 2334
来自主题: Immigration版 - RFE 求助 (Eb1A PP)
here is the detail:
(ii) Documentation of the petitioner's membership in associations in the
field for which classification is sought. The association must require
outstanding achievements of their members, as judged by recognized
national or international experts in their disciplines or fields.
The petitioner has submitted evidence of his membership in several
professional, honorary and academic associations:
- Senior member of the IEEE
- Member of ACM
The petitioner has submitted a letter from... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 104
Cnus, I should appreciate you work. Your second paragraph makes me feel very
very bad. Don't you know even a tiny bit of politics. You'd rather believe
the enemy's lies than trust your own comprates. For this point, somehow, I
believe what p838 have said other than that lady. And I will tell you, if I
were that lady, I can tell what ever that can make you feel better and happy
. As long as it dostn't hurt and doest't change the results.
发帖数: 117
科学历. is not needed, at least for this job. I think it doest qualify for
4 year degree either unless it is from same school as your other BS degree.

It is better to provide Chinese english translation for the degree, and
transcripts. you did that for grad school application.
for all related working experience that you want to mention, you need to
provide experience letter from your former employer.
发帖数: 528
Certified Expired Perms
3067 2008
22192 2009
25782 2010
Certified Perms
12669 2007
36629 2008
16125 2009
32723 2010
according to a post on immhelp "You have 6 months time to file 140 after the
PERM is Certified. If 140 is not filed within that time, the PERM will
expire and the status becomes Certified- expired."
doest that mean those certified expired cases are not active or at least a big portion of them? many of those cases are in 2009 when most layoffs happened. also certifie... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 205
sorry in english,
I in RTP area, RD Jan 4th, no FP notice and service request done last
tuesday. I was told that I should receive mails in 2 weeks, or i can call to
make a service request again. my husband has finished FP week ago in other
my friend here RD in Dec has got their FP notice in 2 weeks after their RD.
Doest that mean this area is busy from Jan?
发帖数: 7244
来自主题: Mainland版 - 写写古代中国少数民族怎么样?
what does 古代中国少数民族 mean? Does it mean the story of current ethnic
groups in ancient times? Or doest it mean the story of ancient ethnic groups
which did not survive to present?
发帖数: 29
Thanks a lot
I posted to Craigslist, but it doest not work.
发帖数: 254
Thanks for reply. How long doest it take totally?
I was trying to track my package throught the Online Tracking System on
their website, but never worked. Any advice? Thanks.
发帖数: 563
来自主题: Virginia版 - bobo来看bobo来看
en? i found this welseyan is very good ah, ranking 11 this year.
and its acceptance rate ranks the 5th lowest. hehe
so it seems you are pretty lucky to get this offer. hehe
jsut now i consultedd a friend's idea,who is in econ grad
at uva. she proposed several points, which i think might
be helpful.
1. econ at uva is reducing funds now, and even firing some
faculties. so the ranking will drop in the following
year, although still a top college.
2. as to visa. uva doest give you aids on th
发帖数: 9197
来自主题: Basketball版 - 小林最后时刻给全队布置战术
Lin was saying: look i will make a turnover there , but if a defender doest
cover me , i will through it at someone's legs, so don't think ever of
passing the ball to me!!
PB: u guys listen well... Play hard ,keep Lin at the corner and forget he is
there ...
McHale : well said it but with more energy
发帖数: 3067
来自主题: Golf版 - 郁闷!!!
technically, any distance is reasonable for a given player.
it is just how comfortable with your distance gap, ie, whats your club
distance one club more for 5wood, and one club less.
for example, the buddy i was mentioning, driving 290 is not problem for him,
so, he doest even carry a 3wood, and no hybrid for him as well. his 4iron
can go 200 or more.
ideally, if your irons can get you into 200 yards, and you can save fairway
woods for further distance. to answer your question: your woods shoul
发帖数: 25662
来自主题: PhotoGear版 - 最后一天,还得重新选边站?
holy doc can change side at will.
doest matter which side you stand for now.
发帖数: 1309
Gee~~y would stupid ass like u still think speaing english is a good deal?
I dont need to use english here cuz its just a way to express urself,
chinese or english. doest really matter.
U act like a high skool kid trying to brag that u can speak dope english,
well guess wat, you aint shit, cuz eveybody can do it, it aint that hard.
Just check out the difference between my post n urs. Ask any native speaker,
who is doper. lmao
发帖数: 13782
来自主题: Girl版 - 情人节又快到了
War doest not determine who is right .... only who is left.
发帖数: 25265
来自主题: Heart版 - 为什么我心情时好时坏
lol 破瓜前是有紧张期待兴奋和惆怅. 不过doest not apply to my case
发帖数: 10575
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - [基督教预定论-RDP] 2 预定论简述
Chapter II
Statement of the Doctrine
In the Westminster Confession, which sets forth the beliefs of the
Presbyterian and Reformed Churches and which is the most perfect expression
of the Reformed Faith, we read: "God from all eternity did by the most wise
and holy counsel of His own will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever
comes to pass; yet so as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is
violence offered to the will of the creat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10575
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - [基督教预定论-RDP] 4 神的至高主权
Chapter IV
The Sovereignty of God
Every thinking person readily sees that some sovereignty rules his life. He
was not asked whether or not he would have existence; nor when, where, or
what he would be born; whether in the twentieth century or before the flood;
whether white or Negro; whether in America or in China. It has been
recognized by Christians in all ages that God is the Creator and Ruler of
the universe, and that as the Creator and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1059
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 圣灵感动?
You misunderstand calvinism when you say this:
I hate calvinists because they believe God created some human just for BBQ
urpose. It is an insult to God and human culture.
You can find the correct answer from formal statements, e.g. WSC Westminster
Shorter Catechism
Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God,[1] and to enjoy him forever.[2]
[1] Psalm 86. Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy.
Preserve my soul; for I am holy: O thou my God, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 威斯敏斯德信条 第一章 论圣经
Of the Holy Scripture
I. Although the light of nature, and the works of creation and providence do
so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave men une
xcusable;[1] yet are they not sufficient to give that knowledge of God, and
of his will, which is necessary unto salvation.[2] Therefore it pleased the
Lord, at sundry times, and in divers manners, to reveal himself, and to decl
are that his will unto his church;[3] and afterwards, for the better preserv
ing and p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
Of Providence
I. God the great Creator of all things doth uphold,[97] direct, dispose, and
govern all creatures, actions, and things,[98] from the greatest even to th
e least,[99] by his most wise and holy providence,[100] according to his inf
allible foreknowledge,[101] and the free and immutable counsel of his own wi
ll,[102] to the praise of the glory of his wisdom, power, justice, goodness,
and mercy.[103]
II. Although, in relation to the foreknowledge and decree of God, the first
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 韦斯敏斯德信条 第十六章 论善行
Of Good Works
I. Good works are only such as God hath commanded in his holy Word,[306] and
not such as, without the warrant thereof, are devised by men, out of blind
zeal, or upon any pretense of good intention.[307]
II. These good works, done in obedience to God’s commandments, are the frui
ts and evidences of a true and lively faith:[308] and by them believers mani
fest their thankfulness,[309] strengthen their assurance,[310] edify their b
rethren,[311] adorn the profession of the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day
I. The light of nature showeth that there is a God, who hath lordship and so
vereignty over all, is good, and doth good unto all, and is therefore to be
feared, loved, praised, called upon, trusted in, and served, with all the he
art, and with all the soul, and with all the might.[404] But the acceptable
way of worshiping the true God is instituted by himself, and so limited by h
is own revealed will, that he may not be worshiped according to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 【基要派版本】罗马书2:1-16

3. And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things,
and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
"3. And thinkest thou, O man, etc. As rhetoricians teach us, that we ought
not to proceed to give strong reproof before the crime be proved, Paul may
seem to some to have acted unwisely here for having passed so severe a
censure, when he had not yet proved the accusation which he had brought
forward. But the fact is otherwise; for he adduced not his accus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 问个问题
代上 21:1 撒但起来攻击以色列人,激动大卫数点他们。 伯 1:6 有一天, 神的众子
来侍立在耶和华面前,撒但也来在其中。 伯 1:7 耶和华问撒但说:“你从哪里来?”
撒但回答说:“我从地上走来走去,往返而来。” 伯 1:8 耶和华问撒但说:“你曾用
心察看我的仆人约伯没有?地上再没有人象他完全正直,敬畏 神,远离恶事。” 伯
1:9 撒但回答耶和华说:“约伯敬畏 神,岂是无故呢? 伯 1:12 耶和华对撒但说:“
凡他所有的,都在你手中;只是不可伸手加害于他。”于是撒但从耶和华面前退去。 伯
2:1 又有一天, 神的众子来侍立在耶和华面前,撒但也来在其中。 伯 2:2 耶和华问
撒但说:“你从哪里来?”撒但回答说:“我从地上走来走去,往返而来。” 伯 2:3
畏 神,远离恶事。你虽激动我攻击他,无故地毁灭他;他仍然持守他的纯正。” 伯
2:4 撒但回答耶和华说:“人以皮代皮... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1988
I did successfully install oracle9i in redhat linux7.3.
And I did copy my old database tables from my MSSQL server to Oracle9i by
using the ODBC administrative tool in windows.
From the client side(Oracle9i client), i can connect to my oracle database,
and I can see the all the tables schema I copied there. But when I use "select
* from tUser" to get data, it give me error"table or views doest not exist"
I also use another oracle client tool (TOAD) to try, the error is the same.
But I can
发帖数: 340
I have studied both Java and c#. The current c#4 is more powerful than Java.
C#4 has many features that Java doest't include, and java developers have
to wait for the Java 8 to include these.
According to my job seeking experience, it's easier to find a c# developer
job.Compared with the java java interview , the c#/.net interview is much
easier and have much less competitor.
But java developers have a little higher average salary.
发帖数: 1766
I learned that tumblr is safer place for porn at work than pornhub, LOL
doest that count?
发帖数: 383
来自主题: Programming版 - Help C++ Template function link error .
your problem is that the compiler doest instantiate he template anywhere.
you could try.
way 1. in your .h file, at the end include the cpp file.
way 2. use explicit template instantiation.
both have pros and cons, since they are very closely relative to compiler im
plementation lets leave it alone here.
发帖数: 787
来自主题: Biology版 - 南方科技大学的faculty offer
i think it doest hurt you if you go. bio-wsn should be confident.
发帖数: 787
来自主题: Biology版 - 南方科技大学的faculty offer
i think it doest hurt you if you go. bio-wsn should be confident.
发帖数: 519
来自主题: EE版 - 公派学生在美国读博问题
Also the most important reason that China government plan this project is
that they want many students study in US and back to China, this is the
kernel issue
During the past 20 years, there are so many students come to US for PhD by
themselves, most of the case are get the US offer, so the ratio of back to
China is not high. Science has a paper several days ago, the top US PhD Feed
school in 2006 is Tsinghua and Peking Univ. China government doest not need
more US PhD, they want more students b
发帖数: 705
ok, let me ask for a practical but maybe not challenging one:
Is there a way to calculate Levenshtein edit distance of character strings
efficiently? "agrep" use the distance to do fuzzy matching but doest not
return the distance value. there are some R functions can do this but are
Anyone knows?
1 (共1页)