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loseweight版 - 每天只吃800卡能使你更健康
中文总结1楼:Lyle McDonald 谈减肥与健身 (zz)The Importance of a balanced diet instead of "dieting"
Top 11 Biggest Lies:7. Carbs Should Be Your Biggest Source of Calories别太相信restaurant营养表上的calorie count
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Is this a sound diet plan?体重巨减的朋友有没多掉头发?
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话题: diets话题: weight话题: calories话题: loss话题: calorie
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发帖数: 335
1)“ 研究”是由weight-loss club LighterLife资助的;
2) 没有specify针对人群;
3) 我自己一向不擅长比较不同的研究,所以不太清楚这32篇文章他们是怎么横向比较
4) 不知道"long-term benefits"指多长时间
Eating 800 calories a day can improve your health, say scientists
CONTROVERSIAL low-calorie diets have significant long-term health benefits,
Scottish experts have found.
Experts at Aberdeen's Robert Gordon University say the "crash diets" - where
people consume less than 800 calories-a-day - lead to significant weight
loss, improve overweight people's blood pressure, increase fertility and
reduce the symptoms of asthma.
The team also found the restrictive diets, often consisting of just meal
replacements, had no adverse effects on a dieter's liver or kidney function
and no impact on their bone health.
A team from the university's Centre for Obesity Research and Epidemiology
reviewed 32 studies which had looked into the effects of very-low-energy-
diets (VLEDs) on obesity and related health issues, such as diabetes and
high blood pressure.
Team member Dr Catherine Rolland said: "This review represents a detailed
investigation of an important area of controversy.
"We have found long-term benefits such as weight-loss and improvements in
cardiovascular risk, respiratory disorders and fertility are achievable with
the use of these short-burst, low- calorie diets."
A VLED is a diet of less than 800 calories per day and is usually comprised
of synthetic foods, which are low in calories, with added vitamins and
proteins, such as soups, milkshakes and cereal bars.
The restricted calorie intake leads to quicker weight loss, with some people
able to lose as many as four stones in 12 weeks.
NHS guidelines back the diets for short-term use, up to around three months,
when people go on the diets under the supervision of their GPs who can
monitor their heart rate and test their blood to ensure they are getting
enough nutrients.
The long-term benefits of the crash diets showed significant weight loss in
almost all the previous studies.
The previous research also showed the diets had lowered dieter's blood
pressure and reduced respiratory disorders such as sleep apnoea and asthma.
They also showed the diets increased some peoples' fertility, something
which can be negatively affected in very overweight people, and dramatically
reduced the size of dieters' waists.
The review found little evidence to suggest any negative effects of VLEDs on
bone health, liver or kidney function - areas of concern highlighted in
some previous weight-loss studies into restricted dieting.
Dieters who took part in regular exercise while counting their calories lost
the most weight, the team found.
The review, funded by weight-loss club LighterLife, was published in the
British Journal of Nutrition.
Case Study : 'I have bags more energy and dropped from a size 22 to a 14'
LOSING four stone in just three months changed Pauline Duff's life.
The former prison services manager followed LighterLife's 600-calorie a day
meal plan for 12 weeks and says it is the best thing she has done.
Ms Duff, 51, of Glasgow, said: "I had dieted before but needed to see quick
results to keep me going.
"The diet is simple. I had four meal replacement foods a day and plenty of
water. That was it. There was no weighing or measuring, which was great.
"It was very easy to follow and as long as you are determined, you stick to
it. I got huge support from the classes you have to go to.
"They helped me realise why I was eating certain food, to deal with stress
and worries.
"You have to keep that up once you go back to normal eating though. I have
kept my weight off for three years now and sleep better than ever and don't
have such sore joints.
"I felt fine. You go into ketosis, when your body burns your fat store as
energy, but I felt totally fine. I have bags more energy and dropped from a
size 22 to a size 14."
Lighter Life menu
Breakfast: Small bowl of porridgeLunch: Banana milkshakeDinner: Small bowl
of Onion soupsnack: Cranberry and Raspberry cereal barTotal calories: 600
The Lighterlife foods contain a minimum of 50g protein and 50g carbohydrate
and 100 per cent of the recommended daily allowance of key vitamins and
1 (共1页)
转载 30 Quick, Easy Ways to Burn FatDiet coke 可以喝么?
我贡献一个秘方Is this a sound diet plan?
18 scientific studies about low carb diets大叔减肥对比照(未完,继续减肥中)
两个常识性的问题[nytimes] the fat trap
中文总结1楼:Lyle McDonald 谈减肥与健身 (zz)The Importance of a balanced diet instead of "dieting"
Top 11 Biggest Lies:7. Carbs Should Be Your Biggest Source of Calories别太相信restaurant营养表上的calorie count
夫妻肺片等算高脂肪么?calorie , carb 、 protein 每天应该吃多少?
话题: diets话题: weight话题: calories话题: loss话题: calorie