s***a 发帖数: 299 | 1 How much u borrow for how long ?
mine is total $1700. but I only borrowed 80k for 10 years.
I was told u can lower it down if u borrow more. |
k******o 发帖数: 3328 | 2 现在看来我要付:
1,appraisal, (这个broker 会以后返回)
2. title services and lender title insurance (part of closing cost)
3.government recording charges (part of closing cost)
4. transfer taxes (depends on your state)
5. escrow account (paid by borrower)
6. daily interest charges (paid by borrower)
7. homeowner insurance (you need this coverage, paid by borrower) |
p******y 发帖数: 3523 | 3 看borrower的心理承受能力了,有些borrower担心未来rate会涨,情愿一开始锁个60天
主要的指标是10 Yr bond,在很多网站上都可以看到,Google金融,yahoo金融上都有
,今天是1.48% 已经是很低的了。这个值下降,rate可能会继续下降,这个值上升,一
般rate都会上调。 |
p******y 发帖数: 3523 | 4 deed上是两个人的名字,产权就不会因为是否都是borrower而改变。因为你们是夫妻,
foreclosure了,你老公虽然不是borrower,也一样会被银行赶出去。 |
w******t 发帖数: 16937 | 5 是的。在你这个例子中,7/1最好,利率低,月供少,7年之后付清即可。
Points, sometimes also called a "discount point", are a form of pre-paid
interest. One point equals one percent of the loan amount. By charging a
borrower points, a lender effectively increases the yield on the loan above
the amount of the stated interest rate. Borrowers can offer to pay a lender
points as a method to reduce the interest rate on the loan, thus obtaining a
lower monthly payment in exchange for this up-front payment. For each point
purchased, the... 阅读全帖 |
J****n 发帖数: 937 | 6 You should read your company's policy, different company has different
policy regarding 401k loan, for example, you can borrow at most 50% of your
vested balance. But generally replacing your pre-tax money with after-tax
money is a bad idea, borrowing from bank is better than borrowing from your
401k. Remember your mortgage interest is tax deductible. |
p******y 发帖数: 3523 | 7 由于mortgage是后付的,比如:1月due的statement,还的是12月的本息。这样,1月内
close的loan,borrower是没有付过1月的按天算的利息的,这就是payoff letter上会
切实的benefit。因此,这部分利息是由borrower承担的。 |
m*****n 发帖数: 314 | 8 GFE全称Good Faith Estimate,上面所有的数据都是initial and estimation的,如果是
no cost refinance(with escrow),borrower需要关注的就是item 9 and 10.
Item 9: Initial deposit for your escrow account
Item 10: Daily interest charges
其他项,such as: transfer tax,recording charges and title fee,etc,这些都是
closing cost,都应该由broker承担.
在closing的时候,broker应该会提供一份Final Settlement Statement (HUD-1)并向
borrower解释每一项内容,这上面的的数字才是final的,borrower需要make sure自己只
需要付escrow deposit(property tax,insurance) and interest,其他费用都应该由
broker cover,包括payoff ... 阅读全帖 |
r******d 发帖数: 1879 | 9 1. You can compare the rate with different loan brokers and choose the best
to work with. but you need to make decision early since new purchase usually
need to close in 30 days and you will not have too much time to shop around
if you are in contract.
2. If single income can qualify the loan, just use single borrower to void
more truoble. But Provident funding, who request the borrower name has to
match the title's name otherwise the none borrower has to sign the quit
3. POA account is ... 阅读全帖 |
s*i 发帖数: 5025 | 10 Foreclosure filings in January plunged to their lowest level since April
Notices of default, scheduled auctions, bank repossessions and other filings
fell to 150,864 last month, a 7% decline from the previous month and a 28%
drop from January 2012, according to RealtyTrac. New foreclosure filings
fell to the lowest level since June 2006.
"We're now well past the peak of the foreclosure crisis," said Daren
Blomquist, spokesman for RealtyTrac.
[See rates in your area]
Regulations that took e... 阅读全帖 |
p******y 发帖数: 3523 | 11 如果两个都是borrower就不需要现在挪钱了。如果只有一个是borrower,或者把另一个
加成joint account,或者把钱transfer到borrower的账户,估计要配合gift letter使
用了。 |
h****s 发帖数: 16779 | 12 Because you will borrow some money through a hard pull.
Since you borrowed some, your score should be lowered to prevent you to
borrow more. |
I******A 发帖数: 426 | 13 正式的GFE一般在提交application之后才会有,而且GFE上面所有的数据都是initial
and estimation的,在shopping around的时候主要比较rate和closing cost就可以了.
1. 如果是买房贷款的话,需要关注GFE上以下几项费用:
• 贷款银行的费用(Lender Charge)
这一类收费因lender而异,但是固定的,包括Appraisal fee和Lender Underwriting
Fee,总数通常在$1200~$1500左右。有的lender还会收Tax Service Fee, Flood
Certification Fee, Wiring Fee等等,有的lender则是将这些费用一股脑包括在
Underwriting Fee中完事儿。
用归类为Origination Charge(即GFE中的Block A)的一部分了。
• 产权费用(title service and lender's tit... 阅读全帖 |
n*******w 发帖数: 6708 | 14 Annual Percentage Rate - APR,年百分率是什么意思?
The one year rate that is charged for borrowing (or made by investing). By
law, credit card companies and loan issuers must show customers the APR.
For example a credit card company might charge 1% a month, but the APR is 1%
x 12 months = 12%. This differs from APY, which also takes into account
compound interest.
这里1%是根据什么来收的,是借款额度的1%吗, 还是日平均存款额?
QUOTE:Originally posted by lew-card at 20... 阅读全帖 |
I******A 发帖数: 426 | 15 如果只是你一个人是borrower,就看你一个人的信用分数就行了,再说持F1或J1签证的学
生是不能做为borrower or co-borrower来贷款,她申请信用卡,不会影响你的的贷款利
率. |
c********n 发帖数: 731 | 16 There are multiple steps and you need an experienced realtor and mortgage
person to guide you.
Let's say you want to borrow money to buy land and build a house.
Loan money to buy land is rather difficult and you may have to use cash.
After you get the land, you need to work with mortgage firm to borrow the
money. The money borrowed will be released term by term and project by
project. Let's say the mortgage firm release 100K for the foundation slab.
After it is built, the mortgage firm come a... 阅读全帖 |
c**********e 发帖数: 1184 | 17 银行审批房屋贷款都看借款人的哪些条件?Part 1 of 5 - 贷款人的资(Borrower
1.借款人的资格(Borrower Eligibility)
2.借款人的信用(Credit)和负债(Liabilities )
如果放贷银行将来想要将贷款通过房贷二级交易市场卖给Fannie Mae及Freddie
Mac(即房利美及房地美,俗称“两房”),就会要... 阅读全帖 |
c**********e 发帖数: 1184 | 18 ***Part 3 of 5 "借款人的收入(Incokme)"见
银行审批房屋贷款都看借款人的哪些条件?Part 4 of 5 - 贷款人的资产(Asset)
现金缴付头款及相应的贷款费用(Closing Cost),以及有足够的流动资产用来满足相
法如US Bank Secrecy Act及Patriot Act等规定,所有从事金融产品及相关服务的公司
存款来源调查(Deposit Sourcing... 阅读全帖 |
I******D 发帖数: 256 | 19 我们从收入,信用,和资产3个方面看看一个人贷款还是两个人贷款有什么区别:
计入你们的 debt-to-income ratio. 零或者负影响。
2)两人贷款,银行看两人的middle credit score,然后用低的那一个作为你们的
credit score. LD 信用分数比你高,就不存在这个问题。如果LD的信用分数低一些并
borrower,那TA出钱付首付要用到gift letter. 正影响,不过不太重要。
如果LD不做贷款的话,可以申请信用卡,贷款银行不会查她的,但是你不要申请附卡。 |
m*****a 发帖数: 2609 | 20 爸妈刚刚从国内寄来了10万美元做买房首付,一个月两个月内可能就要用。我知道需要
他们写gift letter。不确定还需要别的否,所以问了下这边考虑贷款的银行,结果被
1. Parents current Bank Statement from China (to prove the funds were
available in the account prior to the transfer and make sure the... 阅读全帖 |
c**********e 发帖数: 1184 | 21 ---第(一)部分请见http://www.mitbbs.com/clubarticle_t2/CircleSquareMortgage/611187.html
四. 居住证明(Occupancy)
无论是买房贷款(purchase loan)还是重新贷款(refinance),有的借款人是按照
自住屋(primary residence)提交申请,而有的申请人是按照投资房(investment/
rental property)来提交申请。在申请过程中,在很多情况下,银行往往会拒绝申请
人把房子按照自住屋(primary residence)来申请而会强制申请人按照投资房(
investment/rental property)来申请,那么有的申请人就会问:我明明住在那里,银
有的申请人无论是驾照,W2,Tax Return还是银行存单(bank statement)上都无
法显示... 阅读全帖 |
p******y 发帖数: 3523 | 22 需要跟broker确认,通常有两种broker fee收取的方式,lender paid或borrower paid
,二选一。通常都是选lender paid broker fee。有些特殊情况,只能靠borrower pay
的话应先于borrower达成共识。 |
c*****4 发帖数: 900 | 23 是的,就是你作为co-borrower和亲戚一起贷款。会对以后的贷款有额度的影响,简单
close, |
m*****a 发帖数: 2609 | 24 爸妈刚刚从国内寄来了10万美元做买房首付,一个月两个月内可能就要用。我知道需要
他们写gift letter。不确定还需要别的否,所以问了下这边考虑贷款的银行,结果被
1. Parents current Bank Statement from China (to prove the funds were
available in the account prior to the transfer and make sure the... 阅读全帖 |
b******r 发帖数: 1137 | 25 the so called "double tax" is confusing. consider two transactions:
1. you borrow a loan from a bank and pay interest
2. your 401k invest in a debt and collect interest
would you complain any double tax here? now why would it be "double tax"
when the counterparties of 1 and 2 happen to be the same? the point is if
you have to borrow, with the same rate or even slightly higher, you should
borrow from your 401k instead of a bank.
money |
g*********9 发帖数: 3528 | 26 I totally agree.
less than 5 they are still do not have any idea of "随手顺东西". They just
want to play with it longer, not to keep it forever, and do not know how to
borrow stuff.
It happened all the time when my son have playdate. If his friend wants to
borrow it, it is totally OK. If it is not returned in a few days, I will
remind the their parents. If it happened to be my son's favorite, just say "
Let's play together next time."
If my son wants to borrow something, I just teach him what to say, |
l********t 发帖数: 429 | 27 1. hard to borrow fee
2. dividend
1. 你卖股票其实你会收到钱,这些钱你的broker应该付给你利息。
不过你要付一个更高的利息给借你股票的broker,这个利息可以在interactive broker
account managment tool 查到,叫indicative rate。
C: -0.12
fas -6.88
faz -4.25
aig -32.62
如果你当天short,当天cover,你也要付3天的利息,因为要settle down.
这费用不是IB收的,IB只是转手一下,有人叫hard to borrow fee,任何broker都逃不
票,像前段时间的C, GM利率特别高的时候,你又short了很多的情况下才会知道这个
to borrow的股票。从以前的讨论来看,IB提供sho |
N********n 发帖数: 8363 | 28 From Dow Jones:
Senate Democrats are to seek an increase to the federal government's
borrowing limit by $1.9 trillion lifting the total amount the U.S.
government can owe to $14.294 trillion, several congressional aides said
The increase is forecast to support the federal government's borrowing needs
the end of 2010, one Senate Democratic aide said.
The borrowing hike comes fast on the heels of a $290 billion increase to the
debt ceiling agreed to by lawmakers at the end of 2009.
Pres |
j***y 发帖数: 1640 | 29 If you use IB, you have to pay the borrow fee. But you earn interest on the
proceeds. Because the interest rate is low now, the interest may not cover
all the borrow fee, especially when you short hard to borrow stocks. |
s********u 发帖数: 1054 | 30 Europeans Striving to Calm Nerves in Markets
Francisco Seco/Associated Press
Prime Minister José Sócrates in Parliament after his government approved
the 2011 budget.
Officials across Europe scrambled on Friday to speed measures aimed at
easing the fears of investors even as borrowing costs flirted with new highs
in the euro zone’s frailer countries.
In Portugal, lawmakers approved a tough 2011 budget to help the country meet
a pledge to cut the deficit to 4.6 percent of gross domestic product n... 阅读全帖 |
H**T 发帖数: 33 | 31 http://blogs.forbes.com/beltway/2011/05/14/could-default-today-
Could Default Today Save America from Greek-Style Fiscal Disaster in the
May. 14 2011 - 2:57 pm | 762 views | 0 recommendations | 5 comments
Posted by Daniel J. Mitchell
There’s a lot of buzz about a Wall Street Journal interview with Stanley
Druckenmiller, in which he argues that a temporary delay in making payments
on U.S. government debt (which technically would be a default) would be a
small price to pay if it resulted i... 阅读全帖 |
l***n 发帖数: 812 | 32 In the case you described, you can only borrow 100k worth of assets, either
stock or cash.
case 1: long 200k stocks, u practically borrow 100k cash from ur broker to
buy stocks.
case 2: short 100k worth of stocks, u borrow 100k stocks from ur broker and
sell them in exchange of 100k cash. these cash are now at your discretion.
which leads to case 3: you use that 100k cash you got from short plus the
original 100k you have to buy 200k stocks. |
f********8 发帖数: 1417 | 33 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: fighter888 (fighter), 信区: Military
标 题: 华尔街日报无情嘲弄中国借钱给别人上瘾
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug 9 00:10:18 2011, 美东)
The Chinese government and its media outlets are using Standard & Poor's U.S
. credit downgrade to give Washington a tongue lashing for its "debt
addiction." And it's no surprise that Beijing would take the chance to score
points domestically and rebuke the know-it-alls at the U.S. Treasury,
having been on the receiving end of their hectoring for so long.
On the... 阅读全帖 |
u********e 发帖数: 4950 | 34 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
updownlife (渔夫) 于 (Sat May 7 19:23:03 2011, 美东) 提到:
第一届(4/8-4/22)比赛结果: 金牛-JustInCase (28.29%) 银牛-firecs(5.59%) 铜牛-
mikejackson(3.32) 同期SPX(0.69%)
第二届(4/22-5/6)比赛结果: 金牛-alonerocky (6.04%) 银牛-JustinCase(5.16%) 铜
(2.38%) 同期SPX(0.21%)
Name Stock Selections
alonerocky ... 阅读全帖 |
k********8 发帖数: 7948 | 35 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-keynesian-solutions-af
Submitted by Jim Quinn Of The Burning Platform
Keynesian Solutions - After Total Failure -Try, Try Again
“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist
system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of
the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but
they confiscate arbitrarily; and... 阅读全帖 |
d******8 发帖数: 1972 | 36 The euro crisis is a direct consequence of the crash of 2008. When Lehman
Brothers failed, the entire financial system started to collapse and had to
be put on artificial life support. This took the form of substituting the
sovereign credit of governments for the bank and other credit that had
collapsed. At a memorable meeting of European finance ministers in November
2008, they guaranteed that no other financial institutions that are
important to the workings of the financial system would be al... 阅读全帖 |
s*******e 发帖数: 432 | 37 No. You do not borrow money from IB. On the opposite you put cash by selling
short, though you do need to pay some borrowing cost, be sure to check the
borrowing rate in the SLB( SLB is in the tools in your account management ) |
s*******e 发帖数: 432 | 38 Operational twist will raise the cost on short-term borrowing, which will
raise the cost for security purchase by margin. So it is normal to see the plunge we see these two days. Also, the increase on short-term borrowing make other liquid asset (like stock, commodity, short-term treasury) less attractive
For the commercial banks, the increase on short-term borrowing rate will increase their cost to have deposit and the decrease on long-term rate will lower their revenue on long-term loans, whic... 阅读全帖 |
N********n 发帖数: 8363 | 39 Brought to you by former Havard president Larry Summers:
"The central irony of financial crisis is that while it is caused by too
much confidence, too much borrowing and lending and too much spending, it
can only be resolved with more confidence, more borrowing and lending, and
more spending."
Translate: If you sit on an underwater mortgage that you cannot afford
and yet still wanna get a second mortgage on top of it then you are a
hero trying to save this eCONomy with more borrowing and spendin... 阅读全帖 |
W********g 发帖数: 610 | 40 In finance, short selling (also known as shorting or going short) is the
practice of selling assets, usually securities, that have been borrowed from
a third party (usually a broker) with the intention of buying identical
assets back at a later date to return to that third party. The short seller
hopes to profit from a decline in the price of the assets between the sale
and the repurchase, as the seller will pay less to buy the assets than it
received on selling them. The short seller will incur... 阅读全帖 |
c***1 发帖数: 3281 | 41 你说的是你转贴的这一段?“Obama proposes new home refinancing planUnder the
latest draft, about 1 million U.S. homeowners who are "underwater"on their
mortgages -- with principal exceeding the home's value -- could beeligible
for as much as $20,000 in relief of principal owed, according to U.S.
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan”据我理解principal
reduction 是mortgage lender自愿降低principal owed,这自然就是lender少拿回了$
20,000. 所以可以说是让lender出这个钱。不过因为过去mortgage servicer对这种
principal reduction/loan modificat... 阅读全帖 |
j*****5 发帖数: 5135 | 42 What is the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP)?
Announced in March 2009, HARP is a federal government program designed to
help 5 million underwater or near-underwater homeowners refinance into a
fixed loan with a lower monthly payment. However, as of Aug. 31, only 894,
000 borrowers have refinanced through HARP. On Oct. 24, 2011, President
Obama announced an overhaul to the HARP program with the intent of reaching
more underwater homeowners. The expanded HARP program - also referred to as
... 阅读全帖 |
k********8 发帖数: 7948 | 43 http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hYmXwNvmet_Tq
As household wealth rises, so do hopes for economy
By DAVE CARPENTER, AP Business Writers – 1 hour ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans are climbing further out of the hole they sank
into during the Great Recession.
A stock rally at the end of 2011 helped rebuild more of their lost wealth —
a trend that carried into 2012. Households responded by borrowing more for
the first time since the financial crisis began, even as their home value... 阅读全帖 |
s*********8 发帖数: 901 | 44 The transaction is called a "dividend recap," and it's standard practice…
In 2010, Dunkin' Brands Group – the company that owns Dunkin' Donuts –
borrowed $1.25 billion… so it could pay Carlyle, Bain Capital, and Thomas
Lee Partners a $500 million dividend. Dunkin' went public last year with
nearly $1.9 billion in debt. Dunkin' Brands shareholders got stuck with more
risk so Carlyle, Bain Capital, and Lee could make obscene amounts of money.
The Washington, D.C.-based Carlyle Group is at it again... 阅读全帖 |
s******e 发帖数: 696 | 45 long dated research has shown hard-to-borrow stocks, or expensive-to-borrow
stocks have lower future returns. the catch is u have to pay borrow cost.
sometimes it exceeds more than 30-40%. |
c**a 发帖数: 185 | 46 这样啊。不过现在我还没有胆量去用这种账户。不过以后可能会试一试 。这是我找到
A margin account is an account offered by brokerages that allows investors
to borrow money to buy securities. An investor might put down 50% of the
value of a purchase and borrow the rest from the broker. The broker charges
the investor interest for the right to borrow money and uses the securities
as collateral.
The specific calculations as to how margin works get a little more
complicated, but you can learn about this in our Margin Trading t... 阅读全帖 |
M*****t 发帖数: 1842 | 47 Boehner rejects Obama's offer for short-term debt, shutdown deal
By Russell Berman, Erik Wasson and Justin Sink - 10/08/13 07:03 PM ET
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Tuesday rejected President Obama’s offer t
o negotiate a long-term fiscal deal in exchange for temporary measures to en
d the government shutdown and lift the debt ceiling.
Speaking to reporters at the White House, Obama said that if House Republica
ns re-opened the government and lifted the nation’s borrowing authority –
even for... 阅读全帖 |
N*******3 发帖数: 625 | 48 Buying stocks on margin. Using borrowed money to buy stocks is a sign that
investors think the outlook for stocks is bright. In January, a record $451.
3 billion in margin debt was reported by the New York Stock Exchange. That's
more than the $345.4 billion near the peak in October 2007 and the $278.5
billion borrowed against stock portfolios back in March 2000.
Rising margin debt is a "worrisome sign," says McMillan. The borrowed money
fuels stock purchases and keeps the market momentum going. ... 阅读全帖 |
e*********r 发帖数: 337 | 49 I don't think you understand Apple's cash situation.
It has a $200 billion capital return program in place for years now -- Apple
has been returning money back to shareholders in forms of dividends and
share buybacks. Most of its cash (180 billion) is parked overseas. Apple has
to pay 35% tax to US government if it wants to bring the money back into US
(note: Apple can only use domestic cash to pay dividends or do share
Unless the tax law changes, it would be insane (and detrimental t... 阅读全帖 |
e*********r 发帖数: 337 | 50 I don't think you understand Apple's cash situation.
It has a $200 billion capital return program in place for years now -- Apple
has been returning money back to shareholders in forms of dividends and
share buybacks. Most of its cash (180 billion) is parked overseas. Apple has
to pay 35% tax to US government if it wants to bring the money back into US
(note: Apple can only use domestic cash to pay dividends or do share
Unless the tax law changes, it would be insane (and detrimental t... 阅读全帖 |