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_TexasHoldem版 - about bluffing.
bluff or not?!follow up or not?
over bet.monter hand
pocket AAAA
out of postionone interesting hand on line
Odds advantage(OA)AJo
another hand on Friday.QQ lay down
2 bluff hand tonight in AC3 hand last night in commerce.
got bluffed or not?position, position and position
话题: limper话题: bet话题: he话题: checked话题: call
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
A hand in NL400 FTP.
pocket 5 in big blind.
one limper , button bet 14$, I called 14$ on big blind, the limper called
flop K45 no flush draw, I checked, limper( this is a very loose guy )
botton bet 25$, I called, limper called, turn is 7, still no flush draw, I
checked , limper checked too, botton bet 55$, i checked raise to 165$,
limper called!
botton fold.
river is 8!
so K4578 there. I checked, limper all in 220$ for the almost 500$ there.
tough decision.......
发帖数: 3277
easiest call here. you should bet here instead of checking.

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: A hand in NL400 FTP.
: pocket 5 in big blind.
: one limper , button bet 14$, I called 14$ on big blind, the limper called
: too.
: flop K45 no flush draw, I checked, limper( this is a very loose guy )
: checked.
: botton bet 25$, I called, limper called, turn is 7, still no flush draw, I
: checked , limper checked too, botton bet 55$, i checked raise to 165$,
: limper called!
: botton fold.

发帖数: 1873
but if I bet , say 100$ and he all in , I have to call the left 120$ , why I
don't all in my self??
I check here, give him a chance to bluff or I can fold if I really think he
got nuts.
why it is easy call here?!
I don't understand. since I almost have to call his betting 220$ and there
is chance I have the straight too. he still all in
pretty like a value bet.
very tought decisiton.
发帖数: 15860
i would more likely fold, your check-raise on turn (also considering button'
s $55 strong bet) was very strong, his call represented some good draw...
it's just some unlucky hand, like one i had last week too, 33 flopped a
bottom set, pushed $30+50 on flop/turn, couldn't get one runner-runner flush
chaser out, and he hit it (showed to me) after i folded.
overall, i got lucky with all my sets (22, 55, 77, TT, ....) except this one
last week, hit on flop almost every time. i closed my eyes for a s

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: A hand in NL400 FTP.
: pocket 5 in big blind.
: one limper , button bet 14$, I called 14$ on big blind, the limper called
: too.
: flop K45 no flush draw, I checked, limper( this is a very loose guy )
: checked.
: botton bet 25$, I called, limper called, turn is 7, still no flush draw, I
: checked , limper checked too, botton bet 55$, i checked raise to 165$,
: limper called!
: botton fold.

发帖数: 1153
i think its a marginal situation and is highly read dependent.
i think i am going to lay it down.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: but if I bet , say 100$ and he all in , I have to call the left 120$ , why I
: don't all in my self??
: I check here, give him a chance to bluff or I can fold if I really think he
: got nuts.
: why it is easy call here?!
: I don't understand. since I almost have to call his betting 220$ and there
: is chance I have the straight too. he still all in
: pretty like a value bet.
: very tought decisiton.

发帖数: 6301
I would call too.
Besides, 5 set is far from nuts,should not slow play. I would only allow
button bet once on flop and reraise him big, if he call, bet big on turn.
发帖数: 3277
Well, you really should make up your mind before you make a play.
If you want to induce a bluff, you have to call it down, otherwise, it's not
to induce a bluff, it's that you are bluffed out of a huge pot.
Against loose players, you frequently want to valuebet here with trips
cause he would pay you off with any two pairs or top pairs, even midpairs
sometimes. If you can't really call his all in bluff, you still should
bet here, thus he just can't bluff you out of the pot, cause he didn't have

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: but if I bet , say 100$ and he all in , I have to call the left 120$ , why I
: don't all in my self??
: I check here, give him a chance to bluff or I can fold if I really think he
: got nuts.
: why it is easy call here?!
: I don't understand. since I almost have to call his betting 220$ and there
: is chance I have the straight too. he still all in
: pretty like a value bet.
: very tought decisiton.

发帖数: 1153
scratch that, check call is the best play here.

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: i think its a marginal situation and is highly read dependent.
: i think i am going to lay it down.
: I
: he

发帖数: 1873
He show 10 6 offsuited!
crazy chaser.
发帖数: 15860
hehe, of course...
what if you re-raise on flop, say, +$25?

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: He show 10 6 offsuited!
: crazy chaser.

another hand on Friday.follow up or not?
2 bluff hand tonight in ACmonter hand
got bluffed or not?AA
发帖数: 3277
well, I am not surprised at all. some can go all in preflop with T7, so
chasing like this with T6 is certainly possible.

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: He show 10 6 offsuited!
: crazy chaser.

发帖数: 3277
Actually you like a call from the loose one. Another possible move is
to checkraise all-in on turn. Anyway, in current situation, melonli is
quite pot committed as well. If one folds a trip to a only about 40% pot bet,
he is just too weak. Against suckers like that, it's often a good play
to push all in on turn, cause they'll call you down as well.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: hehe, of course...
: what if you re-raise on flop, say, +$25?

发帖数: 15860
he had a 6 for sure, that's why i said "some good draw", even the loosest
guy would not chase for a gunshot straight on the river for $165...
apparently he knew he still got some "lucky" outs, lol.

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: well, I am not surprised at all. some can go all in preflop with T7, so
: chasing like this with T6 is certainly possible.

发帖数: 3277
hard to say, he may have K5, K7,K4, 54, 44,KQ,KJ blabla, when you can't bet
the river,
he may go all in with those holdings. And even if you go allin, he'd call
you down. He may even hold a low pair and just cold bluff you
if you can't call the river bet. It's a matter of luck, once you have
put half of his stack on turn, you can't withdraw on river.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: he had a 6 for sure, that's why i said "some good draw", even the loosest
: guy would not chase for a gunshot straight on the river for $165...
: apparently he knew he still got some "lucky" outs, lol.

发帖数: 275
It's still crazy to call on the flop with T6.


【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: hard to say, he may have K5, K7,K4, 54, 44,KQ,KJ blabla, when you can't bet
: the river,
: he may go all in with those holdings. And even if you go allin, he'd call
: you down. He may even hold a low pair and just cold bluff you
: if you can't call the river bet. It's a matter of luck, once you have
: put half of his stack on turn, you can't withdraw on river.

发帖数: 15860
hehe, guess it's the button's fault for only betting $25 (compared to $14
pre-flop), for loose guys, $14/$25 doesn't really make a difference, they
would likely want to see another card. melonli somehow got a reason to slow
play a little bit till the turn (70% chance i would do the same with 55),
because his main target was button guy.
but he was still too loose, i thought he at least got a weak pair(4 or 5),
and a 6...

【在 p*t 的大作中提到】
: It's still crazy to call on the flop with T6.
: bet

发帖数: 57
the guy called on the turn is very likely a drawing hand, since he has yet
the button to act after him.
1 (共1页)
position, position and positionOdds advantage(OA)
Got set.another hand on Friday.
about follow up bluff2 bluff hand tonight in AC
follow up bluffgot bluffed or not?
bluff or not?!follow up or not?
over bet.monter hand
pocket AAAA
out of postionone interesting hand on line
话题: limper话题: bet话题: he话题: checked话题: call