j***b 发帖数: 5901 | 1 A little more on "time decay".
In my earlier posts I mentioned that time decay from 3x etfs can be totally
replicated by adjusting position. Of course adjusting position manually,
first, it takes some work, then there is the problem of commission and bid-
ask spread. Clearly 3x etf has the advantage of automatically adjusted (
almost) free of charge and daily.
But you need to realize that you don't need to adjust closely as often as
daily, because most of the "time decay" are generated from the ... 阅读全帖 |
B**********r 发帖数: 7517 | 2 Many of us on this board trade 3x FAS/FAZ, but it appears we had fewer
discussions on the less volatile 2x UYG/SKF. One question is to know how
fast they decay. Let us look at the 2-month time period from August 12 to
October 12.
UYG/SKF is based on Dow Jones financial index (IYF), as compared to FAS/FAZ
on Russell 1000 financial services index (R1FINL:IND). IYF closed at $47.62
on August 12, and $47.21 on October 12. That is a loss of 0.86%. If there is
no volatility decay, UYG should be down a... 阅读全帖 |
h****n 发帖数: 3447 | 3 虽然你比较死脑筋,但是还是很用心的蛮执着。呵呵
你所举的第一个交易例子实际上是赚time decay的操作。因为价格先降后升,虽然目标
价格相对没变,但赚到了time decay的利润。你所举的第二个交易例子实际上是赚波段
如果一切都像计划的一样,你的结论肯定是正确的。time decay的利润怎么可能和做股
但是因为波段不好判断,单边交易万一错了损失是很大的,因此才能谈到吃time decay
option 波段利润> stock 波段利润> short 双向time decay利润 (同样的投入。
option > stock > short 双向
这么明显的交易计划比较,由于你加上一些数学概念(delta),把... 阅读全帖 |
E******w 发帖数: 2616 | 4 我是个亏得快破产了的青蛙。本来觉得这种水平不应该上来说什么。不过看来版上这么
多大牛还真没研究过2x, 3x ETF的decay情况。
以gold为例吧。GLD是1x ETF,它如果不收费的话,价格应该和金价成比例。你去找历
史的金价数据,和GLD的价格一除,画条线,就知道GLD decay的情况了。
UGLD是2x gold ETF,它如果不decay,价格应该和金价的平方成比例。如果你懒得用金
价,可以直接用GLD的价格。UGL / GLD^2,画条直线,马上可以看到UGLD的decay比例
UGLD是3x gold ETF,它如果不decay,价格应该和金价的立方成比例。所以你画一条
UGLD / GLD^3 的直线,就可以看到它大概每年decay 11%。具体是不是这个数字我记不
最后,我眼看就要见外婆了。所以我说的东西各位还是需要自己去验证一下比较好。 |
u*****a 发帖数: 6276 | 5 当然,在到达 decay 点之后并通过 decay 点的孩子来说,孩子 decay 不 decay,和
孩子智力及其以前的教育过程有关。 |
s******t 发帖数: 926 | 6 股市中,OTM option有非常可观的time value,但是retail investor一般吃不到,即
使吃到了,也是冒了极大的风险的,单边吃time decay(裸卖option)一般是
unlimited risk,风险相对较低的大家常用的covered call也有股票暴跌甚至归零的风
险。于是,如何降低风险赚Time value就成了一个课题。
众所周知,FAS,FAZ是3x Financial ETF,一般不支持长期hold,因为终究是要归零的
,所以如果操作,一定要快进快出,坚决止损,切不可buy and hope。原则上不建议新
做hedge了。必须通过r... 阅读全帖 |
i****e 发帖数: 451 | 7 It really depends on the model assumption and what the true stock market
behavior is.
If we assume on day t, the return of index is X_t, which are mean zero,
independent RV, then the expected return over T days will be
E( \prod (1+X_t) ) = 1.0 === E( \prod( 1 + 3*X_t ) ) (expectation)
This shows that if we are in an ideal/theoreticaly world where stock markets
are independent from day to day, then 3X leverage is fine to hold. The main
problem of the above assumption is that X_t will not be ind... 阅读全帖 |
B**********r 发帖数: 7517 | 8 I think you are right. I just did some calculation. If the up/down days are
equal, and the underlying index returns to a previous value, FAZ decays
about 2X as fast as FAS. The rate of decay is still proportional to the
square of underlying index volatility.
It is a common misunderstanding if one believe that because the pair move
together, so they decay at the same rate.
I have another preference to short FAZ/TZA.
I also find 3X bull ETF decays as fast as 2X bear ETF (certainly assume they
are ... 阅读全帖 |
u********e 发帖数: 4950 | 9 对
* 1x should have NO decay since it is just pure long stocks, and it should
also has dividend income
* -1x: should have NO decay since it is just pure short stocks, but it does
need to pay interest and dividends ( or, could be different kind of decay
compared to what LZ said)
* -1 to 1: could be achieved by a comination of cash position and 1x or -
1x. So there should be no decay also (except the interest and dividends )
it |
m*****P 发帖数: 1331 | 10 这又不是线性的呀 。。。
离到期日远的时候 这一两天的time decay
再说了 你如果知道周末也有decay 那它是不是就已经会反映到价格中了?!
time decay真不值得你去纠结这么久 书上的模型都是数学化的东西
你只要知道有它的存在 而且离到期日越近就decay越快
我想你买一个股票的option 不会单纯地考虑时间价值
其实更重要的是看的是它的内在价值 也就是你预估股票会涨还是会跌
除此之外 你才考虑时间价值对option价格的影响 |
w*******U 发帖数: 256 | 11 I'm a beginner of the 3D DNS with the pseudo-spectral method. I calculated
the freely decaying flow. If the nonlinear inertial force is set to be zero
then the velocity divergence (sum |k dot u_k|, where u_k is velocity in
spectral space) is zero; but if the inertial force (or Re) increases then
the divergence (sum |k dot u_k|) increases. Then I calculated the flow
driven by a prescribed forcing and the divergence is zero.
So it seems that it is more difficult to resolve the freely decaying flow... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 12 Beauty.com: Spend $10 get 2 free deluxe samples of Urban Decay+ free deluxe
sample of Perricone MD No Foundation + 3 Free Samples + Free Shipping with
Shoprunner or $25
They currently have 2 offers that can be combined:
With any $10 purchase receive free deluxe samples of Urban Decay All Nighter
Long-Lasting Makeup Setting Spray and Complexion Primer Potion. No code
needed but you must click on the link to get the offer. While supplies last.
Shipping is free with shoprunner or when you spend $25... 阅读全帖 |
l********g 发帖数: 8819 | 13 以前潮水经常提到decay,第一个decay应该是小学3年级?
经指点,看到网上基本说小三开始从learn to read转变为read to learn.
算数呢???当然common core 应用题也要reading,其他方面呢? |
E**O 发帖数: 1980 | 14 根本没有time decay,从fasfaz出来做到现在了,只有volatility造成的decay。在猪
市基本flat,市场上窜下跳越厉害越decay。 |
u********e 发帖数: 4950 | 15 对,这确实也是一种"变相的time decay". 和普通的derivative time decay 的区别是
这种decay 在市场走完全一根直线的时候比较小一些(只须支付利息,没有volatility
premium loss).
这里面的关键在于"每天调整保证日收益3X". 其实就象每天满仓用3x的margin, 一旦跌
了就会有margin call要求割掉股票来保证仍然是满仓用3x的margin. 所以就是越涨投
资额越大,越跌投资额越小,最后总体上是跌得比涨得多, 在市场是波动持平的状态下会
B**********r 发帖数: 7517 | 17 Volatility decay is proportional to square of the index volatility. it is
clear, just imagine (1+x)(1-x) = 1-x^2.
But it is less obvious bear ETFs decay much faster than bull ETFs. So be
more careful on holding bear ETFs like FAS, TZA, SKF.
BTW, today I shorted both deep ITM TNA calls and FAZ calls. Both are in profit now, and will let them decay till next Friday expiration. |
A****a 发帖数: 460 | 18 ========
好吧,蝌蚪算命明白账了,是tracks 3x daily return。
例一, SPXL vs SPY, 从2014.2.6到2014.12.5,期间多少也有上下波动吧。
SPXL 从56.09到90.14,涨60.7%
SPY 从175.48到208.0,算上dividend涨20%。 SPXL完全是SPY涨幅三倍多零头。
例二,IYH vs CURE,也从2014.2.6到2014.12.5
CURE 从68.09到137.56,涨102%
IYH 从116.81到148.8,算上dividend涨29%。 虽然成分股可能略有差别,但CURE涨幅
从此处看,我觉得最稳健的投资方式反而是买CURE,即三倍health care bull。目前经
济形势下,health care本身就beat大盘。长年的熊市不易出现,就算是出现对health
care影响也略小。出现大熊市的唯一可能是毛子开战,但是如果发生战争health c... 阅读全帖 |
t**8 发帖数: 4527 | 19 所有的fund etf 都有decay, 包括 SPY也有management fee, 但spy 的 个股有分红
, 所以看不出decay
slv 和 gld显然没有分红, 加上contract 买卖, 费用很高
极端假设, 1000000 年以后, gold sliver 和现在的价格相同, slv 和 gld 一定是
0, 钱都被年薪百万的fund manager 和证券商挣走了 |
r***k 发帖数: 13586 | 20 SLV主要是仓储管理费用,他们每个月要卖好多银子给团队发工资,每年decay大约0.5%
。GLD的decay大约0.4%。 |
T*******y 发帖数: 6523 | 21 Today I went to see the dentist to do teeth cleaning, and they did the X-ray
. They showed me that underneath the crown that I did 8 years ago, there's
dark area showing the infection and decay, which is between the crown and
the tooth root. They said that I will have to at least open the crown to see
inside and then decide what to do. Quite possibly I need to get the tooth
extracted. Otherwise the decay may affect other places, or maybe one day I
will get up with one face swollen.
However, I ha |
r***n 发帖数: 1089 | 22 Very tiny but I worry that the decay will get worse. How to stop expansion
of the decay a?
Thanks a lot le. |
u**o 发帖数: 174 | 23 不知道, 啥日子?不过我也从来不认为自己娃是天才娃,有没过decay好像无所谓。
decay |
z****e 发帖数: 1384 | 24 .9^3*1.1^3=.97
decay是在哪个环节decay呢? |
n******m 发帖数: 554 | 25 一直有人问FAZ和FAS的TIME DECAY,我做了以下的试验:
灭了COMMISSION翻绿了,据此推算FAS和FAZ的TIME DECAY大概是每周1/1000.
做短线或者DAY TRADE的话几乎可以忽略,长期HOLD的话问题就比较大了,一年的话由
此造成的贬值约达5%。 |
f***3 发帖数: 92 | 26 this decay depends a lot on market volatility, more volatility more decay. |
s*****n 发帖数: 5488 | 27 哎。我还闲decay的不够快呢。一个三倍一个两倍的天天算能decay个%只季。 |
E**O 发帖数: 1980 | 28 解决decay很easy,1.卖covered的call,2.只long一半要decay的东西,另一半钱去
short它对应的反向品种, 两者的value(不是股数)要差不多。 |
s******t 发帖数: 926 | 29 I admit I used the wrong word. I used "time decay" just for easy
understanding. Except for the little ER fee, there is no time decay. I
actually don't know why such ETF could not live up to its goal until you
mentioned the reason. Thanks a lot. But it does not matter for the rest of
my strategy. Our goal is to utilize the under-performance of such ETFs, no
matter where it comes from. Right?
The bottom line is, ideally if I can get both FAS 24/22p spread and FAZ 51/
49p spread at $1 now, there is... 阅读全帖 |
s******t 发帖数: 926 | 30 其实这也是一种time decay, 因为市场永远是波动的,之前有人举例子说单边市场FAS
涨的更快,是没错,但是只要波动性存在,长期来看这些3x ETF都存在极其严重的
幅接近120%,现在假设调整两天,每天-10%,指数变化为 1.1^3*0.9^2=1.07811
3x ETF变化为 1.3^3*0.7^2=1.07653
可见,即使市场最终向上,由于调整出现,很容易逆转FAS带来的优势 |
B**********r 发帖数: 7517 | 31 For a 1x ETF, n=1, there is no decay if it is a bull ETF, but it has decay if it
is a bear ETF. |
B**********r 发帖数: 7517 | 32 Let us say, the index is up x one day, and down x/(1+x) the following day.
The index returns to (1+x)(1-1/(1+x)) = 1
The 1X bear index is down x first, and then up x(1+x) the second day. The
ETF returns to (1-x)(1+x/(1+x)) = 1-2x^2/(1+x), a decay.
decay |
B**********r 发帖数: 7517 | 33 TNA's October high is $53.43. It decayed nearly 5% in one month.
TZA decays 2x as fast as TNA. |
p********o 发帖数: 8012 | 34 不止俩倍的tvix更加如此,就连一倍的vxx也一样。
vxx一个月正常decay 5%左右。当然涨起来也很猛。一年涨一次猛地,decay一年都赚
回来了,但是太平时刻不行。 |
B****o 发帖数: 1393 | 35 I think the following should be enough...
While the leveraged ETF can fill a need in the day trader’s arsenal or be
utilized for a once in a blue moon trend trade, they are certainly not
suitable investments for an investor with a time horizon any longer than a
week. Due to the decay in share price value that occurs as a result of
daily volatility, both the long and short side of these daily rebalancing
acts decay over time, approaching zero regardless of what happens to the
underlying sector.
... 阅读全帖 |
E******w 发帖数: 2616 | 36 一般每年decay 9%左右吧。decay最厉害的是AGQ,其他的2x, 3x ETF平均在8%~10%之间
。所以,特殊情况下长期持有也并不是不可以。 |
n**x 发帖数: 606 | 37 古板的人真不看不上那点Decay,8%算个P。这里玩儿的都是一年要目翻翻要么外婆的,
那些盯着开个checking account送100的也从来不不来古板一样。古板的人不缺钱,8%
一年,笑死了。 |
s******8 发帖数: 4192 | 38 DDM还行。
4/30/2010 DJIA open 11168.23, 4/30/2012 open 13228.31, Up 18.44%
4/30/2010 DDM open 50.61, 4/30/2012 open 70.54, Up 39.38%. No decay at all. Beat index 250 points.
4/30/2010 UDOW 110.40, 4/30/2012 open 166.07. Up 50.43%. Decay 489 points. |
W******r 发帖数: 789 | 39 option的time decay是不是主要happen overnight啊?intraday有time decay吗? |
W******r 发帖数: 789 | 40 我看书上说周末不开市也会有time decay,是这样的吗?从星期五到星期一的time
decay真的是从星期四到星期五的3倍吗? |
d********1 发帖数: 3828 | 41 玩option不要只想time decay。option价格还受市场情况影响。大家心里没底的时候
吓傻了。 |
c*****i 发帖数: 515 | 42 SLV的underlying asset不是实银吗? 为什么会有decay?
UGAZ一个月decay12%这么多? 那买这种ETF最好是不是几天就要抛了? |
c*****i 发帖数: 515 | 43 谢谢! 这 0.5%就是所谓的management fee吗? 是以股价每个月底下调(就像除息那样)
的形式吗? 那如果我每个月底在它还没下调前就卖,那不就避免了decay损失?
5% |
h**********i 发帖数: 1153 | 44 谁告你的etf都有decay
Gld 没有但gdx有 |
r****n 发帖数: 24 | 45 大队人马现在麻辣诱惑开吃. 除了点了经典的干锅蘑菇, 尖椒鸡, 还发掘出新口味, 麻
辣红烧牛肉, 炖得特别入味的牛肉和萝卜, 大家一致夸好. 前台的mm居然是长沙mm, 看
到我们这桌有人在用长沙话聊天, 居然还凑过来聊了半天. 国内经济火爆啊, 美国长沙
之后一群人又杀到snoopydog家party. 设施果然齐全. Pleaston的房子真是好, 地大房
宽. 看着让人有买房的冲动. Decay用了一堆专业术语什么鞣酸, 乙烯企图解释刚从院
子里摘下的柿子为啥不涩, 临到头来还是勇敢的start mm带头尝了尝, 并诚实地告诉大
家, 其实很涩.
牌桌上东湾mm无比神勇, 虽然第一次玩poker, 但充分证明了一拳打死老师傅的真理,
数次成为盘中筹码最大的赢家, 看得对面的被wiped out后来沦落成职业发票选手的老
总之, 很有趣的晚上. 谢谢decay和snoopydog. |
G*********n 发帖数: 569 | 46 前一阵在Ulta用20%coupon买了一个Uban Decay nude eye shadow, 记得以前版上有人
说很好。 其实我平时只是用睫毛膏, 偶尔眼线。 用买东西给的小样试着化过眼影(
大多多都带shimmer), 总是显得眼睛变小, 或状感重。
其实一开始去Ulta的时候, Sales告诉我20%coupon不能用于prestige 的化妆品, 我
就打算离开了。 谁知道她看我要走, 就又同意可以给我用一下coupon, 并说了一大堆
Uban Decay nude eye shadow 的好话。我禁不住她的忽悠就买了,现在有点犹豫是不
大家能不能给个建议, 对化装菜鸟, 有必要留这个眼影盘吗? |
T***i 发帖数: 1354 | 47 【 以下文字转载自 Fashion 讨论区 】
发信人: Tippi (Tippi), 信区: Fashion
标 题: URBAN DECAY依然还在用动物做实验
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 10 23:09:01 2012, 美东)
UD的彩妆和TOO FACED一直是SEPHORA里大卖的两个品牌,在众多彩妆品牌已经放弃用动
在收到国内上千封支持者信件并和美国PETA商议后,彩妆品牌URBAN DECAY已决定不在
中国销售其产品,直到非动物实验方法上路。难得这一回中国也加入大部队的行列:) |
t**********e 发帖数: 2 | 48 【 以下文字转载自 Notice 讨论区 】
发信人: deliver (自动发信系统), 信区:
标 题: decay 封 timberlakeme 在 SanFrancisco
发信站: BBS 未名空间站自动发信系统 (Thu May 8 02:10:47 2008)
由于 timberlakeme 在 SanFrancisco 版的 干涉版务 行为,
被暂时取消在本版的发文权力 14 天。
Thu May 8 02:10:15 2008 |
T***i 发帖数: 1354 | 49 【 以下文字转载自 Fashion 讨论区 】
发信人: Tippi (Tippi), 信区: Fashion
标 题: URBAN DECAY依然还在用动物做实验
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 10 23:09:01 2012, 美东)
UD的彩妆和TOO FACED一直是SEPHORA里大卖的两个品牌,在众多彩妆品牌已经放弃用动
在收到国内上千封支持者信件并和美国PETA商议后,彩妆品牌URBAN DECAY已决定不在
中国销售其产品,直到非动物实验方法上路。难得这一回中国也加入大部队的行列:) |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 50 Urban Decay Primer Potions, Set of 4 Full Size Potions + Free Sample of
Complexion Primer
Urban Decay:
color=4Primers&start=3&q=box of potions
These are about $20 individually. I've been using the Eyeshadow Primer
Potion for eyes for a few months and it works really well.
I use the Primer first- I apply it with my finger not the wand. I follow it
up with a Mac loose pigment, then do my eye makeup as usual. It holds my
ey... 阅读全帖 |