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发帖数: 3277
I would bid 4C with C support. Although some partnership may play 4C
as RKC, I think it's more important to show partner your C support and
grandslam in C is still possible:
S- HAxx DAKQTxxx CKxx
SKJxx HQxx D- CAQJxxx
a good bidding sequence would be:
1D 2C
3D 3N
4C 4D(kick back RKC)
5S(sp void, odd number of KC) 7C
Here, I'd ratner play 4D after 3NT as a very strong slam try, partner should
usually bid 4H to check KC, something like: Sx HAKx DAKQJxxx Cxx
4H/4S still are natural and forcing,
发帖数: 295

The structure is plausible. Be sure it fits your system.
I doubt this will work with your jumping rebid Axx xxx AKQJ10x x,
which is "enough" in your method. However, seems here the responder
has to bid 4D with a moderate hand. I just wonder how you are going
to manage to get 11 tricks in diamonds, comparing with the laid-down
9-trick 3NT, which can never be reached now. I hate useing artificial
examples. But sometime, it may help clearify the point.
Say, responder has a boring hand l
发帖数: 71
来自主题: Bridge版 - Sigh our board is so quite.
That is interesting dream, I never had anything close.
Maybe that suggested we should combine bridge board with other card games like
"red 10", :D
BTW, I played one hand the other day, I am the 4th position to bid, with card
lik1 AKxx x 109xxx KJx, Left hand opp opened 2S, my partner 3C, RHO pass, I
think for a while and bid 3S (opps asked what that means, I explain that it
means spade stoppers, consulting possible 3NT), partner 4H, I sign off at 5C.
The result is 6C, and partner said his 4H is
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - Sigh our board is so quite.
I would just bid 3NT with your hand, because it's MP and chance for slam
is remote. you need pd to hold something like:
Sx HAxxx DAx CAQxxxx to make the slam.
I don't really think 3S here shows sp stopper. It should be asking for
sp stopper.
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - they never bid slam!
EW use 2/1
IMPs east
Vul: E-W S KQT753 north east south west
H 52
D A4
C K74 1S pass 2H
north south pass 2S pass 3H
pass 3NT pass 4C
S J92 S A4 pass 4H pass 4S
H J4
发帖数: 14569
来自主题: Bridge版 - more on bidding(1)
I would think this way: if there is game for this hand,
it is 3NT or 4S. If there is no game, I hope to stop
at lowest level.
So I would bid 1D, if p has 4 spades, he still has 1S to show it.
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - more on bidding (2)
Hehe 4H on that last hand is not good ba? You are always going down whenever H
is worse than 3-3, while 3N is on a lead. And there might be some blockage in
3NT, too.
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - more hands from swiss

Pull it out, at least 3D won't be a disaster for sure :-)
The point is to defend club contract, your heart honors lose
their significance. I don't favor 3NT with this hand, coz probably
you don't have time to set up your tricks.
PASS, your hand is not qualified to say anything at this level. That's all.
With spade void I will bid 5D.
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - some common hands
In a team game, all play precision.
1. red vs white. You hold
S KQ1098
D Qxx
C K9
1C* - 1S 3C
3D - ?
* precision, 16+
if you raise 4D and pd rebid 4S, what's your plan next?
2. both vunlerable, You hold
H AJ109
D 9
C AKQ109xxx
you opens a precision 1C, and the auction went on:
1C - 2D -
3C - 3S -
3NT - 4NT -
4NT was natural, I presume. What's your call?
3. you hold
S 87
H A10954
D 763
The auction of opps: (precision)
1C 1NT
2C* 2S
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - some common hands

3H waiting to see if pd had some S support. Since LHO bid C, it's better to
play from yourside so you might as well hide D support for now. Partner can
bid 3S to show support, or 3N to show C stopper, after which you can still
show D support. At some point you want to launch the keycard, as all you are
interested in is his number of keycards.
If desperately need a favorable swing, can try the effect of 5C, exclusive RKC
in D with C void, if partner showed 4, they 7S might be a good spot.
3NT wa
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - some common hands

3NT is no good at all.
guess what, players at both table did even worse, they jump
into the troublesome 6NT instead of 6C after the above auction.
There probably going to be some entry problems, but in 6C, the
defense side may not be able to exploit your weakness, say, they
cannot afford to duck a spade or a diamond.
One of them made it coz the worst thing happened to his opps.
The leader underlead from K, and dummy's heart Q hold the first trick.
发帖数: 3277
I think for 1C opening, this structure is fine.
but for 1D opening,
1D 3C shows gf in C is just too high for me.
how about this treatment?
2C: GF in C
2D: GF in D
2H: invitational in C, 2S is relay, asking for shortness, 2NT: balanced,
3C/D/H: singleton in C/H/S.
2NT: to play, 3C: to play, 3D: to play.
2S: invitational in D, 2NT: to play, 3C: asking for shortness(3D: balanced,
3H: short C, 3S, short H, 3NT: short S)
. 3D: to play.
2N: balanced invitation
3C: long clubs, usual
发帖数: 3277
let's examin the new structure with the hands I gave above:
SJxx HQJxx DAKxx CKx
SAxx Hxxx Dx CAQJxxx
1D 2H
2S 3C
3H 3NT
SJxx HQJxx DAKxx CKx
Sxx HAKx Dxx CATxxxx
1D 2H
2S 2N
3H 4C
3H shows value in H. responder has small doubleton in S, so he signs off.
SJxx HQJxx DAKxx CKx
Sx HAKx Dxxx CATxxxx
1D 2H
2S 2N
3H 4S
responder has a maximum and stiff sp is good, so he splinter 4S here,
opener just sign off in 5C.
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - how can you make this a disaster?

Suppose you play 2C as forcing one round like most people do.
That means a double followed by a 3C showing a weak hand with
4-6 distribution and only interested in competition.
Seems you have to bid 2C with this hand.
The auction goes on:
1D 1S 2C 3S
3NT / ?
now what?
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - how can you make this a disaster?
4H: just to finish my plan.
partner bid 3NT freely, so he should have a reasonable hand here.
If he rebid 4NT, I'd pass it. If he cuebid 4S, I'd bid 5NT to ask him
to pick a slam.
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - how can you make this a disaster?
True, passing is very marginal, especially with the actual hand. But the
proper way to look at a disaster is to examine our side for possible
improvements and if we can help pd avoid that fatal mistake, perhaps due to a
flying cow -- after all it's much easier to perfect ourselves than partner.
Given the 3NT bid, there's just no room for partner to have 4 card H suit, so
the natural, nonforcing 4H serves little purpose here. And to show H strength
should be of a long secondary importance. Pd wi
发帖数: 4
来自主题: Bridge版 - an interesting hand
both 3NT?
发帖数: 14569
来自主题: Bridge版 - an interesting hand
是不是忒大胆了? :) 两边都是3NT, 这还是桥牌吗?
坐南家, 偶只想象到2D; 坐东家, 偶看好象有2NT.
说实在的, 这副牌挺难的, 不知哪位能站出来指点一下?
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - an interesting hand
东打不成3NT吧? 南首攻CAK, 转攻S脱手, 以后总可以吃到DAQ和HQ,
所以东最多打2NT, 还得看他有没有D8.
假设东有D8, 他在上面的防御之后,
总可以拔了SAK, 然后DJ送出, 南如果吃进, 只能回D,
东吃进后, 把DT铲下, 拔了D, 最后在H上投入南.
南如果不吃DJ, 东可以打小H, 南必须吃, 但吃完了还是被投入. 所以只要东有D8,
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - Another bidding decision
slam is still possible. you perhaps need
SKx Hxx DAJxxx Cxxxx from partner to make 6C here.
over 3C, you still may have a chance to rebid 3NT when partner
bids 3D or 3H.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - Another bidding decision
now 3NT is clear.
发帖数: 14569
来自主题: Bridge版 - Bidding question again
East open 3H, South hand ->
How does south bid?
A. X
B. 3S
C. 3NT
if I double, most likely, north will bid a minor suit and I will be forced to
4S if north has a hand like:
Sx Hxx DJxxx CQxxxxx
Considering this, I bid 3S. North raise to 4S. Sadly, north hand is
SJxxxx HQ DKxxx CAxx
Question is: is there any problem in this bidding? should South explore slam
with his hand?
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - Bidding question again
I think 4C is still natural but forcing.
because sometimes, you may not have spade fit and H stopper,
for example, you may have SJ Hxxx DAxxx CAKxxx, the only bid that makes
sense here is 4C.
you may easily miss a cold 5C or 5D if partner
has SAKxxx Hx DKQxx CQxx, so looking for a fit is still the first priority.
This bidding sequence is different from
1H 3S 4C
I think 4C here should be fit showing. Since with S stopper, we can
bid 3NT, without S stopper, we can double, it doesn't make sense to
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - Bidding question III
I don't get it. why did you get bottom with 500 when 450 is the highest
legitimate score??
Forget about the field protection at BBO... as most people's defense are
relatively primitive which encourages overbidding.
As far as 21-23 3NT sometimes there's a good reason. Sometimes you don't see a
way to get there.
I remember a hand from a regional open pairs. I held AQx Q8 T8x AKJTx, both
white, I was 1st to speak. I deemed this hand to be too good to open 1NT so I
opened 1C and when pd responder 1S
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - Simple bidding question Follow-up
The real difference is whether jump shift/reverse should be 100% game forcing.
The implication of that actually lies in how light you can respond on 1 level.
Say, after 1C opening, do you consider JTxxx x xxx JTxx good enough for
responding? Or, how about JTxxx xxx Jxxx x? I believe the answer is yes unless
red on white, (plus red on red on MP). Then having a signoff sequence is quite
useful, actually mandatory. In that case the issue of wrongsiding the 3NT is
not that serious as in most cases i
发帖数: 545
来自主题: Bridge版 - how to play?
3nt by south,
open lead: hx
发帖数: 14569
来自主题: Bridge版 - a slam bid problem
gloomyturkey is the other party involved in this bidding :-)
This is the hand:
SQx HAxxx Dx CAKJ10xx
2C - 3C(mine) - 3D - ?
after hearing 3D, I am far from sure that Diamond will be our trump. Since I
assume 22HCP from pd, for this hand, I can imagine 6C, 6H, or 6NT(most
At that moment, I want to show my slam interest, so skip 3NT and bid 4C.
Afterwards, I think maybe it's better to bid 3H -- further describe my hand. I
can always push later. Because my p won't stay at 3H, that's for su
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - a slam bid problem
this is really not an easy hand to bid. perhaps 4C over 2C to show a very
strong suit and set up trumps? anyway, 2C 3C does take up a lot of bidding
space. perhaps 3C then 3H over 3D works well, then later pull 3NT to 4C,
however, even after that, it's very hard to ask for KC, since
4NT by opener would be to play.
发帖数: 13455
来自主题: Bridge版 - another slam bid and play problem
Bidding: I would bid 3NT, leaving the final decision to my partner, since he
would know about my pts and strength. If he would pass, fine, it shows he's no
support to S. If he would respond, he would have to bid 4NT to begin Blackwood
As of playing, I don't think it's a problem as long as not a weired
distribution (i.e., RHO has no S or/and H), just to keep DK as bridge to cash
H suits.
Round 1. Take lead with DA in hand
Round 2. S10 to K in dummy.
If Q falls from RHO: (unlikely from
发帖数: 4
来自主题: Bridge版 - another slam bid and play problem
You are brave to bid 6S.
Over 2N, I might choose 3NT or pass depending on the situation.
As for the play, according to the bid, I would play RHO hand as 1-1-6-5.
Win the first trick in hand and play SJ. If LHO does not cover with SQ,
play low in dummy. After three rounds spades, lead low H from dummy to
HK and clear the last trump outside. One H finesse and H ruff will bring
the contract home.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - a new framework in 2/1 sequence
I have played this structure with Greg Hinze, it works well.
the 2NT relay convention may have some drawback in positional issue
for 3NT. However, the gain of bidding space is great.
发帖数: 14569
来自主题: Bridge版 - Grand slam without 2 A
Partner start bidding with 1H, I hold a lovely hand --
It is easy to respond with 2S (6+ spade, 12+ HCP).
Pd Me
1H 2S
3H 3NT(1)
4H(2) 4NT(3)
5D(4) 5H(5)
6H(6) 7H(7)
(1) I have general control in unbid suits, if you don't have slam interest, we
may stop here.
(2) my heart is really good
(3) ok, you have such a good heart, let's see how many key cards you have.
(In worst case we can stay at 5H)
(4) 1/4
(5) Damn, I don't know he's answering
发帖数: 32
来自主题: Bridge版 - Play the capital swiss with me (4)

发帖数: 32
来自主题: Bridge版 - Play the capital swiss with me (14)
发帖数: 89
来自主题: Bridge版 - Tasmanian cuebid
I think too.
and if p answer no, how do you escape?
and can Gambling 3nt do the same thing?

发帖数: 65
来自主题: Bridge版 - who is doing what?

There is a big difference between "full disclosure" and presentation of more
than 1000 pages of system notes. :-)
Bridge Laws don't require the latter.
To the same extent as Hamman-Wolff, Martel-Stansby and Cintra-Branco.
Their system/method is complex, but not unusual. This is a high-powered system
with which ordinary players are likely to have trouble.
In fact, a lot of their methods, credited to Rodwell, have leaked out and are
broadly adopted by GM level experts, such as serious 3NT, LTTC,
发帖数: 65
来自主题: Bridge版 - FW: 漫谈美国桥牌 (卢令令)
Dealer East
Vul None
AKT83 9754
J94 AT7
75 JT2
J85 QT3
Pass 1NT Pass 2D
Pass 2H Pass 3NT
W: S8-Q-5-6
N: H3-7-K-4
S: H2-9-Q-A
E: C3-2-J-K
N: H6-T-D6-HJ
W: SA-H5-S4-2
W: C5......
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - Is anybody trying to trick you?
H 4
D KT32
C AQ542
D Q6
C 973
The bidding goes 1H-2C-2NT-3NT, and west friendly leads
the diamond Jack. what's your plan?
发帖数: 89
来自主题: Bridge版 - a simple question, what do you lead?
forgot biding. but defenser kept silence, final contract is 3nt by south.
west lead spade J, dummy tables down two small spade, east held K73 in spade.
and choose 7.
Turns out west start with AJT8xx, and opps overbid their hand and 2 down, but
if east put on K will get one more.
1. what will you lead as west
2. shall east put on K?
3. should west join the bid with spade, if west hase the chance to bid 2s
and also, white to red.
发帖数: 2168
来自主题: Bridge版 - More watering
Story adapted from a hand played yesterday at BBO:
The bridge fans Clara, Calvin, Cary and Cory have recently found that BBO is
free and nice. They begin playing night and day there.
Cary and Cory made several boring 3NT.
Gee, is this night their night? Declarer-maniac Clara thought unhappily when
she was suddenly dealt with S Ax H AKQJxx D AQx C Jx.
Clara opened a 4th seat 2C with 8 and 1/2 quick tricks.
Cary overcalled 2S immediately. Calvin and Cory all passed, Clara bid 3H
natually, which wa
发帖数: 2449
来自主题: Bridge版 - what do u call?
if you wanna play NT, 3S is better.
let PD do the job.
or 3NT is very easy to get -1.
100 is better than -100. :)
发帖数: 241
来自主题: Bridge版 - What's to bid?
why not 3NT ? looks like ur partner has 6 D.
it looks quite safe.
发帖数: 2449
来自主题: Bridge版 - What's to bid?
I think you did the right thing.
For your Hand, if you have 4-6 in H/C
you 'e better bid 2C first, instead of 1H
1H, 4C is more likely to be a strong hand with 5-5 or 6-5 in H, C
Well, if no support in D, the two suite should be strong enough.
I guess 3NT is not a wise choice.
If you could make it, you probably could make 6D or 6C, or 6H, depends on your
PD's Hand.
发帖数: 241
来自主题: Bridge版 - ok, No.2 lah
sigh, still had chance.
closest moment is 8.3IMP behind after a 6S= vs. 7S-1.
but the next one was 3NT-4 vs. whatever :(
still good job, folks, hehe
发帖数: 241
来自主题: Bridge版 - Damn, Alferdo Versace is so COOL
D AJxxx
D 10x D Qxx
D Kxx
Versace did figure out to lead DJ from N, win all D tricks
and make a 4S vs. 3NT-EW=
wowow, great Italian.
发帖数: 241
来自主题: Bridge版 - Problem with precision
probably i would try 4H,
if pd has 3 hearts, then it's very doable,
if pd has 6 or more spades, he still has chance to bid 4S.
3NT is too risky. since west could have AKJTxx
then u down ugly.
or maybe 4D to show ur both H and C suites, and
pd could determine trump.
btw, this is not the problem of precision.
it's common after any sacrifice bid.
发帖数: 34
来自主题: Bridge版 - Problem with precision
partnership plays a big role for this kind of bid.
first I question the 3S bid, which is not so good unless his spade is very
solid. He should dbl in stead of 3S with a good hand. your 1c told him you are
the main man for this board. he should let you bid first at higher level when
opp preemt in minors and try to fit your suit. now his 3s ate up all 3 level
bid space and force you to bid in 4 level in first natural bid. If he have
good spade, he should expect you have good heart otherwise 3nt if
发帖数: 2449
来自主题: Bridge版 - whose fault?
agree, 3NT is not good.
But he is not that strong for 4NT either, I think.
I will choose 3S if it is me.
4NT is not good too.
he could bid 6D directly after your 4C, hehe
But I also think your fault is same as your PD.
Think you have at least 55 Ds, you should change to 5D after 4NT
then you probably have no fault. if you PD stoped, it is his fault.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - good hand for bidding test
forgot to mention, there was a fix of the century by greg.
he held:
SAx HJxx DKQxxxx CQx
I had:
SKJx HKxx DJx CAxxxx
I was the first to bid, but he bid 1D out of turn, playing against
So Polowan rejected his opening, now I have to pass all the way,
Polowan's partner opened 1H with
SQxx HAQxxx Dx CKxxx
Greg had a tough guessing problem now, he eventually overcalled
1NT and played there.
In this lay out, although we have 24 HCP, good diamond fit,
3NT would still have no play. even 2NT mig
发帖数: 3277
no, for 4 card support, 2C still saves a lot of bidding spaces. 2NT is
no good. 2NT should be reserved for invitational hands in D/H or S.
3C: invitational in C.
3D: fit showing jump in either C/D/H.
3H: splinter with 12-15 HCP.
3S: constructive.
3NT: whatever you like.
4C: whatever you like.
4D: good raise to 4S.
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