h*****c 发帖数: 718 | 1 我用co里程订了去夏威夷的机票,有chase的co信用卡,并且用co信用卡付的额外的10
刀税费,不知道这种情况能不能免费托运一件行李呢? |
t****h 发帖数: 330 | 2 1.包子请教,换CO里程票付税费的时候需要那个账户人的信用卡吗?
谢谢,包子答谢!!! |
e**7 发帖数: 819 | 3 谢谢!
看了那个表格,应该是一件。唉。 |
b**********g 发帖数: 1268 | 4 用你以前CO的号码登录看看
号码都是用老CO的号码 |
f**********r 发帖数: 18251 | 5 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: fighter644 (武士), 信区: Military
标 题: 原来JK脱口秀是由职业writer团队写出脚本的, Co-head Writer为一白女
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 27 15:44:35 2013, 美东)
由host来演出的。Jimmy Kimmel脱口秀同样有一个职业写手团队,其Co-head Writer为
What It's Like to Write For a Late Night Talk Show
Comedy is an industry. For every performer on s... 阅读全帖 |
c*******e 发帖数: 2 | 6 ★性别: 男
★所在地(至少明确state): CO
★简单的物理参数(身高/体重): 168/58kg
祝福大家! |
h**********8 发帖数: 650 | 7 有个德国朋友,做了MICROARRAY, 发现了一个很有趣的蛋白和他研究的那个相结合。
GST pull down也很好。
结果CO了半年了,还是CO 不出来。他老也不急,接着CO.....
惭愧,俺看来以后做不了科研了。找个工作混口饭吃才是正道。 |
m*p 发帖数: 226 | 8 Embryonic hearts were co-transfected by RFP and GFP plasmids. Only 20% were
transfected. Boss argued that
all RFP and GFP should co-localized and I said it is impossible, only when
RFP and GFP plasmids are in the
same lipid vesicle and fused with the same cell, then they will colocalize.
She said she was one thousand
percent sure. I can not say more, as this might harm the relationship.
However, I would like to know the truth about this co-transfection. Thanks
for your imput. |
C********e 发帖数: 329 | 9 为什么特指293T细胞呢?有什么trick吗?
我这段时间用COS CELL 做CO-IP,结果和用Vero做出来的不一样?一个co-ip,一个不co
-ip,难道还真是与细胞系有关系?搞的老板用怀疑的眼光看着我,呵呵 |
C********e 发帖数: 329 | 10 为什么特指293T细胞呢?有什么trick吗?
我这段时间用COS CELL 做CO-IP,结果和用Vero做出来的不一样?一个co-ip,一个不co
-ip,难道还真是与细胞系有关系?搞的老板用怀疑的眼光看着我,呵呵 |
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 11 大部分学校的政策不允许博士后做co-PI, 但是我建议你先去问清楚。
如果是对博士后而言,其实最好是有fellowship, 第二才是co-PI, 除非你的co-PI的钱
而且可以带走。 |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 12 hi
can anyone give us a definition of co-expression?
suppose we have two gene expression across 6 samples.
geneA expression={a,b,c,d,e,f}
geneB expression={A,B,C,D,E,F}
if corr(geneA,geneB) = 1, we say they are co-expressed.
if it is -1, can we still call it as co-expressed? |
l******y 发帖数: 367 | 13 学生什么情况下可以向mentor ask for co-corresponding author, 听说这个好像可
以得到invited review 对绿卡很有好处
我的情况是这样: 老板给定的project做完了 paper也发了 而另外自己感兴趣的方向
用自己的fellowship订了试剂 用project的转基因老鼠(别的lab要的)做了一些data
,做出来的东西现在6个figures 差不多够一篇文章了 文章也写完了 原来老板对这个
不感兴趣也不愿意让做 怕耽误了做project的进度 但我很感兴趣 就一直加班做,现在
现在的问题是想把draft给老板审,在corresponding author 我写了mentor的名字 但
还想把自己的名字加上去做co-corresponding author, 请问大家是直接写上去还是只
写mentor名字,等其看完了,再问老板可不可以做co-corresponding author |
m**********d 发帖数: 137 | 14 IHC及IF显示蛋白A在tumor cell的细胞核里高表达,蛋白A的canonical function是与
蛋白B bind并激活B。一些preliminary data提示蛋白A有新的功能,就是与蛋白C
现在需要得到A与C直接作用的证据,下面这个用Dynal magnetic beads做CO-IP的
10μl Dynal beads coated with protein A+10μl Dynal beads coated with
protein G each reaction, wash with ice cold PBS plus 5% BSA, three times.
Incubate with antibody against 蛋白A (20μl, approximately 4μg) in 500μl
PBS plus 5%BSA, overnight.
2^106 cells/10cm plate, treatment (which induces A and C interaction while
... 阅读全帖 |
g***s 发帖数: 30 | 15 我们在验证两个蛋白A和B的相互作用,一开始我们用HA-A 和MYC-B 一起过表达,然后
虽然获得了想要的结果,但是为什么会这样呢? B蛋白内源性的能Co-IP,为什么过表
达却拉不下来了呢? 大家能解释为什么吗 |
I***a 发帖数: 13467 | 16 后面的情况不是一人有两种身份:co- 1作+co通讯作者?? |
j********i 发帖数: 143 | 17 前者是第一作者;
后者是排在第一位的co-first author加上co-corresponding author. |
l******g 发帖数: 1145 | 18 继续求问有三人co的先例吗?
能接受的底线是,如果硬把我踢到第三,一定要注明co 第一。
就不知道她能争取到哪种程度了,但如果我不为自己说话,就更没别人为我说话了。 |
k******e 发帖数: 8870 | 19 co-corresponding author if u have never been co-corresponding author before
and do not have GC yet. |
s**f 发帖数: 365 | 20 Maybe he meant Co-I, not Co-PI.
NIH is very sensitive with Co-PIs. |
g*****n 发帖数: 250 | 21 OF COURSE (if you are not a co-investigator. There is a difference between
co-I and co-PI) |
Q**********r 发帖数: 214 | 22 This post is right. co-PI is not a formal role recognized by NIH, it is
rather a word created by senior investigators to please junior people. NIH
only recognize multi-PI. If you're multi-PI of a grant, you no longer
qualify for ESI or
NI credit. Being co-PI of a grant does not cost you these two status,
because NIH does not recognize co-PI.
case |
b******s 发帖数: 1089 | 23 老板想用我一个课题写proposal(NIH new R01),因为她对这个课题不是很了解,她想
另外,博后作为Co-PI有独立性吗?谢谢! |
g**y 发帖数: 366 | 24 Co-first这么不招待见阿!真的吗?
如果你以后决定回国,那我觉得是jbc一作。因为co-first 的第二在国内就是第二作者
。这样就跟你的credit没什么关系了。如果以后在美国发展,那就是pnas co |
s******s 发帖数: 13035 | 25 我觉得都是co-responding好,说明独立性 |
n******7 发帖数: 12463 | 26 我们以前的烂垃圾文章好几个co
还有什么co 2nd/3rd author的,内幕都是鸡飞狗跳
让人 |
q**********0 发帖数: 335 | 27 在原老板手下作了12年千老,为了生计,2年前转行作了Med tech,半年前,老板联系到
我回到他的实验室一起作一课题,以Adjunct Assitant Professor的身份。我利用自己
以dual PI 好,还是以co-investigator好?我听说PI,co-PI和dual PI 都不能从
多谢! |
k**e 发帖数: 2728 | 28 In the case of CO poisoning, CO affinity to hemoglobin is 220 times higher t
han O2, so O2 cannot compete with hemoglobin for binding (or, CO can cause t
igher binding of oxygen in hemoglobin) and the net result is, with normal O2
pressure, the O2 bound to hemoglobin is just difficult to be release / or n
o O2 to be released at all and result in tissue hypoxia...
For anemia, you have normal O2 partial pressure but not enough hemoglobin to
bring the required amount of O2 to peripheral tissue...
y |
d*****r 发帖数: 39446 | 29 This week's Famitsu (via Andriasang) confirms Capcom's Lost Planet 2 will include offline split-screen co-op when it releases May 18. Series producer Jun Takeuchi told Joystiq last year at GamesCom that the developer was working on couch co-op for the game, which already features four player online co-op.
The split screen will reportedly be similar to Resident Evil 5's staggered screens, maintaining the aspect ratio and cutting down on the hardware requirements. |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 30 来自主题: _DealGroup版 - 【$】$25 Walmart Gift Card for $20 - Valid Only In: AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, MO, NM, NV, TX, UT, and WA CityDeals.co m offers a $25 Walmart Gift Card for $20 with free shipping.
This deal is available only in select areas of AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, MO, NM,
NV, TX, UT, and WA. Online purchases made with the gift card can only be
shipped to addresses within the state and location you choose.
To get this deal:
1. Visit here:
to go to CityDeals.co m (provide your ZIP code and email to see the deals)
2. search for "Walmart " and your city in the search bar
3. add the $25 Walm... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 32 $9 Free ship to Meijer otherwise shipping is breathtakingly high. Though you
could order 4 pairs, and total shipped would be around $50-$12.50 per pair.
Usual price for the Signature line is about $20 each. If spending more that
$75, you can use code BUNNY to take off 10%.
Signature by Levi Strauss and Co Boys Straight Jean:
Signature by Levi Strauss and Co Boys Straight Jean
... 阅读全帖 |
a****o 发帖数: 1786 | 33 【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: wuyuzegang (十八掌一出力可降龙), 信区: Biology
标 题: 吼一声,波士顿top pharm急招co-op intern一名,local only
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 6 20:44:18 2010, 美东)
发信人: abl (BCR-ABL), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 吼一声,波士顿top pharm急招co-op intern一名,local only
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 6 15:22:06 2010, 美东)
great boston area, top pharm
但是需要学校有co-op program (公司HR的要求,因为他们要和学校直接联系)
真的很想把机会留给自己同胞,和同事商量了一 |
q*d 发帖数: 22178 | 34 我感觉Co某更象是开洗衣房的,
Co某就有了生意. |
f********4 发帖数: 2883 | 35 做了一下研究,发现原来所有的所谓脱口秀都是由职业的Writer们写出脚本script,再
由host来演出的。Jimmy Kimmel脱口秀同样有一个职业写手团队,其Co-head Writer为
What It's Like to Write For a Late Night Talk Show
Comedy is an industry. For every performer on stage, there are hundreds of
people working behind-the-scenes. These creative and business jobs, which
exist in all disciplines and levels of comedy, collecti... 阅读全帖 |
o*****D 发帖数: 1563 | 36 SHAH ALAM: Police were believed to have searched first officer Fariq Abdul
Hamid's home at Section 7, after having searched Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah'
s home in Laman Seri here earlier.
Around 8.07pm, the same unmarked white multi-purpose vehicle with the same
WYR548 plate number, which had entered Zaharie's gated neighbourhood,
stopped outside Fariq's home.
A total of four men in civilian's clothes, believed to be police officers,
entered the house.
A few hours earlier, Fariq's two brothers ha... 阅读全帖 |
y*****3 发帖数: 1914 | 37 【 以下文字转载自 Quant 讨论区 】
发信人: yindua3 (印度阿三), 信区: Quant
标 题: Duke 的三哥还不错 成Goldman securities 的co-head (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 11 19:19:29 2014, 美东)
发信人: gc01 (gc01), 信区: Military
标 题: Duke 的三哥还不错 成Goldman securities 的co-head
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 11 19:06:22 2014, 美东)
Low-Key Nature
Ashok Varadhan, a 36-year-old trader who heads Goldman's currencies business
and emerging-markets trading units, personifies the low-key nature of his
product. A college math and economics major, he wears thick... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 38 Microsoft Co-Founder Paul Allen has died from complications of non-Hodgkin’
s lymphoma, Vulcan Inc. said Monday on behalf of his family.
Allen passed away Monday afternoon in Seattle at 65 years old, Vulcan said.
His sister, Jody, said he was “a remarkable individual on every level.”
“While most knew Paul Allen as a technologist and philanthropist, for us he
was a much-loved brother and uncle, and an exceptional friend. Paul’s
family and friends were blessed to experience his wit, warmth, his
ge... 阅读全帖 |
x***1 发帖数: 317 | 39 KING Co 又爆了44 例
KING Co 又爆了44 例 |
p****u 发帖数: 2596 | 40 CO 的civil union law 一直被GOP house majority leader block好几年。昨晚GOP
house终于翻船拉,民主党成majority,majority leader 是gay。
同时,CO senate majority leader 也是gay。明年春Civil union 肯定过。 |
s**********t 发帖数: 1846 | 41 SHAH ALAM: Police were believed to have searched first officer Fariq Abdul
Hamid's home at Section 7, after having searched Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah'
s home in Laman Seri here earlier.
Around 8.07pm, the same unmarked white multi-purpose vehicle with the same
WYR548 plate number, which had entered Zaharie's gated neighbourhood,
stopped outside Fariq's home.
A total of four men in civilian's clothes, believed to be police officers,
entered the house.
A few hours earlier, Fariq's two brothers ha... 阅读全帖 |
d*****r 发帖数: 39446 | 42 【此篇文章是由自动发信系统所张贴】
⊙ 博彩开启于:Thu Oct 16 14:16:51 2008 类别:单选
⊙ 主题:谁将赢得科罗拉多州(CO)
⊙ 博彩题目描述:
(1) McCain
(2) Obama
(3) USANews版务赞助选项(网友不要选) |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 43 by Aaron Goldstein
Actress Eva Longoria has apologized (sort of) for sending a retweet
following Tuesday night's debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney
which read, "I have no idea why any woman/minority can vote for Romney. You
have to be stupid to vote for such a racist/misogynistic tw*t."
At first, Longoria denied sending out the retweet stating, "Is anyone else's
twitter bugging out? There are things in my timeline I didn't retweet today
. Hmmm? Standby trying to fix!" But then Longor... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 44 Greenpeace Co-Founder: No Proof Humans are Cause of So-Called ‘Climate
by Jammie
This guy left Greenpeace back in the 1980s after they went far left, so of
course his words won’t even register with the global warming cultists.
Their minds are made up and they can never admit they’ve fallen for this
massive hoax. It’s a pride thing, apparently. Anyway, since the climate
scammers insist 99.99999999% of scientists allegedly agree we’re all doomed
, let’s hear from someone who disagrees for ... 阅读全帖 |
h****g 发帖数: 2216 | 45 我估计现在Trump应该全国真正领先5-10个点。所有CO领先5个点以内。但是我不信
Trump在CO能领先15个点。 |
a********8 发帖数: 1625 | 46 PA和NH是只能11月8号投,拼turn out率,再加上主流媒体过去一个星期的让老太头条
CO在于投票只能mail,减少作弊的可能,而且CO黑人很少 |
c********e 发帖数: 4283 | 47 轮不到CO的,CO是nice to have. |
l***o 发帖数: 264 | 48 我曾经CO-SIGN帮助一个不是很熟的朋友LEASE车. 就象楼上说的,你有什么好WORRY的?
该WORRY的是那个CO-SIGN的人. 我那样做其实有点轻率, 但是,看起来,那个朋友非常值
得信赖, 她没有给我的CREDIT造成任何负面的影响.不过, 我现在很可能是不会再那么
大胆了,虽然大家都相信好人是绝大多数. |
E**********y 发帖数: 991 | 49 如果有co-signer怎么贷呢?很多banking center都只能online提交application啊,怎
该没啥影响吧。 |
E**********1 发帖数: 17 | 50 我一個同學沒有信用記錄,但是他想買車貸款,讓我幫他做Co-sign,說只要簽個字,
他之後按月還錢就好。大家有幫朋友做過Co-sign嗎,需要注意什麼問題?謝謝~~~ |