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WaterWorld版 - 车里有GPS的童鞋注意啦
惊出一身冷汗: fire alarms beep如何识别同性恋
facebook上老外们正在骂中国人剽窃,看得我很憋屈搞笑广告!泰国smart purse广告 人狗情未了 感人至深 (转载)
一到发射飞船,就有一些id出来扯希望工程 (转载)在美国被抓偷东西3次以上,都终身监禁??(法盲轻拍)
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我在美国医院当人力车夫I still belong, do not get me wrong
又见塑料袋,又见“V”型手指Fair Well
话题: my话题: hole话题: your话题: gps话题: door
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 156
发信人: liozodell (山水白鹤), 信区: Guang_Xi
标 题: 车里有GPS的童鞋注意啦
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 5 21:08:59 2013, 美东)
Wednesday, I approached my truck from the passenger side to place my
computer bag (aka my man purse) in the front passenger seat.
As I reached to open the door I noticed there was a hole right under my door
handle. My first thought was, "someone has shot my truck !"
I began to think about it and inspect it a little closer and the "light"
slowly began to come on.
I phoned my friend who owns a body shop and asked if he had any vehicles
with damage to the doors that looked like a bullet hole.
"Yes, I see it all the time. Thieves have a punch and place it right under
the door handle, knock a hole through, reach in and unlock it, just as if
they have a key. No alarms, broken glass, or anything."
I then placed a call to my insurance agent and explained it to him. I was
puzzled that they left my GPS and all other belongings.
Here is where it gets scary! "Oh no, he said, they want the break-in to be
so subtle that you don't even realize it. They look at your GPS to see where
"home" is. (I learned this earlier. Now, I have my GPS "Home" feature
programmed for the local police station.) Or check your address from
Insurance and Registration in your glove box. Now, they know what you drive,
go to your home, and if your vehicle isn't there they assume you aren't and
break into your home."
He said they will even leave a purse or wallet and only take one or two
credit cards. By the time you realize there has been a theft, they may have
already had a couple of days or more to use them. (I didn't realize my
situation for two full days!)
They even give you the courtesy of re-locking your doors for you.
Periodically, walk around your car, especially after you park in a shopping
center or other large parking area.
Report thefts immediately....your bank w/missing check numbers, your credit
card agencies, police, and insurance companies, etc.
Hole Under Door Lock
One would have to look pretty darn close to notice a hole like that. If the
hole was on the passenger side I would never see.
Below is picture of what the hole looks like.
发帖数: 2754
GPS 只能随身携带了
1 (共1页)
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facebook上老外们正在骂中国人剽窃,看得我很憋屈搞笑广告!泰国smart purse广告 人狗情未了 感人至深 (转载)
一到发射飞船,就有一些id出来扯希望工程 (转载)在美国被抓偷东西3次以上,都终身监禁??(法盲轻拍)
Thieving Magpie (转载)楼上的白猪很吵,我这么整他,有用吗?
话题: my话题: hole话题: your话题: gps话题: door